How to Reduce Page Weight on Your Website - IM NewsWatch, April 3, 2020

April 3rd, 2020 at 8:42 am EDT


IM NewsWatch

Friday, April 3, 2020

Strategies to Deal with Negative Customer Reviews

Your customer reviews can be used to persuade more people to make purchase and increase your sales. But many a times we receive negative reviews too. Search Engine Journal contributor Sam Hollingsworth has shared sixteen tips to help you hand negative customer reviews online. Hollingsworth says, “It’s hard to deal with an angry customer... [Read more]

How to Reduce Page Weight on Your Website [Guide]

Your website’s loading speed influences your search engine rankings. A site that loads quickly also attracts and retains more visitors. HubSpot contributor Carly Stec has published ‘How to Reduce Page Weight on Your Website’ guide to help you improve your site speed by reducing page weight. Stec says, “In 2020, the... [Read more]

Nine Ways to Create Useful Content

Your content needs to be authentic and useful. Your audience will share it only if they find it worth using. Visually appealing content can help you to catch your audience’s attention and reach your conversion goals. Content Marketing Institute’s Jodi Harris has shared nine ways to create visual content that your readers would love... [Read more]

People are seeking news on COVID-19; you can help #ad

The problem with COVID-19 information is that it is scattered all around the web. It would take a long time to track it all down. People would like to have a single website where they could get all the relevant information to protect themselves. You can build a site like this with WP C19 Automated News Site. This is a WordPress theme customized with... [Read more]

The 6 Emails That’ll Transform Your Subscribers into Loyal Fans [Video]

Email marketing enables you to reach your prospective customers and increase your sales. With persuasive email content you can create lifelong customers. John Chow has published a new video ‘The 6 Emails That’ll Transform Your Subscribers into Loyal Fans’ to help you improve your email marketing performance. Chow says, “If... [Read more]

Your Guide to Running Virtual Events

Virtual events can help you to reach more people at lower cost. And in situations like today, virtual events bring a great solution for everyone. HubSpot contributor Caroline Forsey has shared a detailed guide to planning virtual events. Forsey says, “In 2020, there will likely be a rise of virtual conferences. Here, let’s explore... [Read more]

The Science Of Effective Marketing With Dan Gilbert [Podcast]

Effective marketing starts with in-depth research. You can cultivate deep insight into your marketing process and make more sales. ClickZ team has published a new podcast episode ‘The Science Of Effective Marketing With Dan Gilbert’ to help you improve your marketing. ClickZ team says, “This is the ClickZ digital marketing... [Read more]

How to Create a Realistic Content Marketing Plan; Content Sparks Sale #ad

Today’s new sale: How to Create a Realistic Content Marketing Plan. Content marketing can get overwhelming at times. Nevertheless, to keep your business growing, you have to create content that helps your audience. Otherwise, they will go elsewhere. And, just as important, if your audience consists of other business people, they have the same... [Read more]

Strategies to Improve Your Search Rankings with Images

According to Search Engine Journal’s Anna Crowe, if you are not optimizing image, you’re wasting a valuable SEO asset. Images play a very important role in your search engine optimization process. A Jumpshot study revealed that more than 20% of all U.S. web searches happen on Google Images. Business 2 Community contributor Angela... [Read more]

Inside the Facebook Ads of Your Competitors [Podcast]

Facebook advertising enables you to promote your products and services to targeted audience on its network. With well-designed attention grabbing advertisements you can improve your sales. Buffer team has published a new podcast episode ‘Inside the Facebook Ads of Your Competitors’ to help you improve your advertising efforts. Dave... [Read more]

Ways to Benefit from Your Email Subscriber Lists

Your email subscriber list is a treasure which can help you to unleash new business opportunities. Practical Ecommerce contributor Carolyn Nye has shared an article to help you find hidden opportunities in your email subscriber lists. Nye says, “I often write about the value of email data. Email marketing continues to be an effective... [Read more]

Successful affiliate marketing: training and software #ad

Mike from Maine and Brett Rutecky have teamed up to produce a new training program for affiliate marketers that they call 300DollarDay. It starts with step-by-step training that teaches you how to build a following from scratch and monetize it though affiliate marketing. Also included is the special software Brett uses to do his affiliate promotions... [Read more]

‘The ContentTECH of Tomorrow. What Happens When We Get to the New Normal?’ Webinar April 3 [Webinar]

