IM NewsWatch, February 13, 2013 - Latest IM News including ‘SEO Alternatives to Generic Links – SEOmoz’ and much more...

February 13th, 2013 at 3:00 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

‘Understanding How Responsive Themes Work’ – MySmallBiz University Podcast

The MySmallBiz University team has published a podcast on “Understanding How Responsive Themes Work”. James Maduk says, “Ever heard of the term responsive themes? If you haven’t yet you will shortly. They’re all the rage and with good reason. Too many beginners were being blatantly ripped off paying through the nose for the creation... [Read more]

‘Using Pinterest for Web Marketing; 4 Guidelines’ – Web Marketing Today

The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “Using Pinterest for Web Marketing; 4 Guidelines”. Ryan Welton says, “The concept behind Pinterest is for users to share photographs of things they like via pinboards. Users categorize these photos so that Pinterest members can discover them easily. Pinterest had more than 11.7 million users... [Read more]

‘Extreme Makeover: SEO Edition’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Extreme Makeover: SEO Edition”. Michael Garrity says, “The winter weather is finally starting to subside, which means that spring is right around the corner and it’s a time for new beginnings. For business owners, webmasters and online marketers, this means doing a little spring cleaning... [Read more]

NewsBook provides you fresh Facebook posts every day #ad

Coming up with niche-related content on a daily basis is sometimes tough. Writer’s block is a key issue for some marketers. Well, if you post your content on Facebook, there’s now a solition to your writer’s block. Introducing the new NewsBook, the PC software that automatically creates nich-related posts for you. You can have as much... [Read more]

Final Reminder- ‘Create a Powerful Content Marketing Strategy‘ ‘Business 2 Community’ Webinar 2.00 pm ET

‘Business 2 Community’ is hosting a webinar on Wednesday, February 13 at 2.00 pm ET. The topic of the webinar is “Create a Powerful Content Marketing Strategy”. The ‘Business 2 Community’ team says, “Join the Online Marketing Institute and February 13 at 2pm ET, and learn how to develop a high-impact content marketing... [Read more]

Final Reminder- ‘Build Your Website Without a Webmaster’ Christina Hills’ Webinar 3.00 pm EST

Christina Hills is hosting a webinar on Wednesday February 13 at 3.00 pm EST. The topic of the webinar is “Build Your Website Without a Webmaster”. Webinar Details Organizers: Christina Hills Topic: Build Your Website Without a Webmaster Day/Date: Wednesday February 13 Time: 3.00 pm EST - Time Zone Converter Register for webinar details. ‘Build... [Read more]

Reminder- Future of the Ink’s ‘Digital Publishing Online Intensive’ March 6-26

Future of the Ink is hosting ‘Digital Publishing Online Intensive’ live online event on March 6-26. Key speakers of this training event are Kathleen Gage, Lou Bortone, Kristen Eckstein, Daniel Hall, Nina Amir, Bob The Teacher Jenkins, D’vorah Lansky, Sue Painter, Marnie Pehrson, Jim Kukral, Lynne Klippel and Laura West. Dr. Ellen... [Read more]

WP Convert PRO: Customize your content based on traffic source #ad

WP Convert PRO is a brand new WordPress plugin that can vary your site’s content (it lets you use any kind of information: videos, Adsense, ads, etc.) WP Convert PRO let’s you hundreds of variations of your website, catering to various types of traffic. For example, show different offers: • Visitors from Google get offer A • Visitors... [Read more]

‘Using Market Frameworks to Analyze Your Competition’ MarketingProfs Seminar February 21

MarketingProfs is hosting a seminar with Sean Campbell on Thursday, February 21 at 12.00 pm ET. The topic of the seminar is “Using Market Frameworks to Analyze Your Competition”. MarketingProfs team says, “Building a house from a blueprint is far easier than starting from scratch (for most, at least). The same goes for your marketing... [Read more]

