IM NewsWatch, December 3, 2014 - 'What Is the Value of Ranking First in an Amazon Search? – MarketingProfs' and much more...

December 3rd, 2014 at 8:55 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

‘Increase Your E-Commerce Sales Through Social Media’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Derek S. says, “As consumers continue to flock to their favorite social media sites, e-commerce retailers are presented with a great opportunity to engage with their consumers on a personal level. Zantler, an e-commerce company, has recently announced their social commerce platform, Shoppost, is available for retailers using Amazon Webstore. Through... [Read more]

‘Is Your Social Media Marketing Cart Before Your Horse?’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Mark Traphagen says, “Sure, you can put a cart before a horse — but why would you? People have been using horses to pull carts for a few thousand years now. It’s safe to say the generally-accepted methodology (horse, then cart) has been thoroughly tested and found to be the most effective. No sane person would put a cart before a horse, yet far... [Read more]

‘Facebook Continues March Into Autoplay Video Ads’ – Re/code

Kurt Wagner says, “Facebook expanded its video advertising offerings Tuesday, announcing that marketers can now feature autoplay video content within the service’s long-offered App Install ads. This is the first time Facebook has allowed autoplay video in this ad format, which encourages users to download the featured app directly within the... [Read more]

Heat Map Tracker: Know what’s working on your site and what isn’t #ad

Mark Thompson and his partner, Matt Callen have just announced that every website can use. It’s called Heat Map Tracker. With this new software, you can understand how visitors use your website. What pages do they visit, and what parts of the page do they use? This is the new 2.0 version, a major upgrade to the earlier version they released. With... [Read more]

‘Email Marketing: Monthly client-focused newsletter nets 37% open rate for dental technology company’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study

Erin Hogg says, “Having a growing company with more clients is great for business, but how can you keep that down-to-earth, friendly communication when your client list keeps expanding? Medix Dental adopted a monthly client and prospect newsletter with the goal of keeping the brand top-of-mind as well as to show its appreciation for clients. See how... [Read more]

‘Native Ads: A Thing of the Past (and Future)’ – Forrester

Carmine Lengua Jr says, “The term “selfie” entered our lexicon only recently, thanks to the ease with which they can be taken and distributed via cell phones and mobile data connections. But the practice of taking a photo of oneself is decidedly not a new phenomenon. Last week, I did something I don’t often find myself doing:... [Read more]

’17 SEO Myths to Leave Behind in 2015 [Free Ebook]’ – HubSpot

Erik Devaney says, “SEO is an evolving science. While some of the core principles will presumably stick around forever (e.g. creating high-quality content), the nuanced aspects of it are subject to continuous change. And as a result, many of the “proven” tactics people have used in the past (keyword stuffing, link schemes) are now... [Read more]

Make Good Money while Building a Massive Buyers List #ad

Have you ever noticed how most people are interested in getting something for nothing? That’s the principle behind the product samples that are handed out in supermarkets every weekend. If it’s free, many people will take it. But there’s a problem with that strategy. These people are interested in something free, but will they be actual... [Read more]

‘What Is the Value of Ranking First in an Amazon Search?’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “Some 35% of consumers, on average, click the first product listed on an Amazon shopping search results page, according to a recent report from Compete. The report was based on data from 75 million consumers who conducted at least one search on Amazon in September 2014. The analysis found that, on average, 35% of consumers click... [Read more]

‘Facebook Offers New Buying, Video & Targeting Options For Mobile App Ads’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Facebook today announced buying, video and targeting enhancements to its mobile app advertising program. Starting this week, advertisers will be able to buy app ads that are optimized for reach and frequency. “This allows advertisers to boost awareness while controlling how often someone sees an ad,” Facebook explained... [Read more]

‘The Most Important Lessons You Should Have Learned in 2014′ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Jerod Morris says, “For so many of us, the end of every year revolves around holiday celebrations and spending quality time with friends and family. As it should. But the end of the year is also a time for purposeful reflection — for considering the successes and failures of the year gone by, and for making sure that lessons have been learned... [Read more]

Link Indexr makes your site’s backlinks more valuable #ad

Yesterday, Link Indexr was announced by Joshua Zamora. The response has been substantial. Over 1000 copies of the various versions were sold in the first 8 hours. This software is designed to make sure that the sites that link to your site are, themselves, noticed (the formal word is “indexed”)... [Read more]

