IM News Watch, February 3, 2012

February 3rd, 2012 at 7:47 am EDT

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February 3, 2012

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‘How To Make $2500 While Creating A Viral Buzz Over Facebook For Any Business With Ease!’ Sam Bakker & Mario Brown’s Webinar 9.00 pm EST

Sam Bakker & Mario Brown are hosting a webinar on Friday, February 3 at 9.00 pm EST. The topic of the webinar is “How To Make $2500 While Creating An Insane Viral Buzz Over Facebook For Any Business With Ease!”. Webinar Details Key Persons: Sam Bakker & Mario Brown Topic: How... [Read more]


‘The Future-Based Self ‘ – ‘The New Early To Rise’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘The New Early to Rise’ newsletter has been released. The featured article is titled “The Future-Based Self ”. Dan Sullivan says, “People naturally think of themselves as one person. But your one person is composed of three different selves: your Past-Based... [Read more]

WP Theme Machine Software lets you make custom premium themes quickly and easily #ad

Don't be limited with the free default theme that comes with WordPress. You can exchange it for an attractive theme with a header graphic of your choice.

With the WP Theme Machine software, you can customize:

  • The header graphic
  • The width of the theme to match your header graphic
  • The primary color of your site
  • The fonts used on your site
  • The background colors of the site
  • More...

You should check out this new software by Mark Sandquist here.

‘Bing Now Including Full Articles On Bing Results’ – ‘Search Engine Roundtable’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ‘Search Engine Roundtable’ newsletter has been released. The featured article is titled “Bing Now Including Full Articles On Bing Results”. ‘Search Engine Roundtable’ Newsletter Contents Bing Now Including Full Articles On Bing Results Google... [Read more]

‘Six Tips for Practicing Safe Social Media’ – ‘MarketingProfs Today’ Newsletter

The latest issue of ’MarketingProfs Today’ newsletter has been released. The featured article is “Six Tips for Practicing Safe Social Media”. ‘MarketingProfs Today’ Newsletter Contents How-To: 10 Hot Tips for Seasonal Sale Success Six Tips for Practicing Safe Social... [Read more]

Heather Fitzpatrick releases her new “Local Social Search Solution” blueprint for Local marketer SEO

With the techniques revealed in Local Social Search Solution your clients won’t need to: Put their sites in jeopardy by using black hat tricks to get to the top of Google. Spend hours making phony profiles on Web 2.0 sites and forums. Use expensive software or services If your clients want to... [Read more]

Three reports to call your own, to sell, profit and build a mailing list. #ad

Alvin Huang just released three new reports and he is offering them, with PLR, for marketers who need a product of their own.

Topics are: Amazon Affiliate marketing, Traffic generation and Blogging for Sales.

You will have complete authority to edit, take apart, add to, or sell as is, these reports as a group or individually.

You can check out the details here.

‘Affiliate Summit East 2012 “Pay it Forward Merchant Endowment” Program’ – ‘Affiliate Summit Newsletter’

Shawn Collins has released the latest issue of ’Affiliate Summit Newsletter’. The featured article is titled “Affiliate Summit East 2012 “Pay it Forward Merchant Endowment” Program”. ‘Affiliate Summit Newsletter’ Contents Affiliate Summit East 2012 “Pay it... [Read more]

’5 Websites for 1 Business’ – Christina Hills’ Video

Christina Hills has released a video titled “5 Websites for 1 Business”. Christiana says, “When you are getting your business online, obviously you need a website. Get that done though, and quickly you’ll discover that you want more than just one website to run and promote your... [Read more]

‘PadiAct Takes Targeted Subscriptions to a New Level’ – Aweber Blog

The latest ‘Aweber’ blog post is titled “PadiAct Takes Targeted Subscriptions to a New Level”. Nick Moore says, “We talk a lot in this space about the power of analytics when it comes to marketing online. Knowing what people are doing on your site is a great way to target... [Read more]

Get your share of the Valentine's Day sales with "Valentine's Day Plunder" for Amazon Affiliates #ad

Many Valentine shoppers need your inspiration in selecting the right gift for their loved one this Valentine's Day. These romantics are desperate to make that amazing gesture to prove how much their loved one means to them.

With Valentine's Day Plunder you get in depth information, keywords and video reviews on Amazon's jewelry niche products. Someone will sel these products. Why not you?

Michael explains it all here.

