IM NewsWatch, December 9, 2014 - 'How Consumers Prefer to Receive Marketing Messages – MarketingProfs' and much more...

December 9th, 2014 at 9:07 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, December 9

‘How To Curate Content Like A Pro: 8 Lessons’ – Content Marketing Institute

Heidi Cohen says, “Content curation taps into the power of existing owned, social, and third-party media to enhance and extend your content marketing resources. This does NOT mean content curation is free. Rather, it’s more cost-effective than brand-spanking-new content and maximizes the full potential of your existing content. To ensure we’re... [Read more]

‘What Facebook’s Crackdown on ‘Overly Promotional’ Page Posts Means for Your Business’ – VerticalResponse Blog

Lisa Furgison says, “There’s never a dull moment in the social media world. Just when you thought your social media strategy was set, Facebook goes and makes changes. At the beginning of the year, Facebook will crackdown on any brand that posts “overly promotional” Page posts. In a recent survey, Facebook users said they were fed up with the... [Read more]

‘5 Essential Skills for Digital Marketing Consultants’ – TopRank Blog

Lee Oden says, “Much of today’s digital marketing consulting is about data: goals, KPIs and performance metrics. Processes and technology also play a big part, serving as a point of differentiation for many digital marketing agencies and consultants. The consulting business can be a tricky one because not all business marketing problems are clearly... [Read more]

Video Suite Pro: Better Videos for Better Sales #ad

Video Suite Pro: Better videos for better sales #ad Video on your website is the single most helpful thing you can do to build your business, if the videos are well done. Videos: • Explain things that are hard to explain any other way. • Keep people’s attention and keep them on your site longer • Impress the search engines with... [Read more]

‘The Power of Personalized Emails’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Pete Prestipino says, “If your online retail enterprise isn’t doubling down on email this holiday season, you are going to miss out. New research from Salesforce, published in its “Predictive Intelligence Benchmark Report,” reveals that 60 percent of shoppers who received personalized content after abandoning their shopping... [Read more]

‘Infographic: Black Friday and Cyber Monday Email Trends’ – Silverpop Blog

Loren McDonald says, “Black Friday and Cyber Monday online sales soared to new heights in 2014, and more consumers than ever before have been browsing and buying on mobile devices. IBM has been tracking the latest cross-channel buying trends this holiday season, and I’ve been closely watching the results, observing the rise of “Cranberry Red... [Read more]

‘Three Ways to Customize Content Across Social Channels for Greater Response’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Keith Quesenberry says, “Do you create one post and push it out to all your social media channels? Have you thought about customizing that content to harness the strengths and characteristics of each channel? Consistency is important in an integrated marketing campaign, but that doesn’t mean posting the same content in every social channel. In... [Read more]

Heat Map Tracker is closing: Last chance for discount on critical software #ad

The sale on Heat Map Tracker, the newest, least expensive and arguably the best, software to track the movements and actions on your site is ending at Midnight EST. You can use Heat Map Tracker on your own sites and (with the available agency license) on client sites and sites you flip. It gathers vital information that will help you tune the sites... [Read more]

‘Google’s Report That 56% Of Ads Aren’t Seen Isn’t Shocking & Here’s Why’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Ginny Marvin says, “Last week, Google released new research on factors that impact ad viewability, whichwe covered here. There was one particular data point that raised eyebrows: 56.1 percent of impressions served across Google’s display advertising platforms, including the DoubleClick, aren’t viewable. Wow, Google, the company that dominates... [Read more]

‘Why You Shouldn’t Forget About Pinterest’ by John Chow

Chow says, “As an online entrepreneur, Internet marketer or professional blogger, you’ll oftentimes find yourself on a variety of different websites, networking both with like-minded individuals and with your “tribe.” While it’s certainly debatable whether or not you should care about Ello, it’s pretty obvious that the bigger social networks... [Read more]

‘How to Evoke Emotion on Your Landing Pages (Without Going Overboard)’ – HubSpot

Neil Patel says, “Emotion is a major force in online sales. As much as we tend to disparage “emotion” in purchasing decisions, the fact is everyone thinks and makes choices based on emotion. We can’t prevent this. Emotional decision-making is hardwired into our brain’s functionality. In fact, without guidance from our emotions, decision-making... [Read more]

