IM NewsWatch, April 10, 2014 - ‘Content Marketers, Kill The Blog Category – Marketing Land' and much more...

April 10th, 2014 at 7:27 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Thursday, April 10, 2014

‘Content Marketers, Kill The Blog Category’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on ’Marketing Land’ is titled “Content Marketers, Kill The Blog Category”. Ric Dragon says, “Plato said Socrates thought very little of the then-newfangled objects that were books, arguing that the written word impinged upon man’s ability to remember and to think. In the early 60s, Marshall McCluhan... [Read more]

’3 Tips to Get Your Affiliate Network Working For You’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on ’Marketing Land’ is titled “3 Tips to Get Your Affiliate Network Working For You”. Jordan Elkind says, “Times are tough for affiliates. In February 2014, the affiliate channel accounted for only 7% of e-commerce transactions — down from 9% in February 2013, and a drop in the bucket compared to... [Read more]

‘Gmail’s New Visual Promotions Tab: Quick Observations and Tips for Email Marketers’ – Silverpop Blog

The latest Silverpop blog post is titled “Gmail’s New Visual Promotions Tab: Quick Observations and Tips for Email Marketers”. Darryl Bolduc says, “Recently I wrote a blog about how simplified email imagery can help you stand out. This is truer than ever given Google’s latest curveball: Gmail Visual Promotions Tab — Grid View,... [Read more]

RipperKing™ Azon Ripper: marketing research tool for Amazon affiliates #ad

Walter Jayanth has developed software called Azon Ripper and for about a month Amazon affiliates have used it to improve their sites. If you want to market Amazon products, it would pay you to know which niches are hot and which products in those niches are the best sellers. And, for good measure, you need to know which keywords Amazon customers are... [Read more]

‘5 Steps to Content Marketing Awesome – You Can Do This!’ – TopRank Blog

The latest TopRank blog post is titled “5 Steps to Content Marketing Awesome – You Can Do This!”. Lee Odden says, “Successful content marketing programs are ongoing communications efforts that empathize with customers and deliver useful experiences. Each content object published is a promise to the community that something relevant, useful... [Read more]

‘Tips To Improve PPC Conversion Rates’ by John Chow

John Chow’s latest blog post is titled “My Best Tips To Improve PPC Conversion Rates”. Chow says, “Obviously we all want to improve our conversion rates, right? The real question is – how? Here we will go over some tips to improves these conversion rates for the lowest cost possible. The first tip is to test out your landing pages. Google... [Read more]

‘Facebook Overhauls and Limits Those Despised Right-Rail Ads’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Facebook Overhauls and Limits Those Despised Right-Rail Ads”. Todd Wasserman says, “When Facebook rolled out its last desktop redesign last month, it left the right column — the home of many dodgy direct-response ads — alone. Now, however, it’s gotten around to cleaning them up... [Read more]

PDF Watchdog protects you from black-hat theft #ad

Andrew Brocklehurst‘s latest product is software, called PDF Watchdog, designed to stamp out theft of your e-books, reports and white papers. Normally, if someone buys a PDF you are selling and passes it along to another person, you lose the income, and if there’s a lot of circulation, that could be a lot of lost income. With PDF Watchdog,... [Read more]

‘How to market your branded Facebook page’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “How to market your branded Facebook page”. Christopher Ratcliff says, “It’s getting tougher and tougher for brands to make an impact through organic means on Facebook. In a recent tweak to the news feed algorithm, companies that run Facebook pages have seen a substantial... [Read more]

’7 Tools to Create Killer Headlines' – ‘The Future of Ink’ Blog

The latest article on the ‘The Future of Ink’ blog is titled “7 Tools to Create Killer Headlines?. Joan Stewart says, “On average, 8 of 10 peoplenever make it past your headlineor title. That’s becauseheadlines are usually an afterthought–slapped onto an article, a press release or a blog post after you’ve spent an hour or two painstakingly... [Read more]

‘What Every Marketing Department Needs to Know About Google+’ by Jay Baer

Jay Baer‘s latest ‘Convince & Convert’ blog post is titled “What Every Marketing Department Needs to Know About Google+?. Baer says, ““Ghost town.” “Waste of time.” “It’ll never happen.” These are common sentiments when it comes to Google+, but it really is time to rethink your strategy because Google+ is not going... [Read more]

“The 300 Body” PLR for your fitness business #ad

Rick Warid is known for his niche products that help other marketers quickly establish a presence in lucrative niches, even if they know little about them. Warid’s new The 300 Body PLR Mega Pack tackles the body-building niche, a $22 Billion obsession of many people. In this new marketer’s quick start package, you get everything you need... [Read more]

