IM NewsWatch, August 3, 2015 - '4 Genius Tactics for Increasing Ecommerce Sales – HubSpot' and much more...

August 5th, 2015 at 2:13 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Monday, August 3, 2015

‘Gone In 15 Seconds: The Top 3 Reasons People Leave Your Website’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Jordan Kretchmer says, “If you run the typical website, more than half of the people who visit leave in fewer than 15 seconds. If that’s not a red flag to you, it should be. As digital marketers push the boundaries of delivering a truly excellent customer experience, brand websites are re-emerging as one of their most important marketing channels.... [Read more]

‘4 Genius Tactics for Increasing Ecommerce Sales’ – HubSpot

Morgan Jacobson says, “Nothing about running an ecommerce website is straightforward and easy. The goal is, of course, to present a product, entice buyers to purchase, and then process the payment. This is how even the most basic ecommerce site should run. For those that really want to increase sales through the use of psychology and maybe even... [Read more]

‘Inside the failure of Google+, a very expensive attempt to unseat Facebook’ – ‘Mashable’

Seth Fiegerman says, “Create a social network or risk everything. That was the original pitch for Google’s Facebook rival, Google+, a refrain hammered over and over by the social network’s chief architect, Vic Gundotra, in meetings with the company’s top brass. Gundotra, described by colleagues we spoke with as charismatic and... [Read more]

Niche Genetics Expert: in-depth niche insights #ad

The better you understand the niche you are marketing in, the better you will be able to sell effectively in that niche. That’s the principle behind Niche Genetics Expert, just released by Abbas Ravji This new web-based software that you access with your browser helps you get an in-depth understanding of your niche, showing you: • A complete,... [Read more]

‘Why Amazon can be an important channel for SMEs’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Arie Shpanya says, “The Amazon marketplace has become necessary for ecommerce success. Fishing in open water can yield positive results, but they can often be few and far between. Ample swimming space and other fishermen can make it hard to attract fish to your line, leaving you with little success. Ecommerce can feel like this for many retailers.... [Read more]

‘The Linkbait Bump: How Viral Content Creates Long-Term Lift in Organic Traffic’ – MOZ Blog

MOZ team says, “A single fantastic (or “10x”) piece of content can lift a site’s traffic curves long beyond the popularity of that one piece. In today’s Whiteboard Friday, Rand talks about why those curves settle into a “new normal,” and how you can go about creating the content that drives that change“. The... [Read more]

‘Why Interactive Content Marketing is the Future′ by Jay Baer

Baer says, “You probably know a thing or two about creating good content. Perhaps you dabble on your own blog or write for your company. There’s a good chance you’re already creating more content in 2015 than you did in 2014. That’s the challenge. We’re all content creators trying to reach an audience. To stand out from the crowd, we need... [Read more]

Clickbank Mobile Secret; Sell more Clickbank products with mobile #ad

Zhu Shan has just released new training that shows Clickbank affiliates how they can see an uptick in sales using mobile marketing. He calls it Clickbank Mobile Secret. Zhu is a veteran Clickbank marketer, winner of awards for top Clickbank sales, and he even has been a consultant advising the CEO of CLickbank. It would be hard to find an expert more... [Read more]

‘8 Creative Ways to Enhance Your Content Marketing With Visuals’ – HubSpot

Pamela Vaughan says, “On the web, there are few things more discouraging than a big block of text. That’s because humans are visual creatures — we tend to gravitate toward content that is pleasing to the eye, and we’re especially drawn to visuals that capture (and keep) our attention. It’s no wonder that 70% of marketers... [Read more]

‘How tech can transform your business’ – ‘Mashable’

Tracey Edouard says, “Over the course of an hour, @MashBusiness covered an array of topics, from industries with the biggest need for change, to how technology can transform the creation and execution of a business idea. Several influencers took part in this compelling conversation: Erica Kochi, co-founder & co-leader of UNICEF’s Innovation... [Read more]

‘Three top retailers share their marketing attribution stories’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

James Collins says, “Marketers continue to be ambitious with creative digital campaigns and cross-device usability as new technologies emerge, but many still don’t truly understand which channels are actually working. Attribution may not be the most exciting subject, but measuring the success of your marketing channels should play an integral... [Read more]

Product creators: stop wasting money on affiliate platforms #ad

If you are a product creator, you naturally want as many sales as possible. How do you get them? By attracting affiliates who sell your product for you. How do you get affiliates? By listing your product on multiple affiliate portals, such as Clickbank, WarriorPlus or JVZoo. There are two problems these affiliate portals create, though, that increase... [Read more]

‘Report Pegs “Click-To-Call Commerce” At More Than $1 Trillion Annually’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Greg Sterling says, “A new report from Marchex, based on an analysis of millions of calls and using ad-spending data from Google and call growth projections from BIA/Kelsey, argues that mobile “click-to-call commerce” is worth more than $1 trillion today. Previously Marchex estimated that advertisers spend roughly $4 billion annually on paid-search-based... [Read more]

‘Changing Times: Finance Marketing Evolves with Content’ – Content Marketing Institute

Ann Gynn says, “The challenges for marketers in the financial industry are similar to those being experienced in other industries: The marketplace is changing, and customers are no longer responding to one-size-fits-all approaches. But this industry has its own unique considerations: Financial marketers operate in a heavily regulated industry... [Read more]

