IM NewsWatch, December 4, 2014 - 'Subject Lines… What’s Catchy, What’s Not? – Business 2 Community' and much more...

December 4th, 2014 at 8:38 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Thursday, December 4, 2014

‘5 Mobile Website Issues Marketers Need to Watch’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Daniel Weisbeck says, “Despite the effort and investment that has been made in improving mobile websites, they are still falling far short of visitor expectations. According to internal research, the top issue for people is still speed, as 96 percent of people said they encountered sites that are too slow. Due to speed as well as other issues,... [Read more]

‘What Affects Ad Viewability? 5 Factors From A Google Study’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Ginny Marvin says, “As more advertisers move toward buying display ads on a viewable impression basis rather than by served impression, Google looked across its display ad platforms, including DoubleClick, to find out what affects an ad’s viewability. A viewable impression occurs when at least 50 percent of an ad in view for more than one second,... [Read more]

‘Deliver Personalized Content to Site Visitors’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Allison Howen says, “AddThis is helping its Pro subscribers get personal, as the content engagement platform has unveiled new audience targeting capabilities that enable brands to deliver more personalized content and offers to site visitor. The new audience targeting tool leverages insight from 1.8 billion unique users across the Web and is... [Read more]

WP Profit Builder in Cyber Week Sale; Big Discount #ad

Sean Donahoe is running a special sale on his WP Profit Builder launched earlier this year. After the launch, he raised the price, but now it’s on sale again. And his pricing is very generous. For example, the unlimited developer licence is only a few cents more than the personal license (which allows 10 personal sites only), and it allows you... [Read more]

‘2014 Thanksgiving Weekend Email Marketing Findings’ – VerticalResponse Blog

Kim Stiglitz says, “The 2014 Thanksgiving holiday weekend was a busy one for VerticalResponse customers, and we’re not just talking about sales and donations. Our customers sent over 350,000,000 emails from Monday, November 24 through Tuesday, December 2 (Giving Tuesday). We tallied these specific dates to identify a trend in email volume leading... [Read more]

‘Facebook CPMs Jump 7X YoY With Holiday Demand, ROI Doubles’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Ginny Marvin says, “Rising demand for ads in Facebook’s Newsfeed along with more users accessing Facebook on mobile led to dramatic increases in CPMs in November year-over-year, according to Kenshoo. With the higher CPMs, advertisers also saw ROI jump significantly in this time period. CPMs saw a 7-fold increase, while return on investment... [Read more]

‘How to Use Brand Storylines to Spark Social Media Engagement' by Jay Baer

Baer says, “Bland, boring tweets and Facebook updates aren’t of much value, but that’s what many brands are sharing. The companies follow the routine. They take the steps suggested by social media consultants and experts. Their brands have a presence, but the content is lacking. It lacks energy. It lacks interest. It lacks a soul. As a result,... [Read more]

200+ free Visitor per Day using Drag & Drop SEO; 11am Today #ad

A new drag & drop SEO traffic automation app is being released by Precious Ngwu. He calls it Authority Engage. This new WordPress plugin uses advanced SEO strategies to convert any regular WP site into a site that is highly visible and well supplied with traffic. This plugin is a traffic generator, and it may change the way you rank your sites... [Read more]

‘104 Fascinating Social Media and Marketing Statistics for 2014 (and 2015)’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Tom Pick says, “Looking at marketing surveys and studies from the past year, a few trends are clear, among them that buyers are firmly (and increasingly) in control of the purchase cycle. They prefer searching to being found, and will often be close to their final decision point before talking to a salesperson. In response, marketers are producing... [Read more]

‘How to Optimize Blog Images for Social Sharing: An Intro to Open Graph Tags’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “We’ve all been there before. You’ve written a great blog post, and you’ve plopped a featured image in there to represent the post on social media, your blog’s main page, and so on. Then, you hop on your social media accounts and paste the link into a new post. You’re all ready to share it... [Read more]

‘You can now edit Microsoft Office files from Gmail’ – ‘Mashable’

Karissa Bell says, “Gmail just made it easier to edit Microsoft Office documents from within your inbox. Google updated Gmail with a new feature that allows users to automatically open and edit Office files with Google Drive. “We realize that as a Docs user, you still sometimes have to work with different file types, so we often launch updates... [Read more]

Autopilot Buyers List: Build your mailing list with quality optins #ad

Jens Steyaert has learned from experience that the best mailing list to have is a list of people who have already bought something in your niche. There are a lot of places in your sales funnel where you have a chance to swap links with other marketers, opportunities for you to send their offers to your list of buyers, and for them to send your offer... [Read more]

