IM NewsWatch, August 7, 2015 - 'Google’s not the only search engine focusing on mobile friendliness – Econsultancy' and much more...

August 7th, 2015 at 8:43 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Friday, August 7, 2015

‘Anatomy of a Killer LinkedIn for Business Page’ – ‘’ Blog

Deborah Sweeney says, “LinkedIn isn’t a standard, run-of-the-mill social media site. Its founders built the site for a specific purpose – to help people expand their professional, working network and further their careers. But LinkedIn has grown to be more than a site to showcase a resume and find jobs; people use it to share and discuss... [Read more]

‘4 Simple Ways to Use Periscope for Your Business’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Crystal Washington says, “Periscope is the popular live video streaming app purchased by Twitter in March 2015. It’s the Instagram of live video streaming, offering users the opportunity to see the world through the eyes of someone else. Users have the capability to share their stories and perspectives to add value to their viewers in the form... [Read more]

‘Building an Audience: 7 Things We Learned At Podcast Movement’ – Aweber Blog

Scott Richardson says, “1100 attendees. 101 degree summer heat. One comedian. And of course, Serial. Podcast Movement hosted an amazing conference last weekend in Fort Worth, TX focused on connecting and inspiring podcasters (and aspiring podcasters). The all-star lineup was stacked with the biggest names in the podcasting community including... [Read more]

Sneaky List Hack adds 1000 subscribers to your list #ad

Face it, if you want to be a marketer, you need a mailing list of people who have indicated an interest in what you have to sell. Taylor Rizor says his Sneaky List Hack strategy will consistently bring new subscribers onto your list, so you can build a relationship with them and, ultimately, market to them. And, Rizor says, you can build your list without... [Read more]

‘Live Email Optimization from MarketingSherpa Email Summit 2015’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Joey Taravella says, ““The number one obstacle we face with our emails is not a lack of brilliant copywriting, the right graphics or an understanding of personalization. The real enemy of underperforming emails is confusion,” Flint McGlaughlin, CEO and Managing Director, MECLABS Institute, said in his live optimization session at MarketingSherpa... [Read more]

‘Why Marketers Must Collaborate to Succeed' by Jay Baer

Baer says, “Anyone who thinks they will become successful on their own may as well pack it up now. There are reasons that we should be collaborating with other like-minded people in our industry—namely, because it helps you both. There used to be a song when I was little that went, “If we all pull together, how happy we’ll be.” But I wasn’t... [Read more]

‘What to Look at When Segmenting Your Audience for Sponsored Content’ – HubSpot

Corey Beale says, “When running a sponsored content campaign, you need to create great content. What’s more important however, is making sure that content gets into the hands of the people who will find it most relevant. Quite literally, targeting capabilities pay. In fact, calls-to-action targeted to the user perform 42% better than... [Read more]

FB Traffic Ricochet: more traffic to your site, in 13 minutes/day #ad

Naidy Phoon and his business partner Trevor Emdon have been experimenting with using Facebook in new ways to drive traffic to their websites, without spending money on Facebook ads. Now, they share their findings in FB Traffic Ricochet... [Read more]

‘Improve Your Email Content With a 7-Minute Workout Routine’ – Content Marketing Institute

Jodi Harris says, “Think of a well-executed email strategy as the backbone of a successful content marketing program. It’s an essential structure that supports your various content efforts and is the best technique for building a subscriber base – which helps you stay at the top of your readers’ minds. But, just like any critical system,... [Read more]

’10 Content Marketing Goals Worth Pursuing’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Sonia Simone says, “Ever wonder why content marketing works so well for some businesses — and doesn’t seem to do anything at all for others? Curious about why some content that seems great doesn’t do anything to build a business? “Content is king” has been an online cliché for years now, but it’s not true. It’s never been true. Content... [Read more]

‘How subliminal and hidden design messages can boost brand engagement’ – ‘Mashable’

Fabian Geyrhalter says, “A handful of brands keep their loyal advocates excited and engaged by using hidden design language to tell the bigger stories in a highly visual, yet subliminal manner. And that is exactly why we are drawn to them: We seek to be “in-the-know.” Secretive design language is widely used on web sites as “Easter... [Read more]

Sneaky List Hack adds 1000 subscribers to your list #ad

Face it, if you want to be a marketer, you need a mailing list of people who have indicated an interest in what you have to sell. Taylor Rizor says his Sneaky List Hack strategy will consistently bring new subscribers onto your list, so you can build a relationship with them and, ultimately, market to them. And, Rizor says, you can build your list without... [Read more]

‘Google’s not the only search engine focusing on mobile friendliness’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Emily Mace says, “The arrival of ‘mobilegeddon‘ and the resulting shake up of the Google world led to a lot of talk about mobile internet usage and the impact this has on site traffic and SEO. However as international marketers will know, there is more to SEO than just Google. Bing Bing has also announced that it will be updating... [Read more]

