IM NewsWatch, August 5, 2014 - ‘Using Incentives to Grow an Email List – Web Marketing Today' and much more...

August 5th, 2014 at 8:30 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

‘Using Incentives to Grow an Email List’ – Web Marketing Today

Pamella Neely says, “What’s the leading mistake with most small businesses’ email programs? It’s not choosing the wrong email service provider. It’s not sending bad content. It’s not even mailing too infrequently. The leading mistake with most small businesses’ email marketing is right at the beginning of their program. It’s at the... [Read more]

’4 Simple Email Marketing Mistakes That Are Easy to Avoid’ – HubSpot

Ryan Scheeppe says, “There are few things more disappointing in an email marketer’s job than seeing a typo in the subject line of your latest campaign after clicking “send”. We all make mistakes with grammar and spelling from time to time (not to mention dead links, failed personalization tags and missing images). However, there... [Read more]

‘The Persistent Gap Between Mobile Devices And Web Traffic’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Greg Sterling says, “A new report on Q2 201 4 smartphone traffic in North America from ad-network Chitika prompts us to take another look at the curious gap between mobile device share and what might be called traffic share. It once again raises the question: which set of metrics is more important? The Chitika data above show the iPhone with... [Read more]

ImgLinker: Turn your images, wherever they are hosted, into sales tools #ad

John Christos has just released a new software application called ImgLinker. If you use images on Pinterest, Instagram, WordPress, Google+, Facebook, etc. you can now link the image (even an animated GIF) to any website you choose. (But be aware that Facebook doesn’t animate any images; it just shows a still.) When you place the image wherever... [Read more]

‘How to Build a Blogging Content Studio’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Matthew Stibbe says, “For the past year, we at Articulate have been constructing an efficient and repeatable process for producing and promoting remarkable content for our blogs and for our clients. The key point here is “efficient and repeatable.” Our blogs, Bad Language and Turbine, have been around for a long time, but we updated... [Read more]

‘Stock Images Tested: Does ethnicity in marketing images impact purchases?’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Paul Cheney says, “Does ethnicity in marketing images affect a campaign’s performance? Besides being an important marketing question, it’s also an interesting social question. The MECLABS research team asked this question because they needed to find the best performing imagery for the first step in the Home Delivery checkout process for a MECLABS... [Read more]

‘The Pain-Free Guide to Generating Valuable Leads From Online Forums’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Sue Campbell says, “Serious about making your living via the Web? Then you’ve likely shelled out good money for an online course or subscription that includes access to a forum. And if you’re anything like me, you eagerly devour the webinars, worksheets, and ebooks … but avoid the forum, as you would the pee-smelling seat on the train. I’ve... [Read more]

Comment Commander Pro: Get links from GOV and EDU sites #ad

It’s hard to get links from authority sites, especially links from sites run by governmental and educational organizations. But when you do, these links can create powerful improvements in your site’s rank David Henry has created Comment Commander Pro software to help you find these links and other high authority links easily. This software... [Read more]

‘Five key considerations for a multichannel ecommerce replatform’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Darryl Adie says, “Implementing a new ecommerce platform is one of the biggest technical decisions that a retailer can make. A successful replatforming can be the key to effective multichannel growth and can future-proof a retailer against ever-changing consumer demand. With so much at stake it’s important to make sure that a project starts in the... [Read more]

‘CRO Statistics: How to Avoid Reporting Bad Data’ – MOZ Blog

Craig Bradford says, “Without a basic understanding of statistics, you can often present misleading results to your clients or superiors. In this post I want to cover the main aspects of planning, monitoring and interpreting CRO results so that when you do roll out new versions of pages, the results are much closer to what you would expect. I’ve... [Read more]

‘How to Gain Followers on Twitter’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Kimberly Caldwell says, “Do you have Twitter followers that aren’t very relevant to your industry? Do they seem random? Twitter ads can help you gain followers, but sometimes the problem (like with Facebook advertising) is that these followers are not quite relevant to your industry or business. So what are some ways to gain quality Twitter followers... [Read more]


Affiliate Cash Profits: detailed report showing how to earn as an affiliate #ad

Billy D is an affiliate marketer and says it's the best way to grow your online income. He just released Affiliate Cash Profits to give you his blueprint for earning over $1K from affiliate marketing. YMMV, of course, but he says this is a reasonable target.. [Read more]

