IM NewsWatch, December 10, 2014 - 'How to Automate Your Social Media Marketing – Business 2 Community' and much more...

December 10th, 2014 at 9:19 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, December 10

‘Mobile to boost growth in global ad market over next four years’ – ‘Mashable’

Jason Abbruzzese says, “Mobile advertising will account for the vast majority of growth in the global ad market in the next four years, according to a report released by eMarketer. A new projection highlights the importance of digital devices in the world’s advertising industry, the growth of which is projected to come primarily through mobile... [Read more]

‘Top Security Tips for Your WordPress Site’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

InTheGrid says, “securing your blog is not an easy task and however at the same time it doesn’t have to be a complicated task and should be one that you take very seriously. If you’re doing any level of business or you plan to grow your blog and you haven’t considered security yet, then now is the time to sit down and make things happen. The... [Read more]

‘3 Organizational Commitments Required For Marketing Success’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Mary Wallace says, “For hundreds of years, marketers have tried to get the right message to the right person at the right time. And for most of that time, there was little change in how this took place. But in the digital age, this paradigm has shifted drastically. With the internet, buyers can and do their own product research. They are no longer... [Read more]

InstaBuilder builds marketing websites by Drag-And-Drop #ad

The brand new InstaBuilder 2.0 is a “no tech skills needed” online marketer’s answer to the toughest site building problems. You can literally know almost nothing about technology and still succeed in creating a professional looking and acting website. Any marketer can use it and get a site running in minutes. Here are some of its... [Read more]

‘A Little Effort Goes a Long Way With Sales Emails’ – HubSpot

Megan Tonzi says, “Bad sales emails are like gum stuck to the bottom of your shoe: You think you’ve scraped it all off … until the next day, when you realize your shoe is still sticky. It just doesn’t go away, and neither do poor sales emails — they seem especially endless this time of the year. The other week, I received a sales... [Read more]

‘Facebook: Our video strategy is all about content discovery’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

David Moth says, “Facebook has been pushing hard to dislodge YouTube as the king of social video in 2014 and so far it’s made excellent headway. And for the cynics among you – yes, a lot of it has to do with autoplay videos. According to comScore, in August Facebook achieved a billion more desktop video views than YouTube, though that obviously... [Read more]

‘The Plethora Of Sales Enablement Automation: How Do You Stay In Control?’ – Forrester

Peter O’Neill says, “I had great fun presenting our sales enablement (SE) execution landscape to Forrester clients last week in our regular client webinar service— an idea partly based on a report we published in September. That report introduced the concept of “the supply chain for successful sales conversations” and categorized... [Read more]

OptinSkin split-tests your Optin forms, much more #ad

At 11 AM EST, the most flexible optin form builder we have ever seen will go on a year-end special sale. It’s called OptinSkin, and IM NewsWatch is using it on every page. OptinSkin works with all popular email marketing services. In fact, it allows web forms from hundreds of different email marketing services, including AWeber, GetResponse, MailChimp,... [Read more]

‘B2B Email Marketing: Ferguson Rewards trade show optimization achieves over $10 million’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study

Erin Hogg says, “At MarketingSherpa Email Summit 2015, attendees will hear how Ferguson Enterprises generated more than $10 million and growing in online sales by enriching the customer experience. Mary Abrahamson, Email Marketing Specialist, Ferguson, will take the stage to share the customer journey of two personas as they move through the sales... [Read more]

‘How to Automate Your Social Media Marketing the Right Way in 2015’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Azure Collier says, “This year, I was fortunate to have a number of opportunities to speak with small business owners about the different ways they’re using social media to market their businesses. I’ve had the chance to answer a lot of social media questions, and have also learned a lot about how business owners are using these different networks... [Read more]

‘The Un-Checkbox Approach to Content Marketing’ – MOZ Blog

Isla McKetta says, “You may have noticed a trend in the blog posts I’ve written for Moz lately: When Is a Blog the Right Form of Content Marketing? A Content Strategy Template You Can Build On “But How Do I Know if It’s Good?” How You Can Evaluate Content Quality (and Ditch Content Anxiety) Is that Mind-Blowing Title... [Read more]

