IM NewsWatch, August 7, 2014 - ‘Best Path to the Inbox: From Decision to Delivery – MarketingProfs' and much more...

August 7th, 2014 at 8:30 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Thursday, August 7, 2014

‘Slapped with a Google Penalty? Here’s How to Bounce Back!’ – VerticalResponse Blog

Chipper Nicodemus say, “Your traffic has plummeted and your business website has been slapped with a manual penaltyfrom Google. Well, you can quell your doomsday thoughts, as we have actionable tips to help your site bounce back. First, there are four major areas in which a penalty can be classified: 1. Unnatural links penalty Majority of sites... [Read more]

‘The Best Path to the Inbox: From Decision to Delivery’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Noah Jessop says, “Despite the rise of social media, mobile apps, and other forms of communication, email remains the number one way for many marketers to keep in touch with their customers. Yet, using email appropriately requires a deft touch. Marketers must have a full grasp of not only which message to send to whom and at what point but also... [Read more]

‘Gmail Pushes Unsubscribe Links To The Top Of More Newsletters’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Since February Gmail has included an “Unsubscribe” link at the top of many newsletters, a feature intended to give users an easier way to manage their overflowing inboxes. The links only appeared on email filtered into Gmail’s Promotions tab. Today, Google announced that it has extended the Unsubscribe feature into Gmail’s... [Read more]

Webinar tool for easy set up, delivery & follow-up #ad

You probably know they power of webinars as a sales tool. When you can demonstrate your product, answer live questions and talk personally to potential buyers, you make more sales. But first, you need to be able to plan, schedule and deliver your webinar; then, follow-up with those who attend. This necessary webinar support capability is the reason... [Read more]

‘Maximize Your Social Media Marketing With Twitter’s New Analytics’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Monique de Maio says, “For years, Twitter has been a very tricky platform to measure marketing ROI on. No more! Earlier this summer, Twitter quietly rolled out a powerful analytics suite to complement their Twitter Ads dashboard. Not a Twitter advertiser? That’s OK – you can still access the analytics! Here’s a tour of the new analytics and... [Read more]

’5 Data-Backed Twitter Tips You Should Know’ – HubSpot

Lanya Olmsted says, “If you know me at all, you know that I do a lot of writing. A lot. I write content that is published widely on industry publications, because I consider it to be extremely important both personally and professionally. Content writing isn’t just something that I do on the side. It is a core component of what I preach and... [Read more]

‘How can businesses track the customer journey in a multichannel world?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Sebastian Gutierrez says, “Smartphones can support impulsive purchasing – browsing a retailer’s website while waiting in a supermarket queue and clicking ‘buy now’, for instance. Meanwhile, the widespread use of tablets as second screens presents the opportunity to make purchases, perhaps in response to advertisements, from the comfort... [Read more]

Make sales on Facebook without ads #ad

Michael Cheney, long-time internet marketer and creator of training and software for marketers, has just announced his guide to marketing on Facebook for beginners, called Fan Page Money Method. In Cheney’s new guide, you will discover where in the Facebook infrastructure you can start earning money. And he gives you instructions on how to take... [Read more]

‘Major Security Vulnerability in WordPress, Drupal Could Take Down Websites’ – ‘Mashable’

Christina Warren says, “ If your website runs on a self-hosted WordPress installation or on Drupal, update your software now. Nir Goldshlager, a security researcher from’s product security team, has discovered an XML vulnerability that impacts the popular website platforms WordPress and Drupal. The vulnerability uses a well-known... [Read more]

‘Retaining SEO Value in Syndicated Content and Partnerships’ – MOZ Blog

Laura Lippay says, “Six years ago, Yahoo! was called out (on this very blog!) for buying text links. Being the lone SEO at Yahoo! in the US at the time, training, teaching, guiding and policing all of the people involved in over a dozen Yahoo! Media websites, my heart stopped when I saw this post. The thing is, though, I knew the biz dev team at... [Read more]

‘Entrepreneurs: This 8-Letter Word Will Revolutionize Your Productivity’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Demian Farnworth says, “If you’re an entrepreneur, does any of this sound familiar to you? You’re trapped in Outlook for up to seven hours each day. You want to launch a podcast, but you have no clue when you’ll be able to edit it. You only have time for a fraction of the marketing you need to do to promote your new blog posts. You are afraid... [Read more]

Seamless Secure: Protect all your WP sites from hackers #ad

Many WordPress sites fall to hackers everyday. Yours could be next unless you protect it. There are two ways people try:: 1. Frequent backups that you can use to restore your site if it is ever attacked. This can work, but it’s expensive and time-consuming. 2. Software that closes the gaps in native security for WordPress so that no hacker can... [Read more]

