IM NewsWatch, February 10, 2016 - 'PageRank Is Dead. What Marketers Need Now Is Trust Flow – Entrepreneur' and much more...

February 10th, 2016 at 9:15 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

‘Lessons from Holiday Shopping 2015’ eMarketer Webinar February 25

eMarketer team says, “eMarketer expected a strong 2015 holiday season for ecommerce and total retail sales. In eMarketer’s upcoming webinar, Lessons from Holiday Shopping 2015—What You Need to Know for 2016, we’ll take a look at the final results and review what retailers need to know about changing consumer behaviors to keep up in 2016. Register... [Read more]

‘5 Gospels to Follow on Social Media That are Strategic, Systematic, and Smart’ – CMI

Jodi Harris says, “Social media is an all-seeing, all-powerful presence in the life of a content marketer. In fact, it’s become so ubiquitous that we have cause to wonder: If a piece of content won’t have social relevance, is it even worth creating? Before you answer, consider this: 93% of B2B marketers surveyed in CMI’s latest B2B Benchmarks,... [Read more]

‘PageRank Is Dead. What Marketers Need Now Is Trust Flow’ – Entrepreneur

Chris Lucas says, “Poor PageRank. We knew it. We used it. We sang its praises. But, alas, PageRank is dead. And the world has changed — at least when it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), scoring and optimization. As an industry, we’ve had some time to get adjusted. John Mueller announced in 2013 that Google would no longer be... [Read more]

Ad ReSpark: Software Every Small Online Business Needs #ad

Devin Zander and David Abrams describe their new small business marketing tool, Ad ReSpark, as “the must have tool for ad creation”. Why is that? Well, when it comes to creating ads, small businesses just don’t have a lot of choices. They don’t usually have a lot of money to spend on experiments or an in-house design expert... [Read more]

‘How to Create Blockbuster YouTube Channel Success in Any Niche’ – MarketingProfs

Ayelet Weisz says, “”My niche is so boring,” complained a mortgage and family-finance consultant at a conference. I looked at him at disbelief, and not just because he was the business owner. After all, not everyone gets to be in a business where emotions run high and decisions affect the rest of your life. Some people sell bus tickets.... [Read more]

‘Google Takes New Measures Against 3 Giant Botnets’ – Marketing Land

Ginny Marvin says, “In the ongoing battle against scammers that unleash malware on unwitting users through ads, Google announced Tuesday that it has added a new feature to automatically filter traffic from three of the biggest ad fraud botnets. Vast networks of malware-infected computers, known as botnets, generate vast sums of revenue for perpetrators... [Read more]

‘SEO for PRs: a basic guide for greater client success’ – Econsultancy

Damon Rutherford says, “Forward-thinking PR agencies are quickly learning that by adding comprehensive search engine optimisation (SEO) to their range of services they can differentiate themselves from their competition and deliver significant additional value to their clients. As an SEO, my work with these agencies has increased in line with... [Read more]

Youzign 2.0 is live; it makes you a graphic designer #ad

For 24 months, Bertrand Bertrand Diouly and Martin Crumlish have been fixated on building good graphics software. Tweleve months ago, they released  'Youzign 1.0' and it sold over 17,000 copies... [Read more]

‘The Need for Leads: Why Marketing is the Perfect Wingman for Sales’ – HubSpot

Peter Cartier says, “Historically, the two “top guns” of customer engagement have never really seen eye-to-eye thanks to a long time rivalry fueled by their ego and perpetuated by differing metrics. All over the world, sales and marketing teams have inherited various roadblocks that keep them from working well together. Mistrust, miscommunication... [Read more]

‘Is Social Media Making Us Dumb?’ – Copyblogger

Sonia Simone says, “It’s 2016, and Skynet doesn’t need to send Terminators to wipe us out. A new gaming app ought to do the trick. I’ve seen the best minds of my generation destroyed, made starving and hysterical by Kim and Amber posting a selfie. The over-the-top tomfoolery of the current election in the U.S. The crumbling of even minimal... [Read more]

‘We’re Thrilled to Announce… Moz Local Insights Released from Beta!’ – MOZ

Dudley Carr says, “Today we’re excited to remove the Beta label on Moz Local Insights! This feature has been in beta since November when David first announced it. This release of Insights continues the push to provide our customers with a holistic understanding of local search presence. First, a tremendous thank you to all of our customers... [Read more]

Media Profit Revolution: how to buy profitable ad placements #ad

Timothy Miranda and Marcus Christian have been studying the process of buying ads in various media to find ways to build their affiliate and CPA businesses. They have found that paying for ads can be productive and can result in a significant increase in their commissions... [Read more]

‘B2B Marketers: Mind The Content Credibility Gap’ – Forrester

Daniel Klein says, “Delivering credible, objective, and engaging content is a must for today’s B2B marketer as prospects discover, explore, and buy your solution. But what attributes and sources make content credible and objective to B2B buyers? This is a common question asked of my consulting team, and in the age of the customer — where... [Read more]

‘4 Key Reasons Local Businesses Fail When Using Google AdWords’ – Entrepreneur

Perry Marshall says, “You’ve likely heard other business owners trashing Google AdWords as expensive, complicated, and ineffective. Good, let them! That just means there’ll be less competition for you. AdWords does get a bad rap in many circles, and while clicks are expensive for most people and the interface complex, most of the time... [Read more]

