How to Create LinkedIn Sponsored Content Ads - IM NewsWatch, March 11, 2020

March 11th, 2020 at 6:50 am EDT


IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

‘How to Create Persuasive Landing Pages That Grow Your Email List’ Webinar March 31 [Webinar]

A landing page is the page of a website where a visitor lands on after clicking a link. A well-designed landing page helps you to present the information your visitors are looking for. It supports your business goals, improves conversions and boosts your business’ credibility. AWeber is hosting a webinar on ‘How to Create Persuasive... [Read more]

How to Create LinkedIn Sponsored Content Ads [Video]

With LinkedIn’s sponsored content ads you can market to professionals active on the LinkedIn network. With this ad format you can target people on LinkedIn and beyond with LinkedIn Audience Network. Social Media Examiner team has published a new video ‘How to Create LinkedIn Sponsored Content Ads’ featuring AJ Wilcox. SME... [Read more]

Steps to Create Your First Instagram Stories Ad

Instagram Stories ads feature in the Instagram Stories. With these ads you can improve your brand awareness, social media reach, lead generation and finally the conversion rate. Social Media Examiner’s Susan Wenograd has shared a detailed article on how to start with Instagram Stories advertising. Wenograd says, “With story creative,... [Read more]

Affiliate Funnel Bots: Marketing Funnels for Affiliates #ad

If you want to sell your own product or if you want to just get started online, take a look at Affiliate Funnel Bots. The basic premise of this new software is that it gives you “done for you” affiliate funnels. Here are the details. Funnels are a marketing tool that professional marketers have used for years to increase their sales. The... [Read more]

Three Step Guide to Using Google Trends

The Google Trends search trends feature shows how frequently a given search term is entered into Google’s search engine. It compares the search terms with a site’s total search volume over a given period of time. Vertical Leap contributor Ben Olive-Jones has shared a three-step guide to using Google Trends. Jones says, “For... [Read more]

Improve Your Business with Right Personalization

Personalization is considered to be a key element in winning more customers and growing your business. It helps you to connect with your prospects and customers and present right offers. Think with Google’s Kiran Mani and Rachelle Considine have published an article ‘You don’t just need personalization — you need the right personalization’... [Read more]

Arming Publishers To Migrate to Automated Sales Processes [Interview]

Sales process automation enables you to streamline manual, tedious, and time-consuming tasks in the sales process to make your sales team productive. Automation allows your sales team to focus less on administration and more on selling. Harvard Business Review team has published an interview with Bonita Stewart of Google. Listen to this interview... [Read more]

Video Resource Club: Tens of Thousands (& Growing) Video Resources #ad

Videos add spice to your marketing, causing people to stop look and (sometimes)listen to what you want to present. Video Resource Club, a new service for marketers, offers you unlimited access and all the downloads you can use to Tens of Thousands Ever Growing Video Resources for One Affordable Price This is one of the biggest video resource libraries... [Read more]

Rival IQ Publishes 2020 Social Media Industry Benchmark Report [Report]

Rival IQ has announced the release of 2020 Social Media Industry Benchmark Report. This report presents social media findings based on a study of 2,100 of the most engaging brands and companies. Blair Feehan says, “We’re back with the most comprehensive version yet of our annual Social Media Industry Benchmark Report that studies more than... [Read more]

How to Create a Successful Affiliate Website

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based business that helps affiliate marketers or affiliates to earn money via revenue-sharing. With a well-designed website you can quickly grow your affiliate marketing business. Ezoinc Inc. contributor Allen Longstreet has shared 19 tips and techniques to create a successful affiliate marketing website. Longstreet... [Read more]

Create Better Content with This Six-Step Guide

Quality content enables you to attract more people and grow your business. You need a clear strategy to regularly create content that keeps getting more readers who could be your prospective customers. Builtvisible contributor Emily Clayfield has shared six steps to help you create a successful content marketing strategy. Clayfield says,... [Read more]

Arti: Powerful software to build a unique online business #ad

ARTI is brand new software that builds unique content for your website. It uses your niche definition to locate useful content around the web, content that you can modify, combine, add, subtract, sort and otherwise edit to use in social media, blogs, special reports and even products to build your reputation for expertise in your niche... [Read more]

Yoast Shares Brief History of Google’s Algorithm Updates

Google continues to improve its search engine algorithm by regularly announcing various updates. These updates are aimed at providing better search experience to the Internet users. Yoast contributor Melina Reintjens has shared a comprehensive article highlighting various Google search algorithm updates. Reintjens says, “These days,... [Read more]

‘Six Proven Ways to Level Up Demand Gen With Video’ Webinar March 12 [Webinar]

Video is a proven tool that brings great impact in your marketing performance. With video content having persuasive message you can create desired impact among your audience. MarketingProfs is hosting a webinar on ‘Four Ways to Align Sales and Marketing in 2020’ on Thursday, March 12, 2020 at 2.00 pm ET. MarketingProfs team says,... [Read more]

