IM NewsWatch, August 1, 2014 - ‘How to breathe new life into old content – Econsultancy' and much more...

August 1st, 2014 at 7:55 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Friday, August 1, 2014

‘Guest Blogging is (Really) Dead! 4 Things to Do Instead’ – VerticalResponse Blog

Chipper Nicodemus say, “It wasn`t too long ago, (a year or so) that nearly everyone working in the field of search engine optimization (SEO) would suggest using “high quality” guest blogging as part of a link buildingstrategy. Well, in January of this year, Matt Cutts, Head of Webspam at Google, put a dagger in the heart of guest bloggers,... [Read more]

’3 Mobile Search Warnings Google Still Needs To Add’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Bryson Meunier says, “No one applauded louder than I did when Google introduced their warning in search results forfaulty redirects in June of this year, and then, warnings for Flash earlier this month. It’s definitely a step in the right direction for Google — and for searchers, who have had to endure less than usable mobile search results... [Read more]

‘Why birthday emails should be a part of every marketer’s program’ – ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog

Elaine Yavorcik says, “On the day of your birthday you may expect the dozens of happy birthday texts, calls and Facebook messages from your friends and family. What you may not expect, are the many personalized birthday emails and offers you receive from your favorite brands. Because birthday emails are inherently sentimental and delightful to... [Read more]

Cutting Edge SEO Software Finds Effective Links #ad

SEO has many nuances that have some effect on your results, but one of the primary factors in a high rating is backlinks. And the most useful backinks are “do follow” links from influential sites. Finding authoritative sites that will give you backlinks is no small task, particularly “do follow” links. For example, IM NewsWatch... [Read more]

‘9 Crucial Tools for Web Designers’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Erez Zundy says, “Most companies spend thousands (and thousands) of dollars looking to give their Web designers the tools they need to do their jobs efficiently and successfully, but are they spending their money on the right tools? There are some staples in every designer’s toolbox that should stay and some others that deserve a first... [Read more]

‘Google My Business: What You Need to Know’ – Web Marketing Today

Kunle Campbell says, “On June 11, Google Places became Google My Business. More than an exercise in rebranding, the name change heralded several important changes. Google+ integration has been improved. Google My Business (GMB) has been integrated with Google+ Local, the business listing that used to appear for local”. Google My Business: What... [Read more]

‘Inbound Marketing: How Infochimps grew its database 94% in one year’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study

Courtney Eckerle says, “All of the content Infochimps had prior to this inbound marketing funnel transformation “wasn’t really relative anymore. We started, really, from scratch,” Amanda McGuckin Hager, Director of Marketing, Infochimps, said. “They specifically brought me in and said, ‘This is what we have. This... [Read more]

Solo Ad Professor: Closely Guarded Solo Ad Formula #ad

Paul Nicholls uses solo ads to run his business. He consistently makes a profit from his ads, earning 2-3 times what he spent on the ad, or even more. In a world where many solo ads don’t earn any profit at all, and often result in a loss, Nicholls is an exception, someone who has learned to use solo ads the right way, the profitable way. Now... [Read more]

‘Why Responsive Design Does Not Care About Your Customers’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

John Tackett says, “Responsive design, like any new technology or technique, does not necessarily increase conversion. This is because when practicing Web optimization, you are not simply optimizing a design; you are optimizing a customer’s thought sequence. In this experiment, we discovered the impact responsive design has on friction experienced... [Read more]

‘Guide To Optimizing Client Sites 2014’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

Peterd says, “For those new to optimizing clients sites, or those seeking a refresher, we thought we’d put together a guide to step you through it, along with some selected deeper reading on each topic area. Every SEO has different ways of doing things, but we’ll cover the aspects that you’ll find common to most client projects. Few Rules The... [Read more]

‘Mobile Is Not Yet Delivering On Its Marketing Promise’ – ‘The Forrester Blog’

Tracy Stokes says, “Is this the long-awaited year of mobile? Last week, Facebook announced that its quarterly profits had more than doubled, driven in large part by mobile; 62% of Facebook’s ad revenue now comes from advertising on mobile devices. Forrester forecasts that mobile will be the fastest-growing digital marketing category in 2014,... [Read more]

Serp Shaker shakes up IM; builds and ranks sites quickly #ad

Don VanFossen and Andres Tobar are releasing the latest version of Serp Shaker. These two are a natural pairing. People have made money with Don’s products. And Andres has proved that he build useful tools, too. In fact, using Serp Shaker (not selling it to other marketers; using it himself) he reports that he made over $600,000 last year. Serp... [Read more]

