IM NewsWatch, April 15, 2014 - ‘Triggered Email Messages: Keys to Success – ClickZ' and much more...

April 15th, 2014 at 7:42 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

‘Local Marketing State Of The Union 2014‘ Kevin Wilke’s Webinar April 16

Kevin Wilke is hosting a webinar on Wednesday, April 16 at 9.00 pm EDT. The topic of the webinar is “Local Marketing State Of The Union 2014″. Wilke says, “The Local Marketing Industry has changed DRAMATICALLY the past couple years, however most people are still using OUTDATED, INEFFECTIVE approaches to the business. And its time... [Read more]

‘Create Marketing Your Customers Can Use’ – ‘The Forrester Blog’

The latest article on ‘The Forrester Blog’ is titled “Create Marketing Your Customers Can Use”. Melissa Parrish says, “Half of US online adults have reached ‘always addressable’ status: using at least three connected devices and accessing the web multiple times per day from varying locations. It’s perhaps no surprise that... [Read more]

‘The 2014 Digital Marketer Report – advice on how to become a cross-channel marketing mastermind’ – ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog is titled “The 2014 Digital Marketer Report – advice on how to become a cross-channel marketing mastermind”. Pamela Robertson says, “The sixth annual Digital Marketer Report came out last month and once again it’s stuffed with data, benchmarks, trends and recommendations that marketers... [Read more]

Sell more of your apps through instant exposure #ad

Even if you don’t already publish Android apps, you have probably heard they can be quite lucrative and may be thinking of trying your hand to get in on the many sales occurring daily How lucrative your apps are depends, of course, on how many people buy. And that depends on how many people are exposed to your promotions. Now, AppExposure Pro... [Read more]

‘Triggered Email Messages: Keys to Success’ – ClickZ Blog

The latest ClickZ blog post is titled “Triggered Email Messages: Keys to Success”. Jeanne Jennings says, “Sending triggered email messages can be an extremely effective marketing strategy, as they have been shown to produce much higher open and click-through rates. Last week I had the pleasure of speaking at the Monetate Agility Summit about... [Read more]

‘The State of SEO in 2014’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

The latest article on ‘MarketingProfs’ is titled “The State of SEO in 2014”. Ayaz Nanji says, “Most search engine-optimization (SEO) practitioners (71%) say understanding the link between social sharing and search rankings is more important in 2014 than it was last year, according to a recent report from BrightEdge. Measuring rank in Google... [Read more]

‘The Purpose of Repurposing Content’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled ”The Purpose of Repurposing Content”. Niti Shah says, “Recently, I was in a brainstorming session with some folks who were in town for a HubSpot event, Partner Day. The goal of the brainstorm was to come up with ideas and outlines for new content in rapid fashion. We started with a set... [Read more]

SEO plugin for WordPress; 80% discount expiring #ad

Joshua Zamora and Radu Hahaianu did announce Seamless SEO as planned, yesterday. In the process, they shared more details of what this software will do for you. This plugin gives you a process that simply works almost automatically to improve your SEO. It is all white hat, and you don’t have to worry about changes Google might maker to its ranking... [Read more]

‘Facebook Is Testing A ‘Pages Popular In Your Area’ Feature’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on ’Marketing Land’ is titled “Facebook Is Testing A ‘Pages Popular In Your Area’ Feature”. Martin Beck says, “Facebook is testing a new suggestion module on its right sidebar: Pages Popular In Your Area. The suggestion box, first brought to our attention Friday by online media strategist Samuel... [Read more]

‘4 Email Marketing Myths Busted’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “4 Email Marketing Myths Busted [Infographic]”. Amberly Dressler says, “The Web is full of myths. Some of these beliefs are simply outdated or were never true to begin with. Campaigner, the email marketing brand of j2 Global, Inc., enlisted their experts to identify, analyze and label... [Read more]

‘SEO Is Dead; Web Marketing Alive and Well’ – Web Marketing Today

The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “SEO Is Dead; Web Marketing Alive and Well”. Melih Oztalay says, “When someone asks me about focusing on search engine optimization, the first thing I think of is that the individual is not familiar with today’s realities, in 2014, of web marketing. When asked, my response is an educational... [Read more]

