IM NewsWatch, December 18, 2015 - 'Keep it Simple, Make it Personal and Other Marketing Lessons Learned in 2015 – MarketingExperiments' and much more...

December 18th, 2015 at 8:52 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Friday, December 18, 2015

‘Your Holiday GIF Guide: Festive GIFs for Your Last-Minute Holiday Emails’ – Aweber Blog

Kristen Dunleavy says, “GIFs are more than wiggly cats and sassy pugs. They give us an easy way to communicate ideas, make emotional connections, and delight customers. Maybe that’s why 23 million GIFs are posted to Tumblr daily. With more and more marketers embracing GIFs, we thought we’d give you a little something to wow your subscribers... [Read more]

‘Build It And They Will Come: How to Design a Website With SEO in Mind’ – ‘’ Blog

Taylor Tomita says, “Search engine optimization (SEO) has always been apparent within the internet world, but as Google’s ranking factors have been streamlined with their frequent search algorithm updates, implementing SEO into a website is becoming increasingly necessary in today’s digitalized world. SEO is the process of setting up a website... [Read more]

‘How to Craft Your Video Content Marketing Strategy’ – ‘Small Business Trends’

Annie Pilon says, “Video is becoming an increasingly popular way for brands to reach target customers. Videos can help demonstrate products, explain processes and show off your brand’s personality in a way that can’t be done through a simple blog post or string of tweets. But using video effectively requires more than just uploading a few... [Read more]

TrafficShield: Stop Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks #ad

News reports suggest that 30,000 Web Sites are hacked every single day. If that doesn’t scare you, then you must not be marketing in the real online world. That statistic shows it is only a matter of time before the crooks come after your site. The Internet has never been more dangerous than it is today. Even if hackers don’t successfully... [Read more]

‘Pinterest turns to email to promote purchases from buyable pins’ – Internet Retailer

Zak Stambor says, “Pinterest is sending email notifications to shoppers when a buyable pin they’ve saved drops in price. Pinterest Inc. is turning to a relatively old-fashioned digital marketing channel, email, to help it drive sales directly on its platform. The social network today announced it will starting sending notification emails to... [Read more]

‘5 Free Influencer Outreach Templates for Your Content Campaigns’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Aaron Agius says, “Influencer outreach is critical for any content marketing campaign, because influencers expose your brand to a larger audience, and because your audience values endorsements from third parties — often more than they value your word alone. According to Zuberance, 92 percent of consumers trust brand advocates. Further,... [Read more]

‘Digital marketing incubation: How to develop a test & learn culture’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Evan Dunn says, “It’s no secret that it’s hard for large organizations to create meaningful, harmonious digital experiences for their customers. The constraints of legal, PR, YBO (Your Boss’s Opinion) and sometimes plain old bureaucracy are, for many companies, incredibly limiting. New ideas, new marketing initiatives, new advertising... [Read more]

WP Site Guardian, a hacker's nightmare #ad

Crooks and hackers are everywhere, it seems.  One of our servers was attacked Monday. Fortunately, we were protected, and no harm was done... [Read more]

‘Facebook’s Local Search Site Is “Early Test,” Company Doesn’t Seem Ready To Promote It’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Greg Sterling says, “Facebook says its Professional Services local search site is an “early test” and, after speaking with the company, it seems they’re not like to to give it much promotion — at least not now. Facebook told me that the site has been live for “about a month,” but there have been no blog posts or announcements. Facebook... [Read more]

‘How Blogger Outreach Can Help You Grow Your Ecommerce Business’ – Shopify

Jordan Simas says, “It’s hard to do things alone. Especially complicated things like growing an ecommerce business. When it comes to selling online, the more friends you have the better. Having connections who can talk up your product is essential to driving traffic to your site and increasing sales. This is where blogger outreach comes... [Read more]

‘Architect Your Predictive Analytics Capability To Unleash The Power Of Digital Business’ – Forrester

Charlie Dai says, “Predictive analytics has become the key to helping businesses — especially those in the highly dynamic Chinese market — create differentiated, individualized customer experiences and make better decisions. Enterprise architecture professionals must take a customer-oriented approach to developing their predictive analytics... [Read more]

How to write fiction for Kindle books #ad

Best-selling Kindle author Jenn Dize has put together a guide for beginners on 'Writing Kindle Fiction Made Easy'. Amazon sells many thousands of Kindle books every day, and a lot of them are fiction.  This is a big market for all kinds of fiction, and any author can find a niche that will be a good opportunity for expressing creativity... [Read more]

‘Want to Reach Female Consumers? First, Fix the Women in Advertising Problem’ – HubSpot

Jami Oetting says, “Women manage more than half of personal wealth in the U.S., drive up to 80% of all purchasing decisions, and control $20 trillion in consumer spending each year. Yet, the power of the female consumer isn’t reflected in the offices of either brands or their agencies. Reports estimate the percentage of female CMOs at anywhere... [Read more]

