IM NewsWatch, August 13, 2014 - ‘Twitter Tests Promoted Video for Advertisers – Mashable' and much more...

August 13th, 2014 at 8:30 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

‘Five Ways Marketers Can Benefit From Online Reviews’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Jan Vels Jensen says, “For customers, it’s never been easier to interact with brands. If you love the shirt you just ordered, you can leave a glowing review on the company’s website. If the service at a new restaurant was awful, you can tell the world on a customer review site. If you can’t figure out why your package hasn’t... [Read more]

‘SEO – Risky Business for Small Businesses’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Frank Spohr says, “Optimizing websites so they rank high in Google’s search engines is big business. Ranking in the number one position for a popular keyword can bring in roughly 36.4 percent of that keyword’s traffic to your website according to Optify’s 2010 CTR study. Ranking in the second position may seem like a safe bet, but study... [Read more]

‘Twitter Flips Reporting, Claims 3% More Users Saw Ads In Q2 Than Initially Reported’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Greg Finn says, “During the Q2 Earnings call last month, Twitter reported that 14% of users accessed the service via third party apps during the quarter. However, in a new SEC filling released yesterday, the company changed that number to 11% of users. This is an important metric as users that don’t use the official Twitter app, mobile web... [Read more]

Proxy Demon Pro: Anonymous surfing, posting, researching and more #ad

Proxy Demon Pro: Anonymous surfing, posting, researching and more #ad In Summer of 2012, Lani released their Proxy Demon software to help marketers find a Proxy Server they could use and find it quickly and easily. It was a big hit with marketers around the world. Here’s what one of the original purchasers said about this software: On my first... [Read more]

‘How To Measure The ROI Of Your Social Media Marketing’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Alisa Meredith says, ““What’s the ROI of your mother?” Ah yes, the famous “You can’t measure the ROI of social media” answer from Gary Vaynerchuk. It is appealing to believe this. If it’s true, you don’t need to answer to anyone for your success or lack thereof, on social media. But, we think this is a smokescreen and a lazy answer... [Read more]

‘How to Create a Curated Blog Post ‘ – HubSpot

Pamela Vaughan says, “I’m going to let you in on a little secret: Not all of the content you create has to be 100% original. I know. Mind-blowing, right? And for those of you inbound marketers plagued by the incessant demands of content creation, maybe also a little comforting? Now before some of you get all “But content curation... [Read more]

‘How Not To Use LinkedIn’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Selena Larson says, “The other day I received a notification from LinkedIn that made me actually laugh out loud. My friend and colleague Lauren Orsini had endorsed me for “murder” and “arson.” It was a joke referencing my Twitter bot and law-breaking alter ego,@SelenaEbooks; I’m not actually all that skilled in either murder or arson.... [Read more]

Done for You Video Templates Produce Profitable Videos #ad

If you are marketing online, nothing converts better than a persuasive video. And recently, animated videos have been doing especially well for marketers. Those animated videos with the cute cartoon characters and colorful graphics often keep you watching until the very end. And these days, they convert viewers into buyers because people enjoy them.... [Read more]

‘Twitter Tests Promoted Video for Advertisers’ – ‘Mashable’

Jason Abbruzzese says, “First, promoted tweets; now, promoted video. Twitter has announced the beta launch of promoted video, a new advertising option that allows advertisers to upload videos and track user engagement. “Video is an incredible storytelling medium and we’re thrilled to be giving brands, publishers and a subset of verified users... [Read more]

‘The customer journey & relevant experiences are the new business imperatives’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Josh Manion says, “Understanding the customer journey and delivering relevant experiences has never been this critical. Recent research by eBay and Deloitte revealed that a third of UK and German consumers used multiple channels when making recent purchases, with this rising to two in three for orders over £100. This presents today’s marketers... [Read more]

‘Email Marketing: Simplifying email content increases open rates 48% for B2B company’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study

Courtney Eckerle says, ““Most of our lives we spend not as marketers, but as recipients of marketing,” said John Lavey, President and Chief Operating Officer, Hammock. As consumers, his team was experiencing email fatigue, and knew their newsletter was part of the problem. Read on to learn how they combated this by simplifying email... [Read more]

Dan Kennedy Reveals the Secret Sales Code #ad

Dan Kennedy wrote an open letter to his mailing list that he is allowing IM NewsWatch to share with the public. Read the letter below because:   First, it’s a powerful example of marketing copywriting.   Second, it shows that Dan actually does what he teaches. You can learn a lot from experienced marketing consultants like... [Read more]