‘How owned Black Friday with agile marketing’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Graham Charlton says, “We like agile marketing here at Econsultancy. It’s a sign that an organisation has the right setup, as it can react quickly and take advantage of situations. It’s also often very clever and / or amusing. Here’s another example from Black Friday. Seeing that rivals’ sites were suffering under unexpected... [Read more]

‘Avoid Common Google Analytics Bugs and Misunderstandings that Lead to Bad Data’ – MOZ Blog

Craig Bradford says, “Problems in Google Analytics are causing you to get bad data, misunderstand reports and draw wrong conclusions. Many of these are not your fault, they’re due to settings, bugs and the configuration of Google Analytics. There are also some that are just easy to misunderstand and that I’ve seen trip up even experienced... [Read more]

‘2014 Black Friday & Cyber Monday E-Commerce Report: Online Orders Up 15.7% Over Last Year’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Amy Gesenhues says, “According to the National Retail Federation, in-store sales for the holiday weekend proved disappointing, but that doesn’t appear to be the case online. Predictive analytics platform Custora reports e-commerce revenue for Black Friday through Cyber Monday was up 15.4 percent – and orders up 15.7 percent – over last... [Read more]

The Automated Lead Machine: Get local business leads on autopilot #ad

Nobody likes to cold call on prospective clients. It's a waste of time, and let's face it, you get so many rejections, it's painful. Now, Jamie Garside has come up with a way you can cut out all that painful wasted time. In fact, this process is so powerful... [Read more]

‘Why You Should Attend LocalUp: 5 Reasons to Help You Make Your Case’ – MOZ Blog

David Mihm says, “Hopefully most of you already saw the announcement of our one-day conference coming in February: LocalUp Advanced. If not, here are the details: LocalUp Advanced Presented by Local U and Moz Saturday, February 7, 2015 The MozPlex, Seattle, WA $699 for Local U and Moz subscribers $999 general admission Tickets available here With... [Read more]

‘Sales Leaders Share the Toughest Lessons They’ve Learned’ – HubSpot

Ritika Puri says, “Success in sales is driven by personal experience — the customers you meet, the relationships you forge, and the mentors who guide you along the way. No matter how experienced you are, there is always a lesson to be learned. That’s what makes sales so exciting — as you meet new people, encounter new business... [Read more]

‘Get Tailored Content Marketing Advice When You Need It (And Save $100, This Week Only)’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Jerod Morris says, “Mike, Julie, and Darren have big ideas and want to grow their online businesses. And they have questions. Like you do. Like I do. Mike wants tips on how he can avoid getting distracted by the “‘Yo, try this!’ tsunami” (his words) and make smart decisions about what action he should take next. Julie wants to start... [Read more]

Social Bookmarking Backlinks: Get Indexed In just Hours #ad

James Howard has just released 'Social Bookmarking Backlinks', showing how you can quickly get noticed, and respected, by the search engines... [Read more]

‘Digital Media Buying Gets The ‘Programmatic’ Makeover’ – Forrester

Richard Joyce says, “If you are, like me, deeply involved with digital advertising, one of the industry mantras of the last few years was anything with a taste of “PROGRAMMATIC”. Yes, you can say it with me now: “PRO·GRAM·MAT·IC”. Ahhhh. In reality I think that we are only starting now to truly see programmatic methods and techniques... [Read more]

‘Why advertisers shouldn’t be afraid to pay more for programmatic ads’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Roy Rosemarin says, “The biggest misunderstanding about programmatic advertising is it’s a way to buy ads at a lower price, when it’s really about using data to determine the value of ads and pay accordingly. Recently there have been a number of large brands shifting digital budgets to programmatic advertising. However, some of these brands seem... [Read more]

‘Mixing Video With Email Marketing: Four Inspiring Examples’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Emily Konouchi says, “Video can be key to conversions and sales, a recent study confirms. For email marketers, using video should be a no-brainer, but the email-video combo still feels like a rare pairing. Only 25% of marketers surveyed last year reported that they used video in their marketing, and a quick look at my own inbox supports that... [Read more] Build mascots for your sites and your videos #ad

Mascots can be a big help to the success of a sales campaign. The Geico Gecko is an example familiar to US readers. Tony the Tiger still resonates, probably in Europe as well as the US... [Read more]


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