‘Keep it Simple, Make it Personal and Other Marketing Lessons Learned in 2015’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Andrea Johnson says, “There will always be new marketing technologies, strategies and tactics that promise to lure more customers than ever into the sale funnel. But here is what remains constant: No matter what tool you’re using, marketing must communicate the value that the customer wants. This was underscored by the latest MarketingExperiments... [Read more]

‘MozCast’s Year in Review (Infographic)’ – MOZ Blog

Dr. Peter J. Meyers says, “It’s been 3 1/2 years since we launched the MozCast project, and one request I hear a lot is if we can make more than 30 days worth of data available. So, working with Dave Snyder and the team atCopyPress, we’ve put together the highlights of 2014 and 2015 — the confirmed algorithm updates you already know,... [Read more]

A WordPress theme for marketing video sites #ad

If you want to take advantage of the current craze for video, either with your own videos or with ones you curate from elsewhere, you need a design that is customized for displaying videos... [Read more]

‘Take 15 Minutes to Find Your Winning Difference’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Sonia Simone says, “A unique selling proposition (USP) is the reason people do business with you and not someone else — a winning difference that sets you apart and makes you the only real choice. Traditional marketing advice will have you lock yourself in a cave for weeks listing all of the features of your business, translating them into... [Read more]

‘Do new features make Facebook a viable customer service platform?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Patricio Robles says, “Last week, Facebook revealed it is now home to 50m active business Pages. So it’s no surprise that the world’s largest social network is working to make itself more business-friendly. In August, Facebook unveiled messaging functionality for Pages to facilitate communication between users and businesses. A month... [Read more]

‘How Small Businesses Are Using YouTube to Find Customers’ – ‘Small Business Trends’

Anita Campbell says, “It’s no surprise that customers are doing more of their shopping on mobile devices. After all, the move toward mobile has been increasing for a few years now. What may be a bit of a surprise is where customers are starting their purchase journeys. One of the places they start is … YouTube. Yes, the mega-mammoth... [Read more]

Video Xtreme for YouTube marketing success #ad

Many YouTube courses online are created by people with little experience. Justin Sardi has been using paid traffic to build a stable, recurring business. He has taken everything he knows and created a course around it... [Read more]

‘7 Red Flags Your SEO Firm Is Going to Rip You Off’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Andrew Raso says, “If you’re in any kind of business, you’ve no doubt received plenty of unsolicited emails from companies trying to sell you search engine optimization (SEO) services or get you more customers by ranking your website higher. Unfortunately, this industry is bombarded with cowboys and churn-and-burn models, with 80 percent... [Read more]

‘4 Ways to Use Marketing Automation to Boost Leads and Conversions’ – ‘’ Blog

Daan Pepijn says, “As social media becomes a growing part of everyone’s daily lives, businesses will need to explore the gold mine of opportunities from platforms like Facebook and Twitter by opening a line of communication with customers. According to a report sponsored by Social Media Examiner in 2012, 94 percent of businesses with a marketing... [Read more]

‘Google: Demographics Not As Good As Intent (Search) For Mobile Targeting’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Greg Sterling says, “Facebook’s rich demographic and interest-based data have made it a powerful marketing platform and the major challenger to Google. But without mentioning Facebook by name, Google argues in a new “Think with Google” post that “consumer intent is more powerful than demographics” as a targeting methodology, especially... [Read more]

‘8 Ways to Improve Your Call-to-Action Copy to Get More Subscribers’ – Aweber Blog

Monica Montesa says, “When you created your sign up form, you probably spent the majority of your time writing the copy and fine-tuning the design. But how much time did you spend thinking about the copy on your call-to-action (CTA) button? If you defaulted to the usual “submit” or “sign up” copy, chances are it didn’t take much time... [Read more]

‘Six Ways to Include Video in Your Marketing Strategy’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Sarah Quinn says, “With 79% of Internet traffic expected to consist of video by 2018, there’s little disputing that video has a bright future in marketing. Video content is engaging and easy to consume, and it helps you connect to the people that matter most—your audience. But how can you get the full benefits of video? Take a look at... [Read more]

‘Do You Need To Better Prioritize Your Digital Marketing Efforts?’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Matt Umbro says, “Client relations can sour for a number of reasons. Perhaps performance is lagging or communication isn’t clear. Whatever the reason, more often than not, poor client relations result from the account manager’s inability to present and execute a viable strategy. Simply put, if the work process and deliverables are suspect,... [Read more]

‘5 Brick and Mortar Tactics That Help Boost Online Holiday Sales’ – ‘’ Blog

Laura Hampton says, “Christmas has always been a key sales period for retailers. For as long as most of us can remember, stores have tried to capitalize on increased footfall and the generosity of the festive season through the promotion of sales and special offers. Today, online commerce has opened up so many new possibilities for retailers... [Read more]


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