‘Twitter: Our Mobile Users Are Younger, More Active & Follow More Brands’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on ’Marketing Land’ is titled “Twitter: Our Mobile Users Are Younger, More Active & Follow More Brands”. Kelsey Jones says, “Twitter says its mobile audience is more engaged than the average user by following more brands, interacting more with tweets and spend more time using the service. The company... [Read more]

‘Ask Webinar Registrants: ‘What Do You Want to Learn?’’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “Ask Webinar Registrants: ‘What Do You Want to Learn?’”. Joan Stewart says, “When I listed 9 ways to use webinars for PR, to make money and save time, one of my tips was to host a free Q&A webinar for your customers, ezine subscribers, blog readers or anyone who needs... [Read more]

Income Jacker- Marketing on YouTube just got easier #ad

Edwin Torres has just released Income Jacker- YouTube Marketing Software, simple software (he calls it “3-click software”) that improves the placement of your videos in search engine results. Torres is an affiliate marketer, and he uses Income Jacker- YouTube Marketing Software constantly. He says it helped him use YouTube effectively, and... [Read more]

‘Marissa Mayer Plans To Cull Yahoo’s Herd of 70 Apps – And Buys A New One’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Marissa Mayer Plans To Cull Yahoo’s Herd of 70 Apps – And Buys A New One”. Taylor Hatmaker says, “Yahoo’s mobile gameplan is shaping up fast – or its stable of mobile apps is, anyhow. Yahoo has now acquired Alike, a mobile location-based suggestion engine app à la Foursquare.... [Read more]

Final Reminder- MarketingSherpa’s ‘Email Summit 2013′, Las Vegas, February 19-22, 2013

MarketingSherpa is holding the ‘Email Summit 2013′ in Las Vegas on February 19-22, 2013. Key speakers of the summit are Flint McGlaughlin, Jay Baer, Matt Bailey and more. MarketingSherpa team says, “The Email Summit 2013 agenda has been announced and includes 25 speakers, 30 roundtable discussions, eight breakout sessions, and... [Read more]

‘Who Is Generation Z? What Marketing Leaders Need To Know To Build Their Brand With This New Generation’ – ‘The Forrester Blog’

The latest article on ‘The Forrester Blog’ is titled “Who Is Generation Z? What Marketing Leaders Need To Know To Build Their Brand With This New Generation”. Dan Bieler says, “Like many marketing leaders out there, you are probably still coming to grips with understanding and working with Millennials — the 20-somethings being courted... [Read more]

WP Ad Control: So people stop ignoring your ads #ad

The new WP Ad Control plugin creates sophisticated pop-ups for your WordPress site. And its flexibility is unmatched by any other pop-up creator: • Cache the IP address of each visitor so that you can avoid showing the same ad twice (if you want to.) • Rotate multiple adds which the user stays on the page • Set delays for pop-ups to appear (and... [Read more]

‘Facebook’s Next Acquisitions Will Focus on Mobile, Technology’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Facebook’s Next Acquisitions Will Focus on Mobile, Technology”. Lauren Indvik says, “Facebook’s M&A strategy is getting more ambitious. The company’s earliest acquisitions were all about talent, but going forward, we can expect to see Facebook buying companies for their... [Read more]

‘Seven techniques for providing a tablet optimised user experience’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Seven techniques for providing a tablet optimised user experience”. David Moth says, “In ecommerce, tablets are now finally being recognised as an entirely distinct category than smartphones, so the overarching mobile category is no longer relevant. As such, businesses can’t... [Read more]

Download: HubSpot’s On-Page SEO Template

HubSpot has released the ‘On-Page SEO’ template. The HubSpot team says, “Optimizing for search involves both on-page and off-page SEO. To help you easily track the on-page SEO component, we built a free excel template. Our template allows you to plan your SEO in advance, so you can either implement your strategy step-by-step, or hand... [Read more]

