Four strategies to transform your marketing, IM NewsWatch, February 12, 2018

February 12th, 2018 at 7:51 am EDT


IM NewsWatch

Monday, February 12, 2018

Four strategies to transform your marketing

Improve customer loyalty with these tips

Blockchain and its use in marketing: 6 questions answered

WP Optimiser Boosts Conversions For WordPress #ad

Planning to market in China: five things you should know

Econsultancy lists marketing trends for Asia-Pacific in 2018

AppInstitute’s ‘Ultimate GDPR Guide for Marketers and Businesses’

WP UltraPop: Surprising and Intriguing Attention-getters #ad

‘General Data Protection Regulation’ Webinar February 28

Three ways to make you content interesting

MOZ shares a chapter from ‘Beginner’s Guide to SEO’

Get Free New Client Intake Form and 16 Others #ad

Diagnosing Why a Site’s Set of Pages May Be Ranking Poorly [MOZ Video]

Seven books to improve your content marketing

Your ads are talking… but who’s listening? [Video]

New IM Checklist from Kevin Fahey: Social Media #ad

87% B2B companies to use digital content marketing in 2018 [eMarketer]

Create outstanding web design with these strategies

Set these goals to create quality content

Now Anyone Can Create Stunning Website Like a Pro #ad

Design 101 [Free eBook]

The Future of Voice From Smartphones to Smart Speakers to Smart Homes [comScore Presentation]

Four ways to popularize your blog content on social medi

Five steps to make sure you are not overpaying for SEO

The Podcast Explosion [Infographic]

WEBINAR: ‘Shop ‘til You Click: Creating Shopping Campaigns at Scale’, February 22

Create mobile-friendly content with these tips

Here’ something you should know about prospecting in 2018

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