‘How Dun & Bradstreet’s Infrastructure Supports Data-driven Marketing Decisions’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study

Allison Banko says, ““Data” is a buzzword that’s long been fluttering around the business environment. Marketers are now tapping into metrics themselves, using qualitative and quantitative data to inform both campaigns and decisions. Dun & Bradstreet is a prime example of one company that’s leaning into analytics. While... [Read more]

‘How to Stand Out on Pinterest with 4 Simple Tweaks’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Azure Collier says, “If you’re a Pinterest user, you know that pinning on Pinterest happens fast and furiously. There’s a lot of content being shared at once. In fact, 3,472 images are shared every minute. Over the course of a day, that’s almost 5 million pins! It’s no surprise that one of the questions I’m often asked, while hosting Constant... [Read more]

‘These Bad Blogging Habits Are Stunting Your Growth’ – HubSpot

John Bonini says, “I said I wouldn’t have ice cream this week. Yet there I was, leaning over the freezer door surveying my options like the indecisive person in front of you at Starbucks. It wasn’t until I was two spoonfuls into a mint chocolate chip sundae that I realized my oversight. I tried to justify it. It’s Sunday. I always have... [Read more]

Turn your images, wherever they are hosted, into sales tools #ad

John Christos has just released a new software application called ImgLinker. If you use images on Pinterest, Instagram, WordPress, Google+, Facebook, etc. you can now link the image (even an animated GIF) to any website you choose. (But be aware that Facebook doesn’t animate any images; it just shows a still.) When you place the image wherever... [Read more]

‘Twitter Drops Another Hint That E-Commerce Could Be Coming Soon’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “The evidence that Twitter is preparing an in-stream shopping service got another boost this week, when some users noticed a “payment & shipping” line within settings in the company’s Android app. As first reported by The Next Web blog, a number of users posted screen shots showing the setting, while noting that it... [Read more]

‘Creeps On Twitter Not Staying Blocked? Crowdsource The Job’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Selena Larson says, “Sometimes blocking harassers on Twitter doesn’t do the trick. Many Twitter users want better ways to deal with them. Now they have one. In an attempt to help users better manage their accounts and block lists to prevent harassment, developer Jacob Hoffman-Andrews created “Block Together,” a tool that lets users automatically... [Read more]

‘AOL’s Amazing, Inexplicable Money Factory’ – Re/code

Peter Kafka says, “AOL beat Wall Street’s Q2 revenue and profit numbers. And, like the last few quarters, the company says that its content business — sites like Huffington Post and TechCrunch — was profitable, if you’re willing to accept a fuzzy definition of profit. But as always, the most amazing thing about AOL’s business is the thing... [Read more]

Comment Commander Pro: Get links for GOV and EDU sites #ad

It's hard to get links from authority sites, especially links from sites run by governmental and educational organizations. But when you do, these links can create powerful improvements in your site's rank... [Read more]


‘Google Acquires Directr, a Small Business Video Marketing Startup’ – ‘Mashable’

Jason Abbruzzese says, “Google’s YouTube has acquired Directr, a startup aimed at helping small businesses create promotional videos. Directr markets a mobile app on iOS that provides small businesses with a way to create and publish videos. Details of the deal were not disclosed, but Directr is a relatively small operation, having only raised... [Read more]

‘Case Study: How To Sell Products Like A Pro’ by John Chow

Chow says, “I just wanted to show you a case study of two freelance job sites. Both of them are very popular, and have served a lot of customers across the world. But does it really matter how many people you’re reaching and selling to, the question to ask is this: Is my VALUE clear enough? This post isn’t the typical post so I’m going to... [Read more]

‘Why LinkedIn’s Acquisition Of Bizo Is A Big Deal For Digital Marketers’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Ben Plomion says, “Content marketing was the buzzword of 2013, resulting in marketers scrambling to create engaging guides, e-books, white papers, infographics, and blog posts to attract and retain customers. This year the trend continues, but something has changed – we’re seeing the power of video take hold and dominate the content marketing... [Read more]

Affiliate Cash Profits: how to earn as an affiliate #ad

Billy D is an affiliate marketer and says it’s the best way to grow your online income. He just released Affiliate Cash Profits to give you his blueprint for earning over $1K from affiliate marketing. YMMV, of course, but he says this is a reasonable target. In fact, in this training, he says he will “give you a detailed daily Traffic &... [Read more]

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