‘Why You May Start Seeing Tweets From People You Don’t Follow’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Selena Larson says, “Twitter appears to be tinkering with one of its most valuable features—the follow system—just as CEO Dick Costolo said it might. If the social network’s recent experiments bear fruit, your Twitter feed might soon start displaying tweets from people you don’t follow, just because other people you follow do follow... [Read more]

‘7 Social Media Facepalms You Should Never Repeat’ – ‘Mashable’

Kyli Singh says, “Social media is a great way to express yourself, but some people take it a little too far. When scrolling through your feeds, you’ll probably find, shall we say, “inadvisable” posts here and there. These horrific social media fails can ultimately backfire by drawing unwanted attention from friends and strangers... [Read more]

‘The Website Experience Consumers Value Most ‘ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “Most US consumers (52%) say high performance is the quality they value most in website experience, according to a recent report from Limelight Networks. The 1,115 consumers surveyed ranked website performance (streaming with no buffering, pages that load quickly, etc.) as the most important digital experience by a wide margin—far... [Read more]

Build Links with Cutting Edge SEO Software #ad

SEO has many nuances that have some effect on your results, but one of the primary factors in a high rating is backlinks.  And the most useful backinks are "do follow" links from influential sites.

Finding authoritative sites that will give you backlinks is no small task.. [Read more]

‘4 Ways You Can Use Social Media for Sales Growth’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Michael Bird says, “To the untrained eye, social media is a useless tool for growing sales. You can’t directly sell on the site, and likes and retweets do not always equal sales growth. So how can Facebook or Pinterest lead to more sales and lead generation? Social Media for Sales Don’t ever underestimate the power of social media for sales. On... [Read more]

‘eCommerce Evolution In Brazil’ – ‘The Forrester Blog’

Zia Daniell Wigder says, “Many brands eyeing Latin American eCommerce markets look first to Brazil, and with good reason. Brazil is Latin America’s largest online retail market by a wide margin and growth rates remain high: Our forecast shows the market growing by a CAGR of 18% to reach $35 billion in 2018. As in every fast-growing eCommerce... [Read more]

‘Facebook, OkCupid, and the Ethics of Online Social Experiments’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “Recently, two different social websites admitted they ran experiments on users who had no idea they were being experimented on. Facebook ran tests to see if they could affect users’ emotions, and OkCupid ran tests mismatching users to see if they would interact with each other differently. The impact of these... [Read more]

Solo Ad Professor: Closely Guarded Solo Ad Formula #ad

Paul Nicholls uses solo ads to run his business. He consistently makes a profit from his ads, earning 2-3 times what he spent on the ad, or even more. In a world where many solo ads don’t earn any profit at all, and often result in a loss, Nicholls is an exception, someone who has learned to use solo ads the right way, the profitable way. Now... [Read more]

‘Why The Internet Of Things Is Still Roadblocked’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Matt Asay says, “It’s increasingly a truism that the Internet of Things is going to be a big deal. The main question is when. While analysts are projecting the need for millions of developers by 2020 to tie together all our smart and not-yet-smart gadgets, there remain significant barriers to lift-off today, as detailed in a new report from... [Read more]

‘Marketers prioritise cross-channel approach, but struggle with execution: Report’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Amy Rodgers says, “Econsultancy’s third annual Cross-Channel Marketing Report has found that two-thirds of responding companies (67%) agree their priority is for “all key marketing activities to be integrated across channels.” The report, published in partnership with Oracle Marketing Cloud, is based on a survey of 956 marketers... [Read more]

‘How to Structure Your Content Marketing Team’ – HubSpot

Corey Eridon says, “Gone are the days where content marketing is a “nice to have” or an “experiment” with which to dabble. Content marketing budgets are increasing – in fact, 71% of marketers are getting more money thrown at them to grow their content marketing programs. But with more budget comes more responsibility.... [Read more]

Serp Shaker shakes up IM; builds and ranks sites quickly #ad

Don VanFossen and Andres Tobar are releasing the latest version of Serp Shaker. These two are a natural pairing. People have made money with Don's products. And Andres has proved that he build useful tools, too.. [Read more]

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