IM NewsWatch, December 17, 2015 - '4 Tips for Competing with Mega Stores This Holiday Season – HubSpot' and much more...

December 17th, 2015 at 9:16 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Thursday, December 17, 2015

‘Six Ways to Include Video in Your Marketing Strategy’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Sarah Quinn says, “With 79% of Internet traffic expected to consist of video by 2018, there’s little disputing that video has a bright future in marketing. Video content is engaging and easy to consume, and it helps you connect to the people that matter most—your audience. But how can you get the full benefits of video? Take a look at... [Read more]

‘Do You Need To Better Prioritize Your Digital Marketing Efforts?’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Matt Umbro says, “Client relations can sour for a number of reasons. Perhaps performance is lagging or communication isn’t clear. Whatever the reason, more often than not, poor client relations result from the account manager’s inability to present and execute a viable strategy. Simply put, if the work process and deliverables are suspect,... [Read more]

‘5 Brick and Mortar Tactics That Help Boost Online Holiday Sales’ – ‘’ Blog

Laura Hampton says, “Christmas has always been a key sales period for retailers. For as long as most of us can remember, stores have tried to capitalize on increased footfall and the generosity of the festive season through the promotion of sales and special offers. Today, online commerce has opened up so many new possibilities for retailers... [Read more]

Don’t let your site get hacked (again?) #ad

Crooks and hackers are everywhere, it seems. One of our servers was attacked Monday. Fortunately, we were protected, and no harm was done. Are you protected? WordPress sites are especially vulnerable, and you need to take extra precautions to assure that no one can penetrate your defenses. There are several good security tools for WordPress, but one... [Read more]

‘Facebook Testing New Search Tool That Sorts Businesses Based on Reviews’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Entrepreneur team says, “Facebook Inc. has quietly debuted a feature that helps users find local businesses based on customer reviews, bringing it in direct competition with similar services from Yelp Inc. and Angie’s List Inc. The service has been operational on the social-networking site since last month, is available globally and can... [Read more]

‘4 Tips for Competing with Mega Stores This Holiday Season’ – HubSpot

Morgan Jacobson says, “Would you believe that 15% of midsize businesses won’t spend any additional marketing money this holiday season? When you consider that many of the efforts made will place them up against some of the biggest names in ecommerce, it’s easy to see why they’d rather just go along with business as usual. To compete with... [Read more]

‘Is lack of strategy really killing conversion rate optimisation?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Ben Davis says, “Do you know any conversion rate optimisation nuts? It’s likely you do, and that in itself is strange. Why should improving the efficiency of your marketing online be an acquired taste, like rugby league or larping? One of the alarming findings of Econsultancy’s Conversion Rate Optimisation Report (in association with RedEye)... [Read more]

Writing Kindle Fiction Made Easy #ad

Best-selling Kindle author Jenn Dize has put together a guide for beginners on 'Writing Kindle Fiction Made Easy'. Amazon sells many thousands of Kindle books every day, and a lot of them are fiction.  This is a big market for all kinds of fiction, and any author can find a niche that will be a good opportunity for expressing creativity... [Read more]

‘SMS Has Eight Times Email Engagement Rate’ – MediaPost

Jack Loechner says, “According to a new report from Silverpop/IBM Marketing Cloud, 8.6 trillion text messages are sent every year on average, including 6 billion per day in the United States alone. Consumers are carrying their mobile devices with them day and night, using them to engage with brands in ways never imagined even a decade ago. With... [Read more]

‘The Day Remarketing Changed Forever’ – MOZ Blog

Ciaran Murphy says, “Today, we’re talking about June 25th, 2015: the day Google AdWords changed forever to allow Analytics remarketing audiences to be available for advertisers on search. In our video blog, we’ll begin by telling you why this is important and explain some problems it solves. We’ll give you some examples of how... [Read more]

‘4 Simple eCommerce Mistakes Cost Us $200,000: Don’t Let Them Happen to You’ – ‘’ Blog

Ryne Landers says, “A crack team of web analytics gurus build an innovative eCommerce website valued at $200K to sell salon furnishings. Instant success story, right? Not so much. Here’s an unpopular opinion with potential to increase your sales: Silence your designer. This advice goes against every piece of content dedicated to eCommerce... [Read more]

A WordPress theme for marketing video sites #ad

If you want to take advantage of the current craze for video, either with your own videos or with ones you curate from elsewhere, you need a design that is customized for displaying videos... [Read more]

‘Emails Looking Funny in Outlook? Try These 7 Tricks for Making Them More Presentable’ – HubSpot

