IM NewsWatch, December 12, 2014 - 'HTTP/2: A Fast, Secure Bedrock for the Future of SEO – MOZ' and much more...

December 12th, 2014 at 8:35 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Friday, December 12

‘7 Effective Ecommerce Product Pages: How to Turn Visitors into Customers’ – Shopify

Tucker Schreiber says, “First impressions are everything. Many store owners spend time tweaking their homepage, but often forget about the importance of a well designed product page. Choosing an appropriate way to showcase your products is essential, as it can either drive users to continue to checkout, or click away from your store. In this... [Read more]

‘Tip for 2015: Move the Customer Journey to Center Stage’ – Silverpop Blog

Ellen Valentine says, “Would you consider your marketing practices traditional, mainstream or leading? For marketing traditionalists, digital marketing technology is still primarily used for broadcast emails, and each marketing channel – whether online or offline – remains siloed. Some of these marketers have become quite sophisticated in testing,... [Read more]

‘What’s the State of Marketing in 2015? New Industry Survey Reveals Key Trends’ – ‘StrongView’ Blog

Jason Klein says, “The results of StrongView’s annual Marketing Trends Survey are in and email retains the top spot for increased investment in 2015, followed by social media and mobile marketing. Overall, the majority of marketers (54%) are increasing their budgets in 2015 – and that’s a healthy 17% increase of 2014. The results are... [Read more]

Comment Maximiser nurtures your Facebook fans, improves engagement #ad

Aravindh Sridhar has found a way get the hottest traffic on Facebook and he does it for free. If you think Facebook marketing is complicated, Sridhar may be able to help. There’s a lot of jargon surrounding Facebook, but if you strip it all away, it just comes down to engagement with your fans. Sridhar says that the more you engage with your audience,... [Read more]

‘4 lessons on leadership from today’s leading female marketers’ – ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog

Emma Yousif says, “The marketing industry has long been defined by the strong, smart and savvy thought leaders behind the leading brands. In recent years, we have seen a slight shift: From CMO’s to SVP’s, many of today’s marketing leaders are women. In order to get an inside look at how female leaders can bring unique and effective influence... [Read more]

‘Running an Email A/B Test? How to Determine Your Sample Size & Testing Time Frame’ – HubSpot

Ginny Soskey says, “Do you remember your first A/B test on email? I do. (Nerdy, I know.) I felt simultaneously thrilled and terrified because I knew I had to actually use some of what I learned in college stats for my job. I sat on the cusp of knowing just enough about statistics that it could be dangerous. For instance, I knew that you... [Read more]

‘Three Surprising Ways You Can Use PPC to Enhance Your Content Marketing’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Adam Lundquist says, “Though pay-per-click (PPC) advertising and content marketing appear to be marketing islands unto themselves, many smart marketers use PPC to enhance their content marketing efforts. Both tactics are useful on their own, but when you combine them you create a powerful marketing double-team that allows you to use the reach... [Read more]

Optin Overdrive: Get more subscribers every day #ad

Matt Bacak and Eric Graham are online marketers, and, more than that, they are list builders. The have built multiple lists of thousands of subscribers. They are ready, now, to share their secrets to non-stop list building with you in Optin Overdrive They recorded a recent conversation they had about how to build mailing lists. They share what actually... [Read more]

‘Is Your Website Visual Nirvana?’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Derek S. says, “When designing a website the smallest piece of forgotten or incorrectly written code can take it from visual nirvana to disorganized mess. Unfortunately with websites requiring hundreds to even thousands lines of code designers are bound to make at least a few mistakes. To help designers recognize their mistakes Equafy, a cross... [Read more]

‘World Wide Web inventor says Internet should be ‘human right’’ – ‘Mashable’

Mashable team says, “The computer scientist credited with inventing the World Wide Web says affordable access to the Internet should be recognized as a human right, as a report showed that billions of people still cannot go online and government surveillance and censorship are increasing. SEE ALSO: There won’t be a net neutrality decision... [Read more]

‘Abandonment = Opportunity: Five Tips to Boost Remarketing Revenue’ – Return Path

Margaret Farmakis With the holiday season fast approaching, the countdown timer ticking toward Black Friday and Cyber Monday and visions of overflowing online shopping carts dancing in many email marketers’ heads, I decided to get into the festive spirit as only one possessing email intelligence can: by focusing on remarketing. There’s no more effective... [Read more]

