IM NewsWatch, April 6, 2015 - 'Conversion Rates for the Most Popular Marketing Channels – Entrepreneur' and much more...

April 6th, 2015 at 1:19 pm EDT

IM NewsWatch

Monday, April 6, 2015

‘Why Smart Social Media Marketers Care About Mobile Optimization’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “How many of you use your smartphone and/or tablet to check email, scroll through Twitter, and even read blog posts like this one? Most of you, I’ll bet. While we’re not quite ready to do away with our laptops and desktop computers, people are spending more time using their mobile devices to access the internet... [Read more]

‘Conversion Rates for the Most Popular Marketing Channels’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Anand Srinivasan says, “With dozens of marketing platforms to choose from, many small businesses have trouble apportioning the right share of the marketing budget to each different strategies. Add to this the challenge of customizing these channels to suit your own individual business needs, and it becomes a scenario where you may have to... [Read more]

‘Reduce Your Bounce Rate with Email Verification’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Derek S. says, “Email is one of the most powerful tools that companies can leverage to communicate with their consumers, however, to before companies can take advantage they must make sure to have a valid email address. Kickbox, an email verification and marketing solution, has recently announced a new integration with VerticalResponse. For those... [Read more]

Daily autopilot income with underground traffic source #ad

Daily autopilot income with underground traffic source #ad No matter what you do online, whether you’re promoting a CPA offer, selling physical products, collecting leads or anything else online, you need targeted traffic, large amounts of it and you need it now. Precious Ngwu hopes to satisfy this need when he announces his new software, Traffic... [Read more]

‘Create a Killer Email Call to Action’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Paul Ford says, “Creating great calls to action (CTAs) is more than possible, yet so many links in brands’ marketing emails remain unclicked. Many of those emails are never even opened in the first place. Over 100 billion business emails sent and received every day, according to The Radicati Group’s Email Statistics Report. Marketers... [Read more]

‘Facebook Accounted For 75% Of Social Ad Spending Globally In 2014′ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Facebook’s status as king of the social hill shows no signs of slippage. In 2014, the social network pulled in 75% of total advertising spending on social networks, according to a new report by Boston-based Strategy Analytics. Facebook accounted for $11.4 billion of the $15.3 billion market for social media advertising, a... [Read more]

‘How To Maximize Your Affiliate Commissions’ by John Chow

Chow says, “When you sign up for an affiliate program, whether that’s through an individual vendor or via a network, your motivations are pretty obvious: you want to make some money. And if you’re going to try and make some cash through affiliate marketing, then you may as well try to make as much of it as you possibly can for the least amount... [Read more]

Commissions in minutes with robust affiliate DFY website #ad

The multi-national marketing team of IM Wealth Builders (Cindy Battye, John Merrick and Soren Jordansen) have just released their Covert Commissions online software membership site. This is a plug & play system for earning affiliate commissions virtually on autopilot. In Covert Commissions, they have completely eliminated the learning curve and... [Read more]

‘5 Ways to Use Location Data for Better Social Listening’ by Jay Baer

Baer says, “Customers talk in more than keywords and hashtags. And when they’re posting to social networks, customers say what’s on their mind—sometimes they @mention your brand handle, sometimes they include keywords you’re watching. But more often than not, posts don’t include the keywords or hashtags you’re likely watching (74%... [Read more]

‘This company thinks it can beat Google in a critical area – and it just made a $122 million buy to help’ – Business Insider

Lara O’Reilly says, “Rubicon Project, the programmatic advertising company that went public last ear, acquired Toronto-based search and ad regargeting companyChango on Tuesday for approximately $122 million in cash and stock (but primarily stock). Toronto-based Chango specializes in “intent marketing,” mixinginformation from... [Read more]

‘How to Turn Average Customers into Raving Fans’ – Aweber Blog

Sam Hollis says, “You already offer remarkable support to your customers, so any potential issues that arise are handled efficiently and effectively. So, you’re good – right? Even though your customers are happy with your product and service, you can still go the extra mile if you’re willing. Delighting your customers will help you build... [Read more]

“Videopages” builds any webpage with embedded video #ad”

Joshua Zamora and Aravindh Sridhar have partnered before to build products for online marketers. They just announced their latest product, VideoPages... [Read more]

‘Google’s ARC Welder Gives You A Glimpse Of An Android-Anywhere Future’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Brian P. Rubin says, “On Wednesday, Google opened the beta of its latest developer tool—the App Runtime for Chrome, or ARC—to anyone on any computer running the latest version of the Chrome browser. With the ARC Welder app installed in your browser, you can theoretically run any Android app in a virtual environment without having to use any actual... [Read more]

‘3 ways small businesses can use video marketing’ – ‘Mashable’