‘6 Simple Ways to Tap Into the Power of Influencer Marketing’ – HubSpot

Lisa Toner says, “Did you know that just 3% of people generate 90% of the impact online Considering this alarming statistic, it should come as no surprise that leveraging the power of this select group of influencers serves as a highly valuable strategy for businesses looking to expand their reach. To help you get familiar with the concept of... [Read more]

An HTML5 player Created By Marketers for Marketers #ad

Cisco, the server hardware company, predicts that globally, online video traffic will be 55 percent of all consumer Internet traffic in 2016. Video is growing by leaps and bounds, and in less than a year, we will see this prediction come to pass.... [Read more]

‘4 Social Media Buzzwords You Should Not Stop Using’ – ClickZ Blog

Angie Pascale says, “All digital marketers should keep the following four social media terms in their vocabulary. Social media, like every other marketing initiative (and some would even argue more so), is full of buzzwords. I’ll admit I use them every day, but when I hear others stringing them together in pretentious and increasingly nonsensical... [Read more]

‘The Argument For Investing In True Fan Engagement’ – TechCrunch

Harrison Shih says, “Following the launches of brand-centric services on sites like Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Google+, social media was the place for businesses to acquire new users and engage their fans. This seemed like an efficient way to get exposure: Businesses could essentially “rent” a spot on Facebook, much like a small shoe... [Read more]

‘How Marketing Can Contribute to Revenue Generation’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Glenn Gow says, “Do you look at Marketing as a cost center or as a revenue center? If you said “cost center,” you’re missing out on a big opportunity. Don’t feel bad, though; for a long time, Marketing has been seen as just that—a necessary but costly part of doing business. Revenue? How could Marketing actually contribute... [Read more]

Publish to unlimited WordPress Sites (one-time special) #ad

As we reported, PublishVault opened for new users yesterday. No matter what type of blog site you publish to, this application will benefit your site or sites (they are offering unlimited support for WordPress sites). With PublishVault, you can publish content to all of your WordPress sites from one dashboard. You don’t need to login and out... [Read more]

‘Email Summit 2015 Replay: Tips for tech support selection and contract negotiation’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Kayla Cobb says, “In the world of marketing, there’s always a push to stay ahead of the curve and, more importantly, ahead of competitors. However, it’s hard to dedicate the time, money, manpower and technical know-how to launching truly eye-catching (and revenue-generating) campaigns. This is especially true for smaller companies with marketing... [Read more]

‘Case Study: The Trick that Tripled Blogger Emma Johnson’s Email Sign Ups’ – Aweber Blog

Kristen Dunleavy says, “Emma Johnson’s blog, Wealthy Single Mommy, is more than practical dating and finance advice for single moms. It’s a support community for women everywhere. “Nobody was speaking to me or my peers,” Emma said. “We have our own stories, challenges. I started a blog and I didn’t know what I was doing. It was a personal... [Read more]

‘Google Makes Beta Testing Android Apps Easier And More Open’ – ‘ReadWrite’

David Nield says, “Google knows a friction-free app testing and submission process can help developers keep decent apps flowing, so it just rolled out a series of improvements to the beta testing process for Google Play apps. Overall, the changes are designed to help developers manage pre-release beta tests easily, so they can “iterate faster”... [Read more]

‘What to Do When Your Prospect Takes a Strange Turn in the Buyer’s Journey’ – HubSpot

Ryan Nicholson says, “There is another dimension beyond which is known to most marketers. It is a dimension that is vast and chaotic and as timeless as the sales process itself. It is the middle ground between the introduction and the close, between engagement and disengagement, it lies between the deepest of our marketing fears and the heights... [Read more]

‘The Missing Link Between Shopper Marketing And E-Commerce’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Benjamin Spiegel says, “As much as we all love terms like “breaking down silos” and “omni-channel,” we all know there is a big divide between the online and offline worlds. The reality is that we still have a long way to go in integrating our digital with our offline activities; this is especially true for the shopping realm. Digital shopping... [Read more]

‘Why data integration is vital for marketers trying to achieve a single customer view’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Mark Patron says, “Digital marketers have moved from a campaign driven to a more customer centric approach. The resulting customer dialogue has led to a greater need for a single customer view. However legacy systems have created data silos resulting in the need for more data integration. This has repercussions for how marketers should think... [Read more]

‘How to be more influential online’ – ‘Mashable’

Tracey Edouard says, “Mashable’s latest #BizChat’s Twitter chat was about influence: how to get it, and how not to stumble before you can wield it. Over the course of an hour, @MashBusiness covered an array of questions, ranging from how to maintain ethics as an influencer to the role storytelling and morals play in an influencer’s... [Read more]

‘​​Measure Your Mobile Rankings and Search Visibility in Moz Analytics’ – MOZ Blog

White says, “We have launched a couple of new things in Moz Pro that we are excited to share with you all:Mobile Rankings and a Search Visibility score. If you want, you can jump right in by heading to a campaign and adding a mobile engine, or keep reading for more details! Track your mobile vs. desktop rankings in Moz Analytics Mobilegeddon... [Read more]


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