How to Prove Your Content Is Driving Revenue, IM NewsWatch, June 13, 2016

June 13th, 2016 at 9:32 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Monday, June 13, 2016

‘When Should You Use Employee Email Signatures as a Marketing Channel?’ – Convince & Convert Blog

Dan Hanrahan says, “Whether you’re a marketer at a startup, scaleup, or enterprise company, creating meaningful marketing messages and finding new channels to promote those messages is key—but it’s hard work! With more and more digital channels being introduced to the market, it’s often hard to ensure your company’s most important initiatives... [Read more]

‘How to Prove Your Content Is Driving Revenue’ – CMI

Erica Lindberg says, ““Will this drive revenue?” This is the classic question, asked by anyone responsible for determining the value of business programs and assessing budget. But when it comes to content, the right answers still elude many marketers. For marketers pursuing more budget and resources, it’s critically important to know how... [Read more]

‘The struggle is real: Marketing to Millennials’ – Marketing Land

Nicole Shariat-Farb says, “The retail environment is crazily competitive. The old guard retailers have upped their game, and there are new startups coming online every day. In this environment, how do you stand out and grow your customer base? And most importantly, how can you reach the important demographic of next-generation shoppers — Millennials... [Read more]

If you ain’t tracking, you ain’t selling much #ad

Knowing what works is key to having a successful business. Wikipedia quotes merchant John Wanamaker, as saying, “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.” Back in the 1890s, when Wanamaker reportedly said it, that could be a problem that was hard to solve, but today it can be solved,... [Read more]

‘Hedgehogs, Foxes, And Third-Party Data: What Sellers Need From Marketers’ – Forrester

Steven Wright says, “In Isaiah Berlin’s most popular essay, “The Hedgehog and the Fox,” the famous Latvian-British social and political theorist quoted a fragment of ancient Greek: “The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.” Since its publication in 1953, this concept has become an intellectual parlor game... [Read more]

‘What to Do When the Wrong Page Ranks for Your Keyword(s)’ – MOZ

MOZ team says, “Picture this: You discover that your site is ranking for a keyword you’ve been targeting. Cause for celebration, right? But what if that ranking page is irrelevant, wrong, or simply not the best choice? This situation is more common than you might think, and results in a good deal of frustration for SEOs. Rand shows you how... [Read more]

‘Up and to the Right: 12 Essential Growth Hacks for Content Marketing’ –

Martin Harrison says, “You know you need to be doing content marketing, but you are pressed for time, have a strict budget and lack resources. Sound familiar? In this article, we are going to show you some quick and cost-effective growth hacks you can employ to drive real results for your business. 1. Write Kick-Ass Titles Headlines can make a... [Read more]

What is hardest part of earning money online? #ad

The top three marketing tasks, in terms of difficulty, are probably getting your content ranked, generating traffic and converting the traffic you get. Of these three, getting your content ranked is the most critical since without that, you can’t generate any organic traffic and have to rely on paid traffic... [Read more]

‘How to Plan Your Campaigns Using Google’s Shopping Insights Tool’ – MarketingProfs

David Chapman says, “Google’s Shopping Insights tool has proven most useful for retailers. It helps them understand where customers are who are looking for their products and what devices (laptops, mobile phones) those customers are using. If a retailer has a store in that area, it can use those insights to plan marketing campaigns and promotions. More... [Read more]

‘A Simple Guide to Navigating Trending Content’ – HubSpot

Alex Jones says, “The cultural landscape of the modern world is constantly changing. Internet celebrities are created in as little as six seconds. Viral videos can be viewed in every continent across the world in a matter of hours. There’s a lot going on. As a result, there are also a lot of opportunities for brands to join the conversation... [Read more]

‘Could ‘incrementality’ be key to freeing up digital ad budgets?’ – Econsultancy

Rachael Morris says, “Finding out the real impact of display advertising is vital for marketers in their struggle to justify budgets. However, most are hampered by misleading click & view-based measurements. However, new developments in programmatic have made it possible to directly credit sales to specific campaigns, leading to truly incremental... [Read more]

Live Leap: The only FB-approved tool to syndicate your live feed #ad

Luke Maguire and Anthony Morrison have been studying Facebook and its potential for creating a dramatic improvement in marketing success. It's a fact: Not all social media traffic is created equal. At the top of the pyramid is Facebook. And its dominance is growing... [Read more]

R#8216;Facebook Lead Ads: Facebook Debuts New Advertising’ –

Ewa Puchalska says, “So, a website and blog for your company or product are all set up. You’ve created content, something that potential customers should dig into immediately – and some of them do. They even spend a decent amount of time on your website, so says your Google Analytics. But why aren’t they giving you their contact... [Read more]