‘The Art of Thinking Sideways: Content Marketing for “Boring” Businesses’ – MOZ Blog

The latest MOZ blog post is titled “The Art of Thinking Sideways: Content Marketing for “Boring” Businesses”. Robin Swire says, “It’s amazing what you end up finding online working in the SEO game. Some of the most obscure business sectors have thriving communities and many online magazines and publications. It’s really... [Read more]

‘Why Parallax Design Doesn’t Have to Tank Your SEO’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “Why Parallax Design Doesn’t Have to Tank Your SEO”. Jerod Morris says, “?Can parallax design be bad for a website’s SEO? Absolutely. Hence the chatter. But this shouldn’t deter you from considering parallax effects for your site, becauseany design style can be bad for SEO if... [Read more]

‘Facebook Moves To Boost The Size Of Ads In The Right-Hand Column’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on ’Marketing Land’ is titled “Facebook Moves To Boost The Size Of Ads In The Right-Hand Column”. Martin Beck says, “Facebook is increasing the size of its right-hand column ads. The move, announced today in aFacebook for Business blog post, is intended to make such ads more prominent and visually... [Read more]

GRT Yahoo Edition has turned into a best-seller #ad

Cliff Carrigan has developed GTA Yahoo Edition software to search Yahoo Groups for groups in your niche. The people in these groups are in them because they are intensely interested in your subject. And often they are talking not just about the topic, but specifically about problems they are having and are seeking solutions for. The problem is that... [Read more]

‘Automattic, Maker of WordPress, Acquires Longreads’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Automattic, Maker of WordPress, Acquires Longreads”. Seth Fiegerman says, “Longreads is celebrating its fifth birthday by getting a new owner. Longreads, which curates longform stories from around the web, has been acquired byAutomattic, the company behind WordPress. The two companies announced... [Read more]

‘How to sell your brand through socially shared reviews’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “How to sell your brand through socially shared reviews”. Jan Vels Jensen says, “Online reviews of your company and its products and services are great tools for growing your online reputation that consumers trust. That value goes so much further when customers not only write... [Read more]

Warning to Marketers who use Adobe Flash or Adobe Air

Marketers are among the leading users of Adobe AIR and Adobe Flash. If you ware among them, you will want to download the latest patches. They address critical flaws that could expose you to hacking. The fundamental problem is in Flash. Three vulnerabilities were discovered in it. Adobe AIR was impacted since includes the Flash code. ComputerWorld released... [Read more]

Animated CTAs: More people will push your buttons #ad

Igor Burban‘s new WordPress plugin, Animated CTAs, gives you unforgettable (and almost irresistible) buttons to get people to take action today. These buttons aren’t cheesy butterfly or flower animationa. They are strictly business. You can invite people to opt in, to like you on Facebook, buy your product or anything else. These buttons... [Read more]

‘The Hashtag Test: Best and Worst Practices for Social Media Marketers’ – TopRank Blog

The latest TopRank blog post is titled “The Hashtag Test: Best and Worst Practices for Social Media Marketers”. Nick Ehrenberg says, “Hashtags are wonderful social media marketing tools. They can highlight trends, tie campaigns to chosen keywords, and isolate conversations. The allure of the hashtag is strong, especially for brands that desire... [Read more]

‘Which Social Networks Deliver the Most Engaged Users?’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

The latest article on ‘MarketingProfs’ is titled “Which Social Networks Deliver the Most Engaged Users?”. Ayaz Nanji says, “YouTube, Google+, and LinkedIn drive the most engaged social referrals to websites, according to a recent report from Shareaholic. In its analysis, the company examined the the average visit duration, pages per visit,... [Read more]

‘Google Penalties – All You Need to Know’ – VerticalResponse Blog

The latest VerticalResponse blog post is titled “Google Penalties – All You Need to Know”. Chipper Nicodemus says, “Penalties from search engines, mainly Google, have become more and more common in the past few years. Some penalties have resulted in crippling the organic traffic of some big name sites and tons of little guys, too.... [Read more]

Giant Marketing Kit: software, templates, graphics & more #ad

Maulana Malik has built a Giant Marketing Kit, full of tools every online marketer needs, 34 packages of tools, all for one low price. The star of the product might be his new Crysta WordPress theme, crisp and professional, mobile-ready and responsive. But that’s just the beginning.... [Read more]

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