Five ways to improve your copywriting skills - IM NewsWatch, May 17, 2019

May 17th, 2019 at 7:40 am EDT


IM NewsWatch

Friday, May 17, 2019

‘SEO Keyword Research to Massively Increase Traffic & Grow Your Business ’ Webinar May 21 [Webinar]

The SEM Rush team is hosting a webinar on ‘SEO Keyword Research to Massively Increase Traffic & Grow Your Business’ featuring Ross Tavendale, Tommy Griffith and Tristam Jarman on Tuesday, May 21, 2019 at 2.00 pm ET. The SEM Rush team says, “Keyword search can be tricky. Where to start? What to target, who to target? Are you working... [Read more]

How to Set Up Google Shopping [Guide]

The Hallam contributor Leo Worsley has published a new guide called ‘How to set up Google Shopping’. This guide offers a comprehensive explanation on setting up Google Shopping and using it correctly. Justifying why to use Google Shopping, Worsley says, “When you combine the capabilities of Pay-Per-Click advertising, where tech-savvy... [Read more]

Five Ways to Improve Your Copywriting Skills

An effective copy plays vital role in achieving your marketing goals. It helps you to reach out to your prospects and persuade them to take an action. The Copyblogger contributor Nick Usborne has shared five ways to improve copywriting skills. Usborne says, “Here are five things that work for me — mix and match for your own use. #1:... [Read more]

2,000 4K-resolution stock videos you can use in your promotions #ad

Here’s what Forbes Magazine says about video for online marketers: “Video content promotes brand recall. Video marketing can boost your site’s SEO. Video marketing can help strengthen your brand message. Video content wants to go viral.” More and more marketers have come to realize the truth of that statement. Your sales are better... [Read more]

You Can Improve Your Sales with These Sales Management Books

Books are the best source of information and motivation. When it comes to improving sales and marketing, there are several works published by different experts. The HubSpot contributor Aja Frost has shared a list of 24 best sales management books that can help you to improve sales. Frost says, “You were an outstanding sales rep —... [Read more]

HubSpot Shares 10 Marketing Techniques for 2019

The HubSpot contributor Clifford Chi has shared 10 useful marketing techniques to use in 2019. Chi says, “To help you learn about the most effective marketing techniques around today, we’ve rounded up the ten best marketing techniques for 2019. Read on to add some tools to your content marketing arsenal. 1. Shows In the neuroscience... [Read more]

How to Succeed When Facing Exponential Technological Change [Podcast]

Marketing without technology sounds impossible today. For achieving success in marketing it is essential to cope with the technological changes that occur time to time. Brian Clark, the host of Unemployable podcast series has published a new podcast ‘How to Succeed When Facing Exponential Technological Change’. Clark says, “Technology... [Read more]

Traffic Treasury: Free traffic for small business websites #ad

Generating traffic isn’t nearly as hard as you might think. But you do need to understand how to do it (and then take action.) Just released is a new training package, New Traffic Treasury, that shows you how to build your traffic without spending anything to buy visitors. The authors describe it as “The Complete Collection Of Traffic Generation... [Read more]

Choose the Right Frame to Boost the Power of Your Content [Podcast]

The Rainmaker.FM host Sonia Simone has published a new podcast episode ‘Choose the Right Frame to Boost the Power of Your Content’. Listen to this podcast episode to learn how to improve your content marketing. Simone says, “In this 19-minute episode, I talk about some of the key ideas in Lakoff’s book: What a “frame”... [Read more]

Six Ways to Improve Video Marketing with Twitter Media Studio

Video is a trending element on Twitter so it is popular among the marketers. Twitter’s Media Studio allows its users to manage, measure, and monetize their Twitter content. The Social Media Examiner contributor Daniel Knowlton has shared six ways marketers use the Twitter Media Studio to improve their video marketing Knowlton says, “If... [Read more]

Google Ads Smart Bidding [Free Guide]

The MetricTheory team has published a free guide to ‘Google Ads Smart Bidding’. This guide covers the following: An Introduction to Google Smart BiddingTarget CPATarget ROASEnhanced Cost-Per-ClickHow to Test Google Smart Bidding StrategiesGeneral Testing GuidelinesTips & Common Pitfalls and more. Jackie Wolfe says, “With... [Read more]