CPA Income Boss: Each 60 Minute Campaign Generates $20 A Day #ad

Jason Finley has been a CPA marketer for quite a while, and he has gotten good at it. Now, in CPA Income Boss, he is offering to show you exactly how to set up simple little CPA campaigns that generate over $20 a day, every single day, for each one you set up. This is a 7 step system that is simple, reliable and repeatable. You can implement this process,... [Read more]

‘Yahoo launches its own mobile developer conference’ – ‘Mashable’

Rex Sentus says, “Yahoo announced its first development conference on Monday. The event, simply called the Mobile Developer Conference, will take place on Feb. 19 in San Francisco. During the one-day event, Yahoo and mobile analytics firm Flurry are pushing what they’re calling the next step in mobile development. Yahoo acquired Flurry earlier... [Read more]

‘Quick cuts within online videos: the way to hold your customers attention?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Philip Trevillion says, “How traditional techniques within video editing, have adapted to the new environment of paid advertising on YouTube. In the era of online video, digital marketers can find ourselves so caught up in new developments that we forget that film has been around for over a hundred years. Many conventions have emerged within those... [Read more]

‘Two Reasons to Begin Your Free Trial of Rainmaker this Week’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Brian Clark says, “In case you missed it, back in September we introduced Rainmaker, the complete website solution for building your online marketing and sales platform. With Rainmaker, you can: Create powerful content-driven websites on your own domains. Build membership sites and online training courses. Sell digital products like software,... [Read more]

A1 Pro Theme; lightweight, but powerful and flexible #ad

Dr. Veit Schenk has developed, and has just released, a new WordPress template, especially designed to help non-technical people get their site running quickly... [Read more]

‘Hero Unit Testing: 72% lift from simple changes you can implement today’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Erin Hogg says, “Selling a product online that customers would most likely prefer trying on in a brick-and-mortar store is a challenge. Felix + Iris, an online prescription eyewear retailer, provides a free home try-on option for its products with its Fit Kit. However, getting customers to take the plunge to try on glasses at home was a challenge,... [Read more]

‘Building Consumer Awareness: How to Talk to People Who Don’t Know They Need You’ – MOZ Blog

Bridget Randolph says, “As a marketer, if your product is the obvious solution to an obvious problem, your job is relatively straightforward. You simply need to show the customer why your product is the best one out there. Often the easiest way to do this is by demonstrating your USP; sometimes you can also compete on price. Either way, if your... [Read more]

‘How Consumers Prefer to Receive Marketing Messages’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “Consumers prefer to receive marketing messages, special offers, and coupons from brands via email more than any other communication channel, according to a recent report from Message Systems. The report was based on data from a survey conducted in September 2014 from 500 adult Internet users in the United States. Half of respondents... [Read more]

Video Review Master converts amateur videos into income #ad

Matthew McDonald has earned a reputation for releasing top-notch video products. One of his latest is 'Video Review Master'... [Read more]

‘How do product recommendations influence buyer behavior?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Pratik Dholakiya says, “From the original matching algorithms to show similar products to the sophisticated machine learning technology that now harnesses user behavior insights, the world of recommendations has changed immensely. Over the years, online shoppers have gotten more and more used to seeing and acting upon product recommendations. Indeed,... [Read more]

‘Navigating The Modern Ad Serving Stack, Part 1: Direct Orders’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Ratko Vidakovic says, “It is universally acknowledged that the ad tech industry is complex. Some would sayoverly complex. As a result, you will often hear people in the advertising world throw around terminology in embarrassingly incorrect ways. I don’t want you to be one of those people, so I’m writing this series to shine some light on... [Read more]

‘Is Your E-Commerce Site Ready for Post-Holiday Returns?’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Derek S. says, “With consumers turning to e-commerce websites more than ever, it’s important that merchants are prepared for the rush of returns after the holiday season is over. TrueShip, a provider of e-commerce shipping software, has announced the release of the latest iteration of their product return software called ReadyReturns 5. With... [Read more]

Christmas PLR: Software. Give it away; build mailing list #ad

Barry Rodgers has just released new software for enthusiasts in two large niches: Vegetarian Cooking & Arts and Crafts. If you want to build a list in one of these niches, put your name on his 'Christmas PLR'... [Read more]


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