Guide to Creating a Profitable Blog - IM NewsWatch Newsletter, July 13, 2020

July 13th, 2020 at 8:38 am EDT


IM NewsWatch

Monday, July 13, 2020

Building and Selling an 8 Figure Amazon Store [Podcast]

Jeff Bullas has published a new podcast episode ‘Building and Selling an 8 Figure Amazon Store’ featuring Coran Woodmass.Listen to this podcast and learn:What products are selling well during the pandemic.Why building a brand on Amazon is vital to eCommerce success.Why testing your online business on Amazon is a great idea.What product... [Read more]

SEO Negotiation: How to Ace the Business Side of SEO [Video]

MOZ has published the new Whiteboard Friday video episode titled ‘SEO Negotiation: How to Ace the Business Side of SEO’ featuring Britney Muller.In this video Muller explains how to get into some of the business side of SEO.The MOZ team says, “SEO has become more important than ever, but it isn’t all meta tags and content.... [Read more]

4-Steps Guide to Creating a Profitable Blog

Blogging is a great way to enhance your online reach. By integrating products and service promotions, you can also grow your online profits.Blogging Wizard’s Adam Connell has shared four ways to help you make your blog profitable.Connell says, “In this post, I’ll show you a 4 step process that will make your blog profitable without... [Read more]

Registration for Your Push Notification CPA campaigns #ad

Push Notification has become a popular source of website traffic in the last 24 months. It has advantages since these notification boxes pop to the front of the subscriber’s screen, where they are likely to be noticed and acted upon.But there are also disadvantages that need to be dealt with. Liming Wu, a long-time online marketer has been experimenting... [Read more]

Visual Design for Non-Designers [Podcast]

Social Media Examiner has published a new podcast ‘Visual Design for Non-Designers’ featuring Michael Stelzner to help marketers learn how to venture into visual designing.The SME team says, “Want to create better visuals for your marketing? Looking for tools and tips to help you easily create visual content?To explore visual design... [Read more]

Updates to YouTube Ads, Video Distribution, and Analytics [Video]

Social Media Examiner has published a new video ‘Updates to YouTube Ads, Video Distribution, and Analytics’ featuring Jeff Sieh and Grace Duffy.Watch this video to learn about the changes in YouTube advertising.The SME team says, “On this week’s Social Media Marketing Talk Show, Jeff Sieh and Grace Duffy explore YouTube’s... [Read more]

Everything You Need to Know about LinkedIn Message Ads

LinkedIn Message Ads are intuitive, self-service ad formats that enable you to easily create, manage, and optimize customized promotional campaigns. You can use this ad format to reach a premium professional audience and drive high-quality leads to your business.PPC Hero contributor Noah Lewchenko has published a comprehensive article on LinkedIn... [Read more]

Cyclone available for busy marketers; hands-off marketing tool #ad

We all have lives outside the online marketing business. Let’s face it: life happens, and we get busy, living our lives. And sometimes life interferes with business.If that describes you, Mark Bishop, Venkata Ramana and Al Cheeseman; have just released a software application called Cyclone, that may be the busy marketer’s best friend.They... [Read more]

‘The Role of Marketing in the All-Digital World’ Webinar July 14 [Webinar]

With the changing times and situation around the world, the ways in which marketing is done are also changing. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many more things are turning digital.Martech Today is hosting this webinar ‘The Role of Marketing in the All-Digital World’ on Tuesday, July 14, 2020 at 1.00 pm EDT.The Martech Today team says, “Marketers... [Read more]

Analyzing the Impact of Facebook Posts on Sales

Publishing on Facebook is one of the most popular and proven ways to reach more audience on social media. With engaging Facebook content, you can grow your following and grow your business.PPC Hero contributor Etgar Shpivak has published an article on how Facebook Post engagement helps you to drive more sales.Shpivak says, “Social media marketing... [Read more]

Guide to Improving Underperforming Content

All the content that you produce may not get desired results. But by making changes to your content so that it gets listed in Google, you can improve its performance.Search Engine Journal’s Lee Wilson has shared some useful tips on finding and improving underperforming content.Wilson says, “In this practical guide, I will share a few... [Read more]

