IM NewsWatch, April 14, 2015 - '6 Creative Ways to Integrate Social Media and Email Marketing – Entrepreneur' and much more...

April 14th, 2015 at 9:07 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

‘Content vs. Advertising – Is There Really A Debate?’ – TopRank Blog

Lee Odden says, “Recording last night’s BeanCast, Altruism or Consumerism, hosted by the talented Bob Knorpp brought up the topic of Content Marketing and whether paid placement of content is just advertising – among many other topics from Dove to Amazon Dash. This content vs. ad question was inspired by commentary from Mitch Joel in his... [Read more]

‘4 Tips for Increasing E-Commerce Ad Effectiveness’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

Amberly Dressler says, “If it feels like your e-commerce advertising is like trying to win a Formula 1 race on a bike you’re not alone. It’s possible to come in first but not likely… The competition is stronger, fiercer and enjoys way more horsepower. Not to mention they’re everywhere too. It doesn’t matter what channels you try... [Read more]

‘Snapchat Is No Longer Selling Its Original Ad Unit, Brand Stories’ – Re/code

Kurt Wagner says, “Snapchat is making a few tweaks to its six-month-old ad business. The company has stopped selling Brand Stories, the first type of ad it released last fall, according to multiple people familiar with the move. Brand Stories are the equivalent of sponsored stories, allowing a marketer to share photos and video content with users... [Read more]

I want an online business, but I don’t know what to sell #ad

You may have heard the stories about many everyday people who have earned a good income on the Internet. You’re an everyday person, too. Why can’t you do the same? Well, you can, provided: • You have a good product to sell. • You have a good website where you can sell it. • People interested in your niche visit your website And if you have... [Read more]

‘How Design Impacts User Experience: Reducing anxiety by infusing your page with value’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Jessica Lorenz says, “Do a quick Google search on “things to a/b test on a website,” scan the results for a moment, then come back and read the rest of this article. Most of you reading this are marketers, so you know I’m taking a big risk by telling you to go do something else before you read my article. In fact if you’re reading this now,... [Read more]

‘How Much Does It Cost To Run My Blog?’ by John Chow

Chow says, “Have you ever wondered how much it cost to run a million dollar Internet business? It’s a question I get asked a lot. Most people can figure out that my blog can’t be run on a $5 a month HostGator web hosting plan. In this Driving with John Chow episode, I reveal how much it cost to run John Chow dot Com. The general reaction to the... [Read more]

‘Facebook is thinking of building a super ad exchange that could seriously hurt Google and a bunch of other companies’ – Business Insider

Lara O’Reilly says, “Facebook has filed a fascinating patent that suggests it has considered building a mega ad exchange that harnesses its social data to serve ads and, interestingly, content (like paid-for news articles or videos from brands, otherwise known as native advertising) on sites beyond the social network’s own platform. The... [Read more]

Proven System for Creating Profit-Pulling Videos #ad

Justin Sardi and Neil McPherson have spent the last couple of years developing their video marketing skills. To start, they had some tutoring from a successful video marketer, but after a while they began to experiment on their own. They got some positive results with one product, so they tried this video system on other products, too... [Read more]

‘6 Creative Ways to Integrate Social Media and Email Marketing’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Jimmy Daly says, “Digital marketers—like you!—are all stars. You have your hands full with all the many ways to reach your audience. At any given time, you may need to be fluent in email, content and social media because your audience is cross-platform. Few people make buying decisions anymore based on information from a single medium.... [Read more]

‘How Marketers Brainstorm and Use Content Ideas’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “Half of all marketers say they do not have enough ideas to be successful in their content marketing efforts, according to a recent report from Kapost. The report was based on data from a survey conducted in February and March 2015 of 377 marketers (76% B2B-focused, 20% B2C, 4% both). Senior executives have more confidence in... [Read more]

‘Click Here Or Else: The Evolution of Chain Emails’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Jason Warnock says, “Do you remember those awful chain emails from the late ’90s and early 2000s? They came in three varieties: a personal survey, an email you sent to your crush or a depressing, moralistic story. You know the ones. And, regardless of their content, the end message was always the same: Share with friends … or else. Luckily,... [Read more]

‘Google’s April 21 search results bombshell; are you ready?

