How to Use Earned Media to Boost Your SEO, IM NewsWatch, February 24, 2016

January 24th, 2017 at 1:28 pm EDT

IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

‘Why Facebook Ads Will Make You Successful in 2017 & Beyond’ – HubSpot

‘YouTube gains access to Google account data for ad targeting, teases new measurement solution’ – Marketing Land

‘Attention search marketers: ALL keywords are branded keywords!’ – Search Engine Land

‘How to Protect Your Online Reputation in 2017’ – Entrepreneur

‘How to Use Earned Media to Boost Your SEO’ – CMI

‘Facebook’s VR social network is surprisingly stunning’ – Mashable

‘The biggest problem with Snapchat’s geofilter product’ – TechChrunch

’70 Percent of Small Businesses Plan to Increase Digital Marketing Spend’ – Small Business Trends

‘The Art of Seductive Content Marketing’ – Copyblogger

‘How to Create Authentic Hyperlocal Content At Scale’ – MOZ

‘Are you writing too much content?’ – Marketing Land

‘How to Increase Your E-Commerce Conversions in 2017’ –

‘You Don’t Have to be Picture-Perfect to Succeed on Instagram’ – Entrepreneur

‘What is zero-based budgeting? And what are its benefits for marketers?’ – Econsultancy

‘How to Boost Your Digital Marketing With PR’ – Entrepreneur

‘Where Do Bots Come From? A Brief History’ – HubSpot

‘Yahoo beats Q4 earnings expectations, pushes closing of Verizon deal into Q2’ – Marketing Land

‘SEM continuity: The ROI-boosting digital marketing concept you’ve never heard of’ – Search Engine Land

‘FTC complaint alleges Google, Disney & others profit from deceptive ads aimed at kids’ – TechChrunch

‘Case Study: Increasing Customers’ Loyalty With Social CRM’ – Forrester Blogs

’50 One Page Website Templates for Your Business’ – Small Business Trends

‘The 7 Traits of Successful Content Marketers’ – CMI

‘3 Key Factors that Define Successful Online Businesses’ –

‘3 Key Factors that Define Successful Online Businesses’ – Small Business Trends

‘3 Considerations for Increasing Engagement With Your Content’ – Entrepreneur

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