IM NewsWatch, February 10, 2015 - 'Five Most Effective Words in Email Subject Lines – MarketingProfs' and much more...

February 10th, 2015 at 9:10 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

‘How’s Your Email Campaign Connecting?’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Derek S. says, “As technology rapidly changes one common communication tool has stayed consistent throughout, email. Email is one of the greatest tools that marketers have when trying to communicate with their consumers. However, to fully leverage the power that email provides them, marketers must understand how their campaigns are connecting... [Read more]

‘3 Facebook Hacks to Help With Organic Reach’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Nate Birt says, “Although many already have given up on the idea that it’s possible to connect to customers for free on Facebook, others argue hope remains. Before getting started, though, let’s acknowledge the naysayers have a point. In early 2014, Social@Ogilvy noted brands with some of the largest Facebook followings had a paltry 2%... [Read more]

‘9 Reasons Email Subscribers Mark a Message ‘Spam’’ – ‘Web Marketing Today’ Article

Pamella Neely says, “Nobody wants to be a spammer. But it’s surprisingly common for otherwise well-meaning marketers to be fuzzy about what’s okay and what’s not okay in email marketing. It’s also surprising how wide the gap is between the legal definition of spam and a subscriber’s definition. Spam in a legal context is loosely defined... [Read more]

Place your videos throughout Facebook #ad

Videos can attract a lot of attention on Facebook if they are placed where people congregate. The problem is that placing a video in strategic places can be a daunting task. That’s why Precious Ngwu and Chad Nicely just launched /b> Social Engage. Nicely and Ngwu call this new software, “World’s Most Powerful Social Sales Machine“. This... [Read more]

‘How to Use ‘Alternative’ Social Networks in Your Marketing Strategy’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Mark Mars says, “Many businesses concentrate their social media marketing on the three most-used platforms: Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. However, if you’re one of those businesses, you may be missing some tricks by not harnessing the potential of other social networks. This article will highlight five alternative options that may help... [Read more]

‘Online Retailers Saw Huge Drop-Off During Super Bowl, But Pre-Game Was Strong’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Ginny Marvin says, “If you want to get a sense of the Super Bowl’s grip on America, the graphs below fromCriteo highlight how game day affects the consumer mindset, and how important it is for retailers should be in position early. The retargeting ad tech firm looked at a large number of U.S. online retailers’ clicks and sales on desktop and... [Read more]

‘How to Write an Autoresponder Email Series’ – Aweber Blog

Kristen Dunleavy says, “Autoresponder emails (sometimes called autoresponder follow up emails or just follow up emails) have a ton of time-saving and business-growing benefits – and yet 75 percent of businesses aren’t using them. What does that mean for you? Add a follow up series to your email marketing strategy today, and BAM! You’re already... [Read more]

Create powerful pop ups with push button simplicity #ad

You probably know that people leave your website without taking action ( filling out your survey, consuming and sharing your content, subscribing to your newsletter or buying your product). In fact, most of your visitors fail to take action. Inertia keeps them moving, without stopping to think deeply about what you are offering... [Read more]

‘How to Create a Deep Connection with Your Prospects and Customers’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Sonia Simone says, “When my son was about two and a half, he developed a funny habit of walking around the house from time to time, chiming out, “I’m here.” Although this little boy was strongly connected to his family and his small class of school friends, he still had that need to express it. I’m here. I exist. I want to be seen, and... [Read more]

‘4 Essential Marketing Insights from Freakonomics Author Stephen J. Dubner’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Kayla Cobb says, “As all marketing professionals and watchers of “Mad Men” know, marketing is a tricky field. It’s one of the few industries that rely equally on creative ideas that have never been seen before and cold, analytical testing. But what do you do when you feel stuck in a marketing rut? Luckily, Steven J. Dubner was there to the... [Read more]

‘Effective Outreach: Making It as Easy as Possible for Journalists to Say “Yes”’ – MOZ Blog

Beverley Distilled says, “As part of the promotions and online PR team at Distilled, I spend the majority of my time trying to get the attention of journalists. If you’ve ever worked in PR you’ll know that this isn’t always as easy as it sounds. Journalists are busy. They’re on a deadline, they’re knee-deep in an... [Read more]

Make a living in teeshirts #ad

That headline has a double entendre: (a) Sitting around in your teeshirt, you can make a living and (b) there's good money to be made in the teeshirt niche; people are making a living selling teeshirts.. [Read more]

