IM NewsWatch, December 8, 2014 - 'Panda 4.1 Google Leaked Dos and Don’ts – MOZ' and much more...

December 8th, 2014 at 9:12 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Monday, December 8

‘Contextual Messaging in Action‘ StrongView Webinar December 11

The StrongView team says, “Understanding and quickly responding to consumers’ constantly changing needs is the new challenge for marketers. Join StrongView’s Katrina Conn, VP of Marketing Services, as she explains just what contextual messaging is and how leading marketers are leveraging customer context to transform run-of-the-mill marketing... [Read more]

‘Is Content Marketing Collapsing Under its Own Weight?’ – Content Marketing Institute Webinar December 10

The Content Marketing Institute team says, “Marketers are in the midst of a content marketing arms race. More content is being created every day, and a myriad of technology options make it easier than ever to efficiently distribute that content to broad audiences. But as it becomes easier to distribute content, more of that content is failing.... [Read more]

‘Visual-Merchandising Secrets for Better Content Engagement’ – Content Marketing Institute

Steve Smith says, “In 2008, Walmart announced an ambitious store-remodeling program called Project Impact. It sought to increase sales by (among other things) significantly changing how products were organized and displayed. The project was a spectacular flop – with losses in the billions – and Walmart eventually reversed its methods. Techniques... [Read more]

A1 Pro Theme; lightweight, but powerful and flexible #ad

Dr. Veit Schenk has developed, and has just released, a new WordPress template, especially designed to help non-technical people get their site running quickly. He calls it A1 Pro Theme. Pre-installed in the theme are niche sites for: • Real Estate • Medical • Law • Consulting • Food • Internet Marketing •... [Read more]

‘How to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile for Social Selling’ – HubSpot

Emma Snider says, “Social selling is part activity, part reputation. If you’re writing insightful comments on your prospects’ blogs, responding to their tweets, and liking their shared content, you’ve got the activity bit down pat. But if your LinkedIn profile doesn’t include your three jobs and features a cropped picture... [Read more]

‘Customer Service is a Critical Marketing Attribute’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Christopher Ryan says, “This blog post might have been titled “A Tale of Two Gondolas” because the subject matter comes directly from a recent experience in Venice, Italy. My wife and I were there on a trip and another family member in our group suggested a gondola ride based on her recent experience. She raved about her gondola operator and... [Read more]

‘The 6 Steps To Perfectly Optimizing Any Content’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Neil Patel says, “When people talk about “optimizing content,” they’re usually thinking of it as a technical task that requires “SEO best practices” and “relevant keywords.” In today’s content-driven world of digital marketing, I see it differently. In my experience, there are other factors that are far more influential in optimizing... [Read more]

Video Review Master converts amateur videos into income #ad

Matthew McDonald has earned a reputation for releasing top-notch video products. One of his latest is Video Review Master.. He first released it a few months ago. After the launch week, he raised the price. Now for a few days, he is running a remarkable sale. This professional video software is only $9.95. You can use it on a new site or add it to an... [Read more]

‘Content Marketing: The Leftover Trick’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Tim Matthews says, “In the wake of Thanksgiving, no doubt we all lived on leftovers. I, for one, could lunch on turkey sandwiches and snack on pumpkin pie slivers for weeks. For those who prefer a little more variety, I can get you the recipe for my wife’s turkey gumbo. (Or you could go to the Food Network for suggestions. I’m not... [Read more]

‘Black Friday, Cyber Monday deliver – peak holiday season has begun’ – ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog

Briana Mulherin says, “Each week, we will provide you with real time insights and trends for the 2014 holiday season: how consumers are shopping, what they are searching for and how marketing campaigns can be optimized to maximize rewards for both consumers and brands. Sign up to receive the weekly #HolidayHotSheet in your inbox and stay tuned... [Read more]

‘How to Evoke Emotion on Your Landing Pages (Without Going Overboard)’ – HubSpot

Neil Patel says, “Emotion is a major force in online sales. As much as we tend to disparage “emotion” in purchasing decisions, the fact is everyone thinks and makes choices based on emotion. We can’t prevent this. Emotional decision-making is hardwired into our brain’s functionality. In fact, without guidance from our emotions, decision-making... [Read more]

Christmas PLR: Software. Give it away; build mailing list #ad

Barry Rodgers has just released new software for enthusiasts in two large niches: ¦ Vegetarian Cooking ¦ Arts and Crafts If you want to build a list in one of these niches, put your name on his Christmas PLR, give it away on your niche squeeze page, and build a responsive mailing list for the niche. One of the programs is called A Vegetarian Christmas... [Read more]

