IM NewsWatch, April 9, 2015 - 'Why the Membership Model Makes Sense – Entrepreneur' and much more...

April 9th, 2015 at 9:03 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Thursday, April 9, 2015

‘6 Foolproof Methods for Creating Top Content on Any Topic’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Jeffrey Kranz says, “We’d all love to show up first in Google for something. There’s likely at least one golden search term or keyword you’re striving for —and we’ve all heard plenty of different get-to-the-front-page-of-Google formulas. It can get a little dizzying keeping all the approaches straight. But it can be done. If... [Read more]

‘A Shiny New Metric: Ad Viewability Rate’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Amberly Dressler says, “There’s a conversation happening that should prove interesting to online advertisers – viewability as an ad performance metric. Google describes viewability rate as the, “Percentage of ads determined viewable out of the total number of ads measured.” According to this infographic, the most viewable... [Read more]

‘Why the Membership Model Makes Sense’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Will Ford says, “Brick-and-mortar retailing is a rough business. Even established players like RadioShack and Borders have found it impossible to stay afloat in such a cut-throat environment. Yet Costco has a happy oasis in the category, able to thrive and pay its staff well, even in the face of larger competitors. How? One explanation is... [Read more]

Become a recognized SEO expert with new products #ad

Dr. Amit Pareek and Eric Holmlund have been working on a product for you to sell in one of the hottest niches in the Internet Marketing arena, one that is ripe for additional training. It’s SEO, a subject that always gets lots of interested visitors & buyers whenever there’s new information. Every Webpage, eCommerce store, Blog, Forum,... [Read more]

‘How to Kick Your SEM Campaign Into High Gear’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Bruce Gibbs says, “What do you do when your SEM campaign is not delivering the results you intended? You were hoping for more leads or conversions, yet it seems the campaign is spending its budget but not delivering a return on all that investment. It’s time for campaign optimization—when you determine what needs to be done to help your... [Read more]

‘How You Can Improve Your Order Confirmation Emails + 4 Inspirational Examples’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Andrew King says, “It’s well known that order confirmation emails are some of the most widely opened, read and clicked emails around. It’s the one type of email that you can almost guarantee will be opened or at least saved for later in case there is an issue with the order. Unfortunately this type of email has traditionally been managed... [Read more]

‘Do You Owe Taxes On Money Made Online?’ by John Chow

Chow says, “For this episode of Driving with John Chow, I answer the question, do you owe taxes on money made online. The time is perfect since it’s tax season. The short answer is yes. If you make money online, the IRS will want their cut. For tax purposes, online income is treated as business income. If your Internet business isn’t incorporated,... [Read more]

This may be the best way to monetize video in 2015 #ad

When we consider the fact that 55% of video traffic will be mobile in 2015, we realize that any website using video (and most are) needs to be sure that its videos are easily accessed on mobile devices... [Read more]

‘Here’s Why Real-Time Marketing Won’t Work (and What Will)’ – Content Marketing Institute

Narain says, “Back in February 2013, something amazing happened to the world of marketing: A brand did something moderately clever, which resulted in a year of analysis and attention. I’m talking about Oreo’s live tweet during the Super Bowl blackout at the Super Dome that sparked a craze for what has now been crowned real-time marketing... [Read more]

‘Are Meerkat and Periscope Good News or Bad’ by Jay Baer

Baer says, “Maybe Periscope and Meerkat are the greatest things ever, but maybe they are going to be the end of live events as we know it in our world. I actually recorded this episode of the Jay Today show on Periscope, the new live-streaming app now owned by Twitter. People are already all over the Periscope the same way they were all over the... [Read more]

‘Welcome To The B2B Marketing Role’ – Forrester

Peter O’Neill says, “Welcome to our new B2B Marketing role pages. Our research and advisory work will focus on the sharp end of B2B marketing (see below). By that I mean all the work that marketers do to generate and accelerate revenue for their company. You’ll find our reports useful if you do demand generation, lead-to-revenue management,... [Read more]

Get VideoPages software plus 12 Software Bonuses #ad

Last week, we told you about Joshua Zamora’s new software, VideoPages. It builds web pages with embedded video (sales pages, opt-in pages, etc.) It comes with several templates that let you vary the look of your pages... [Read more]

‘Email Segmentation: 40% average open rate via relevant content journey’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study

Erin Hogg says, “When you become a trusted advisor to your prospects, how can you deliver the most relevant content for them? TechnologyAdvice, a consultative service with a goal of helping businesses find the best technology solutions for their needs, appeals to a wide range of customers in different verticals. Sending targeted content for specific... [Read more]

‘Yahoo Has Apparently Decided It’s Time To Really Cash In On Tumblr’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Lauren Orsini says, “Yahoo is planning an internal reshuffle that could effectively end the independence of its most popular acquisition, the visual blogging platform Tumblr. The Information reports that CEO Marissa Mayer spoke about the major changes inside the company at an offsite meeting with executives. She also reportedly asked Tumblr CEO David... [Read more]

