How to Get Started With Marketing Analytics - IM NewsWatch Newsletter, August 4, 2020

August 4th, 2020 at 6:31 am EDT


IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Your Guide to Editing Instagram Stories Video

To make your content popular on social media networks, you need to make it presentable. By proper editing, you can highlight the usefulness of the video content you are publishing there.Social Media Examiner’s Alex Beadon has shared an article highlighting some useful apps and ways to edit your Instagram Storied video content.Beadon says, “Want... [Read more]

How to Get Started With Marketing Analytics: A 5-Step Framework [Video]

Social Media Examiner has published a new video ‘How to Get Started With Marketing Analytics: A 5-Step Framework’ to help you improve your marketing performance with marketing analysis.The SME team says, “Want to better understand if your marketing is working? Need to do more with marketing analytics?Measurement marketing expert... [Read more]

‘The Psychology of Personalizing Content: How to Drive Growth in Crowded Channels’ Webinar August 5 [Webinar]

Personalization is the key to achieve marketing success. You can excel in your content marketing by customizing your content according to needs and interests of your audience.Content Marketing Institute is hosting a webinar ‘The Psychology of Personalizing Content: How to Drive Growth in Crowded Channels’ on WednesdayAugust 5, 2020 at 2.00 pm... [Read more]

The Impact of COVID-19 on Marketing and SEO [Report]

Digital Marketing Depot has published a new report ‘The impact of COVID-19 on marketing and SEO’ based on survey of marketers.This report presents the findings on what marketers anticipate post COVID-19 pandemic.The DMD team says, “CMOs are trying to figure out what to do. They must decide how to respond to this unprecedented situation,... [Read more]

Facebook Algorithm to Favor Original Reporting [Podcast]

Search Engine Journal’s Christine Zirnheld has published a new podcast episode ‘Facebook Algorithm to Favor Original Reporting’ highlighting how Facebook is going to treat original reporting on its network.Zirnheld says, “This week on Marketing O’Clock, the team covers Facebook’s newsworthy algorithm change, free... [Read more]

Content Marketing in Times of Uncertainty [Guide]

LinkedIn has published a new guide entitled’Content Marketing in Times of Uncertainty’. This guide aims at helping businesses to focus on key content and advertising elements that should be focused during the COVID-19 pandemic.The LinkedIn team says, “Filled with advice from industry heavy-weights, B2B marketers and experts, this... [Read more]

Three-Step Guide to Creating Facebook Lead Ads

With Facebook Lead Ads, you can allow users to stay on the platform to submit your lead form. With this form of ads, you can avoid sending your prospects to external lead pages.Social Media Examiner’s Paul Ramondo has shared a three-step process to help you create Facebook Lead Ads.Ramondo says, “To learn how to create Facebook lead ads,... [Read more]

10 Steps to Start Your Own Podcast

Podcast publishing is a great way to create and share content online and simultaneously promote your product. Besides this, podcasting also enables you to get established as an authentic voice.Lifehacker’s Patrick Allan and Emily Long have published a step-by-step guide to starting your own podcast.Allan and Long say, “For many of us,... [Read more]

Strategies to Improve Your Google Ads Performance

Google advertising helps you to increase your brand awareness, reach more customers in the Google network, reconnect with visitors of your website and measure your ad performance.Search Engine Journal contributor Susan Wenograd has shared eight useful strategies to make more money from your Google ads investment.Wenograd says, “Here are eight... [Read more]

Bill Slawski on How Google Might Rank Image Search Results

Google continues to update its search engine algorithm for providing better search experience to its users. The recurring changes bring variation in how the search engine would rank your content.SEO by the Sea’s Bill Slawski has published an article titled ‘How Google Might Rank Image Search Results’.Slawski says, “As I was... [Read more]

‘Agile Marketing and the Role of Content in the Age of Disruption’ Webinar August 13 [Webinar]

