IM NewsWatch, August 5, 2015 - 'Creating Product Names to Maximize Digital Exposure – MarketingExperiments' and much more...

August 5th, 2015 at 8:58 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

‘Social Media Marketing for Startups: 5 Rules For Success’ – ‘’ Blog

Dan Steiner says, “Startups are a dime a dozen. It’s a harsh reality, but it’s true. That’s why it’s absolutely crucial to market your company in a way that’s engaging and effective. Whether you’re running an infographics company or have just launched the next best app, you’ll need to make your marketing endeavors relevant to your... [Read more]

‘Long Considered an Eyesore, Vertical Video Is Now Being Embraced by Mobile Marketers’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Geoff Weiss says, “Vertical videos, long considered a vexing eyesore when uploaded to YouTube amid two gaping black bars — and which even spawned a popular meme known as Vertical Video Syndrome — are suddenly looking like the favored orientation du jour for video platforms, marketers and media companies alike. The about-face began... [Read more]

‘Amazon Prime Day: 12 quick takeaways from Amazon’s magnificent train wreck’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

Ken Bowen says, “For those of us interested in marketing, Amazon’s first ever “Prime Day” celebration could not have been more fun to experience. Intended as a special shopping day for members of Amazon’s $99/year Prime service, Amazon had practically promised ecommerce Armageddon leading up to the 24-hour event, with “More deals than... [Read more]

Coloring Books for Adults: Is this wild idea a money-maker? #ad

Bill Platt has taken notice of the new trend at Adult comic books are taking off and becoming big sellers. In fact, in 2015 sales have risen exponentially. Many big publishers have noticed this trend and are getting ready to enter this niche soon. But if you hurry, you can create create robust comics (with 50 drawings to color) in a single... [Read more]

‘Creating Product Names to Maximize Digital Exposure’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Gregory Hamilton says, “While generating the maximum exposure isn’t always the first thing your product development team thinks about when developing a product, it falls to marketers to inform our company’s prospective customers about this new and exciting product. Unfortunately, rarely is the marketing team able to lead the product naming... [Read more]

‘Twitter Collapses 5%, Tumbling Toward IPO-Level Prices’ – TechCrunch

Alex Wilheml says, “Shares of Twitter, a popular social media company, fell sharply today, dipping nearly 6 percent by midday trading. The company’s equity fell in value below the $30 mark, setting new lows. As of the time of writing, shares of Twitter are worth just over $29. For context, Twitter went public at $26 per share, and saw its value... [Read more]

‘5 Tips For Retailers To Up Their Email Promotions Strategies’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Jordan Elkind says, “Email marketing remains a vital channel in driving e-commerce orders, representing 16% of orders as of June 2015, up a percentage point from a year ago, according to Custora’s E-Commerce Pulse, a publicly-available online dashboard tracking e-commerce statistics and trends (disclosure: Custora is my employer). Customers... [Read more]

$10k In 60 Days: Free training from Coach Comeback #ad

Coach Comeback has produced several training programs to help online marketers. His latest is free training in the real estate niche. He has broken down the process into bite-size steps and is giving you video training for each step: $10k Case Study – Introduction 1 – $10k Case Study – Where I was 2 – $10k Case Study – What Most People Do 3... [Read more]

‘Five Tactics to Make Your Emails More Interesting’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Blaise Lucey says, “When was the last time you were excited to take a look at your inbox? If you’re like most people—including the people you market to—the answer is probably never. Let’s be honest: Most emails are boring. Research backs that up: Social media tends to evoke “excitement” as the prevailing sentiment,... [Read more]

‘How to Sell Your Clients on Content Personalization’ – HubSpot

Asaf Rothem says, “You know that content marketing works. That’s why 86% of marketers have invested in the tactic. But once your clients have seen the benefits, what’s the next step? What will continue to drive conversions and ROI up and to the right? Personalization is one way, and brands are making the investment. Just consider... [Read more]

‘Distance from Perfect’ – MOZ Blog

Ian Lurie says, “In spite of all the advice, the strategic discussions and the conference talks, we Internet marketers are still algorithmic thinkers. That’s obvious when you think of SEO. Even when we talk about content, we’re algorithmic thinkers. Ask yourself: How many times has a client asked you, “How much content do we need?” How... [Read more]

Article Buddy Pro Turns Videos Into Unique Articles #ad

Good content fuels your site's success. You need content for everything you do online, blogs, backlinks, videos, etc. Content- good content- is what makes you credible. But content doesn't come from thin air; it takes time, money or both, to create... [Read more]

‘Through-Channel Marketing: The Channel Is More Than A Sales Channel’ – Forrester