No Fluff Mind Blow: Trend-based marketing for higher sales #ad

If you can see a major trend just starting to happen, you need to jump on it. Get in ahead of the crowd. It will pay off. James Renouf’s new No Fluff Mind Blow will help you quickly catch the wave on new trends so you can jump in before competition grows fierce. These strategies can be implemented on a Mac, PC, or even a smart phone, and you can... [Read more]

‘Stop Clicking Here! 7 Superior SEO Alternatives to Generic Links’ – ‘SEOmoz’ Blog

The latest ‘SEOmoz’ blog post is titled “Stop Clicking Here! 7 Superior SEO Alternatives to Generic Links”. Cyrus Shepard says, “The past year, we’ve seen a strange trend develop in the world of SEO: The rise of the “generic link.” Generic links are bland phrases that avoid using keywords that search engines use to determine the... [Read more]

‘Comparing Desktop vs Mobile Usage’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

The latest ‘SEO Book’ blog post is titled “Comparing Desktop vs Mobile Usage”. Debra Mastaler says, “With so much interest and buzz around mobile and its impact on search, this recent study by the Harris Poll was telling and helpful from an SEO and link building standpoint. Harris asked smartphone users about their habits and which appliance... [Read more]

‘Introducing Modern Portfolio’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “Introducing Modern Portfolio: A Stunning New WordPress Theme for Photographers”. Brian Gardner says, “Today we make good on our promise to build photographers and developers a professional, mobile-responsive WordPress theme that takes the guesswork out of portfolio website design. Unresponsive... [Read more]

WP4FB 2.0: go viral on Facebook #ad

Mark Thompson has a new product, just being released today, called WP4FB 2.0. With this new tool suite you can build customized Fan Page templates by simply dragging and dropping. This visual editor gives you the ability to create virtually any design that you want, and do it in just seconds. It’s probably the easiest way to make every Fan Page unique... [Read more]

‘15 Important Tips To Help You Keep Your Customers' by Jay Baer

Jay Baer ‘s latest ‘Convince & Convert’ blog post is titled “15 Important Tips To Help You Keep Your Customers?. Baer says, “You’re about to have many insightful statistics and research thrown your way, but before you dig in, let’s put the most important data point front and center: According to the Harvard Business School, increasing... [Read more]

‘Customer Relationships: Breaking Up Is Hard, Making Up Is Harder [Infographic]’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

The latest article on ‘MarketingProfs’ is titled “Customer Relationships: Breaking Up Is Hard, Making Up Is Harder [Infographic]”. Verónica Maria Jarski says, “Customers often break up with brands that ignore them. For instance, although 90% of retailers are active on Twitter, only 29% use it to engage with shoppers. That’s just... [Read more]

‘Gmail Meter, Publishing a Kindle Book, and #PMS13 Selling Out’ by Shawn Collins

Shawn Collins’ latest blog post is titled “Gmail Meter, Publishing a Kindle Book, and #PMS13 Selling Out”. Collins Says, “This week on the Affiliate Thing podcast (listen to the latest Affiliate Thing), Lisa Picarille and Shawn Collins talked about getting Kindle books published, Affiliate Summit acquiring ReveNews, and Performance Marketing... [Read more]

Are you guilty of these marketing mistakes? #ad

• Marketers often fail to optimize their sales letters so they will get the highest conversions possible. Space that could be dedicated to to bringing in revenue is often filled up with an optin box, which is useless for people who have already opted in. Why not use that space more productively? • Are you giving your visitors a strong reason... [Read more]

‘Email Marketing: Wireless provider increases open rate by 537% and clickthrough by 92% with personalized daily newsletter’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study

MarketingSherpa has released a case study titled “Email Marketing: Wireless provider increases open rate by 537% and clickthrough by 92% with personalized daily newsletter”. Courtney Eckerle says, “Newsletters are an often neglected strategy with 46% of marketers reporting their email newsletter as staying the course and 11% having... [Read more]

