IM NewsWatch, August 8, 2014 - ‘Using Video in Your Email Marketing – MarketingProfs' and much more...

August 8th, 2014 at 7:45 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Friday, August 8, 2014

‘Has Google Lost Control of Its Anti-Spam Algorithm?’ – Re/code

Re/Code team says, “Google’s search engine is displaying Frankenstein-esque characteristics. Like the fictional scientist, Victor Frankenstein, who created a monster more powerful than its master, Google’s algorithm designed to rid the Internet of spammy links is proving difficult, if not impossible, to control. In June, reported on... [Read more]

‘Using Video in Your Email Marketing’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Joe Forte says, “Email marketers understand that the subject line, including key words within it, are vital to obtaining higher open and click-through rates, but what is just as important is a clear call to action. It could be a phrase or sentence, a video, or a single word, but a clear call to action is the primary determinant of whether the... [Read more]

’3 Ways To Avoid Information Overload’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Chuck Sharp says, “I’ve heard and used the colloquialism “TMI” (short for “Too Much Information”) in social situations plenty of times — like when my sister wants me to watch a YouTube video of an operation she’s about to have on her finger. But I had never heard “TMI” used in a business setting until last week, when a data... [Read more]

7 things you need to know to make a sale #ad

We just heard from Dan Kennedy that Launch Day for his Make Them Buy Now System and Toolkit is less than two days away. In preparation for the launch, Kennedy has released his first Make Them Buy training video with remarkable underground content. As Kennedy always does, he, along with his partner, Dave Dee, has created a video with some incredible... [Read more]

‘Facebook Still Dominates Social Login’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Pete Prestipino says, “Social login has its advocates and its detractors. On the one hand, the convenience for end-users is unmatched, but the downside is that brands are handing over very valuable information on those users preferences to the social networks (which they, in turn, monetize). Despite this, social login remains a very popular method... [Read more]

‘Why Google Wants To Padlock The Web’ – ‘ReadWrite’

David Hamilton says, “Well, that’s one way to bend the Internet to your will. Google on Thursday applied its not-inconsiderable leverage as Search King of the Universe to “encourage” websites to encrypt their traffic, thus protecting themselves and their users from hackers and other spies (hello, NSA!) What Google is doing here... [Read more]

‘Yahoo to Enable Email Encryption For All Users by 2015’ – ‘Mashable’

Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai says, “Following Edward Snowden‘s revelations of widespread Internet surveillance, many technologists have been advocating for widespread encryption to counter the NSA, other spy agencies and hackers. “Encrypt all the things” has been their cry. Google listened, and now Yahoo is the second major... [Read more]

Webinar tool for easy set up, delivery & follow-up #ad

You probably know they power of webinars as a sales tool. When you can demonstrate your product, answer live questions and talk personally to potential buyers, you make more sales. But first, you need to be able to plan, schedule and deliver your webinar; then, follow-up with those who attend. This necessary webinar support capability is the reason... [Read more]

‘How To Prepare for A Website Redesign’ – HubSpot

Jonathan Pavoni says, “Today more than ever your website is the face of your organization. Many times it’s the first impression that prospects have with your brand, and it will leave a lasting impact whether positive or negative. In addition, your website should play an integral role in helping you grow your business. Specifically, it needs... [Read more]

‘Facebook Events Now Come With Insights For Reach, Views & Connections’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Facebook has updated its Events feature to include analytics, giving Page administrators more information about how events are performing. A Facebook spokesperson confirmed today that the company has added Insights for Events: This is the first step toward helping Pages gain a better understanding of what’s working and not... [Read more]

‘7 Empowering Presentations and More from MozCon’ – MOZ Blog

Erica McGillivray says, “At the MozPlex, we’re all still coming down from the incredible energy, excitement, and new ideas that MozCon brings every year. Thank you again to all of you who joined us to make this year’s MozCon the best ever. For those of you who couldn’t join us, we wanted to share some of the best slide decks from... [Read more]

Make sales on Facebook without ads #ad

Michael Cheney, long-time internet marketer and creator of training and software for marketers, has just announced his guide to marketing on Facebook for beginners, called Fan Page Money Method. In Cheney’s new guide, you will discover where in the Facebook infrastructure you can start earning money. And he gives you instructions on how to take... [Read more]