Christine Ianni says, “If you experience both pain and relief when reading the title of this post, you’re in the right place. As marketers, there’s a story that we know all too well. It starts with a meticulously planned email campaign, a carefully selected group of recipients, and a beloved email template to deliver your content exactly as... [Read more]

‘Facebook Rolls Out Instant Articles For All Android Users’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Facebook today took the next step toward a full rollout of Instant Articles, announcing that the fast-loading format is now available to people using Android devices. The Android launch comes nearly two months after the launch on iOS, and gives publishers with access to the format access to nearly all of the 1.39 billion people... [Read more]

‘Four top pricing hacks for online retailers’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Arie Shpanya says, “Pricing hacks are small tactics that can make big impacts on your ecommerce sales. If you’re a retailer, the idea of trying something new might warrant a bit of caution moving forward. Doing things the old way is safe, and you don’t have to worry about garnering unfavorable results. But the safe road isn’t... [Read more]

Video Xtreme for YouTube marketing success #ad

Many YouTube courses online are created by people with little experience. Justin Sardi has been using paid traffic to build a stable, recurring business. He has taken everything he knows and created a course around it... [Read more]

‘Don’t Let It Happen to You: Mistakes That Guarantee Facebook Contest Failure’ – ‘’ Blog

Marisa Sanfilippo says, “Remember when Facebook used to require the use of an app to run a contest? If you’re shaking your head yes, then you’ve been using Facebook for Business for more than a year now. If you have a puzzled looking on your face, let me tell you, that ‘struggle was real.’ While Facebook may have changed the way it allows... [Read more]

‘B2C Industries That Get the Most Engagement on Social Media’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “Automakers have the most engaged audiences on social media of any B2C industry, according to a recent report from TrackMaven. The report was based on data from content posted by 213 leading B2C brands on Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter between January 1, 2015 and October 31, 2015. The data set included... [Read more]

’24 Clever 404 Error Pages From Real Websites’ – HubSpot

Rachel Sprung says, “Website uptime — the amount of time a business’ website is up and functioning — is an important metrics for marketers and IT professionals to track. But no matter how many resources you put into ensuring your website never, ever, ever goes down … there’s always the looming possibility that it... [Read more]

Total FB Takeover: Free traffic from Facebook #ad

Simon Harries is a Facebook marketer of considerable experience. He has uncovered a method for creating a large group of followers in Facebook without using any paid ads... [Read more]

‘The Best (And Worst) In Marketing Of 2015’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

David Rodnitzky says, “As we close 2015, I thought I’d review some of the highs and lows of the year in marketing and give out a few virtual awards to the companies and trends that resonated the most. Without further ado, welcome to the first edition of the D-Rod Awards! Words In the Category of “Words,” the word of the year goes to (drumroll)…... [Read more]

‘Digital marketing incubation: How to develop a test & learn culture’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Evan Dunn says, “It’s no secret that it’s hard for large organizations to create meaningful, harmonious digital experiences for their customers. The constraints of legal, PR, YBO (Your Boss’s Opinion) and sometimes plain old bureaucracy are, for many companies, incredibly limiting. New ideas, new marketing initiatives, new advertising... [Read more]

‘How to Evolve From Selling ‘Widgets’ to ‘Wisdom’’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

George Debb says, “I’ve previously written about the 1,024 different types of salespeople there are and the difference between selling simple products vs. ones that are much more complex and consultative in nature. I like to call this the difference between selling “widgets” vs. selling “wisdom.” So, what follows are some further... [Read more]

‘Easy Ways to Get Happy Customer to Write Online Reviews’ – ‘’ Blog

Nico Dato says, “Online reviews can be difficult to get from your customers. But, with 92 percent of consumers now reading online reviews, generating them is no longer an option. For many businesses, the only time they get online reviews is when disgruntled customers go online and voice their discontent. For others, employee contests, printed... [Read more]

‘4 Ways to Integrate Instagram Ads Into Your Marketing’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Mike Templeman says, “Content marketing has evolved from a buzzword into a major component of marketing strategies for companies of all sizes. Thirty-seven percent of business-to-consumer (B2C) marketers have a documented content marketing strategy, and 61 percent of the most-effective business-to-business (B2B) marketers meet daily or weekly... [Read more]

‘Hot Marketing Trends You Need to Know for 2016’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Verónica Maria Jarski says, “Understanding the following hot marketing trends and planning for them can help you succeed in 2016. One hot trend is virtual reality. “As virtual reality becomes scaled and highly adopted, it will seamlessly integrate digital imagery with the real world—significantly impacting how you can engage customers,”... [Read more]


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