Google believes mobile users are being shortchanged by webmasters. Many websites  treat mobile as an afterthought and do little to assure that mobile visitors can use the site easily. On April 21, Google will change its search algorithm to reward sites that are “mobile friendly”... [Read more]

‘How to Keep your Site Fast for Mobile-Friendly’ – MOZ Blog

Billy Hoffman says, “Cindy Krum recently published a must-read primer on the upcoming Mobile-Friendly changes which I highly recommend checking out before proceeding. Got it? Good. With the mad rush to optimize mobile sites prior to April 21st, it can be very easy to sacrifice performance in the process. Lest we forget, Google has mentioned... [Read more]

‘Why Every Great Website is a Membership Site’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Demian Farnworth says, “The world of marketing is being turned on its head. Instead of messaging thatpromises an experience, effective marketing must itself begin the experience. Does that make it “marketing” any longer? Or is it something else, something valued and sought after instead of avoided? The experience that any smart “marketer”... [Read more]

‘Google Mobilegeddon is upon us’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Patricio Robles says, “Earlier this year, Google announced that it would begin using mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal on April 21, 2015. “This change will affect mobile searches in all languages worldwide and will have a significant impact in our search results,” the company wrote on its blog. “Consequently, users will... [Read more]

‘You can be an SEO expert with new products #ad

Dr. Amit Pareek and Eric Holmlund have been working on a product for you  to sell in one of the hottest niches in the Internet Marketing arena, one that is ripe for additional training. It's SEO, a subject that always gets lots of interested visitors & buyers whenever there's new information... [Read more]

‘5 Social Media Marketing Metrics You Should Be Tracking’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Aaron Agius says, “Social media can be an extraordinarily effective marketing medium, but it can also be a tremendous time sink for brands that focus on the wrong priorities. Many marketers religiously monitor their Facebook followers, retweets and other popular social media data, but there are other metrics that are even more important that... [Read more]

‘Unleash the Power of Rainmaker Platform Pro’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Jerod Morris says, “The Rainmaker Platform is only one year old, but it’s ready to turn pro. If you’re not familiar with Rainmaker, it’s the complete solution for building your online marketing and sales platform. With the Rainmaker Platform, you can: Create powerful, content-driven websites on your own domains. Build membership sites... [Read more]

‘How publishers can drive ad revenue using quizzes’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Josh Haynam says, “For publishers, being able to run on ad revenue can be a tough pursuit, but quizzes can help. Check out two very different case studies below… On Tuesday March 16, 2015, an editor at HotNewHipHop reached out to me with a few questions about formulating a quiz. This was the same day that Kendrick Lamar’s new album To Pimp a... [Read more]

Commissions in minutes with robust affiliate DFY website #ad

The multi-national marketing team of IM Wealth Builders (Cindy Battye, John Merrick and Soren Jordansen) have just released their Covert Commissions online software membership site. This is a plug & play system for earning affiliate commissions virtually on autopilot... [Read more]

‘4 Revolutionary Behavioral Email Marketing Ideas’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Jimmy Daly says, “Email marketing is a crapshoot. You send mass emails hoping that some small percentage of people will open, click and convert. The bigger your list, the less you know and the more you’re forced to guess about what to say and when to send. But what if you flipped the paradigm by sending email as a result of behavior? Instead... [Read more]

‘3 Steps to Close 75% More Leads and Make 47% More Money’ – ‘’ Blog

Andrew McDermott says, “You’ve got leads. Prospective customers who want to buy. They’ve made a beeline for your website and opted in. Some of them explicitly stated that they need your product. Yet 75% of them aren’t buying. What gives? Why aren’t they buying? They won’t buy because they’re not ready. But it gets... [Read more]

‘What Venture Capitalists Want to See in Your Business (VIDEO)’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Kate Taylor says, “What would you ask venture capital industry insiders if you had the chance? What they’re looking for in investors? How to assemble an investment-worthy team? Or maybe just tips on how to start a conversation with VCs? Entrepreneur had a chance to find out all that and more at a recent VC insider panel hosted by co-working... [Read more]

‘How to Choose the Best Mobile Strategy for Your Business’ by Jay Baer

Baer says, “These days, mobile strategy is an imperative for marketing departments across every industry. While today’s CMO is looking at mobile advertising and optimizing websites for tablets, the first word on everyone’s mind is “app.” Developing an app isn’t the right solution for everyone, so how do you determine what mobile strategy... [Read more]


‘Facebook To Showcase New Video Ad Product “Anthology” At NYC Event Prior To NewFronts’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Amy Gesenhues says, “The Wall Street Journal reports that Facebook is planning a presentation just days before this month’s NewFronts event in New York to give advertisers an overview of its upcoming video advertising plans, as well as showcase its new Anthology video ad product. “Several of Facebook’s Anthology partners will deliver presentations... [Read more]

‘Welcome (and welcome back) with life cycle marketing’ – ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog

Craig Brockman says, “Who doesn’t like a warm welcome? Whether your customer is walking into your store or just signed up on your website to receive communications from you, she expects a warm reception. It’s important to make that first impression count. A welcome series helps the conversation open up between the customer and your brand.... [Read more]

‘Tools to Help Marketers Stretch Their Budget’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

Andrea Johnson says, “When a prospect enters her credit card online and hits “buy now,” chances are it isn’t her very first visit to the site or touch point in the sales process. According to Jeffery McCollum, Founder of CAKE, a digital marketing company, a sales path rarely leads directly to conversion. “The client might see a display ad... [Read more]

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