Google Discovery Ads: Five Things to Know - IM NewsWatch, December 9, 2019

December 9th, 2019 at 9:56 am EDT


IM NewsWatch

Monday, December 9, 2019

Brave Web Browser Has 10 Million Monthly Active Users

Brave, a privacy-focused web browser, has reached 10 million monthly active users. Brave is on a mission to fix the web by giving users a safer, faster and better browsing experience while growing support for content creators through a new attention-based ecosystem of rewards. The Brave team says, “Brave 1.0 was released on November... [Read more]

How to Generate Traffic and Turn It into Sales for The Holiday Season [On-Demand Webinar]

Rise in your website traffic can bring brighter days for your business during the holiday season. By getting more and more people to your sites, you can try to persuade them to make purchases. Outbrain’s Kelly Hayes has made available on-demand replay of the webinar ‘How to generate traffic and turn it into sales for the holiday... [Read more]

‘4 Ways to Get Started With Agile Marketing’ Webinar December 11 [Webinar]

In marketing, the term ‘agile’ means using data and analytics to continuously find solutions to problems in real time, deploying tests quickly, evaluating the results, and rapidly iterating. An agile marketing organization can simultaneously run multiple campaigns. Agile Marketing Martech Today team is hosting a webinar on ‘4... [Read more]

PR Rage finds cheap domain names with high page rank #ad

Page Rank is a measure of how much search engines (specifically, Google, but other search engines usually agree) value your site and send searchers to it for relevant queries. A high page rank indicates Google likes the site. At takes time and effort to build high page rank for a site. Rarely does a site earn high page rank quickly. However, there is... [Read more]

Google Discovery Ads: Five Things to Know

Google’s discover ads format is in beta. The discovery ad campaigns enable you to deliver rich, personalized ad experiences to people who are ready to discover and engage with your brand. Google Discovery Ads Discovery ads appear on YouTube home feed, Gmail social and promotions tabs and Google Discover feed. MetricTheory contributor... [Read more]

Five Elements of a High Converting Landing Page Copy

Your landing pages work as central stage for the products or services you are trying to sell. You can make your landing page perform better with a strong copy that helps you to persuade your prospects to make a purchase. PPC Hero contributor Alexandria Nixon has shared five elements of a high converting landing page copy. Read Nixon’s... [Read more]

Google on Three Misconceptions about Mobile Ads

Google mobile ads refers to the ads that appear on mobile devices. These ads appear in mobile search results and on mobile-optimized websites. They bring a lot of possibilities for business growth by allowing you to reach millions of mobile Internet users. To help you better understand mobile ads, Google AdMob’s Omri Dolev has highlighted... [Read more]

MaxConvert: AI-based Personalized Notification Technology #ad

Dr. Amit Pareek has just released new software that increases engagement, leads and sales: MaxConvert Commercial. Here is the rationale for this new software: Everytime we see a countdown timer on a deal, we tend to make an immediate purchase. In addition, everytime we see a notification box, sticky bars, pop-ups, splash pages on landing or when exiting any website, page, we tend to take ation so we don't miss out... [Read more]

Four Steps to Establish Your Busiess

Everyone want to make his products or services useful to the customers and by doing this establish strong business roots. For doing this only money cannot help you, you also need a well-thought strategy that enables you to make your services memorable. SmartCompany’s Emily Tylor has shared a four-step process to make your business more... [Read more]

The Local Algorithm: Relevance, Proximity, and Prominence [Video]

A strong local SEO strategy helps you to reach out your prospective customers via search engines. You can develop such strategy by working on content, on-page optimizations, and link building focused on localized intent. Google SEO MOZ team has published a new video ‘The Local Algorithm: Relevance, Proximity, and Prominence’... [Read more]

SEO Writing for Copywriters [Guide]

Effective copywriting is very important for achieving your SEO goals. A well-written copy enables you to get more web traffic. Cognitive SEO contributor Andreea Sauciuc has published a new guide ‘SEO Writing for Copywriters’ to help you improve your SEO copywriting skills. Sauciuc says, “We’ve put or hands to work to let you... [Read more]

Backlink Flood: free high quality traffic #ad

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is alive and well. It's just harder than ever before. Originally, people who thought about and experimented with improving their site ranking were rare. Almost anything they did to try to improve their rank worked because most webmasters did nothing... [Read more]

Four Steps to Track Your Video Views in Google Analytics

Google Analytics platform makes it possible to track your website performance so that you can make necessary changes to achieve better results. Orbit Media Studios’ Andy Crestodina has shared a four-step process to track your video views in Google Analytics using the Google Tag Manager. Crestodina says, “Do you have videos on your... [Read more]