‘Four things to know about the State of Mobile Marketing in Asia Pacific’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Bala Awoniyi says, “We all know the commercial opportunities that reside in mobile are massive. For organisations in Asia Pacific, where half of the 3.4 billion global mobile subscribers are based according to GSMA’s Mobile Economy Asia Pacific 2014 report, those opportunities are even more lucrative, promising and… crucial to future success. The... [Read more]

‘What Google Has In Store For The Mobile Web’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Matt Asay says, “It’s about time Google remembered its roots. For years Google has largely ignored the mobile Web, preferring to focus on native Android app experiences, even as Apple (yes, Apple) has invested heavily in improving HTML5 performance on iOS. So much so, in fact, that with Apple’s inclusion of WKWebView (a Web browser engine)... [Read more]

‘Panda 4.1 Google Leaked Dos and Don’ts’ – MOZ Blog

MOZ team says, “Josh Bachynski takes you inside Panda 4.1 with a tour of some of the top dos and don’ts for your website. And it’s about so much more than the standard “good content” refrain. Watch the video to learn more“. Panda 4.1 Google Leaked Dos and Don’ts – Whiteboard Friday MOZ Blog  [Read more]

YouTube Live Events; your ticket to more sales #ad

It's no secret that Google likes YouTube and all its videos.  But there's one special type of video that Google likes the best of all: YouTube Live Events...  [Read more]

‘Ecommerce Email Marketing: 10 Tips to Boost Product Sales’ – Shopify

Tommy Walker says, “Email marketing accounts for over 7% of all ecommerce transactions, making it the second most effective ecommerce marketing channel behind search (15.8%). Despite email being around for over 21 years, we’ve never had the opportunity to segment and personalize email marketing at the scale we can today. With behavioral-triggered... [Read more]

‘Forecast: Yahoo’s Mobile Ad Revenues To Soon Exceed Twitter’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Greg Sterling says, “In its third quarter earnings report Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer surprised most people with the announcement that Yahoo would have more than $1.2 billion in mobile ad revenue for the year. Now eMarketer forecasts that the company will become the third largest mobile advertising company in the US in 2015. Accordingly it will pass... [Read more]

‘Q&A: eBay on mobile commerce and innovation’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Graham Charlton says, “EBay invested heavily in mobile from very early on, and its sales now reflect the value of this strategy. Almost half of eBay’s transactions globally are now touched by mobile at some point in the transaction, whether people research or buy on moble. I’ve been speaking to Jonathan Gabbai, Head of International Mobile... [Read more]

Big Discount during WP Profit Builder Cyber Week Sale #ad

Sean Donahoe is running a special sale on his 'WP Profit Builder' launched earlier this year. After the launch, he raised the price, but now it's on sale again... [Read more]

‘The state of Black Friday’ – ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog

Emma Yousif says, “Bill Tancer, general manager of global research for Experian Marketing Services, appeared on CNN Live Thanksgiving day, to answer the question, “Is Black Friday dying?” Contrary to popular belief, over the past few years, Thanksgiving has taken the place of Black Friday as the most popular day for shopping. Due to an increasing... [Read more]

’12 Questions to Help You Craft a Killer Creative Brief’ – HubSpot

Jami Oetting says, “Great creative briefs have one primary function — to inspire your creative team to come up with the most brilliant and effective communications response to solve a particular problem. Its secondary function is to confirm back to the client that you “get” her problem, strategy for solving it, and the objective you... [Read more]

‘Mondelez: programmatic accounts for 90% of our social ads’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

David Moth says, “Programmatic marketing is still a bit of a mystery to many people, but as some of the world’s biggest companies are already using the technology it’s probably time to get onboard. A prime example of this is Mondelez, which has nine billion-dollar brands within its snacking portfolio and had net revenues of $35bn in 2013. At... [Read more]

Discover the Basics of Internet Marketing (free report) #ad

Reed Floren is offering another free report to new marketers who want to "get the lay of the land" before investing significantly in their business... [Read more]

‘How Marketing and Customer Service Approach Customer Engagement’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Verónica Maria Jarski says, “Marketing may be in charge of social media for a company, but customer service teams are the kings of customer engagement, according to the following Sentiment infographic. So, how do marketing teams and customer service teams approach customer engagement? Here’s a look at the different goals, tools, and skills... [Read more]

‘Smarter Remarketing: Psychological Tricks To Bring Back Abandoned Visitors’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Tim Ash says, “People abandon websites for various reasons. If you’re lucky, they’ll come back to finish what they started; but more often than not, they just forget about it. Abandoners can be hot prospects, and companies spend a lot of money trying to re-engage them so they’ll come back to the site and finish what they started. This is... [Read more]

Building a Business; What Matters, by Ryan Deiss

Deiss says that while traffic matters, what matters more is conversions. What is at the heart of conversions is the quality of the offer being made. So, if you have been concerned about getting people to your site, take some time to make sure they find their visit worthwhile, once they get there.  [Read more]

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