IM NewsWatch, August 10, 2015 - '5 Ways to Generate Business Through LinkedIn – Entrepreneur' and much more...

August 10th, 2015 at 9:09 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Monday, August 10, 2015

‘Changing Times: Finance Marketing Evolves With Content’ – Content Marketing Institute

Ann Gynn says, “The challenges for marketers in the financial industry are similar to those being experienced in other industries: The marketplace is changing, and customers are no longer responding to one-size-fits-all approaches. But this industry has its own unique considerations: Financial marketers operate in a heavily regulated industry... [Read more]

‘Mobile Gets the Email Opens, Desktop Gets the Conversions in Q2’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Pete Prestipino says, “A new report from Movable Ink indicates that while email recipients on mobile devices are responsible for more opens, those using their desktop are generating more conversions. Movable Ink’s Q2 “US Consumer Device Preference Report” reveals that 68 percent of emails were opened on a mobile device, with... [Read more]

‘Lead Nurturing Essentials From the Sales Team’ – ‘’ Blog Editorial Staff says, “Great news! Marketing has a shiny new lead for you. But not so fast—blink those dollar signs out of your eyes. It’s not time to seal the deal yet; you need to get to know each other first. Lead nurturing is the vital middleman between sales and marketing; it helps you build a relationship and gain the trust... [Read more]

Snap Affiliate Profits for profitable affiliate marketing #ad

Stephen Gilbert, Greg Kononenko and Steven Meiracker are online marketers of long-standing. They both create products of their own and market as affiliates for other people’s products. From their experience, they have found marketing processes that let them be consistently profitable in affiliate marketing in two of the most competitive niches... [Read more]

‘5 Ways to Generate Business Through LinkedIn’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Ann Handley says, “Let’s start with the data: More than half of marketers surveyed say Facebook is the most important social network they use, according to the 2015 Social Media Marketing Industry Report by San Diego-based Social Media Examiner. LinkedIn came in second: 71 percent of marketers use it, but only 21 percent cite it as the most... [Read more]

‘Email Marketing: Why you should run a win-back campaign’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

Daniel Burstein says, “Sometimes people fall out of love … with your newsletters and email marketing. Or change jobs. Or email providers. There are a million reasons why they stop reading and engaging with your emails. This is why email marketers need to run win-back campaigns. That is, reaching out to inactive subscribers and compelling or... [Read more]

‘How to Mine Social Media for Authentic Market Intelligence’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Marcel Florez says, “With more than $200 billion in spending power and opinion leadership positions in many product segments, Millennials are increasingly using social media to communicate to companies about the products or services they buy. Savvy companies have taken notice, and they have implemented social media strategies that enable them... [Read more]

Sneaky List Hack adds 1000 subscribers to your list #ad

Face it, if you want to be a marketer, you need a mailing list of people who have indicated an interest in what you have to sell. Taylor Rizor says his Sneaky List Hack strategy will consistently bring new subscribers onto your list, so you can build a relationship with them and, ultimately, market to them... [Read more]

‘Twitter Publishes 122-Page Customer Service Playbook For Brands’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Complaining about poor service on social media might be the new national pastime. But most brands are still doing a poor job of responding to consumer complaints, especially on Twitter, where most of the action is taking place. According to Social Bakers, brands answered fewer than 30 percent of the seven million questions asked... [Read more]

‘Beyond Vanity Metrics: 4 Ways to Measure Video Marketing’ – HubSpot

Carly Stec says, “In marketing, there are many instances in which the written word simply won’t cut it. For times like these, we often call upon video content to convey our intended message. With 82% of B2B marketers experiencing success with video marketing initiatives, according to a recent report from Demand Metric, there’s certainly... [Read more]

Reminder- ‘Amazon Prime Day: 12 quick takeaways from Amazon’s magnificent train wreck’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

Ken Bowen says, “For those of us interested in marketing, Amazon’s first ever “Prime Day” celebration could not have been more fun to experience. Intended as a special shopping day for members of Amazon’s $99/year Prime service, Amazon had practically promised ecommerce Armageddon leading up to the 24-hour event, with “More deals than... [Read more]

FB Traffic Ricochet: more traffic to your site, in 13 minutes/day #ad

Naidy Phoon and his business partner Trevor Emdon have been experimenting with using Facebook in new ways to drive traffic to their websites, without spending money on Facebook ads. Now, they share their findings in FB Traffic Ricochet... [Read more]

‘3 Resources to Help You Add Outstanding Audio to Your Content Marketing’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Stefanie Flaxman says, “Imagine you’ve just watched an interview with a charismatic celebrity on a late-night talk show. He told a funny personal story, and now you’re excited about seeing the new film he’s starring in that premieres next week. Wouldn’t it be powerful if your content could spark the same type of connection with your audience... [Read more]

‘Why Effective, Modern SEO Requires Technical, Creative, and Strategic Thinking’ – MOZ Blog

MOZ team says, “There’s no doubt that quite a bit has changed about SEO, and that the field is far more integrated with other aspects of online marketing than it once was. In today’s Whiteboard Friday, Rand pushes back against the idea that effective modern SEO doesn’t require any technical expertise, outlining a fantastic list... [Read more]