‘The Ultimate Brainstorming Tool’ – ‘SimpleWealth’ Blog

The latest ‘SimpleWealth’ blog post is titled “The Ultimate Brainstorming Tool”. The ‘SimpleWealth’ team says, “As an entrepreneur, one of the most important skills you can have is the ability to take your ideas and knowledge and put them onto paper — yet very... [Read more]

‘Post Panda Link Building’ – StomperNet Blog

The latest ‘StomperNet’ blog post is titled “Post Panda Link Building”. The ‘StomperNet’ team says, ”On Monday, Ryan discussed how Search Engines often change their algorithms. While the constant changes may sound discouraging, they give you an opportunity... [Read more]

Ben Shaffer Launches ‘Instant Content Robot’

Ben Shaffer has launched the ‘Instant Content Robot’. According to Ben, this system enables marketers to create content and make money online. Ben says, “You Receive 50 Human Spun Articles A Month Choice of over 10 topics each containing at least 10 spun articles. Means that there WILL... [Read more]

Video Marketing Supremacy distributes your videos for improved SEO #ad

New video submission system submits Videos to up to 50 sites in under 15 minutes at no charge This collection of step-by-step videos shows you the way to submit your videos to these 50 sites as simply as possible. You also get instructions to assure that your videos are SEO optimized so you get the most... [Read more]

‘How To Name Your Product Like A BOSS!’ by Andy Jenkins

Andy Jenkins’ latest blog post is titled “How To Name Your Product Like A BOSS!”. Jenkins says, “Do you know if your product name is killing your sales? There has been a lot of uneducated and misguided information going around talking about the unimportance of a product name. Some... [Read more]

‘How to Build Your Bottom Line Through Testing’ – Don Crowther’s Video

Don Crowther has released a video titled “How to Build Your Bottom Line Through Testing”. Don says, “Believe it or not, there is an amazingly effective strategy that most marketers don’t use that could be costing you thousands, even millions every year in lost revenue. But, here’s... [Read more]

‘Are Your Titles Irresistibly Click Worthy & Viral?!’ – ‘SEOmoz’ Blog

The latest ‘SEOmoz’ blog post is titled “Are Your Titles Irresistibly Click Worthy & Viral?!”. Dan Shure says, “Recently, Rand did one of the best Whiteboard Fridays I’ve seen in a while (I do watch all of them) about increasing the likelihood of your content going... [Read more]

New Professional Kindle Marketing training shows how to make your Kindle books sell #ad

Professional Kindle Marketing is an end-to-end course that covers the real process of making your Kindle book or print book into a top seller, both inside Amazon. This well-written, easy-to-understand system provides new resources to help you market your Kindle books. It also links to lots interesting... [Read more]

‘How To Pimp Your LinkedIn Profile’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “How To Pimp Your LinkedIn Profile”. Dave Copeland says, “I like using Twitter. I tolerate Facebook because I have to. And I’m onGoogle+ because everyone says I should be. So that has left little time to give love to... [Read more]

‘Why Zuckerberg Should “Share” the Facebook Kingdom’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Why Zuckerberg Should “Share” the Facebook Kingdom”. Alicia Eler says, “Facebook is worth $75-$100 billion. If we broke that down by user, it would mean that each individual is worth $118.34. Or, if we’re looking... [Read more]

Rich Crowley’s new “Kindle Case Study” based on his January Kindle sales tells how he created and sold his books #ad

This is not a complicated report and you wont be bogged down by so much information that you can’t take action. There are just seven pages of information, showing you the successful niches Crowley targeted and explaining how to research and create winning books, including choosing winning titles. Go... [Read more]

‘Daily Wrap: CTOs Should Avoid These Patterns and More’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Daily Wrap: CTOs Should Avoid These Patterns and More”. Robyn Tippins says, “Joe Brockmeier shares several anti-patterns for technical leaders. This and more in today’s Daily Wrap. Sometimes it’s difficult to catch... [Read more]

‘Google Releases Rosetta Stone for Dart to JavaScript’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Google Releases Rosetta Stone for Dart to JavaScript”. Joe Brockmeier says, “If you’re interested in Google’s Dart as a potential replacement for JavaScript, you might want to take a peek at Dart Synonym. The Web... [Read more]

‘Strategy Roundtable For Entrepreneurs: YCombinator vs. 1M/1M’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Strategy Roundtable For Entrepreneurs: YCombinator vs. 1M/1M”. Sramana Mitra says, “Today’s roundtable, as usual, was an international affair, with entrepreneurs presenting from different parts of the US, India, Israel,... [Read more]

Rob Maggs automates your Twitter following and campaigns with new “Twitterbot” #ad

TwitterBot is a “one-click” solution for managing your Twitter account “follows”. With it, you can: Automatically unfollow people who don’t follow you Automatically follow everyone who follows any Twitter user. Automatically schedule tweets to run 24×7 Automatically... [Read more]

