IM NewsWatch, August 15, 2014 - ‘How To Do a Content Audit – MOZ' and much more...

August 15th, 2014 at 7:20 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Friday, August 15, 2014

‘Yahoo Launches Yahoo Stores, A Reboot Of Its E-Commerce Platform’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Yahoo announced today that it has launched a new version of its e-commerce platform, Yahoo Stores, to give small business owners “a more powerful, streamlined and beautiful way to turn their ideas into a business.” With Yahoo Stores, an online business can be up and running in minutes, according to a blog post by Amit... [Read more]

‘5 Tips For Saving Time In PPC Management’ – Web Marketing Today

Melissa Mackey says, “If you’re a small business owner or manager, you already know that your time is valuable. You’re probably on the lookout for time-saving tips that will let you focus on the most important parts of running your business. If you’re managing a PPC campaign, you also probably know that it can be a full-time job. Even those... [Read more]

‘Using Text Tools for Better SEO Content’ by John Chow

Chow says, “A motto that John brings up now and then is that if you live by the Google, you die by the Google. That may be true, but for a lot of bloggers and website owners, search engine optimization is absolutely of paramount importance, because Google continues to be one of the biggest and most important traffic sources. I know that’s case for my... [Read more]

TubeViperX: Research your niche competition on YouTube #ad

TubeViperX software, by Lisa Allen is like nothing you have seen before. It is a premium video research and ranking tool that uncovers the secret video ranking factors Google is hiding from you. Here’s what TubeViperX can do for you: • Quickly research the factors other videos in your niche are using to rank for a keyword you want to target.... [Read more]

‘Social Media Marketing: Staying Up on Trends’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Stephanie Jones says, “I have a couple pet peeves and by a couple, I mean at least 1,000. I loathe it when people drag their feet when they walk. I get irked when others are oblivious to traffic laws – other than speeding – I can get behind speeding. My biggest pet peeve is directed at a personal tic of mine: I hate it when I realize I’ve missed... [Read more]

‘How To Do a Content Audit – Step-by-Step’ – MOZ Blog

Everett Sizemore says, “This is Inflow’s process for doing content audits. It may not be the “best” way to do them every time, but we’ve managed to keep it fairly agile in terms of how you choose to analyze, interpret and make recommendations on the data. The fundamental parts of the process remain about the same across... [Read more]

’4 Fresh Ways to Squeeze More Conversions Out of Your Blog’ – HubSpot

Carly Stec says, “Allow me to make an assumption about you: At one time or another, you’ve done something because your friends were doing it. Sometimes, following others can be harmless — the worst thing that’ll happen is you’ll end up with a bad haircut or a hilarious 10th grade class photo. But on your blog, following others... [Read more]

Vector Video Mascots: Cartoon people to illustrate your marketing pages #ad

Do you need to create marketing pages online, or in brochures, or signage? Darren Smart has created Vector Video Mascots, with 31 cartoon people, in fully editable format, that you can use in any of your marketing work for yourself or your clients. They are in vector form, so you can scale them to any size you might need (especially useful if you create... [Read more]

Reminder – ‘Mobile Ad Effectiveness’ eMarketer Webinar August 21

This is a reminder for the eMarketer’s Mobile Ad webinar on August 21. eMarketer is hosting a webinar featuring Cathy Boyle on Thursday, August 21 at 1.00 pm ET. The topic of the webinar is “Mobile Ad Effectiveness”. eMarketer team says, “We’ll address these questions: What are the key touchpoints marketers must optimize... [Read more]

‘Marketing trends in the age of continuous partial attention’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Sebastian Gutierrez says, “The growing prominence of mobile and online shopping has challenged marketers to refine and tailor how they target the ‘always on’ consumer. Retail hours are a thing of the past and the individual lifestyles of consumers are becoming relevant to targeted campaigns. The optimisation of brand websites and email... [Read more]

‘Where And How To Code: Choosing The Best Free Code Editor’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Lauren Orsini says, “Ready to start your first coding project? Great! Just configure Terminal or Command Prompt, learn to use it and then install all the languages, add-on libraries and APIs you’ll need. When you’re finally through with all that, you can get started with installing Visual Studio so you can preview your work. At least that’s... [Read more]

Instant Legal Pages: 9 required legal pages to avoid legal trouble #ad

These days there are people (and some entire companies) surfing the web seeking money by “legally” stealing it from websites that don’t have proper legal documents published. They could claim you stole content from them. They could claim you are preying on children, etc. There are dozens of scams they can use, each of them potentially... [Read more]