‘3 Invisible Elements Your Sales Page Needs to Convert (One is Truly Unique)’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Sean D’Souza says, “Most people think music is about the notes. But think about the silence between the notes for a second. Doesn’t the absence of sound complete the composition? Without the silence, you only hear dozens of notes jostling madly into each other, causing a cacophony. Copywriting is a bit like writing a concerto. You may believe... [Read more]

‘Experiment: We Removed a Major Website from Google Search, for Science!’ – MOZ Blog

Cyrus Shepard says, “The folks at Groupon surprised us earlier this summer when they reported the results of an experiment that showed that up to 60% of direct traffic is organic. In order to accomplish this, Groupon de-indexed their site, effectively removing themselves from Google search results. That’s crazy talk! Of course, we knew we... [Read more]

‘The 7 Deadly Sins of Lead-Gen Landing Pages’ Business 2 Community Webinar October 1

This is a reminder for Business 2 Community’ webinar on landing page optimization. Business 2 Community is hosting a webinar with Tim Ash on Wednesday, October 1 at 2.00 pm ET. The topic of the webinar is “The 7 Deadly Sins of Lead-Gen Landing Pages”. The ‘Business 2 Community’ team says, “Landing page optimization... [Read more]

Sonic Reply: Make a deep connection with your clients #ad

When things go wrong for a customer, they most want your attention and caring. How you respond to their help requests can make the difference between losing a sale and making a customer for life. Andrew Hunter has built Sonic Reply to assure that you can promptly and efficiently address problems customers care about most. When you handle the customer... [Read more]

‘10 WordPress Plugins to Improve Your Blog’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Jonathan Long says, “There are so many websites that use the WordPress content management system, and because of that there are a large number of plugins available to website owners, both free and paid. Plugins help website owners easily do things like analyzing data on the site, improve the SEO, give their users a better experience, and make their... [Read more]

‘State of Search Results: Budgeting Trends’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Verónica Maria Jarski says, “As search marketing’s importance increases, more companies need to create room in their budget for search marketing. But are they doing so? The following infographic, based on the State of Search report produced by Econsultancy in association with SEMPO, highlights key statistics about budget trends in search... [Read more]

‘How to Create Content That Sells ‘ – HubSpot

Ginny Soskey says, “When most of us think about creating content for a businesses, we tend to think about the content that helps generate awareness or new leads. This type of content isn’t self-promotional — you typically use it to answer industry-related questions and address topics that’ll attract people to your website, entice... [Read more]

Arbitrage Underdog Reloaded: Connect service seekers with service providers #ad

This is the latest version of Arbitrage Underdog, released a year ago. Arbitrage Underdog Reloaded is the only software of its kind. It pulls service requests directly from Craigslist (and, in this newest version, it also searches several other sites). By scouring these databases of people looking for help in some technical jobs, it produces hot leads... [Read more]

‘6 Ways to Future Proof Your SEO Strategy’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Travis Bliffen says, “If you have been working in or around SEO very long, you already know that even the best laid plans can get you into hot water. Article directories, SEO press releases, guest posting and thin content Web 2.0 sites are just a few examples of effective strategies zapped by Google. I hate to be the one to break it to you,... [Read more]

‘Interactive Marketers: Let’s Make Case Studies More Valuable’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Kendall Allen says, “We’re all familiar with the lauded “case study.” As agencies, we pursue them to illustrate our own performance, which can help us win more business. As publishers or ad tech suppliers, the right case study helps us validate our products and services, opening up new doors when properly played. As brands, a brilliant... [Read more]

‘Brand pages on online marketplaces: A good idea, badly executed’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

David Moth says, “If you were wise enough to setup an online marketplace in the early days of the internet and also had great business chops, you might have been a very rich person by now. Some of the world’s biggest ecommerce companies are those that don’t actually sell any of their own products, or rely to a large extent on third-party sellers. Amazon... [Read more]

9 Sneaky Traffic, Leads & Profit Tricks #ad

Billy D just released his latest training, designed to grow all parts of your business: 9 Sneaky Traffic, Leads & Profit Tricks. When you invest in this training you will: • Learn one of the cheapest sources of traffic you can use right away to starting building your list. • Receive Billy’s secret Rolodex of solo ad vendors that... [Read more]

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