Brad Jefferson says, “In an age of ubiquitous viral photos and videos, 2015 is the veritable heyday of self-promotion. Generation Y has become so adept at personal marketing — managing their personal brands everywhere from Twitter and Facebook to Instagram and YouTube — that they have turned the field into a form of entertainment and even surpassed... [Read more]

‘10 fascinating digital marketing stats from APAC’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

David Moth says, “Regular readers of the Econsultancy blog will familiar with our weekly stats roundupthat keeps you up to date with the latest digital marketing and ecommerce trends. Well the world’s too big to cover in just one post a week, so we’ve decided to add to the insight with a monthly roundup of stats from APAC. This inaugural post... [Read more]

Zapable builds mobile apps for local businesses, more #ad

Zapable was launched yesterday by Andrew Fox and his brother Chris Fox. It’s the latest, and arguably the best, app builder software available to marketers... [Read more]

‘Permission Pass Email Send: A proven method for cleaning your mailing list’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Michael Rendon says, “If you are reading this, you are likely in one of two positions: You have decided it is time to cleanse your email list of the inactive subscribers that no longer engage with your email sends, or … You need to stay compliant with your email management software (EMS), and you are being required to send your subscribers a permission... [Read more]

‘Understanding and Applying Moz’s Spam Score Metric’ – MOZ Blog

MOZ team says, “This week, Moz released a new feature that we call Spam Score, which helps you analyze your link profile and weed out the spam (check out the blog post for more info). There have been some fantastic conversations about how it works and how it should (and shouldn’t) be used, and we wanted to clarify a few things to help you... [Read more]

‘How to Launch Your Product the Right Way’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “How do you get people to buy what you sell? In this episode of The Mainframe, hosts Chris Garrett and Tony Clark discuss the proven launch approach that will give you the best chance of success, without resorting to those sleazy sales techniques we all try to avoid as customers. In this episode of The Mainframe, hosts Chris... [Read more]

How to cash in on Amazon & Facebook with Zapable #ad

Amazon did over $74 Billion in revenues in 2014. And they are still growing. In December, over 60% of Amazon's sales were made from mobile devices. Affiliates who ride this wave can grow with them... [Read more]

‘Don’t Kill Your Sales! Top 3 Shopping Cart Turnoffs’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Liesha Petrovich says, “You’ve spent time and money designing the perfect marketing campaign. You’ve designed a flawless strategy to drive customers to your awesome sales page and you know it will convert. You’ve thought of everything… Except your shopping cart process. When you design a marketing campaign, you’re... [Read more]

‘The Business Case for Social Selling’ – HubSpot

Emma Snider says, “If you haven’t started incorporating social media into your sales process, you’re not alone.According to a survey from PeopleLinx, only 31% of sellers currently use social to sell. But a quick look at the data backing social selling indicates that the trend will only get stronger in the years to come. For instance,... [Read more]

‘Do Domain Extensions Matter?’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Allison Howen says, “With the arrival of the new gTLDs, many are wondering about the impact of domain extensions on their digital business. Fortunately, Interbrand is shedding light on the subject, revealing (unsurprisingly) that consumers are much more likely to remember the .COM extension over other extensions. In fact, data from a recent Interbrand... [Read more]

‘Microsoft Changes Course On Default “Do Not Track” Browser Setting’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Ginny Marvin says, “Microsoft announced Friday that it is changing the default setting for Do Not Track in future versions the company’s browsers. Do Not Track (DNT), the setting that signals to websites that users do not want their behavioral data tracked or passed on to analytics or advertising entities for personalization and ad targeting,... [Read more]

’10 Tips to Ensure Your Emails Resonate in the Inbox’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Eugene Dediu says, “An email marketer should have one goal in mind: capturing readers’ attention so they respond to the email’s call to action. Many companies, however, instead send out massive amounts of impersonal, irrelevant emails that come across as spam and don’t engage recipients. All too often, marketers cast a wide... [Read more]

‘Inspiration Goldmine: Guide to Creating Effective Content Ideas’ – ‘’ Blog

Derek Miller says, “Assume you’re doing content marketing for a plumbing client and you’re tasked 5 blog articles. I know what you’re thinking: Awesome opportunity! Not what you’re thinking? More than likely you’re thinking: “What the heck am I going to write about?” You probably aren’t an expert plumber, so a tutorial on bathtub... [Read more]

‘4 Social Contests that Help You Grow Your Email List and Reach New People’ – VerticalResponse Blog

Lisa Furgison says, “Growing your email list and reaching new people is an on-going process for every business and thinking of creative new ideas can be challenging. Today we bring you four unique social media contests you can use to grow your email list and get new people engaged with your company. Each contest is paired with an app or online tool... [Read more]

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