‘5 Traits the Best Calls-to-action All Share in Common’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

John Tackett says, “One of the most common questions we receive at MarketingExperiments about optimization is, “What is it that actually makes a call-to-action effective?” In truth, there are a lot of factors to consider, so in this post, we’ll take a look at five traits the best CTAs all seem to share in common based on our testing research. According... [Read more]

‘Facebook Buys Security Firm PrivateCore’ – ‘Mashable’

Karissa Bell says, “Facebook is hoping its latest acquisition will help protect users from malware and other security threats. The company announced Thursday it was acquiring PrivateCore, a security startup that focuses on securing remote servers. Facebook is hoping PrivateCore’s technology will help make its own systems more secure, according... [Read more]

‘Which Channels Drive the Best Landing Page Conversion Rates?’ – HubSpot

Jake Cohen says, “If you’re a marketer, you are no doubt wondering where the best place to find potential leads and customers is. After figuring out which channels drive the most results for your company, it’s much easier for you to prioritize your team’s activities. You should always look in your own analytics to find out which... [Read more]

Turn your images, wherever they are hosted, into sales tools #ad

John Christos has just released a new software application called ImgLinker. If you use images on Pinterest, Instagram, WordPress, Google+, Facebook, etc. you can now link the image (even an animated GIF) to any website you choose. (But be aware that Facebook doesn’t animate any images; it just shows a still.) When you place the image wherever... [Read more]

‘What is the state of mobile advertising today?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Ben Davis says, “Econsultancy has published a new report aimed at providing insight into the relatively new world of mobile advertising. In this context, it seems appropriate to ask more generally, “what is the state of mobile today?” So, for this post I’ve gleaned Chris O’Hara’s views (the report author) on the state... [Read more]

‘How to Influence Customer Behavior by Making Your Ideas Stick’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ken Ribotsky says, “Change is tough. That’s why most people resist it at all costs. So, how do you get people to change an ingrained behavior, such as switching from a competitor’s product to yours? Changing behavior starts by impressing an idea on someone’s mind. But the first step of that process is making that idea “stick”—and... [Read more]

‘Facebook Confirms: the Messenger App Split Has Started’ – ‘Mashable’

Karissa Bell says, “If you’re still not using Facebook Messenger, you may not have much time before your messages disappear from the main Facebook app. A Facebook spokesperson confirmed to Mashable that some users began to notice the change Wednesday — but that it is not yet affecting all of Facebook’s mobile users. The change will... [Read more]

Comment Commander Pro: Get links for GOV and EDU sites #ad

It’s hard to get links from authority sites, especially links from sites run by governmental and educational organizations. But when you do, these links can create powerful improvements in your site’s rank David Henry has created Comment Commander Pro software to help you find these links and other high authority links easily. This software... [Read more]

‘How To Market With The New Google Plus Showcase Hangouts’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Mark Traphagen says, “In the early days of television, many shows had sponsors that not only got their brand name in the show title (“The Kraft Music Hall” or “Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom”) but also in all the advertising on the show. In fact, sometimes the advertising would be in the show. (Suddenly one character might breathlessly... [Read more]

‘How to Expand Your Lead Nurturing Strategy Beyond Just Email’ – HubSpot

Lindsey Gusenburg says, “Lead nurturing is a critical part of a marketer’s job, especially in the B2B space. Forrester suggested that a B2B buyer’s journey could be anywhere from 65-90% complete by the time he or she contacts the vendor to move forward with a sale. This reality of a modern buyer’s behavior has added a layer of complexity... [Read more]

‘Why Twitter Shouldn’t Bother With E-Commerce’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Selena Larson says, “Picture this: You’re scrolling through your Twitter feed, reading news, favoriting tweets, when a “buy button” suddenly shows up, embedded in a tweet. Do you click on it? Social media companies like Twitter and Facebook want to make money, and coupling payments with social identity seems like an easy way to do it. After... [Read more]

Affiliate Cash Profits: how to earn as an affiliate #ad

Billy D is an affiliate marketer and says it’s the best way to grow your online income. He just released Affiliate Cash Profits to give you his blueprint for earning over $1K from affiliate marketing. YMMV, of course, but he says this is a reasonable target. In fact, in this training, he says he will “give you a detailed daily Traffic &... [Read more]

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