‘Social Media Marketing Industry Trend (Infographic)’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “Social Media Marketing Industry Trend (Infographic)”. Timothy Carter says, “Social media trends are always fun for a social geek like myself. From the hottest sites, to the demographics of which social channels are right for clients and customers, I love being on the edge of... [Read more]

‘Social media measurement: Is Google Analytics getting it wrong?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Social media measurement: Is Google Analytics getting it wrong?”. Matt Owen says, “Social media attribution is BIG news. Marketers are struggling to attribute revenue to social channels, and lack of definable ROI is one of the major reasons that businesses cut back on social... [Read more]

WP Hack Alert: Keep thieves out of your back office #ad

Websites are hacked every day. WordPress sites are particularly vulnerable since hackers can study WordPress and once they get good at hacking its code, they have thousands of sites they can target using the skills they learn one time, unlike plain HTML sites, where each site can have its own peculiarities.... [Read more]

‘Online Privacy: The Opt-Out Revolution Is Almost Here’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Online Privacy: The Opt-Out Revolution Is Almost Here”. Antone Gonsalves says, “What if two-thirds of the people on the Web were invisible, secretly visiting websites and searching for products and services while leaving Internet giants like Google and Facebook in the dark about what they were doing? With... [Read more]

‘6 Ways to Find an Audience that Hangs on Your Every Word’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “6 Ways to Find an Audience that Hangs on Your Every Word”. Anne-Sophie Reinhardt says, “What’s one thing content marketers really want? You want an audience that hangs on your every word. Loyal fans are the foundation of your business, and they’re the best guarantee of your entrepreneurial... [Read more]

‘Half Of Google’s Search Traffic Comes From Partners’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on ’Marketing Land’ is titled “Half Of Google’s Search Traffic Comes From Partners”. Danny Sullivan says, “No question — Google’s the world’s most popular search engine. But half of those billions of queries it handles comes from Google partners, rather than searches at Google directly. That... [Read more]

Lethal SEO Power: How to rank on Pge 1 #ad

If SEO has you confused, or if Google’s recent changes have you puzzled, check out Lethal SEO Power. It simplifies your SEO work by laying out a step-by-step process anyone can follow. Even a beginner could follow these steps without confusion. Lethal SEO Power has 6-7 PDFs, 3 Videos, Templates, and Notepad Files, all dedicated to getting your... [Read more]

‘How to Run All Your Android Apps on the Surface Pro’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “How to Run All Your Android Apps on the Surface Pro”. Pete Pachal says, “If you find the app selection on your Microsoft Surface Pro lacking, take heart. Your Windows 8 tablet can also run pretty much every Android app in existence — as long as you download and install BlueStacks, that is. BlueStacks,... [Read more]

‘Smartphones achieve highest paid search CTR: report’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Smartphones achieve highest paid search CTR: report”. David Moth says, “Mobile devices achieve higher click-through rates than desktops when it comes to UK paid search ads, according to a report from Marin Software. The data looks at how different devices performed during 2012,... [Read more]

‘Use Google Docs to Manage your Digital Projects, from Freelance to Large Agency’ – ‘SEOmoz’ Blog

The latest ‘SEOmoz’ blog post is titled “Use Google Docs to Manage your Digital Projects, from Freelance to Large Agency”. Alex Moss says, “I’m going to share how we manage to stay on top of over 30 client projects at any one time whilst making sure we don’t miss tasks or lose track of the hours we’ve spent”. Use Google... [Read more]

Ama Search Bar: Add search to your Amazon affiliate sites #ad

George Katsoudas is releasing a new WordPress Plugin at 11 AM EST, called Ama Search Bar. If your affiliate site doesn’t show what the visitor wants, this Amazon search bar can let your them quickly find it on Amazon (and you still get the affiliate commission.) The search results in the bar will also contain a 90-day-cookie (did you know the... [Read more]

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