IM NewsWatch, December 11, 2015 - 'Expand Your Reach: Facebook Video Hacks and Tools –' and much more...

December 11th, 2015 at 9:15 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Friday, December 11, 2015

‘Boost Your Blog Traffic: How to Safely Build Backlinks’ – ‘’ Blog

Sherry Gray says, “Once upon a time, Google guru Matt Cutts said “Okay, I’m calling it: if you’re using guest blogging as a way to gain links in 2014, you should probably stop,” and the SEO community lost its collective mind. The discussion raged, with experts on both sides of the fence writing posts about the death – or not – of... [Read more]

‘4 Marketing Tactics for Appealing to Generation Z’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Christie Garton says, “With $200 billion in buying power, it’s no wonder millennials have been the “holy grail” consumer for many brands. While millennials continue to be an important market for companies, a new purchasing powerhouse is demanding attention: Gen Z, the generation encompassing kids born between the mid 1990s and the present.... [Read more]

‘Marketers, You’re Doing Mobile Wrong: Six Steps for Doing It Right’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Eric Holmen says, “From Google’s Mobilegeddon to Facebook’s Hello, the tech giants have made one thing clear to brands: If you’re not prioritizing mobile, you’re falling behind. Today, there are 2.8 billion Internet users; meanwhile, mobile phone users have reached 5.2 billion—an impressive 73% of the world’s population. As... [Read more]

VideoX launches at 11 AM; YouTube marketing upended #ad

Over the last few days we have told you about the training videos (case studies of successful YouTube ads). These case studies were produced by Neil Napier and Justin Sardi. Yesterday afternoon, they released their third case study here: Video Introduction to YouTube Advertising. This one is about eCommerce, to show you how they revived a dead eCommerce... [Read more]

‘Exclusive: Twitter’s Richard Alfonsi Talks Direct Response Advertising Growth Efforts’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Ginny Marvin says, “Over the past couple of years, Twitter has been investing in products for direct response advertisers to spearhead revenue growth. Twitter’s initial ad products — Promoted Tweets, promoted accounts and later, Amplify for video — primarily addressed upper-funnel efforts. In an interview with Marketing Land, Richard... [Read more]

‘Personality-Matched Ads: How Hilton Worldwide effectively personalized its marketing messages’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Liva LaMontagne says, “From previous posts on Big Five personality research in marketing we know that different personalities prefer different images and messages in ads. Personalizing ads based on personality can yield a high return on your marketing investment. Today let’s look at a study comparing the clickthrough rates of personality-matched... [Read more]

‘Content Marketing Rules, But We Should Not Call It “Marketing Content”’ – Forrester

Peter O’Neill says, “At Forrester, Research Directors do many things around the research process. We help analysts to establish a research agenda and keep them current for the next 12 months – we negotiate the report outlines, edit the drafts, and share the research and reports around other parts of Forrester to ensure consistency. Then,... [Read more]

Total FB Takeover: Free traffic from Facebook #ad

Simon Harries is a Facebook marketer of considerable experience. He has uncovered a method for creating a large group of followers in Facebook without using any paid ads... [Read more]

‘Publishers: Thinking of Incorporating Ecommerce Into Your Business?’ – HubSpot

Corey Beale says, “It’s no secret that the digital media industry needs new business models. As our 2014 Digital Publishing Benchmarks Report points out, digital media companies are operating in a volatile time of transition and discovery. The biggest challenge? It’s a time of uncertainty. Publishers know that ad revenues are on the decline,... [Read more]

‘Is Pinterest or Instagram better for driving ecommerce?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Georges Berzgal says, “Marketers are very aware of the potential that social media holds for ecommerce retailers. In particular, Pinterest and Instagram are proving to be popular with many brands, as the image-based networks enable them to provide engaging content directly to consumer’s devices. However, what hasn’t always been obvious is... [Read more]

‘A Practical Approach to Using Powerful Cornerstone Content on Your Site’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Pamela Wilson says, “We’ve been talking about cornerstone content a lot lately. Not sure what cornerstone content is? Here’s a quick explanation: Website owners use cornerstone content to answer the fundamental questions their newest prospects have. Cornerstone pages are informative, instructive, and they help your prospects understand the... [Read more]

Traffic and lead Generation: free online sales videos #ad

Neil Napier and Justin Sardi have released their second training video on using YouTube ads to build your traffic and conversions for your online business.  This new video shows you a step-by-step method to increase your traffic to your site by using re-targeting... [Read more]

‘Goodbye Internet Explorer, Hello Microsoft Edge’ – MOZ Blog

Billy Hoffman says, “With the release of Windows 10, the general public can now use Microsoft Edge, Microsoft’s new flagship web browser. Microsoft is striking out in new directions with Edge — they’re deprecating Internet Explorer for all modern platforms. Such a drastic change is rare in the web development world, so it makes... [Read more]

‘Expand Your Reach: Facebook Video Hacks and Tools’ – ‘’ Blog

Mari Smith says, “Facebook video views are growing at a very rapid rate. On Facebook’s Q3 earnings call, the company announced it sees an average of eight BILLION video views per day. This is double from four billion since April 2015. Keep in mind, Facebook counts just 3 seconds as a view. Nonetheless, clearly, Facebook users are voracious... [Read more]