‘Twitter Analytical Tools Threaten Third-Party Developers’ – ‘ReadWriteWeb’

The latest post on ‘ReadWriteWeb’ is titled “Twitter Analytical Tools Threaten Third-Party Developers”. Dave Copeland says, “Twitter may become the heavyweight in analytics of its own content, boxing out rivals HootSuite, and Klout. As first reported by ReadWriteWeb,... [Read more]

‘Zynga Tests ‘Reward Advertising’ in CityVille’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Zynga Tests ‘Reward Advertising’ in CityVille”. Todd Wasserman says, “Zynga, aiming to expand its advertising revenue without annoying users, is quietly experimenting with “reward advertising” on CityVille that lets players... [Read more]

‘What to Do When Your Website Gets Hacked’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “What to Do When Your Website Gets Hacked”. Dallas Lawrence says, “If an individual or activist group broke into an organization’s office, raided confidential materials and then burned the building to the ground, local, state and... [Read more]

New “Starting Out SEO” provides a quick intro to the proven SEO methods for ranking well #ad

In Starting Out SEO, you can: Discover how to do SEO the right way, the way Google likes Discover how to target keywords so your results will be right for your site Discover some of the inside knowledge the gurus don’t share If you want to improve your SEO capabilities, look into Starting Out... [Read more]

‘Social Media Has Turned Super Bowl XLVI Teams’ Marketing Upside Down’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Social Media Has Turned Super Bowl XLVI Teams’ Marketing Upside Down”. Sam Laird says, “The explosive growth of social media over the past four years has drastically changed how the Giants and Patriots market themselves and connect... [Read more]

‘Facebook IPO: How Will the Social Network Be Affected? [POLL]‘ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Facebook IPO: How Will the Social Network Be Affected? [POLL]“. Todd Olmstead says, “Facebook‘s $5 billion IPO filing yesterday took the social media world by storm, but if you woke up today and logged into the social network,... [Read more]

‘The IPO Won’t Change Facebook. Online Ads Will’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “The IPO Won’t Change Facebook. Online Ads Will”. Peter Pachal says, “Will an IPO change Facebook? The sudden influx of $5 billion (and more) will certainly give it lots of opportunity, though it’ll also mean Facebook will soon... [Read more]

John Delavera’s famous Delavo content platform is now available as a WSO #ad

Hundreds, if not thousands, of sites have been built on Delavo. This eCommerce platform is remarkably rich in functionality. It integrates with nearly any other marketing software you can imagine.

Paypal, WordPress, aWeber, Drupal, phpBB,…its linkage is far-reaching, whatever you want your site... [Read more]

‘How To Win The War Against Piracy – It’s Not SOPA’ – ‘Entrepreneurs-Journey’ Blog

The latest ‘Entrepreneurs-Journey’ blog post is titled “How To Win The War Against Piracy – It’s Not SOPA”. Nathaneal says, “There are internal habits of thinking and feeling that are responsible for the level of success we have as Entrepreneurs. Within those internal... [Read more]

‘The MOST Important Time of Day for Entrepreneurs’ – ‘Spotlight’ Newsletter

Ali Brown has released the latest issue of ‘Spotlight’ newsletter. The featured article is titled “The MOST Important Time of Day for Entrepreneurs”. ‘Spotlight’ Newsletter Contents Note From Ali The MOST Important Time of Day for Entrepreneurs Question: “How... [Read more]

‘How to Make Instant Profits with No List, No Product, and No Joint Venture Partners’ Robert Plank’s Webinar February 3

CB Poster WordPress Plugin automates placing ads for Clickbank products on your blog #ad

One great thing about products sold through Clickbank is that the commissions are usually substantial, far higher than most affiliate programs pay, at least 50% and sometimes as much as 75%. If you promote CB products that are relevant to your readers This plugin adds links to high converting (and high... [Read more]

WP Theme Machine Software lets you make custom premium themes quickly and easily #ad

Don’t be limited by the free default theme that comes with WordPress. You can exchange it for an attractive theme with a header graphic of your choice. With the WP Theme Machine software, you can customize: The header graphic The width of the theme to match your header graphic The primary color... [Read more]

‘How To Make $2500 While Creating An Insane Viral Buzz Over Facebook For Any Business With Ease!’ Sam Bakker & Mario Brown’s Webinar February 3

Sam Bakker & Mario Brown are hosting a webinar on Friday, February 3 at 9.00 pm EST. The topic of the webinar is “How To Make $2500 While Creating An Insane Viral Buzz Over Facebook For Any Business With Ease!”. Webinar Details Key Persons: Sam Bakker & Mario Brown Topic: How... [Read more]


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