WP Squeeze Buddy: latest technology for WP landing pages #ad

If you are wanting to build high-converting Splash and Squeeze Pages, Heri Rosyadi has you covered with his new WP Squeeze Buddy WordPress theme. If you want to do WP sites that work in today’s environment that is dominated by mobile devices, your theme needs to be responsive to the screen size of the device the visitor is using. And WP Squeeze... [Read more]

‘5 Essential Topics Every Email Marketer Should Understand’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “5 Essential Topics Every Email Marketer Should Understand”. Derek Harding says, “Some years ago, OK many years ago, I joined a custom publishing agency. My first week was one of deep orientation. During that week I was taken through the details of the publishing process. I was taught about... [Read more]

‘Getting hreflang Right: Examples and Insights for International SEO’ – MOZ Blog

The latest MOZ blog post is titled “Getting hreflang Right: Examples and Insights for International SEO”. David Sottimano says, “Most of us will remember the days in SEO where geotargeting was nearly impossible, and we all crawled to the shining example of as our means of showcasing what the correct search display behaviour should be.... [Read more]

‘Will you survive the logged-in user revolution?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Will you survive the logged-in user revolution?”. Rachel Serpa says, “If you don’t think identity plays a significant role in user experience, think again. Case in point: I was recently browsing my favorite footwear site on my smartphone for the perfect pair of shoes, but... [Read more]

Kevin Fahey gets 36,000 Subscribers In one Week #ad

List Profit Generator Is live. It’s responsible for a huge increase in subscribers for Kevin Fahey. Fahey has been building his lists for over 6 years, and now has a list of over 250,000 subscribers. It’s probably true that he knows the subject as well as any marketer living Recently, he has been using his custom-produced List Profit Generator... [Read more]

‘12 Examples of Native Ads (And Why They Work)’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “12 Examples of Native Ads (And Why They Work)”. Demian Farnworth says, “?Despite all the hype, native advertising remains a fuzzy concept for most marketers. According to our 2014 status report: 49 percent of respondents don’t know what native advertising is 24 percent are hardly... [Read more]

‘Lead Generation: Great results don’t always have to be complicated’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

The latest ‘MarketingExperiments’ blog post is titled “Lead Generation: Great results don’t always have to be complicated”. John Tackett says, “To discover what works best for generating leads in your organization, at some point, you eventually have to do two things: Wade through enough trial and error until success is the only destination... [Read more]

‘It’s Time For A New Approach To Marketing’ – ‘The Forrester Blog’

The latest article on ‘The Forrester Blog’ is titled “It’s Time For A New Approach To Marketing”. Carlton Doty says, “Consumers don’t trust your ads. In fact, fewer than one out of four US online consumers trust offline ads, and the numbers are even worse for digital. It’s time for a new approach to marketing, based on deep customer... [Read more]

Interlink Express: Optimize your WP site for higher SEO ranking #ad

Kevin Byrne has just released a new WordPress plugin, Interlink Express, that improves your on-site SEO by linking related pages to each other. It makes good sense to link related posts and pages together. That way, a visitor interested in a topic can easily explore all you have to say about it. That keeps them on your site longer(your “bounce rate”... [Read more]

‘FTC ‘Consumer Complaint’ Emails Are Actually Scams’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “FTC ‘Consumer Complaint’ Emails Are Actually Scams”. Mashable team says, “No business owner likes to see customer complaints, but a new email scam could be even more damaging than an unsatisfied client, according to a new warning from the Federal Trade Commission. The FTC is warning... [Read more]

‘How Retailers Are Winning on Visual Social Networks’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “How Retailers Are Winning on Visual Social Networks”. Allison Howen says, “An image doesn’t only speak a thousand words, it also grabs the attention of consumers on the ’Net. After all, the majority of people (65 percent) are visual learners according to the Social Science Research... [Read more]

‘How are companies trying to increase customer lifetime value?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “How are companies trying to increase customer lifetime value?”. Graham Charlton says, “Customer lifetime value matters, so how are companies attempting to improve retention rates? Our recent Customer Lifetime Value: Building Loyalty and Driving Revenue in the Digital Age report (produced... [Read more]

Build a buyers list from affiliate marketing #ad

Typically, affiliate marketers don’t get the names of people who buy what they promote. Those names go only to the product creator. That’s too bad. Those names are precious. These are people with problems, looking for solutions and willing to pay for them. Offer them another product related to the first, and they are a “hot” audience.... [Read more]

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