‘The 2015 #MozCon Video Bundle Has Arrived!’ – MOZ Blog

Erica McGillivray says, “The bird has landed, and by bird, I mean the MozCon 2015 Video Bundle! That’s right, 27 sessions and over 15 hours of knowledge from our top notch speakers right at your fingertips. Watch presentations about SEO, personalization, content strategy, local SEO, Facebook graph search, and more to level up your online... [Read more]

‘5 Online Marketing Basics Every Entrepreneur Needs to Know’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Rocco Baldassarre says, “Entrepreneurs spend a considerable amount of time learning how to boost their businesses. Marketing is key to the success of a business and online marketing is ever so important. According to Constant Contact, 84 percent of people say that the biggest difference in small businesses between now and five years ago... [Read more]

The Big Buck Method: The better way to use Fiverr #ad

Sam Mann, Jason Finley and Ali Ahmed have just introduced new Fiverr training, called 'The Big Buck Method', and it has met with a warm welcome. Over 1000 people have invested in this breakthrough training... [Read more]

‘8 Reasons Why Your Blog Posts Are Hard to Read (And How to Fix ‘Em)’ – HubSpot

Dee Dee de Kenessey says, “We’ve all been there. You click on a blog post about marketing tips … or the latest attempts to colonize Mars (whatever strikes your interest). You skim the article for a few seconds, and then you click that back arrow so fast, it’s like you were never there. “Not slogging through that one,” you think... [Read more]

‘5 Things Developers Should Know About Microsoft’s Open-Source iOS App-Porting Tool’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Adriana Lee says, “Microsoft needs developers to build apps for its platform, and its play to get them—by helping coders port iOS and Android apps to Windows—just took a big step forward: On Thursday, the Redmond, Washington–based tech company released its iPhone app porting tool, Windows Bridge for iOS, as an open-source public preview. The... [Read more]

‘A dictionary of SEO words, terms and phrases’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Jack Simpson says, “Within the world of digital marketing, there are few areas with as many complicated and obscure terms as SEO. Here I’ll be presenting a dictionary of as many SEO terms as I feel are relevant and important to a digital marketers’ understanding of this most vital of skills. Algorithm If you are deep into the world of SEO... [Read more]

Coloring Books for Adults: Is this wild idea a money-maker? #ad

Bill Platt has taken notice of the new trend at Adult comic books are taking off and becoming big sellers. In fact, in 2015 sales have risen exponentially. Many big publishers have noticed this trend and are getting ready to enter this niche soon... [Read more]

‘The State of Freelance Writing: Data on Pay, Bylines & Quality Content’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “Writing blog posts and other content takes time — time you and your team might not feel like you have to spare. And yet, you keep reading that companies regularly publishing quality content to their blogs are reaping the biggest rewards in terms of traffic and leads. Better yet for those companies, those results... [Read more]

‘Automating Content Reuse: One Marketing Team’s Story’ – Content Marketing Institute

Jen Brass Jenkins says, “Is your organization generating web-based content by the bucketful? Do you ever wish that spiffy, useful content could appear in multiple places so that anyone who might want that content has a better chance of seeing it – with little extra effort and no duplication of content? At the University of Utah Health Care system,... [Read more]

‘The Worst Advice We’ve Ever Heard About Social Media’ – ‘’ Blog

Kristin Hovde says, “It’s no secret that social media can be used as a powerful marketing tool to reach larger audiences and boost brand awareness. In fact, according to Social Media Examiner, 80 percent of Americans use a social media network and 23 percent of online time is used on social media. These numbers are huge and show just how beneficial... [Read more]

Article Buddy Pro Turns Videos Into Unique Articles #ad

Good content fuels your site's success. You need content for everything you do online, blogs, backlinks, videos, etc. Content- good content- is what makes you credible. But content doesn't come from thin air; it takes time, money or both, to create... [Read more]

‘From Stats to Sponsors: A Remarkable Show Is Simply Great Content, On Demand’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “Sponsorships are one of the most discussed topics in podcasting. For the most part, we all want to monetize our podcasts and get compensated for all the hard work we put into our shows. Well, there’s good news and bad news. The Showrunner hosts Jerod Morris and Jonny Nastor begin this episode with a chat about Podcast Movement,... [Read more]

‘19 innovative startups set to revolutionise marketing’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Celina Burnett says, “Technology has fast become a critical enabler of marketing innovation. Savvy marketers and their agencies are looking to the increasing number of technology startups to inspire and support the creative execution of their campaigns. Unilever has set up a programme that helps brands engage with startups to run trial projects... [Read more]

‘3 Effective Strategies for Growing Your Subscriber List Faster’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Pooja Lohana says, “There’s a saying in the digital marketing world, and in my experience, it stands true. “The money is in the list”. I know it sounds cheesy. Perhaps it also evokes a reaction in you as you read it. Because a lot of entrepreneurs aren’t in it for the money. In my work as a digital marketing mentor, I see numerous clients... [Read more]

‘What’s Really Going On With Google+?’ – ‘’ Blog

Shayna Marks says, “Last week was not a great one for Google+. In case you haven’t heard, Google announced that it was separating one of the most contested features of the social network—that you must use a Google+ account for logging into their other products, like YouTube—among other changes. So why is that a big deal? One of the main... [Read more]

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