AuthoritySnap ranks pages on page 1 in days (or even hours) #ad

Wyatt Jozwowski has released AuthoritySnap and for today only, he is offering a special introductory price. Jozwowski has found a “loophole” that Google intentionally provides. And Jozwowski takes full advantage of it. He places pages on the top authority sites in the world that allow user input. Then he quickly and easily sees the rank... [Read more]

‘How do product recommendations influence buyer behavior?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Pratik Dholakiya says, “From the original matching algorithms to show similar products to the sophisticated machine learning technology that now harnesses user behavior insights, the world of recommendations has changed immensely. Over the years, online shoppers have gotten more and more used to seeing and acting upon product recommendations. Indeed,... [Read more]

‘Twitter Enables Ad Targeting Based On Mobile App Actions’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Twitter today announced that it’s giving mobile app advertisers a way to fine tune their ad targeting, allowing the creation of audience segments based on app actions such as install, purchase or sign-up. The basic idea is to help advertisers focus on reaching people who are most likely to engage and enable the exclusion... [Read more]

‘One Simple Landing Page Tip That Boosts Conversions’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Leo Strupczewski says, “To generate new leads with your content marketing, you can do one of two things: hope someone finds your content, or take steps to introduce them to it. A lot of people prefer the latter, because advertising your content can be incredibly effective. How you do that—it could be paid search, email newsletter sponsorships,... [Read more]

Video Suite Pro: Better videos for better sales #ad

Video on your website is the single most helpful thing you can do to build your business, if the videos are well done. Videos: Explain things that are hard to explain any other way. Keep people's attention and keep them on your site longer... [Read more]

‘What the Collaborative Economy Means to Marketers’ – HubSpot

Jeremiah Owyang says, “When you think of the “collaborative economy,” chances are, you picture people sharing their cars, homes, and money. But that’s not the only thing people are sharing. Now, more and more people are sharing their time. They’re sharing their time to do small projects like deliveries, or they’re helping other businesses... [Read more]

‘Five rules to better leverage online reviews’ – ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog

Amanda Brief says, “Consumer-generated reviews are now the most influential form of social media. Bill Tancer, our resident data expert and author of Everyone’s a Critic – Winning Customers in a Review-Driven World sat down to discuss how businesses can leverage online reviews to their advantage, especially during the critical holiday season. To... [Read more]

‘The #LocalUp Advanced 2015 Agenda Is Here’ – MOZ Blog

Erica McGillivray says, “You may heard that in partnership with Local U, we’re putting on a local SEO conference called LocalUp Advancedon Saturday, February 7. We’re super-thrilled to be able to dive more into the local SEO space and bring you top speakers in the field for a one-day knowledge explosion. We’re expecting around... [Read more]

CPA Income Boss: Each 60 Minute Campaign Generates $20 A Day #ad

Jason Finley has been a CPA marketer for quite a while, and he has gotten good at it. Now, in 'CPA Income Boss', he is offering to show you exactly how to set up simple little CPA campaigns that generate over $20 a day, every single day, for each one you set up... [Read more]

‘15 fascinating insights from Econsultancy’s 2014 reports’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Christopher Ratcliff says, “We’re not just a pretty face. As a regular visitor to the blog, you’ll no doubt be aware of the magnificent free content on offer to you from our small band of marketing and digital experts here on the blog. This is just scratching the surface of what Econsultancy has to offer though… If you scroll up to the... [Read more]

‘Ultimate List of All in One Social Media Tools’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Scott Scanlon says, “Managing all your social accounts can be a task. A few years ago an all in one social engagement tool would have been hard to recommend. Now that major social platforms have matured a bit these “all in one” social management tools are closer to being possible. Here’s how we defined this list. All of these tools allow you... [Read more]

‘How To Curate Content Like A Pro: 8 Lessons’ – Content Marketing Institute

Heidi Cohen says, “Content curation taps into the power of existing owned, social, and third-party media to enhance and extend your content marketing resources. This does NOT mean content curation is free. Rather, it’s more cost-effective than brand-spanking-new content and maximizes the full potential of your existing content. To ensure we’re... [Read more]

A1 Pro Theme; lightweight, but powerful and flexible #ad

Dr. Veit Schenk has developed, and has just released, a new WordPress template, especially designed to help non-technical people get their site running quickly... [Read more]

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