IM NewsWatch, February 11, 2016 - 'How to Get More Organic Traffic to Your Content – MarketingProfs' and much more...

February 11th, 2016 at 9:14 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Thursday, February 11, 2016

‘5 Ways to Master Your Local Search Ranking' – ‘Convince & Convert’ Blog

Jeffrey L. Cohen says, “Did you know that 82% of local searchers will follow up by either calling the retailer, visiting the store, or making a purchase? Local search plays an important role in driving more foot traffic to your store. (highlight to tweet) But as of August 2015, Google made some significant changes. Now, only three businesses are... [Read more]

‘5 Minutes that Could Save You Thousands in SEO’ –

Clint Evans says, “There are three big lies in SEO right now. SEO remains and has been the buzzword in small-business circles for about 10 years now. But there’s a seedy underbelly. I’ve talked with many business owners misfortunate enough to have suffered and been suckered by members of this underbelly. SEO is a technical and ever-changing... [Read more]

‘How to Get More Organic Traffic to Your Content’ – MarketingProfs

Nick Chowdrey says, “Anyone who knows anything about content marketing understands that a successful blog post or other piece of content is not just a case of “build it and they will come.” You can spend hours writing the most interesting and engaging post, or spend thousands on creating interactive/video content or e-book, but if... [Read more]

First, it was other people’s money; now, other people’s videos #ad

There are a lot of resources you can use to build a business, without having to come up with them yourself. Crowdfunding let’s you use other people’s money to build your business. Now there’s a way to use other people’s videos, too. Brett Ingram put together two keys facts of online life: 1. Every marketer needs traffic 2. YouTube... [Read more]

‘John Sculley To Marketers: Don’t “Worry About The Technology,” Focus On The Customer’ – Marketing Land

Barry Levine says, “There aren’t many people who have seen the arc of modern marketing from as many vantage points as John Sculley. The ex-CEO/Chairman of Apple and President/CEO of Pepsi — currently an investor or board member in several marketing tech companies — sees two big movements affecting marketing. One has already happened, while... [Read more]

‘The Need for Leads: Why Marketing is the Perfect Wingman for Sales’ – HubSpot

Peter Cartier says, “Historically, the two “top guns” of customer engagement have never really seen eye-to-eye thanks to a long time rivalry fueled by their ego and perpetuated by differing metrics. All over the world, sales and marketing teams have inherited various roadblocks that keep them from working well together. Mistrust, miscommunication... [Read more]

‘Advocate Marketing Turns Goodwill Into Valuable Customer Engagement’ – Forrester

Steve Casey says, “Ah yes, the obligatory customer logo slide. As an analyst you get to see a lot of these. (Too many, perhaps.) Any more, these slides mean less and less. What matters in the digital world — what Forrester calls the “Age of the Customer” — is not how many companies or organizations you serve, but how... [Read more]

Youzign 2.0: pro graphic designs, over 6000 sold, price rising #ad

Since Youzign 2.0 was released on Monday, over 6000 copies have been sold. Marketers from around the globe are flocking to get this new, easy to use software. Remember, this new 2.0 version is a product of over 24 months of intensive development work to meet the needs of all marketers who sell products on the web. This software is simple enough that... [Read more]

‘Building Customer Experience by Looking at Event Marketing’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

Regina Love says, “When creating a product for your customer, where do you begin? A key element in creating a product is to focus highly on the customer experience. Start by asking how you want your customer to feel, think and what action do you want them to take after viewing your product. The next question to ask yourself should be, how do we... [Read more]

‘What is digital product management?’ – Econsultancy

Ben Davis says, “If ‘digital transformation’ could be defined by just one of its constituent parts, it might well be digital product management. So, what is digital product management and how can it be implemented? What is digital product management? A business without digital product managers: Defined by waterfall processes, the... [Read more]

‘Why Lazy People Make the Best Content Marketers’ – Copyblogger

Pamela Wilson says, “Traditional marketing and content marketing have something important in common. In order to get the business results you want — more leads, sales, and profits — you have to do them consistently over time. In traditional marketing, you don’t place one ad or send out one brochure and think your work is done. And in content... [Read more]

Ad ReSpark: Online Businesses Need its power, builds ads fast #ad

Devin Zander and David Abrams describe their new small business marketing tool, 'Ad ReSpark', as  "the must have tool for ad creation". Why is that? Well, when it comes to creating ads, small businesses just don't have a lot of choices. They don't usually have a lot of money to spend on experiments or an in-house design expert to create professional graphics or even a copywriter to produce expert ad content... [Read more]

‘6 Website Tweaks to Give Conversions a Shove in the Right Direction’ – CMI

Greg Miles says, “You’ve developed your content marketing strategy, planned your publishing schedule and honed your writing skills. You’re cooking up hot content like Gordon Ramsay on Pancake Day, and it’s driving a ton of relevant traffic to your website. That’s awesome. For some reason though, conversion rates are low. You’ve been... [Read more]