‘What’s Stopping Sales From Embracing Social Selling?’ – HubSpot

Jim Keenan says, “I’m a huge advocate of salespeople. I love sales. But the longer I’m a consultant, the more discouraged I feel. They just don’t get it. Social selling is a prime example. When I meet with clients and talk to salespeople, not nearly enough are using social media. Yes, every salesperson uses LinkedIn to find people and... [Read more]

‘5 Upcoming Events To Re-Engage You With Your Work’ – ‘Mashable’

Kristen Kampetis says, “The Mashable Events Board is a great place to find leading conferences in your industry, whether it’s advertising, technology, media or public relations. This week we’re highlighting five events that we think can help move your career forward. If you don’t find something below that’s right for you,... [Read more]

‘The Right Way To Do Affiliate Marketing’ – Aweber Blog

Brandon Olson says, “Our next #AWeberHour Twitter chat is right around the corner. As I mentioned previously, we’ve got a fantastic lineup of speakers at our upcoming ASCEND Digital Marketing Summit in October. To introduce you to these incredible speakers, we’ve organized three special edition#AWeberHour Twitter chats. We’ve already knocked... [Read more]

90 “Done-For-You” Headline Graphics For Maximum Conversions (&more) #ad

A professional graphical look is a way to attract their attention and get them to read your sales letter. Your headline is the first thing people see. It’s what draws them in, captivates them and keeps them around long enough to buy your products, Lucas Adamski has just released Graphics Treasure Chest to give your site a boost. Inside Graphics... [Read more]

‘Is that Mind-Blowing Title Blowing Your Credibility? You Decide’ – MOZ Blog

Isla McKetta says, “What if I told you I could teach you to write the perfect headline? One that is so irresistible every person who sees it will click on it. You’d sign up immediately and maybe even promise me your firstborn. But what if I then told you not one single person out of all the millions who will click on that headline will convert?... [Read more]

‘A Complete Guide to Crawling Inside Your Customer’s Head With Empathy Maps’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Demian Farnworth says, “Jack Ungulate is a strange bird. When he drinks beer, he licks his index and middle finger, swipes the bottle opening, and then pauses, with the bottle raised to his mouth, before turning it upside down. Each time, every time. He also has a routine with his steel-toe boots. The left one must go on first, then the right.... [Read more]

‘Marketing Analytics: Show your work’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

David Kirkpatrick says, “Data handling and analytics can sometimes offer shocking results, as global B2B company National Instruments discovered after a surprising decrease in an email campaign’s conversion rate. Key Obstacle: Concern about the new numbers “When I first saw the number change, I was a bit freaked out,” said Stephanie Logerot,... [Read more]

Proxy Demon Pro: Anonymous surfing, posting, researching and more #ad

In Summer of 2012, Lani released their Proxy Demon software to help marketers find a Proxy Server they could use and find it quickly and easily. It was a big hit with marketers around the world. Here’s what one of the original purchasers said about this software: On my first run, I was able to scrape more than 40,000 proxies within a few seconds... [Read more]

‘Social Media Marketing: Focus on consumer reviews increases Facebook fans 100% for Playtex Baby’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study

Courtney Eckerle says, “Aware that word of mouth and recommendations are the primary way that mothers make decisions on buying baby products, the marketers behind the Playtex Baby brand decided they needed to foster mom-to-mom social media interactions. In this Inbound Marketing case study, learn how building up reviews in its Facebook community... [Read more]

‘Flipboard’s Mike McCue On The Future Of Digital Media, Video Ads’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Selena Larson says, “With over 100 million active accounts and 10 million user-created digital magazines, Flipboard has changed way people read and share news around the Web. The application lets users aggregate social feeds into a digital magazine, as well as follow and build magazines based on different topics, like cooking or international news. At... [Read more]

‘What does real-time marketing mean for B2B?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Christopher Ratcliff says, “Real-time marketing works. Let me make an addition to that rather bold affirmation. Real-time marketing works for B2C companies. Really well. But what of B2B companies? Is real-time just a pipe-dream? A strategy only successful if left to the trendier agile brands that have an ever-growing and content hungry audience... [Read more]

Done for You Video Templates Produce Profitable Videos #ad

If you are marketing online, nothing converts better than a persuasive video. And recently, animated videos have been doing especially well for marketers. Those animated videos with the cute cartoon characters and colorful graphics often keep you watching until the very end. And these days, they convert viewers into buyers because people enjoy them.... [Read more]

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