‘Subject Lines… What’s Catchy, What’s Not?’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Madeline Boehmer says, “With Christmas only 22 days away, I repeat 22 DAYS AWAY, we are all now being bombarded with ads everywhere promoting all the hottest gifts of 2014 and sales that are hard to pass up. Anytime you turn on the TV or radio you hear your favorite holiday tunes with store names sneakily added into the lyrics, and some of the songs... [Read more]

‘Global online population reaches 3bn: report’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

David Moth says, “This may come as a surprise, but apparently the internet is proving to be remarkably popular. According to the most recent calculations more than 3bn people now have access to the internet, which equates to around 42% of the global population. If you compare the online population in 2014 to that in 2000 then you see that developing... [Read more]

‘How to Use an Experience Map to Develop a Winning Content Marketing Strategy’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Demian Farnworth says, “Customers. Complex bunch. They pull out their wallets and purses to trade hard-earned dollars for stuff. Stuff we design, organize, grow, program, or manufacture. Stuff like curved TVs. Endurance events. Spicy vodka. Graphic design textbooks. Massive multiplayer online games. Lilac bulbs. Tax preparation software. Workout... [Read more]

‘How online data will remake offline marketing’ – ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog

Tom Manvydas says, “Marketers are increasingly taking advantage of the richness of CRM, purchase transactions and other offline data sources for online advertising. Yet, so far, it’s been a one-way street: There is very little being done with online data to improve offline marketing programs. That will soon change. With the continued growth... [Read more]

Heat Map Tracker: Know what's working on your site and what isn't #ad

Mark Thompson and his partner, Matt Callen have just announced that every website can use. It's called 'Heat Map Tracker'... [Read more]

‘Content Flow: The “Melodic” Fix for Your “Broken” Content Marketing Strategy’ – MOZ Blog

Simon Penson says, “In a world now overflowing with ‘content,’ standing out is critical to breaking through. And while almost all digital marketers are aware of the challenge that presents, the solution chosen simply extenuates the very issue it was designed to fix. Unfortunately, too many people see the answer to standing out and... [Read more]

‘Lead Management: How a B2B SaaS nonprofit decreased its sales cycle 99%’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study

Daniel Burstein says, “VolunteerMatch has a unique revenue model. It’s a nonprofit that operates as a SaaS (software-as-a-service) company, so the lessons from its case study are very applicable to many businesses in addition to nonprofits. To help you improve your own lead management, this case study will show you how VolunteerMatch enabled... [Read more]

‘280 Million Domains and Counting’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Pete Prestipino says, “Verisign released its latest Domain Name Industry Brief this week which shows growth in the second quarter of 2014. Over four million domain names were added in 2Q 2014, bringing the total number of registred domain names to 280 million across all top-level domains (as of June 30, 2014). That’s a growth rate of just... [Read more]

Make Good Money while Building a Massive Buyers List #ad

Have you ever noticed how most people are interested in getting something for nothing? That's the principle behind the product samples that are handed out in supermarkets every weekend... [Read more]

‘How to Track Content ROI: A Step-by-Step Guide’ – HubSpot

Aaron Agius says, “There’s no doubt that content marketing can boost your brand awareness and improve public sentiment towards your company and its product offerings. But for you to really make an impact on your business, you need to know whether you’re getting a good bang for your marketing buck — and that means you need to figure... [Read more]

‘Cyber Monday 2014 Biggest E-Commerce Day Ever: Desktop Spending Climbs To $2 Billion [ComScore]’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Amy Gesenhues says, “According to ComScore’s latest e-commerce report, Cyber Monday was the biggest online shopping day ever. ComScore says desktop online spending reached more than $2 billion on Monday, a 17 percent increase over last year’s Cyber Monday revenue. This year’s Cyber Monday wasn’t the only day to set a new e-commerce record... [Read more]

‘Subject Lines… What’s Catchy, What’s Not?’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Madeline Boehmer says, “With Christmas only 22 days away, I repeat 22 DAYS AWAY, we are all now being bombarded with ads everywhere promoting all the hottest gifts of 2014 and sales that are hard to pass up. Anytime you turn on the TV or radio you hear your favorite holiday tunes with store names sneakily added into the lyrics, and some of the songs... [Read more]

Link Indexr makes your site's backlinks more valuable #ad

Yesterday, 'Link Indexr' was announced by Joshua Zamora. The response has been substantial. Over 1000 copies of the various versions were sold in the first 8 hours... [Read more]


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