‘Why downloadable content should be part of your marketing strategy’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Nicola Kenyon says, “Marketers put a lot of effort into social media marketing and blogging because both are great for raising awareness and interacting with potential customers. With all of the positive statistics surrounding these mediums, it can be tempting to focus all of your efforts here. After all: Companies that blog have 97% more inbound... [Read more]

The Big Buck Method: The better way to use Fiverr #ad

Stephen Gilbert, Greg Kononenko and Steven Meiracker are online marketers of long-standing. They both create products of their own and market as affiliates for other people’s products. From their experience, they have found marketing processes that let them be consistently profitable in affiliate marketing in two of the most competitive niches... [Read more]

‘Facebook Defends Its 3-Second Video View Standard’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “A Facebook product manager has defended the social network’s use of three seconds as the standard for what constitutes a video view. In a post on Medium this week, Matt Pakes, a manager in the video product team, wrote that three seconds is enough of a signal for Facebook to register that someone has watched video in the News... [Read more]

‘Decentralized Content Marketing: The Latest Trend We Need to Face’ – HubSpot

Meghan Keaney Anderson says, “In the beginning, there were blogs. Ok, that’s not entirely accurate. In the beginning there was the printing press. Then about 500 years passed and there were blogs … but let’s cut to the recent stuff, shall we? The very existence of content marketing was predicated on the ability of any company, anywhere... [Read more]

‘Let’s Get Quizzical: How to Generate Warm Inbound Leads From Your Website Using Quizzes’ – ‘’ Blog

Josh Haynam says, “The average website conversion rate (to a trial or email subscriber) is 2.3 percent. That’s pretty abysmal, especially considering that ad clicks are often north of a dollar apiece, meaning that for every $100 you spend, $97 is just thrown out the window. There is a solution to this problem that’s beginning to creep... [Read more]

Coloring Books for Adults: Is this wild idea a money-maker? #ad

Bill Platt has taken notice of the new trend at Adult comic books are taking off and becoming big sellers. In fact, in 2015 sales have risen exponentially. Many big publishers have noticed this trend and are getting ready to enter this niche soon... [Read more]

‘Building The Business Case For Attribution’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Liane Dietrich says, “If you’re a marketer, you probably know the feeling — You’re looking back at last quarter’s performance, facing the hard truth that a large portion of your marketing budget seems to have been wasted. You’re navigating multiple performance reports from several vendors across all of your marketing channels, and it’s... [Read more]

‘How to Deliver the Perfect Sales Demo’ – HubSpot

Niti Shah says, “I’ve listened in on a lot of sales demos. It started as a simple sales research project — what conversation paths were our prospects taking? How could we optimize those paths, and from a marketing perspective, close the loop to deliver more qualified prospects to our sales team? More educated prospects, shorter sales cycle... [Read more]

‘Effective Marketing Appeals to Emotions Instead of Reason’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Jeremy Ellens says, “On average, consumers are exposed to more than 5000 advertisements per day. Among those 5000-plus advertisements, only about 12 will make an impression on the average consumer. How can your business stand out among the clutter? Whether you are a Fortune 500 company or a recently funded startup, the best way for your business... [Read more]

‘Publishing for millennials and reaching the ‘hard-to-access’ generation’ – HubSpot

Murray Newlands says, “Located in the heart of London’s ad-land, The Charlotte Street Hotel is an appropriate setting to meet two young publishing entrepreneurs. Liam Harrington is the Co-Founder of UNILAD, a UK millennial-focused publisher site whilst Alex Attinger is the Managing Director of ContentClick, an ad platform and content ad network. UNILAD... [Read more]

‘Your Most Valuable Intellectual Property ‘ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “We’re all in the intellectual property business now. But as business people, how much do we enforce our rights when others infringe on them? Creative freelancers are thought of as service providers, but what they’re really selling is their copyright in the work product they create for clients. This has special implications... [Read more]

‘Anatomy of a Killer LinkedIn for Business Page’ – ‘’ Blog

Deborah Sweeney says, “LinkedIn isn’t a standard, run-of-the-mill social media site. Its founders built the site for a specific purpose – to help people expand their professional, working network and further their careers. But LinkedIn has grown to be more than a site to showcase a resume and find jobs; people use it to share and discuss... [Read more]

‘4 Simple Ways to Use Periscope for Your Business’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Crystal Washington says, “Periscope is the popular live video streaming app purchased by Twitter in March 2015. It’s the Instagram of live video streaming, offering users the opportunity to see the world through the eyes of someone else. Users have the capability to share their stories and perspectives to add value to their viewers in the form... [Read more]

‘Building an Audience: 7 Things We Learned At Podcast Movement’ – Aweber Blog

Scott Richardson says, “1100 attendees. 101 degree summer heat. One comedian. And of course, Serial. Podcast Movement hosted an amazing conference last weekend in Fort Worth, TX focused on connecting and inspiring podcasters (and aspiring podcasters). The all-star lineup was stacked with the biggest names in the podcasting community including... [Read more]

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