‘Add Value and Revenue by Owning Customer Success’ Webinar March 17 [Webinar]

To grow your business you need to keep your customers happy. By retaining them for a longer period of time you can strengthen your business and attract other customers too. MarketingProfs is hosting a webinar on ‘Add Value and Revenue by Owning Customer Success’ on Tuesday, March 17, 2020 at 2.00 pm ET. MarketingProfs team says, “Customer... [Read more]

Instamplate: Shoppers go to Instagram for ideas. Be there for them #ad

InstamPlate is a professional collection of templates for e-commerce Instagram posts. It includes 100 Instagram post templates that can be easily edited using PowerPoint. They come with graphics you can use, but you can also use PowerPoint to replace the graphics with others you need. Remove pizza; insert taco, etc... [Read more]

If You are Using Old Android Devices, Watch Out

Android, of course, is the popular operating system created by Google that runs on billions of phones, notepads and other devices. It is so popular that older versions of the system are still running on devices that were bought years ago. That can be a problem because early versions of Android (prior to Android 8, those released in 2012 or earlier)... [Read more]

What Customers Expect in the Age of AI [Guide]

Artificial Intelligence technology has added a new dimension to business management. AI enables businesses and marketers to deliver personalized experiences to their customers. Search Engine Watch team has published a new guide ‘What Customers Expect in the Age of AI’ to help you understand your customers’ expectations in the... [Read more]

‘Connect the Likes: Tracking Visits to Improve Facebook Ads Performance’ Webinar March 12 [Webinar]

Facebook’s worldwide user base makes its advertising platform powerful. Also it allows you to target audiences dynamically to promote your products and services. Hanapin Marketing is hosting a webinar on ‘Connect the Likes: Tracking Visits to Improve Facebook Ads Performance Performance’ on Thursday, March 12, 2020 at 3.00 pm ET. Hanapin... [Read more]

EZ SalaryZ: Launch a complete membership site in 60 seconds #ad

Why should you care? Membership sites can be "sticky", holding on to members for months or years, as long as you continue providing useful content to your members. Why is that good for you? Because: 1. Whenever someone visits your site, you can offer them niche-specific products for sale in your sidebars. 2. As members of your site, they have agreed to receive email from you, and you can offer them niche-specific products in your emails. How easy is it to create a site? Watch this video. Bari creates a site in 48 seconds: EZ SalaryZ Demo... [Read more]

‘10 Simple Ways to Use Email Segmentation to Increase Opens, Clicks, and Sales’ Webinar March 12 [Webinar]

Email segmentation is an important process to deliver personalized marketing campaigns and achieve better email marketing results. AWeber is hosting a webinar on ‘10 Simple Ways to Use Email Segmentation to Increase Opens, Clicks, and Sales’ on Thursday, March 12, 2020 at 2.00 pm ET. Attend this webinar to learn following: The... [Read more]

SEO for Website Redesign and Migration [Guide]

While redesigning or migrating our website, we may have to bear a great SEO loss if necessary precautions are not taken. Search Engine Watch team has published a new guide ‘SEO for Website Redesign and Migration’ to help you manage the SEO tasks while migrating or redesigning your website. SEW team says, “Redesigning a... [Read more]

How to Design A Beautiful Homepage That Ranks on Google [Video]

Your website’s design helps in attracting a visitor’s attention. An effective design creates a lasting impact on the audience. Neil Patel has published a new video ‘How to Design A Beautiful Homepage That Ranks on Google’ to help you create great website home pages. Patel says, “How do you make your homepage... [Read more]

‘How to Intelligently Prevent Fraud and Drive Growth’ Webinar March 11 [Webinar]

Providing data security to your customers is one of the highest priority today. By doing so you can save yourself and your customers from online frauds and continue to grow. Mobile Marketer is hosting a webinar ‘How to Intelligently Prevent Fraud and Drive Growth’ on Wednesday, March 11, 2020 at 2.00 pm ET. Mobile Marketer team says,... [Read more]

Ways to Create High Performing Digital Marketing Campaigns

Creativity and authenticity are the two most important elements of your digital marketing campaigns. Successful marketing campaigns can help you to achieve your advertising and marketing goals of making more profit. Search Engine Watch contributor Shane Barker has shared six ways to help you improve your digital marketing campaigns in 2020. Barker... [Read more]

Strategies to Improve Your SEO Performance

Search engine optimization is an essential process to drive more sales by increasing your website traffic. An effective SEO strategy creates a pool of growth opportunities for your business. Search Engine Watch contributor Harpreet Munjal has shared six SEO recommendations to improve your SEO performance in 2020. Munjal says, “SEO is... [Read more]

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