IM NewsWatch, August 12, 2014 - ‘Facebook is Killing the Managed Business Page – Business 2 Community' and much more...

August 12th, 2014 at 8:30 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

‘Facebook is Killing the Managed Business Page’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Michael Bird says, “If you own a small business page on Facebook, you need to be aware of changes that Facebook is making to how your content is shared amongst your followers. Beginning a couple of months ago, some companies’ managed business pages began to see a noticeable fall-off in activity. Their posts were reaching a much smaller number of... [Read more]

‘Boost Consumer Trust Before the Holidays’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Allison Howen says, “Holiday e-commerce sales grew 9.3 percent to reach 95.7 billion in 2013, which is a pretty big increase despite some high profile security breaches putting a damper on consumer trust. To gain both consumer trust and dollars during 2014’s holiday season, merchants should be working toward building better relationships... [Read more]

‘The No B.S. Guide to Reducing Your Website’s Bounce Rate’ – HubSpot

Neil Patel says, “Ever gone into your analytics and seen your bounce rate hovering around or above 90%? If so, you’re in trouble. That is a high bounce rate. And it’s very, very bad. Bounce rates are website killers. The problem is, many webmasters simply expect bounce rates to stay at high levels. I’m convinced it doesn’t have... [Read more]

New Instant Video Templates Easily Make Animated Videos #ad

Today, August 12, Peter Beattie and Todd Gross are making version 3 of their Instant Video Templates V. 3, which work with MS Powerpoint, Keynote Open Office and other video software, including products like their popular VideoMaker FX. We have special news about the release. It will be released at 11 AM EDT, but we have received a link that will let... [Read more]

‘Two Things To Consider Before You Invest In A Social Content Curation Platform’ – ‘The Forrester Blog’

Kim Celestre says, “Chances are, you’ve recently visited a brand’s webpage and stumbled upon a visually appealing, Pinterest-like media gallery with photos of happy customers and the brand’s products. Today, media galleries are all the rage as marketers attempt to capture the priceless content their audiences are generating... [Read more]

‘China Will Change The Way All Software Is Bought And Sold’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Matt Asay says, “China doesn’t need you. Not your software. Not your programmers. Not anything you have to offer. China mints over 100,000 new software engineers each year. Those engineers are writing an incredible volume of great software. What software China doesn’t develop, it pirates, to the tune of 77% of all software used in China... [Read more]

‘Google confirms HTTPS as a new ranking signal’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

David Towers says, “On August 6 2014, Google announced that it is starting to use HTTPS as a ranking signal within the search results. While on the face of it, this might not seem like big news, it’s another instance of Google using its influence to put pressure on websites to conform to what it considers best practice. Google has said that... [Read more]

Dan Kennedy Reveals the Secret Sales Code #ad

Dan Kennedy wrote an open letter to his mailing list that he is allowing IM NewsWatch to share with the public. Read the letter below because:   First, it’s a powerful example of marketing copywriting.   Second, it shows that Dan actually does what he teaches. You can learn a lot from experienced marketing consultants like... [Read more]

‘Fiverr Raises $30 Million to Grow the Gig Economy’ – ‘Mashable’

Seth Fiegerman says, “Fiverr, the online marketplace for small tasks, just raised a big round of funding. The company announced that it has raised $30 million in a Series C round of funding from Bessemer Venture Partners, Accel and other investors. The round brings Fiverr‘s total funding to date to $50 million. Micha Kaufman, CEO and cofounder... [Read more]

‘The 3:00 a.m. Secret Question That Drives Meaningful Success’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Sonia Simone says, ““I want you to ask your secret question.” That’s what Seth Godin asked the audience at the end of his generous Authority Intensive session with us in Denver this past May. The room was packed with fanboys and fangirls (I’m one) who were reeling a little from 45 minutes of intense marketing, business, and life advice”. The... [Read more]

‘Beyond Search: Unifying PPC and SEO on the Display Network’ – MOZ Blog

Anthony Coraggio says, “PPC and SEO go better together. By playing both sides of the coin, it’s possible to make more connections and achieve greater success in your online marketing than with either alone. That the data found in search query reporting within AdWords can be a valuable source of information in keyword research is well known.... [Read more]

Sonic Reply: Make a deep connection with your clients #ad

When things go wrong for a customer, they most want your attention and caring. How you respond to their help requests can make the difference between losing a sale and making a customer for life. Andrew Hunter has built Sonic Reply to assure that you can promptly and efficiently address problems customers care about most. When you handle the customer... [Read more]