‘Focus on the Details: Web Traffic Hacks That Work’ –

Cody Bollerman says, “If you are involved in Internet marketing, you are familiar with information overload. Honestly, it’s what separates experience from those who just scratch the surface – the ability to absorb what matters and cancel out those poor performing strategies. With that said, each month there is something new to conquer and... [Read more]

‘Twitter Launches New Timeline Featuring Top Past Tweets’ – Marketing Land

Ginny Marvin says, “Twitter launched its hotly rumored new timeline on Wednesday that has had users nervous that live Twitter will become a thing of the past. With the new timeline “We want to make it even easier and faster for people to discover and catch up on what’s happening right now,” Twitter announced in a blog post today. Users... [Read more]

Media Profit Revolution: How to buy online ads wisely #ad

Timothy Miranda and Marcus Christian have been studying the process of buying ads in various media to find ways to build their affiliate and CPA businesses. They have found that paying for ads can be productive and can result in a significant increase in their commissions. They have shared their tested and refined process in 'Media Profit Revolution'... [Read more]

‘Small Business Owners’ Top Marketing Priorities and Challenges in 2016′ – MarketingProfs

Ayaz Nanji says, “Nearly half (47%) of small business owners say they personally handle the bulk of their company’s marketing efforts, according to a recent report from Infusionsoft. The report was based on a survey conducted in December 2015 of 1,026 self-identified small business owners from across the United States. Respondents were polled... [Read more]

‘Facebook Releases New Video Ad Features, Including Automated Captions’ – Marketing Land

Ginny Marvin says, “As Facebook’s usage continues to skew more mobile, the company has been closely analyzing how behaviors on mobile differ from those on desktop. On Wednesday, Facebook announced several new features to make buying and measuring mobile video ads more effective. Facebook also laid out findings from internal and external studies... [Read more]

‘How Self-Service Research Will Change B2B Marketing’ – Forrester

Steve Casey says, “Greetings! This is week three in my journey as a Forrester analyst serving you, B2B marketing professionals, after nearly as many decades as a practitioner like you. I’d like to start our conversation by sharing an idea I had the opportunity to explore during the interview process for this position. It was a process I... [Read more]

PrezHero: Create Cloud-Based 'Presentations' and Videos #ad

Your product sales page is the heart of your selling process. Of course, it's important to get traffic, targeted traffic and, of course, it's important to deliver your product and service your clients' needs, but unless your sales presentation holds your visitor's attention and convinces them of how your product will meet their needs, all the rest is useless... [Read more]

‘Business and Boomer-nomics: Marketing to Younger Generations’ – staff says, “Things are more expensive than they used to be. Take home ownership and cars, for example, the two pinnacles of middle-class Baby Boomer acquisitions that helped fuel the post-World War II economy. According to Time Lemke of the Wise Bread personal finance website, The Case Shiller Home Price Index shows current housing... [Read more]

’10 publishers that want you to disable your ad blocker’ – Econsultancy

Ben Davis says, “‘Please turn off your ad blocker!’ The plaintive cry echoes down the tubes of the internet. Although the ad blocker dilemma is a complex and important one, I get perverse enjoyment from reading the different messages that publishers display, imploring users to disable their ad blockers. Here are 10 of them. For colour,... [Read more]

‘Twitter’s User Growth Stalls, Revenue Comes Up Short’ – Entrepreneur

Reuters team says, “Twitter’s said average monthly active users stalled in the fourth quarter — the first flat quarter sequentially since the company listed in 2013. Twitter shares fell 6.6 percent at $13.99 in after-hours trading, after the social media company’s revenue forecast for the current quarter missed analysts’... [Read more]

‘What Can Twitter Teach You about the Top 6 US Presidential Candidates?’ – MOZ

Ann Boyles says, “As many of you — particularly our friends in Iowa and New Hampshire — are keenly aware, the height of the US presidential election season is upon us. In recent years, social media has had an increasingly profound impact on campaigns and election conversations, with candidates and their supporters (and detractors) taking... [Read more]

‘Lessons from Holiday Shopping 2015’ eMarketer Webinar February 25

eMarketer team says, “eMarketer expected a strong 2015 holiday season for ecommerce and total retail sales. In eMarketer’s upcoming webinar, Lessons from Holiday Shopping 2015—What You Need to Know for 2016, we’ll take a look at the final results and review what retailers need to know about changing consumer behaviors to keep up in 2016. Register... [Read more]

‘5 Gospels to Follow on Social Media That are Strategic, Systematic, and Smart’ – CMI

Jodi Harris says, “Social media is an all-seeing, all-powerful presence in the life of a content marketer. In fact, it’s become so ubiquitous that we have cause to wonder: If a piece of content won’t have social relevance, is it even worth creating? Before you answer, consider this: 93% of B2B marketers surveyed in CMI’s latest B2B Benchmarks,... [Read more]

‘PageRank Is Dead. What Marketers Need Now Is Trust Flow’ – Entrepreneur

Chris Lucas says, “Poor PageRank. We knew it. We used it. We sang its praises. But, alas, PageRank is dead. And the world has changed — at least when it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), scoring and optimization. As an industry, we’ve had some time to get adjusted. John Mueller announced in 2013 that Google would no longer be... [Read more]

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