‘Facebook launches standalone messaging app for the web’ – ‘Mashable’

Patrick Kulp says, “Facebook rolled out a web browser version of its standalone Messenger app on Wednesday. Like the Messenger mobile app, the web platform — which can be found at— is completely separate from the rest of the site and has the same barebones look. But unlike the mobile app, the social network claims it will not force... [Read more]

Daily autopilot income with underground traffic source #ad

No matter what you do online, whether you’re promoting a CPA offer, selling physical products, collecting leads or anything else online, you need targeted traffic, large amounts of it and you need it now... [Read more]

‘Google reveals impact of store visits on conversions’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Patricio Robles says, “Last year, Google added store visits to its Estimated Total Conversions feature. At the time, Google noted that “roughly 95% of retail sales take place in physical stores,” making the ability to measure the influence of online ads on offline sales of great importance. Google’s ability to track store visits... [Read more]

‘Off with Your Head Terms: Leveraging Long-Tail Opportunity with Content’ – MOZ Blog

Simon Penson says, “Running an agency comes with many privileges, including a first-hand look at large amounts of data on how clients’ sites behave in search, and especially how that behavior changes day-to-day and month-to-month. While every niche is different and can have subtle nuances that frustrate even the most hardened SEOs or... [Read more]

‘Earn the Right to Sell’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Chris Brogan says, “My biggest belief about modern business as it intersects with the digital world can be summed up in one sentence: Create useful content that nurtures a specific community so that you earn the right to sell and serve them to exchange value. Boiled down tighter: content, community, marketplace. The old saying about if the carpenter... [Read more]

Commissions in minutes with robust affiliate DFY website #ad

The multi-national marketing team of IM Wealth Builders (Cindy Battye, John Merrick and Soren Jordansen) have just released their Covert Commissions online software membership site. This is a plug & play system for earning affiliate commissions virtually on autopilot... [Read more]

‘Twitter Kills #Discover Tab On Mobile, Moves Trending Topics To Search Page’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Continuing to tinker with its content mix and display, Twitter announced today that is beefing up its trending topics feature and eliminating the Discover tab from mobile apps. Trending topics on mobile will now include a description for each trend to give people more context about topics that are spiking on the social network.... [Read more]

‘3 Simple Ways to Gain an Unfair Advantage in Your Business’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Jon Nastor says, “Do you know how many businesses fail within their first two years? If you ask any entrepreneur, we’re all able to tell you the grim statistics: nine out of 10 new ventures will never make it. Now, if you line up 10 entrepreneurs who are all starting new businesses, how many of them would say that their business will be... [Read more]

‘Why Influencer Marketing is Creating Huge Returns for Businesses’ by Jay Baer

Baer says, “Businesses are making a strong return from influencer marketing, generating $6.50 in revenue for each $1 spent, according to the latest poll from influencer marketplaceTomoson. The poll also found that influencer marketing is the fastest-growing online marketing channel, crushing other strategies like affiliate marketing, paid search,... [Read more]

‘Will Amazon Dash be an ecommerce breakthrough for CPG brands?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Patricio Robles says, “When Amazon announced Amazon Dash, a device that lets consumers reorder common household products ranging from peanut butter to paper towels through their AmazonFresh accounts, many thought it must be an early April Fool’s joke. After Amazon confirmed that Dash is no joke, the criticism began. TIME’s Paul Robertsasked,... [Read more]

‘YouTube To Launch Ad-Free Paid Subscription Service This Year’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Amy Gesenhues says, “A paid subscription service from YouTube appears to be just around the corner. The Verge reported today YouTube will soon be launching an ad-free video subscription service that will cost approximately $10 per month. The yet-to-be named subscription package will allow subscribers to store videos offline on mobile devices,... [Read more]

‘Should We Fear Content Shock? (Or Could It Actually Be a Good Thing?)’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “There is far more content available for consumption than time to consume it. That is not up for debate. But what is up for debate in this episode of The Lede is whether this idea of “content shock” is something to fear … or an opportunity. In this episode, the fourth in the Hero versus Villain series, hosts Jerod Morris... [Read more]

‘4 Tips to Forge Winning Client Relationships for the Long-Term’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Gabrey Means says, “As a service-based business, while landing new clients is a critical part of the mix, relationships built and nurtured over time is where the real juice is — offering a level of stability and scaleability that’s essential to long-term health and success. Such relationships take care and feeding and are built on... [Read more]

‘The Final Word on Creating Effective Landing Pages’ by John Chow

Chow says, “We have chatted a bit on here about how to create great landing pages. We have looked at design ideas, along with other random ideas. What we felt was in order was an A-Z guide to creating an effective landing page, that would spell it out for everyone in complete package right here. Lets take a look at all the things that go into... [Read more]

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