‘The Email Templates That Helped Close $100,000 Deals’ – HubSpot

Rachel MacDonald says, “This morning I opened my email and saw the following: Dear sir, For only $500 I can help your company grow. Please respond immediately for more information. Delete. Not only did they get my gender wrong, but there is no obvious value in this email. They didn’t tell me how they can help my company grow, they just told... [Read more]

5K Formula System: New Instant Commission System #ad

Matthew Neer reports that he makes good money in affiliate marketing, and he does it mostly on autopilot. In fact, he says that he earned over $400,000 last year, alone. He is hoping to grow it to over $1 Million this year. To scale it up to that size he needs help, so he is offering you an opportunity to share in this success, as his affiliate... [Read more]

‘US Digital Advertising Revenues Hit $15 Billion For Another Record Quarter [IAB]’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Ginny Marvin says, “Another quarter, another record for internet advertising revenues. US internet advertising revenues reached $15 billion in Q3 2015, according to the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and PwC US. That’s a five-percent increase from the previous quarter and a year-over-year increase of 23 percent from the third quarter... [Read more]

‘Are publishers in a losing battle with content distribution platforms?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Patricio Robles says, “Third-party distribution channels are increasingly prominent part of the digital publishing landscape, but instead of rejecting channels that don’t offer full ownership and control, many publishers are embracing them. Case in point: Snapchat Discover, an exclusive, invite-only offering, has major publishers clamoring... [Read more]

‘Online display and social media advertising will account for nearly a quarter of total European advertising revenue by 2020′ – Forrester

Samantha Merlivat says, “Combined, online display and social media advertising spend will double between 2015 and 2020, growing from €14.4 billion to €28.7 billion. Among the factors driving growth, the combination of mobile and premium video advertising will drive an upsurge in demand for both online display and social advertising. Advertisers... [Read more]

Marketing App Fire Sale: 3 for The Price of 1 #ad

For successful marketing in the crowded Internet, your sites need to look fresh, with an up-to-date style, appropriate for 2016. Your visitors need to understand that you are a savvy marketer and pay more attention to what you say... [Read more]

‘4 Tips for Managing a Seasonal Sales Cycle’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Marc Glazer says, “What do you do if your small business stops generating revenue, even for a few weeks? Many small business owners find this question difficult to answer, especially if they operate in traditionally seasonal industries such as retail, food and hospitality. Every business has good months and bad months, but some businesses... [Read more]

‘Before You Worry About Ad-Blocking Apps, Consider These Four Tips’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Chris Lucas says, “nless you’re still relying on skywriting as your primary advertising method, you’ve most likely heard that Apple’s new iOS 9 operating system allows the downloading (and use) of ad-blocking apps from the App Store. Android has quickly followed suit by allowing the most popular ad-blocking software into the... [Read more]

‘What the Numbers Say: Is Video Marketing Really Effective?’ – ‘’ Blog

Matt Byrom says, “It’s no secret that video marketing has exploded in a BIG way. Experts reckon that video now accounts for at least half of all internet traffic, and there are suggestions that by 2018, that will have soared to a phenomenal 79 percent. And, with 93 percent of marketers using video for online marketing, sales and communication,... [Read more]

‘5 Steps to Close Deals Like Crazy Before the End of 2015’ – HubSpot

Conner Burt says, “As Q4 winds to an end, there are inevitably open deals needing to be shut and (hopefully) shoved into the “closed-won” bucket. Just one problem — this is far easier said than done. Below are a few tips I gave the sales team on closing before the opening of Q1 2016. 1) Adjust your mindset. Have you ever... [Read more]

‘Marketing Relationship Platform BuzzStream Unveils Search Engine For Influencers’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Barry Levine says, “Awhile back, BuzzStream co-founder and CEO Paul May told me, his company put out an Advertising Guide to Content Promotion. They wanted to promote it, and they began looking online for people who have written about that topic. They used Google and BuzzSumo, a tool that allows a marketer to find the best-performing content on... [Read more]

‘Can companies protect their reputations from fake online reviews?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Patricio Robles says, “When it comes to managing their online reputations, businesses face numerous challenges. Thanks to the popularity of online reviews and social platforms that can give average consumers a large voice, negative online buzz can cause real damage to a company and its brand. And in the case of small businesses, negative online... [Read more]

‘A Look Inside: What Will Be the Big Online Marketing Trends for 2016?’ – ‘’ Blog

Seth Rand says, “Well, 2016 is quickly approaching. It’s time to assess what happened in the online world in 2015. We need to start looking towards the trends that we can expect to see in the coming year. Without further ado, here are my predictions for the dominating search engines, changes in mobile traffic, and the forecasted trends... [Read more]

‘’Like’ is More than a Button: 3 Must-Have Ingredients for Your About Page’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Aaron Orendorff says, “Know, like and trust: Those three little words are easily the most quoted formula in the world of sales, marketing, and leadership. They’re also the most difficult to get right. Why? Because even though Facebook and now Twitter have forever enshrined the second of those three words — “Like” — into our... [Read more]

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