Tim Harmon says, “For the past 30 years, most B2B channel professionals have thought of their channel as a sales channel. Indeed, in the “good old days,” the standard operating procedure equated to the B2B manufacturer/vendor doing the marketing, the channel partner the selling. But times have changed. The 5-person “box-pusher” channel... [Read more]

‘Instagram is opening the advertising floodgates’ – ‘Mashable’

Patrick Kulp says, “Get ready to see more ads popping up in your Instagram feed. As of Tuesday, the photo-sharing app is switching on an API that lets advertisers use third-party platforms like Brand Networks and Salesforce to schedule their own campaigns for the first time. In short, it’s now way easier for more brands to buy more Instagram... [Read more]

‘How Google defines ‘quality content’’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Jack Simpson says, “Google is increasingly valuing ‘quality content’ when it comes to search rankings, according to a new report. This isn’t exactly news to most marketers, but the way in which Google determines quality is evolving. According to the study, positive signals such as the amount of time spent on a page are having an increasingly... [Read more]

Publish to unilimited WordPress sites with PublishVault #ad

As we reported, PublishVault opened for new users yesterday. No matter what type of blog site you publish to, this application will benefit your site or sites (they are offering unlimited support for Wordpress sites)... [Read more]

‘Is Your Website’s Viewport Configured for Mobile Users? Here’s How to Do It’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “You’re out with friends, laughing, having a grand old time — when someone asks the group a total brainteaser: “Why don’t ‘B’ batteries exist?” You’re stumped. Your friends are stumped. You whip out your smartphone and type the question into the Google machine. And boom:... [Read more]

‘We analysed 82 Econsultancy email subject lines and here’s what we learned’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Parry Malm says, “One of Econsultancy’s main retention and sales channels is email marketing. Duh! Same as nearly every other company on the planet. Email works because it’s the foundation of online marketing. But… is Econsultancy’s subject line language optimal? We analysed the emotional power of 82 of its recent email subject... [Read more]

‘Yahoo visitors may have been hacked’ – ‘Mashable’

Patrick Kulp says, “Yahoo played the unwitting host to a week’s worth of malware-laden scams in what may be the largest attack of its kind in months, security firm Malwarebytes claimed. Researchers said the attackers infiltrated the web portal’s advertising network and planted traps on its homepage — along with its sports, finance,... [Read more]

‘8 Historic Duos to Inspire Your Sales and Marketing Alignment’ – HubSpot

Chris Hawkins says, “Mac and cheese. Taco Tuesdays. Tango and Cash. Our world is overflowing with amazing twosomes. But not all couples are functioning like a belt and suspenders. If your inbound sales and marketing team needs more wine with its cheese, less Ben and more Jerry, come along as we explore how you can align your sales and marketing... [Read more]

‘The Online Marketer’s Guide to Social Media Contests’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “Planning a social media contest? Check out these helpful tips as well as reminders of the new Federal Trade Commission regulations that affect marketing. Shorten your long forms by creating forms that use conditional logic, forms that users can save, or forms with horizontal layouts, suggests Formstack in the following infographic. Include... [Read more]

‘Facebook Dumps Plan To Cut Off Device-Level Data After Advertiser Revolt’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Facebook has reversed a plan to cut off device-level data collection for mobile app advertising campaigns after a revolt by game developers and advertisers. In May, Facebook told ad buyers, developers and mobile measurement partners that it would no longer share data about how their mobile app ads were performing on specific... [Read more]

‘Five tips to maximise time spent with online video’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Doug Conely says, “My last article explored the best way to design the video ad teaser experience, this time we’ll consider the full engagement video experience. As a brief recap, I provided four tips to engage people in full-screen teaser video ads: stream video through available ad unit ‘windows’, maximise the video size, set user... [Read more]

‘Holiday and Back-to-School Email Benchmarks’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “Some 83% of brands sent general winter-holiday-themed emails last year, and 80% sent Black Friday emails, according to a recent report from Yesmail. The report was based on data from email marketing campaigns sent by 30 major B2C brands in the third and fourth quarters of 2014. The researchers used terms such as “school,”... [Read more]

‘For Potent Email Campaigns, Timing Is Everything’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Eric Dezendorf says, “In my last column, I spoke a bit about achieving the best results for your email program through testing. Now, let’s take a deeper dive into one of those tests. This month, I want to help answer the age-old question: When’s the perfect time to send an email? Remember, timing is everything. An email has its greatest potency... [Read more]

‘5 Easy Ways to Help Reduce Your Website’s Page Loading Speed’ – HubSpot

Gregg Crystal says, “The adage “patience is a virtue” doesn’t apply online. Even a one-second delay can drastically reduce pageviews, customer satisfaction and drop conversions. The speed of your site even affects your organic search rankings. Since 2010, Google has been accounting for a site speed in its algorithm. So what’s the biggest... [Read more]

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