‘14 Eye-Opening Instagram Statistics’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

John Egan says, “In less than five years, photo-sharing app Instagram has grown from Internet infant to social media star. New data from the Pew Research Center shows that among social media networks, Instagram has surpassed Twitter in popularity among U.S. adults. Pew’s report states that 26 percent of online adults in the U.S. used Instagram... [Read more]

‘The Five Most Effective (and Ineffective) Words in Email Subject Lines’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “Which words in subject lines significantly increase consumer opens of marketing emails, and which words significantly decrease opens? To find out, Alchemy Worx used the Touchstone platform to analyze data from 21 billion marketing emails sent by 2,500 brands. The research included an examination of thousands of subject lines,... [Read more]

‘8 Clever Ways to Use Your Twitter Cover Image for Better Marketing’ – HubSpot

Alisa Meredith says, “There are plenty of ways to use your Twitter cover image to promote your business. You can implement different tactics at different times, depending on what’s going on in your business at the moment. It’s easy to mix your cover image up and keep things fresh, while always being consistent with your branding. To... [Read more]

SpyBar makes Firefox or Google Chrome your marketing intelligence tool #ad

Rob Cornish has a new tool that can make your marketing research a piece of cake, called 'SpyBar'. This is a plug-in for either Firefox or Chrome that lets you gather competitive information about any WordPress site you visit. And that's the majority of marketing sites, since ease of use has people converting to WordPress every day... [Read more]

‘Report: US Smartphone Penetration Now At 75 Percent’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Greg Sterling says, “Nearly 75 percent (74.9 percent) of mobile subscribers in the US now own smartphones. In December 2013, US smartphone penetration was 65.2 percent. By December 2015 it will be above 80 percent, perhaps closing in on 85 percent. The 75 percent figure comes from the latest comScore US smartphone market sharereport, out today.... [Read more]

‘Nine ways analytics will help you’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Christopher Ratcliff says, “Since the end of December 2014, Twitter has been rolling out an analytics tool for its mobile app. This is fantastic news for those of us who are out and about, live-tweeting hilariously named brands in the international supermarket or a joyless bus-ride and wondering if anybody actually cares. If you haven’t spotted... [Read more]

‘How to Research Blog Topics: A Step-by-Step Process’ – HubSpot

Will Blunt says, “Conducting research is an essential part of writing quality blog content. To be a credible industry expert, you need facts, stats, figures, and examples at your disposal — all external validation that shows you know your stuff. But doing research can be very time consuming if you’re not sure what you should be... [Read more]

‘Three Digital Marketing Tactics You Should Adopt in 2015′ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Verónica Maria Jarski says, “Are you prepared to tackle digital marketing in 2015? A total of 91% of consumers check their email daily. Moreover, 66% of consumers have made a purchase online as a result of an email marketing message, according to the following infographic by Brandmuscle. This year, make sure your emails are mobile-friendly... [Read more]

‘5 Ways to Increase the Odds of Your Content Going Viral’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Kimanzi Constable says, “It’s every entrepreneur’s dream to see their content go viral. With more than 2.5 billion people online everyday, the possibilities are exciting. Despite the staggering opportunity, there are many other entrepreneurs. including some with the same message, trying to reach the same audience as you. If you are going... [Read more]

‘Double Opt-In: Then, Now, and When It’s a Best Practice’ – ClickZ Blog

Jeanne Jennings says, “What’s the argument for using a double opt-in email marketing campaign as opposed to a single opt-in one? Read on to find out. It’s been a long time since the phrase “double opt-in” has crossed my lips, but it came up in not just one but two different conversations in the past few weeks. Both were friends... [Read more]

‘As Online Video Explodes, a Look at 5 of the Industry’s Biggest Trends’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Geoff Weiss says, “As YouTube celebrities hone their entrepreneurial acumen and brands continue to break new ground in the realm of online video ads, it’s safe to say that 2015 will be a lucrative year for the medium. To this end, the below infographic, courtesy of Manatt Digital Media, looks back at some of the industry’s biggest milestones... [Read more]

‘Content Marketing Without This Extra Step Is Useless’ – ‘’ Blog

Matt Byrom says, “Content marketing has quickly become the most popular way for businesses, large and small, to market themselves. And, it’s no wonder when you consider all of the benefits: It presents you as a thought leader within your industry It creates trust between brands and customers If done correctly, it seriously increases SEO With... [Read more]

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