As the world advances further, the business requirements also change. The content marketing domain has also seen several innovations in the times of emerging tools and technologies. Content Marketing Institute is hosting a webinar ‘The ContentTECH of Tomorrow. What Happens When We Get to the New Normal?’ on Friday, April 3, 2020 at 1.00... [Read more]

HubSpot’s Step-by-Step Guide to Advertising on Instagram

Instagram is used by more than 500 million users daily. By utilizing its advertising and promotional features you can unwrap a big business opportunity via this network. HubSpot contributor Ellen Bartolino has published ‘A Step-by-Step Guide to Advertising on Instagram’ to help you start advertising on Instagram. Instagram Advertising Bartolino... [Read more]

How to Evaluate Your Current Facebook Marketing Strategy [Video]

Facebook is still one of the most populated social network. It provides the businesses maximum visibility with an effective marketing strategy. HubSpot team has published a new video ‘How to Evaluate Your Current Facebook Marketing Strategy’ to help you improve your Facebook marketing performance. The HubSpot team says, “Most... [Read more]

Did you know that 52% of website traffic comes from mobile #ad

Hootsuite issued a report that found the 52% of internet traffic now comes from mobile devices, 43% comes from desktops and aptops; 5% comes from tablets and other devices. And the mobile share is growing, while the share for desktops, laptops and tablets is shrinking. More and more, your site needs to be optimized for mobile. Pages should display correctly and quickly for mobile devices... [Read more]

6-Step Guide to an Start E-commerce Business

The situations like COVID-19 raise the need for starting virtual businesses. Also this situation has given you opportunity to think and plan for your e-commerce business. Search Engine Watch team has published a six-step guide to help you start an e-commerce business. SEW team says, “For brick-and-mortar businesses suddenly struggling... [Read more]

COVID-19 and Your Content Marketing Strategy

The main goal of your content is to inform people. Than comes the marketing. During the tough times like the COVID-19 pandemic, you can step ahead and shape your content marketing strategy for the betterment of your audience. Siege Media‘s Vincent Nero has shared a useful article on how you can build a content marketing strategy during... [Read more]

COVID-19’s (Coronavirus) Impact on SEO [Podcast]

The COVID-19 pandemic has created an adverse impact on every business today and SEO is one such process that is bearing the impact. Searchmetrics contributor Tyson Stockton has published a new podcast episode ‘COVID-19’s (Coronavirus) Impact on SEO’ featuring Jordan Koene. Stockton says, “As international communities rally... [Read more]

Guru Destroyer connects you with real buyers #ad

Jamie Lewis has built a seller marketplace (called Guru Destroyer) for affiliate marketers, domainers, ecom and service/agency sellers and more. And he has just released it for use by online marketers. Users sign up, and then can use the marketplace to sell digital products. In addition to the marketplace, he includes training modules where you can learn some of the newest cutting edge marketing strategies for 2020 taught by Lewis, himself... [Read more]

How to Deal With the Economic Impact of the Coronavirus [Video]

The coronavirus outbreak is creating a global havoc. More and more countries and businesses are facing tough times. This situation is causing a stressful situation in terms of the income. Entrepreneur magazine team has published a new video ‘How to Deal With the Economic Impact of the Coronavirus’ featuring Ben Angel. The Entrepreneur... [Read more]

Optimizing Your Content and SEO for Local Impact [Podcast]

A blend of quality content and an effective SEO strategy can help you to reach more people online and grow your business. The same strategy can help you to enhance your local presence. Searchmetrics contributor Tyson Stockton has published a new podcast episode ‘Optimizing Your Content and SEO for Local Impact’ featuring Ana Raynes and... [Read more]

Portent’s Guide on SEO A/B Testing With Google Tag Manager

Portent contributor Evan Hals has published a comprehensive guide on ‘SEO A/B Testing With Google Tag Manager’. Hall has provided a step-by-step framework for doing SEO A/B testing. Hall says, “One of the exciting frontiers in Search Engine Optimization is A/B testing. Historically, most of the discourse around split-testing... [Read more]

Blogging for Business by Ahrefs [Free Course]

Ahrefs‘ Joshua Hardwick has announced that the ‘Blogging for Business’ course is available for free on YouTube. You can watch this 10-module course to build your business blog. Here is a list of videos covered in thecourse: Blogging for Business: What Should You Focus On? What is the Spike of hope and Why is it Overrated?... [Read more]

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