Success Action Plan: Self Help Niche (with PLR) #ad

► Who doesn’t want to achieve success? Most of us do. How about you?► Most of us feel that we haven’t succeeded so far. How about you?► Most of us believe there are things we could do to be more successful. How about you?If these describe you (or your customers), then you need o check out Chad Eljisr‘s new Success action Plan.... [Read more]

What It Takes to Run a Podcast with Marketing O’Clock [Podcast]

Successful podcast creation and publishing requires mastering many things. The content you share in your podcast to the way your podcast reaches the target audience, you need to chart out a strong plan.Search Engine Journal’s Brent Csutoras has published a new podcast episode ‘What It Takes to Run a Podcast with Marketing O’Clock’.Csutoras... [Read more]

Google Analytics for Small Businesses [Podcast]

John Jantsch has published a new episode of Duct Tape Marketing podcast ‘Google Analytics for Small Businesses’. Listen to this episode to learn how you can use Google Analytics to improve your business decisions.He says, “Today’s topic is Google Analytics, one of my favorite items to talk about. It isn’t the sexiest topic, I... [Read more]

‘New Lead-Generating Features on LinkedIn Advertising’ Webinar July 16 [Webinar]

By advertising on LinkedIn you get the opportunity to reach a professional audience. With the right targeting strategies you can get your desired ROI from your LinkedIn advertising efforts.Brainlabs is hosting a webinar ‘New Lead-Generating Features on LinkedIn Advertising’ on Thursday, July 16, 2020 at 1.00 pm ET.The Brainlabs team says, “Whether... [Read more]

Drop-shipping gets you into eCommerce without inventory worries #ad

The easy way to get started in eCommerce is with drop-shipping. With drop-shipping you avoid the hassles of shipping products and handling return. A manufacturer or wholesaler handles the mechanics of fulfilling a sale. You just 1. advertise the product, 2. accept orders (and collect the money) and 3. tell your drop-shipper where to ship the product and pay them for the product.... [Read more]

Econsultancy Shares Seven Examples of E-commerce Checkout Best Practices

Econsultancy contributor Rebecca Sentance has published an article highlighting seven excellent examples of ecommerce checkout best practices.Sentance says, “While I could write a whole essay on this subject alone, here is a (hopefully concise) summary of the most important things to bear in mind when evaluating your online checkout experience.No... [Read more]

9-Step Guide to Writing a Great Blog Post

Blogging is a great way to attract an online audience and convert them into customers. Regular publishing on your blog can help you to establish an identity in your domain.IMPACT contributor Liz Moorehead has shared a nine-step guide to help you write great blog posts.Moorehead says, “This article is going to lay out, step-by-step, how to write... [Read more]

Ahrefs Shares 5 Winning Types of Content Marketing

Content marketing requires constant innovation that helps you to attract more audience online. Content in the form of text, video and infographics has its own advantages.Ahrefs contributor Si Quan Ong has shared five winning content types for better marketing performance.Quan Ong says, “In this post, I’m not going to cover every content marketing... [Read more]

Affilibuilder builds affiliate websites in a flash #ad

Affiliate marketing, in which you find interested people and send them to a merchant's website for a commission, is one of the quickest ways to get started online. And it's not just for start-ups. Some big businesses do nothing but affiliate marketing.... [Read more]

Creating Digital Content for Better CX

By delivering a great customer experience, you an improve your customer retention graph. Your content plays an important role in this process.ClickZ author Jacqueline Dooley has shared eight strategies to help you create digital content to improve customer experience (CX).Dooley says, “Content marketing is a staggeringly large industry, projected... [Read more]

How to Leverage the Power of YouTube [Video]

You can create a powerful sales machine with your YouTube video content. By creating compelling video content with appealing content, you can grow your online sales.Entrepreneur magazine has published a new video ‘How to Leverage the Power of YouTube’ featuring Sean Cannell, founder of Think Media.James McKinney says, “Cannell... [Read more]

Website Personalization and How to Master It

Website personalization enables you to cater the needs of you visitors by using data collected from them about their interests, location, and demographics. It helps with customer retention and lead conversion.HubSpot contributor Kayla Carmicheal has published a comprehensive article on mastering the website personalization process.Carmicheal says,... [Read more]

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