Howto get more traffic using image link building - IM NewsWatch, September 13, 2019

September 13th, 2019 at 7:35 am EDT


IM NewsWatch

Friday, September 13, 2019

Strategies to get more traffic using image link building

Online advertising, social media, blogging and search engine optimization are the ways to get more traffic to your websites. A OneSpot survey has revealed that 40% people respond better to visual content and infographics improve your website traffic by 12%. Search Engine Watch contributor Birbahadur Singh Kathayat has shared useful SEO tips... [Read more]

Seven ways to create landing pages that boost conversion-rate

A well-designed landing page lets your visitors discover what they are interested in and it aims at persuading the prospects to become customers. Your landing pages need to have a crisp copy that gets the customer excited about the offer you present. Search Engine Watch contributor Carmine Mastropierro has shared seven ways to create landing pages... [Read more]

Facebook video marketing statistics you should know

Facebook and other social networks continue to gain new users. It is a good sign for the brands as this rise creates more marketing opportunities for them. Jeff Bullas has shared 10 key Facebook video marketing statistics that will help you to improve your marketing efforts. Bullas says, “Let’s delve deeper into some of the key Facebook... [Read more]

Copyblogger’s seven step plan to grow blog posts

Blogging is a creative work that helps you to stay connected with your followers. It also allows you to continuously share your knowledge and also promote products. Copyblogger’s Sonia Simone has shared a seven-step plan to help you promote and grow your blog posts. Simone says, “Here are the steps I follow. You can use this simple... [Read more]

Why the future is still email [podcast]

In ‘The Future of Email Marketing – 2019 Edition‘ Jordie van Rijn had predicted that 2019 will be the year of customer experience email marketing. This prediction suggests that email continues to grow with time. Rainmaker.FM’s Sonia Simone has published a new podcast episode ‘Why the future is still email’ featuring... [Read more]

Guide to set up email split tests

Email split testing helps you to compare original version of your email against another version where you have changed a single element, like an email subject line, a call to action (CTA) button, or a part of the design. It helps you to analyze when and why your email campaigns are not working. AWeber contributor Liz Willits has shared an article... [Read more]

How to create content your audience wants

Your content marketing success depends on your audience’s reactions in terms of its usefulness. Originality and correctness are the two components that can help you to create right set of content for your marketing efforts. Content Marketing Institute Jodi Harris has published an article on secrets for creating useful content. Harris says,... [Read more]

Four ways to improve content distribution

Content marketing is a blend of creation and distribution of quality content. With the help of blogs, social media tools and other communication technologies such as email you can reach out to your targets with the content they want. Content Marketing Institute contributor Jodi Harris has shared three ways to help you distribute your content to... [Read more]

‘6 Steps to making marketing personalization a reality’ webinar September 25 [webinar]

Personalized marketing approach helps you to increase your conversion rate, generate more leads and boost sales. Your prospects and customers like when they are communicated and addressed directly. Content Marketing Institute is hosting a webinar on ‘6 Steps to making marketing personalization a reality’ on Wednesday, September 25, 2019 at 2.00... [Read more]

Transformation of Search Summit 2019, New York, October 25

ClickZ is going to host the second annual Transformation of Search Summit, in partnership with Search Engine Watch on October 25, 2019. The event will take place at Convene in Midtown, New York City. ClickZ team says, “Combining the expertise of ClickZ, Search Engine Watch and Catalyst, this exclusive one-day event provides a unique... [Read more]

Artificial intelligence and marketing: the future is here [video]

The newest technology influencing the marketing domain is artificial intelligence (AI). AI enables marketers to create highly personalized consumer experiences that cost significantly less than traditional high-dollar campaigns. Social Media Examiner team has published a video ‘Artificial intelligence and marketing: the future is here’... [Read more]

Improve your content marketing with these free tools

Your blog or website content reflects your brand’s identity and plays an important role in creating more followers. Quality content allows you to convey your marketing message in a persuasive manner. Blogging Wizard’s Josip Mlinaric has shared a list of nine free tools that can help you to improve your content marketing. Mlinaric... [Read more]

Get more traffic with these content promotion platforms

Content promotion platforms help you in promoting your content quickly by automating the process. You simply have to set things up and let these tools do their work. Blogging Wizard’s Stacey Corrin has shared an article highlighting 16 content promotion platforms that can help you to increase your blog’s traffic. Corrin says, “To... [Read more]

A b2b case study in influencer marketing: Adobe’s Rani Mani on marketing smarts [podcast]

Influencer marketing is enabling several brands to extend their reach in a limited budget. This form has also boosted sales of various brands and at the same time it has created new earning opportunities for social media users. MarketingProfs contributor Kerry O’Shea Gorgone has published a podcast ‘A b2b case study in influencer marketing’... [Read more]

How to increase your email open rates with well-crafted subject lines

A study conducted by Campaign Monitor has revealed that if you use 3-5 words in your subject line, there are more chances of getting your emails opened. Emails with long subject lines get rejected by the receivers. Your subject lines play a pivotal role in making your subscribers open and read the emails your send. Merkle contributor Shruti... [Read more]

Importance of building an email list to grow your blog

Your blogging needs an external push apart from regular posting and quality content. This could be in the form of online ads, link exchange or making people subscribe to it. Blogging Wizard contributor Stacey Corrin has shared seven reasons why you should build an email list for your blog. Corrin says, “Even though email is an age-old... [Read more]

‘How to stand out in a crowded Martech landscape’ webinar October 3 [webinar]

According to a research there are more than 7,000 tools and platforms which have grown more than 300% over the past five years. Looking at the number of martech tools it is difficult for you to choose the one that suits your requirements. Digital Marketing Depot team is hosting a webinar on ‘How to stand out in a crowded... [Read more]

Can content accuracy improve ranking?

Content is the king – is a well accepted fact. But should we care to create fresh content or accurate content? Surely our content should have both the elements. But, does accuracy help you to influence rankings? Search Engine Land contributor George Nguyen has published an article titled ‘Content accuracy is not a ranking factor’... [Read more]

Precious advice for you, from Gartner

Today marketing domain is taking a new pace with the integration of latest technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI). Different companies and people have their own opinions for these emerging technologies. AdWeek’s Lisa Lacy has shared an article highlighting Gartner’s Advice for marketers with ‘shiny object syndrome’. Lacy... [Read more]

Putting AI to work for audience segmentation [white paper]

The audience segmentation process helps you to divide an audience into smaller groups, with similar characteristics, wants and needs that are selected according to our communication objectives. Audience segmentation is very important for better communication. The HERE Technologies team has published a white paper ‘Putting AI to work... [Read more]

‘Uncovering new opportunities for digital marketers’ webinar September 19 [webinar]

Mobile is becoming the mainstream device for enabling people to stay Internet-connected. Today’s feature-rich devices bring new marketing opportunities for brands. Digital Marketing Depot team is hosting a webinar on ‘ Call Tracking Demystified: Uncovering New Opportunities for Digital Marketers ‘ on Thursday, September 19, 2019... [Read more]

Google SEO penalties – four questions answered

A Google penalty is the negative impact on a website’s search rankings. Penalty is decided based on updates to Google’s search algorithms or manual review for violating the SEO rules. Search Engine Journal contributor Kristine Schachinger has answered four questions relate to ‘Google Penalty in SEO’. Schachinger says,... [Read more]

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