‘Email Marketing: Does your copywriting accomplish these 6 key objectives?’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Daniel Burstein says, “When writing an email message, it’s easy to break the goal down to one thing – just trying to write compelling enough copy to get a click. But how do you actually earn that click? If you really want to optimize your email marketing, you have to think like the customer and walk through the cognitive process that potential... [Read more]

’57 Little Things to Double Check Before Your Website Launch’ – HubSpot

Shanna Kurpe says, “Admit it: Launching a new website is stressful — even for the most seasoned digital marketers. Websites are complex. There are so many things that are easily overlooked, like a broken link or a misspelled word. And of course, a handful of things could go very, very wrong. Like what if you forget to test an important... [Read more]

‘7 Key Insights Into B2B Content Marketing and Lead Generation’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Jeff Zabin says, “The 2014 Benchmark Report on B2B Content Marketing and Lead Generation reveals various insights into how B2B companies are creating, licensing and utilizing content assets to demonstrate thought leadership, raise brand visibility – and, perhaps most importantly, generate qualified leads. Some of the insights are obvious; others... [Read more]

Arbitrage Underdog Reloaded: Connect service seekers with service providers #ad

This is the latest version of Arbitrage Underdog, released a year ago. Arbitrage Underdog Reloaded is the only software of its kind. It pulls service requests directly from Craigslist (and, in this newest version, it also searches several other sites). By scouring these databases of people looking for help in some technical jobs, it produces hot leads... [Read more]

‘How big ticket B2B companies use search marketing’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Louis Gudema says, “Despite all the research and writing on the B2B buyer’s journey, quite a lot of B2B marketers still believe that “my buyers aren’t looking for us in search.” Their assumption is that the customer in a position to buy a six- or seven-figure (or larger) piece of equipment or service is going to be deeply experienced and... [Read more]

‘PHP, Once The Web’s Favorite Programming Language, Is On The Wane’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Lauren Orsini says, “When I started learning PHP earlier this month, I excitedly shared my new goal with my editors, my colleagues, and my friends. The response from anyone tech-savvy was always the same: “Why?” PHP—which once stood for Personal Home Page, suggesting its roots in building simple yet customized websites—is a general-purpose... [Read more]

‘Social Media Over The Past Decade’ – HubSpot

Rebecca Graves says, “While researching this article, I posted on Facebook about what I was working on. Something I wouldn’t have even thought about ten years ago; social media wasn’t even on my radar then. Today, it is so much a part of our lives that I wonder (and hope) that this is something that you will share in your own social media... [Read more]

9 Sneaky Traffic, Leads & Profit Tricks #ad

Billy D just released his latest training, designed to grow all parts of your business: 9 Sneaky Traffic, Leads & Profit Tricks. When you invest in this training you will: • Learn one of the cheapest sources of traffic you can use right away to starting building your list. • Receive Billy’s secret Rolodex of solo ad vendors that... [Read more]

‘The Two Types of Social Media Engagement’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

Mike Schneider says, “The terms “customer engagement” and “social media engagement” have been hackneyed by software vendors, thought-leaders and consultants over the past five years to the degree that it’s become confusing for those evaluating software to understand who provides what. Once defined by most as simply likes, retweets and shares,... [Read more]

‘10 ways to increase customer engagement in ecommerce’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Ben Davis says, “High street stores are getting their mojo back, so what can ecommerce do to engage the consumer? Here are just 10 features that help to keep customers engaged on ecommerce websites. If you’ve seen any innovative new features from ecommerce companies, please let us know below. For all things engagement and optimisation, why... [Read more]

‘What Is It Really Like to Be a Startup CEO?’ – ‘Mashable’

Quora team says, “Being a founder/CEO is nothing like you think it is when you watch as “just” part of the management team. You think it’s about making tough calls and making key decisions every day, every week, every month. It is. But what it’s really about is 24/7/365 accountability — in a way you have never experienced... [Read more]

RunClick Webinar Software: Sale ends at Noon EDT #ad

You probably know they power of webinars as a sales tool. When you can demonstrate your product, answer live questions and talk personally to potential buyers, you make more sales. But first, you need to be able to plan, schedule and deliver your webinar; then, follow-up with those who attend. This necessary webinar support capability is the reason... [Read more]

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