‘Does Customer Service Actually Work on Twitter?’ – HubSpot

Lane Sutton says, “Today, people expect a lot of brands on social media – studies have shown that 42% of consumers expect a response within one hour when they contact a brand on social media. That’s an incredibly demanding turnaround time, especially if you’ve got a lot of other things on your plate. The good news is, companies... [Read more]

‘How to breathe new life into old content’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Danny Chadburn says, “In early 2011 I put together a simple video for a friend’s band for a song they made referencing a certain (lonely) dictator. It was uploaded to YouTube and had been seen by a handful of people; however on December 17 that year the viewing figures suddenly skyrocketed. The despot in question had died, and I was the... [Read more]

‘LibreOffice 4.3: The best open-source office suite gets better’ – ‘ZDNet’ Blog

Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols says, “Ever since LibreOffice split off from the troubled OpenOffice in 2010, this open-source office suite has gotten better and better. With this new release from The Document Foundation, LibreOffice 4.3 has established itself as the best non-Microsoft office suite. The new LibreOffice 4.3 brings many new useful... [Read more]

“WP Sales Copy” builds squeeze pages, sales pages and more #ad

Derrick VanDyke has just announced his new WP Sales Copy software. It’s for any marketer who wants to sell something (even an affiliate product) or build a mailing list; that includes just about all of us. With this software, you can easily (using point and click actions) build an entire sales funnel for your site. WP Sales Copy builds pages that... [Read more]

‘Why Asking About Google Bank Is The Wrong Question’ – ‘The Forrester Blog’

Oliwia Berdak says, “”When will Google launch a bank and what will it look like?” is a question I frequently hear from our banking clients. Google’s activities in digital wallets and payments, as well as its reputation as one of the most disruptive firms in the market, have obviously left many banking executives worried. Unfortunately,... [Read more]

‘Google Adds Amazon-Like Ratings to Searches’ – ‘Mashable’

Todd Wasserman says, “In an effort to compete with other online shopping destinations, namely Amazon, Google announced it was adding customer reviews to searches on Thursday. Searches for terms that could be construed as products, like “blender” or “lawnmower,” will now include reviews on a five-star scale that are aggregated... [Read more]

‘Create a Video Background for Your Web Page’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Pete Prestipino says, “Minimalist Web pages have been popular among designers for quite some time, but the trend is evolving in some elegant and sophisticated ways. Today, for example, you might see standalone websites use video backgrounds on these often sparse pages. One incredibly lightweight (coming in at just 3.6K) jQuery plugin to check... [Read more]

Weblify: SEO Traffic Tool With 4 Years Of Results #ad

Ricky Mataka has just released new software to improve SEO for your site. He calls it Weblify. This new software is a new update of software Mataka has been using for years. And he has sold it to a limited number of clients who paid $297 for itand were glad to do it because they have also found it helps them benefit their own sites. Now Mataka is opening... [Read more]

‘Optimizing Your Content for How People Read ‘ – HubSpot

Jami Oetting says, “Congrats! You’ve sold your client on the idea that a new website — one that provides a more user-friendly experience and increase sales and opportunities. Actually making this vision a reality is a whole other story, though. To make this happen, you need understand how your client’s future visitors will see and... [Read more]

‘10 Quick and Easy Digital Marketing Tools for Authors’ – ‘Mashable’

Aubre Andrus says, “Regardless of whether you’re self-published or have a Big 5 publisher behind your book, all authors are doing the same thing: promoting themselves and their book. While marketing takes away time from what we authors do best — writing — it’s a necessary evil. Luckily, there are more than a few fairly simple and... [Read more]

‘What Lies Behind That Result From Facebook’ – ‘The Forrester Blog’

Ryan Skinner says, “Pundits’ take that Facebook has “solved” mobile advertising after its home run last week hid a bigger, behind-the-scenes story: We’re finally seeing branding and direct response marketing merge in a meaningful and measurable way; Facebook is just one place where it’s happening most demonstrably. Here’s important... [Read more]

If you think OptimizePress is great, but too expensive, try this #ad

There’s a new WordPress theme marketers are finding just right for building a marketing site: Cotton WordPress theme. This new theme is not only easy to use to build a professional-looking site, it also: • Helps you engage your visitors in that crucial 30- second time window when they decide to go or stay • Loads very fast, further increasing... [Read more]

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