If a Grandma can do it, you can too #ad

Jeremy Kennedy’s mom has had health problems all her life. She lovingly reared her children even when it hurt. And now she is the grandma to Jeremy’s children. She taught them about hard work and diligence and to always, above all else, treat others as they would want to be treated. Due to her health, she had to quit her job, and, to help... [Read more]

‘Facebook Launches Call-to-Action Buttons on Business Pages’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “Great news, marketers: Facebook just announced a feature that can help drive more traffic from your Facebook Page to your website: a call-to-action button. While this feature isn’t available to everyone just yet, it’ll roll out in the U.S. over the next few weeks and worldwide starting in 2015. So if you... [Read more]

‘Social media stats: end-of-year state of play’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Christopher Ratcliff says, “As we barrel towards the end of 2014, let’s round-up how all the major players in the social web currently stand. Has the mighty Facebook finally been usurped by a hipper, younger network? Has Snapchat brought a rain of fire down on its instant messaging competition? Has Ello caused enough of a stir to worry the more... [Read more]

‘Web Optimization: 3 strategies to improve testing operations at your company’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Erin Hogg says, “In a previous blog post, we detailed how Felix + Iris, a newly launched eyewear ecommerce site, made simple tweaks to its hero unit to improve home try-on conversion 72%. In this blog post, read about how the Felix + Iris marketing team has embraced testing, and how the team shares results throughout the company. Read on to hear... [Read more]

Plugin Blueprint: how you can create and market WP plugins #ad

Derrick VanDyke is known to many of our readers. He is the creator of several software products and training products. His specialty is software. He is a PHP programmer, but he no longer does his own programming... [Read more]

‘Inbound Marketing: The top three tactics from MarketingSherpa case studies in 2014’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study

Courtney Eckerle says, “Marketers in 2014 focused on innovation — on applying new content practices into older processes and reinvigorating different aspects of their marketing programs with inbound tactics. Featured in today’s final MarketingSherpa Inbound Marketing Newsletter of the year are articles that display the best of what your peers... [Read more]

‘HTTP/2: A Fast, Secure Bedrock for the Future of SEO’ – MOZ Blog

Billy Hoffman says, “In prior articles, we’ve written extensively about website performance and securing your website, both factors Google has publicly announced as search ranking factors. These articles provide extensive tips using existing tools and technologies to improve your site performance and security (tips we highly recommend you... [Read more]

‘See the Agenda for MarTech: The Marketing Tech Conference’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Marketing Land team says, “Marketing is now a technology-powered discipline… a new world of experience-enhancing capabilities that challenge marketing organizations to reinvent their strategies, operations, technologies and talent. Join us for MarTech: The Marketing Tech Conference, March 31-April 1 in San Francisco, produced by Marketing Land... [Read more]

My Video Pal: your solution for professional animated videos #ad

My Video Pal v.3 allows you to create professional animated videos that will grab your viewer's attention and make them listen to what you have to say by using software that you probably have it on your computer right now... [Read more]

‘Three key insights from our The Past, Present and Future of Website Optimisation report’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Christopher Ratcliff says, “The increased understanding and use of testing is giving companies more ability to tailor customer experiences in an improved, genuinely personalised way. Serving each segment a tailored experience also has the future potential to raise conversion levels even higher than the 7-10% uplift reported in 2014. This comes from... [Read more]

‘Explore Trending & Recommended Posts at Tumblr’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Allison Howen says, “Tumblr has been busy rolling out updates as of late, with the newest one being an “Explore” feature to help users discover content. The new feature is visible at the top of the dashboard under a new compass icon. According to Tumblr, the feature will help users find a variety of content, including recommended posts that... [Read more]

‘9 Sales Trends That Defined 2014′ – HubSpot

Emma Snider says, “The end of the year presents a unique vantage point — a perfect time to look both forward and backward. That is, if you have time to look up at all in the mad dash to make your annual goal. With 2014 almost behind us, we asked sales experts to weigh in on what they thought were the top sales trends of the year. Take a... [Read more]

InstaBuilder builds marketing websites by Drag-And-Drop #ad

The brand new 'InstaBuilder 2.0' is a "no tech skills needed" online marketer's answer to the toughest site building problems. You can literally know almost nothing about technology and still succeed in creating a professional looking and acting website. Any marketer can use it and get a site running in minutes... [Read more]

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