‘The 8 biggest myths about guest posting’ – Marketing Land

Timothy Carter says, “To date, guest posting has been one of the most efficient and beneficial long-term strategies for either content marketing or SEO. The premise is simple, and approachable even for an amateur: use a personal brand to get your work published on various high-authority publishers, and reap the rewards of authority, visibility... [Read more]

‘How to Falsely boost Your Page Viewers & How to Detect Those That Do’ – Entrepreneur

Rustam Singh says, “In a world run by clickbaits, advertorials, paid news, sponsored content and referrals, it’s hard to understand who or what is behind making something go viral. All computers and digital servers’ record are mere clicks, not the implementation of those clicks or where those clicks lead to actual profitability by a business,... [Read more]

Pixal: Fresh easy-to-use graphics creator #ad

Pixal is impressive software, but even more impressive is the license they give you.  You are allowed to not only use it, but also sell it. During the launch, you are getting a reseller's license. r. After the 5 days of the launch period, this software will no longer be available for a purchase. Instead, it will go to a monthly subscription, with an ongoing fee... [Read more]

‘Examples and Expert Advice: The Anatomy of a Perfect Lead Magnet’ –

‘Examples and Expert Advice: The Anatomy of a Perfect Lead Magnet’ – Craig McConell says, “A new addition to the ever popular marketing world of Facebook is a new idea called “Lead Ads”. Lead ads are an ideal marketing product that is highly beneficial to both the consumer and the business owner. Providing... [Read more]

’48 Instagram Stats That’ll Help You Improve Your Posting Strategy’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “With over 400 million active users, brands are quickly recognizing the need to have a presence on Instagram. But, as with any social network, the brands that are getting the most out of Instagram are the ones who are smart about what they post, when they post, how often they post, and whom they’re targeting. But how... [Read more]

‘Skyscraper Content the Right Way: How to Truly Help Your Readers’ – CMI

Mark Walker says, “There’s a new obsession in content marketing circles. It’s negatively affecting my reading experience and making it increasingly difficult to find the good stuff. What is this new kid on the block that’s messing things up? Skyscraper content. Much like infographics, listicles, and other hot content marketing trends before... [Read more]

Local Business Consultant's Toolkit; Create Websites Quickly #ad

If you need to build websites for local merchants, the Ink Themes team, led by Neeraj Agarwal has a kit of online assets that will make your life a lot easier... [Read more]

‘3 Steps To Increase Your Average Revenue Per Customer’ –

Pius Boachie says, “Do you know the two things McDonald’s and GoDaddy have in common? By the time you checkout; your bill or payment is tripled due to the extras added. In business, it is much more profitable to have fewer customers or clients who pay a premium than to have a large base of customers or clients who pay peanuts; that way you... [Read more]

‘These 3 Qualities Can Improve Sales Results’ – Entrepreneur

Elinot Stutz says, “The desire to improve results is alive for most people. It’s the only way in which we and our business grow. The three qualities listed below may sound simple enough, but the implications and detail are what will make the difference. To be brief, the three qualities to be given serious consideration are: 1. Flexibility 2.... [Read more]

‘Data platform Quantifind’s new Analysis application lets marketers ask their own questions’ – Marketing Land

Barry Levine says, “As it turns out, finding out which conversations on social media are connected to terrorism is not that different from finding out which conversations lead to a sale. Menlo Park, California-based Quantifind, founded in 2009, was involved at one point in the former task, but now it is solely devoted to the latter. But, unlike... [Read more]

‘8 Questions for Assessing Your Website’ – Entrepreneur

Kate Swoboda says, “Whether you’ve just completed your first website, or you’re trying to re-assess an existing site to see where it can be improved, it’s important that the questions you ask are both representative of your brand as well as results-driven. Here are the top eight questions — with action steps — for assessing your... [Read more]

‘How to Develop Tone of Voice to Connect with Your Email Audience’ – AWeber

Marina Hoffmeier says, ““People don’t always remember what you say or even what you do, but they always remember how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou What you say is powerful, but how you say it leaves lasting impact. Imagine how the verbiage would be noticeably different in an email about financial investments compared to an email... [Read more]

’10 ways to get ready for the new AdWords’ – Marketing Land

Frederick Vallaeys says, “After hosting Brandcast and I/O, Google wrapped up a busy month of announcements with Performance Summit, the new name for their combined AdWords and Analytics launch event. I had the good fortune of getting invited to a press event where I could ask questions of Sridhar Ramaswamy and Jerry Dischler, my former colleagues... [Read more]


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