Agile marketing refers to the act of using data and analytics to find promising opportunities or solutions to problems that exist in organization’s marketing process.Content Marketing Institute is hosting a webinar ‘Agile Marketing and the Role of Content in the Age of Disruption’ on Thursday August 13, 2020 at 2.00 pm EDT.The CMI team... [Read more]

The Campaign Comeback: What to Do When Content Fails [Video]

MOZ has published a new episode of the Whiteboard Friday video ‘The Campaign Comeback: What to Do When Content Fails’ featuring Shannon McGuirk.In this video, McGuirk shares some useful insights to improve your marketing campaign performance.The MOZ team says, “We’ve all been there: you plan, launch, and eagerly await the many... [Read more]

Five Steps to Promoting Your Products with Instagram Stories

With Instagram Stories, you can catch your audience’s attention and present the offers they can’s resist. You can boost product promotion by appealing the customer psychology.Social Media Examiner’s Alex Beadon has shared five ways to help you promote your products with Instagram Stories.Beadon says, “To learn how to use Instagram... [Read more]

Building and Selling an 8 Figure Amazon Store [Podcast]

Jeff Bullas has published a new podcast episode ‘Building and Selling an 8 Figure Amazon Store’ featuring Coran Woodmass.Listen to this podcast and learn:What products are selling well during the pandemic.Why building a brand on Amazon is vital to eCommerce success.Why testing your online business on Amazon is a great idea.What product... [Read more]

Website Personalization and How to Master It

Website personalization enables you to cater the needs of you visitors by using data collected from them about their interests, location, and demographics. It helps with customer retention and lead conversion.HubSpot contributor Kayla Carmicheal has published a comprehensive article on mastering the website personalization process.Carmicheal says,... [Read more]

Chatbot Strategy: How to Improve Your Marketing With Bots [Podcast]

Chatbots help you to stay connected to your customers and communicate with them in a personalized way. You can also use chatbots to improve your customer service resulting in improved customer experience.Social Media Examiner has published a new podcast titled ‘Chatbot Strategy: How to Improve Your Marketing With Bots’ to help your achieve... [Read more]

Ahrefs Shares 5 Winning Types of Content Marketing

Content marketing requires constant innovation that helps you to attract more audience online. Content in the form of text, video and infographics has its own advantages.Ahrefs contributor Si Quan Ong has shared five winning content types for better marketing performance.Quan Ong says, “In this post, I’m not going to cover every content marketing... [Read more]

4-Step Guide to Creating a Profitable Blog

Blogging is a great way to enhance your online reach. By integrating products and service promotions, you can also grow your online profits.Blogging Wizard’s Adam Connell has shared four ways to help you make your blog profitable.Connell says, “In this post, I’ll show you a 4 step process that will make your blog profitable without... [Read more]

The Tools You Need to Create a YouTube Recording Studio [Video]

To achieve success in YouTube video marketing, you need right tools and technology that can help you to create attractive video content that gets great results.Entrepreneur magazine team has published a new video ‘The Tools You Need to Create a YouTube Recording Studio’ featuring Jeff Rose.The Entrepreneur team says, “Jeff Ross’s... [Read more]

How to Use UTM Parameters to Track Your Marketing [Video]

Social Media Examiner has published a new video ‘How to Use UTM Parameters to Track Your Marketing’ to help you track and improve your marketing performance.The SME team says, “Want to know if your marketing is working? Are you properly using Google UTM parameters in your URLs?Measurement marketing expert Chris Mercer shares how... [Read more]

Strategies to Increase Affiliate Income

Affiliate marketing is a way to earn money online without having your own products. By effectively promoting others’ products and services, you can create an income stream.Jeff Bullas has shared some useful ways to help you increase your affiliate marketing income.Bullas says, “To get the most out of your affiliate marketing, you need... [Read more]

Three Ways to Deal with Coronavirus Impact on Marketing

The COVID-19 pandemic has adversely affected everything around the world and digital marketing is not an exception.Search Engine Watch contributor Birbahadur Kathayat has published an article highlighting the impact of this pandemic on digital marketing and three ways to deal with it.Kathayat says, “Coronavirus lockdown has halted many business... [Read more]

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