AWeber Shares 16 Tips from Top Email Marketers

According to a Statista study, by 2023, there will be an estimated 4.3 billion global email users. Considering this big number future email marketing campaigns can bring you better ROI with the help of personalization. AWeber contributor John Corcoran has shared 16 tips from today’s top email marketers. Read this article to improve your... [Read more]

Five Ways to Improve Your Marketing

Effective communication is the key to improving your marketing performance. By connecting with your audience in a personalized manner you can strengthen the impact of your campaingns. In addition, Copyblogger contributor Sonia Simone has shared five elements that can help you to improve your marketing efforts. Simone says, “Here are five... [Read more]

Pay for Performance: SEO by RankPay, free trial #ad

How do you get you site recognized and ranked well by the search engines? There are many ingredients in that go into your site's assessment by Google, Yahoo and Bing. Among the most important ingredients, known as "factors", are backlinks from other respected sites and social signals from social media. You earn greater credibility through more links and, especially, through links from more respected sites... [Read more]

Impact of Internal Linking on Site Performance and UX

Internal links provide an easy navigation to the users for exploring your website’s content. Internal links go from one page on a domain to another page on the same domain. Seer Interactive contributor Zaine Clark has shared an article highlighting the impact of internal linking on site performance and user experience (UX). Clark says,... [Read more]

Improve Your Blog Content with These Tips

A well-maintained blog helps you to attract people interested in your area of business. With fresh and authentic content you can also establish yourself as an authority in the domain. Search Engine Journal contributor Ron Lieback has shared 101 tips and tricks to improve your blog content. Lieback says, “The following 101 tips were created... [Read more]

The Benefits of a Topic-Focused Marketing Strategy [Podcast]

When you target a particular niche, the chances of your marketing success are higher. With a focus on certain product or service you can target a limited audience with effective strategies. Search Engine Journal’s Brent Csutoras has published a new podcast episode ‘The Benefits of a Topic-Focused Marketing Strategy’ featuring... [Read more]

VideoSeeder: Your videos are seen in all the right places #ad

You know that videos can be one of your most productive marketing tools; that is, if they are actually viewed. But you also know that you don't want search engines to consider them as spam, which can happen if they are available from servers known to host spam... [Read more]

Improve Your Holiday Email Marketing with These Rules

The holiday season is one of the most lucrative times of the year for businesses. You can create strong email marketing campaigns to make most from your marketing efforts. According to the National Retail Federation, the 2018 holiday retail sales climbed 4% and reached $658.3 billion in sale. AWeber contributor Tom Tate has shared three important... [Read more]

Three Ways to Creating a Content-Driven Backlink Strategy

Good quality content is very important for influencing your audience. Also for achieving high SEO rankings you can use your content strategy for securing more links to your websites. BrightEdge contributor Gabriele Regalbuto has shared three tactics for creating a content-driven backlink strategy. Regalbuto says, “A content-driven backlink... [Read more]

How to Prioritize and Categorize SEO Holiday Topics [Podcast]

An effective SEO strategy helps you to reach more people online. Especially during the holiday season, a well-defined SEO plan is highly essential. Searchmetrics contributor Jordan Koene has published a new podcast episode ‘How to Prioritize and Categorize SEO Holiday Topics’ featuring Tyson Stockton. Koene says, “When it... [Read more]

Google Keyword Planner: A How-To Guide

Google has launched Keyword Planner as a part of the Google Adwords advertising platform. Advertisers can use it to research and analyze lists of keywords in pay-per-click campaigns. Seer Interactive team has published’Google Keyword Planner: A How-To Guide’ to help you effectively use Google Keyword Planner. Seer team says, “Keyword... [Read more]

Eight Steps to Rank Your Website for Specific Keywords

SEO keywords are used in website copy to attract relevant, organic search traffic and improve your site ranking. Well defined keywords help your target audience to find the most appropriate content on your website. Distilled contributor Robin Lord has shared eight steps to help you rank your website for specific keywords. Lord says, “I’ve... [Read more]

SEO Mistakes You Should Avoid

Nowadays most businesses have realized the importance of SEO and they work to improve their search engine presence. However, while developing an SEO strategy you need to consider several elements which help you to score well in the SEO game. From selection of keywords to the title tags you write for your pages, every element has its own importance.... [Read more]

Steps to Improve SEO Copywriting in 2020

A well-written, self-explanatory copy is one of the most essential elements of your content marketing strategy. It helps you to attract the search engines and also works well for your target audience. WordStream contributor Conor Bond has shared nine important rule to for SEO copywriting in the coming year. Bond says, “Throughout this... [Read more]

SEO vs. SEM: What’s the Difference and Why You Should Care [Video]

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) are confusing concepts to grasp. SEM is internet marketing that increases a site’s visibility through organic search. SEO is one of the parts of search marketing tactics. To help you better understand SEO and SEM, Ahrefs’ Joshua Hardwick has published a video called... [Read more]

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