‘Google: Flash Ads Are Finally Going Out, HTML5 Ads Are In’ – Marketing Land

Ginny Marvin says, “After taking many steps in this direction, Google announced Tuesday that it will finally stop serving Flash formatted display ads. As of June 30, 2016, advertisers will no longer be able to upload new Flash ads into AdWords or DoubleClick. The final hit will happen on January 2, 2017, when Flash ads will no longer be eligible... [Read more]

PrezHero: Create Cloud-Based 'Presentations' and Videos #ad

Your product sales page is the heart of your selling process. Of course, it's important to get traffic, targeted traffic and, of course, it's important to deliver your product and service your clients' needs, but unless your sales presentation holds your visitor's attention and convinces them of how your product will meet their needs, all the rest is useless.... [Read more]

‘What is Retention Marketing, and Why You Need to Start Today’ – HubSpot

Alex McEachern says, “Retention marketing, the mysterious form of marketing that seems to be popping into your favorite ecommerce blogs, podcasts, and even into conversations with your other merchant friends. The whisperings have started, but do you really know what retention marketing is? What is Retention Marketing? Retention marketing is a... [Read more]

‘Here’s Why Your Content Marketing Strategy is Totally Failing’ – CMI

Neil Patel says, “I talk with a lot of people who are frustrated with the fact that their content marketing strategy doesn’t seem to be working. In fact, in some cases, their entire content strategy seems to be an abject failure. Why is this the case? If content marketing is such an important marketing method, has proven success, and is used... [Read more]

‘5 Ways to Align Marketing With Sales to Close More Deals’ – Entrepreneur

Tawheed Kader says, “Schedule more meetings? Have salespeople spend more time talking to colleagues instead of customers? It goes against conventional business wisdom, but a new survey of B2B marketers shows that meeting more frequently might actually solve the sales-marketing divide. According to an online survey by my company, ToutApp, marketers... [Read more]

If your video is so-so, get Explaindio FX #ad

Lackluster videos don't usually impress potential buyers. If your videos have the blahs, get 'Explaindio FX' and make your prospects take notice. You can apply the professional effects from this software to any video, regardless of how you created it... [Read more]

‘Five Strategies to Map Out Your SEO’ – MarketingProfs

Verónica Maria Jarski says, “To increase your ranking in search results, check out these five rank-boosting tips. “Navigate your way to the top with blogs,” suggests Spark Pay in the following infographic. “Blogging is a fantastic way to build up your power ranking.” Blogging also increases your SEO footprint, lets you... [Read more]

‘Digital Customer Service Is Becoming A Fully Realized Marketing Channel’ – Marketing Land

Barry Levine says, “Traditionally, customer service has been reactive. You have a question/problem about the product you might buy or have already bought. You walk into a physical store, present your need, get a response to that inquiry or exchange, and leave. But marketing technology is now helping customer service evolve into the online equivalent... [Read more]

‘What Really Earns Loyalty in the Local Business World?’ – MOZ

Miriam Ellis says, “St. Valentine’s Day is on the way, and I’ve been thinking about love and loyalty as they apply in the local business world. It’s been estimated that it costs 7x more to acquire a customer than to retain one; in my city, most of the major chains offer some type of traditional customer loyalty program. Most rely on a points-based... [Read more]

How to clone/backup/restore your WordPress site #ad

If you don't have a technical bone in your body, but you want to move your WordPress site to another host, 'WP Master Clone' is for you. This software makes it simple for even a novice to clone a site. Just enter your login details for both the old site and the new site and Press Go... [Read more]

If you need a new computer for your business

If you are running an online company, it’s critical that you have a reliable computer. If your computer goes down and you can’t write or place ads, if you can’t respond to orders or inquiries, even if you can’t check your email, that’s a big setback. Some people treat their computers like they treat their cars, replacing... [Read more]

‘2015 Testing Year in Review: 2 key discoveries to increase clickthrough and conversions’ – MarketingExperiments

Micah Shull says, “As Test Database Specialist at MECLABS Institute (parent company of MarketingExperiments), my days are spent sifting through thousands of tests, analyzing the results and searching for insights to inform future testing. While looking through our hundreds of tests from 2015, two top testing categories emerged for increasing... [Read more]

‘A Four-Step Process for Creating Compelling Content for Your Audience’ – MarketingProfs

Scott Sims says, “Marketers, bloggers, and small business owners have been struggling with the same problem for years: how to create compelling content. Why is it such a struggle? Because they’re using the wrong process—or, worse, they don’t use a process at all. Some of them create content simply based on assumptions. I like to... [Read more]

‘Yelp 2015 Revenue $550M, Projects Nearly $700M For 2016’ – Marketing Land

Greg Sterling says, “Due to a coding glitch at PR Newswire, Yelp’s Q4 and full year 2015 results were released early, before the market’s close. The company announced a loss of $22.2 million but posted higher-than-expected revenues of $153.7 million. The stock was off roughly 10 percent in after-hours trading. Local advertising revenue (small... [Read more]

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