Essential Business Writing Skills; better sales through better words #ad

Here at IM NewsWatch we see hundreds of ads daily because we subscribe to virtually all the product creator newsletters (and dozens of affiliates) in our niche of online marketing. We need to see this marketing content so we keep up to date, but a lot of it is really poor. The writers often don't have a good grasp of English and often don't have a clear understanding of how to write text that fits together and has a logical progression from thought to thought... [Read more]

Stone Temple Shares Key Takeaways from Next10x Digital Marketing Conference 2019

The Next10x Digital Marketing Conference 2019 was held on May 2 in Boston. The Stone Temple blog contributor Eric Enge has shared key takeaways for the marketers from this conference. Talking about the tops SEO opportunities, Enge says, “SEO is about giving Google what they want — a great user experience based on intent. Our learnings... [Read more]

‘Four Steps to Streamline Marketing Workflow’ Webinar May 23 [Webinar]

The MarketingProfs is hosting a webinar on ‘Four Steps to Streamline Marketing Workflow’ featuring Brent Bird and Mayer Becker on Thursday, May 23, 2019 at 2.00 pm ET. The MarketingProfs team says, “One of marketing’s biggest challenges can simply be finding an optimal workflow that takes into account the many variables and resources... [Read more]

13-Point Guide to Online Marketing

The Quick Sprout team has published a 13-point guide to online marketing. This guide covers some useful strategies to start online marketing achieving success in it. The Quick Sprout team says, “The most extensive and comprehensive introduction to online marketing that you’ll find anywhere. Why We Wrote this Guide? Online marketing... [Read more]

Professional e-commerce stores in a snap #ad

Bryan Winters has just released his new e-commerce platform called 'ShopMonopoly'. Bryan created a case study where he shows $600.00 being made in under 24 hours with his first 'ShopMonopoly' ecom store. This is the first tool giving you everything you need to launch your own professional (you will be surprised at how professional they look) stores in as little as 20 minutes each... [Read more]

‘Three Ways to Scale ABM Success With Personalization’ Webinar 2.00 pm ET [Webinar]

Account-based marketing helps organizations to align their sales efforts around who are target customers and the efforts to capture them. The MarketingProfs is hosting a webinar on ‘Three Ways to Scale ABM Success With Personalization’ on Thursday, May 16, 2019 at 2.00 pm ET. The MarketingProfs team says, “Account-based marketing (ABM)... [Read more]

Five Ways to Improve Sales with Marketing Personalization

The concept of marketing personalization starts by addressing the customers by their names in the email you send and it moves on to finding out their needs and trying to address them. Personalization is one of the best ways to closely connect with the customers and increase your sales. The Convince & Convert contributor Ann Smarty has shared... [Read more]

How to Get (Real!) Followers on Social Media in 2019 [Podcast]

The Buffer contributor Heather-Mae Pusztai has published a new podcast episode titled ‘How to Get (Real!) Followers on Social Media in 2019’. Listen to this podcast to discover some useful strategies on getting more social media followers. Pusztai says, “One of the most popular topics in social media marketing is how to get more... [Read more]

StealthD: Turn Emails into Passive Income #ad

Spend an hour setting up a 'StealthD' campaign, and reap the rewards with no further effort. That's what Jono Anderson and Brendan Mace, the creators, are saying. Don't stop with one campaign. Spend an hour from time to time to set up a new campaign. It can only help grow your business. Their method uses inexpensive paid ads offered by a "new-ish" Google service, to place your ads before users of the Google email service... [Read more]

‘Five game-changing facts that prove the value of multi-touch attribution’ Webinar May 23 [Webinar]

The Marketing Week team is hosting a webinar on ‘Five game-changing facts that prove the value of multi-touch attribution’ on Thursday, May 23, 2019 at 3.00 pm ET. The Marketing Week team says, “Join Ben Samuel, vice-president for EMEA at Nielsen, as he explores how to unlock marketing opportunity costs and avoid waste with multi-touch... [Read more]

Social Media Examiner Releases ‘2019 Social Media Marketing Industry Report’Marketing Personalization

The Social Media Examiner team has released the ‘2019 Social Media Marketing Industry Report’. This report features findings from a survey that covered more than 4800 marketers. Download this report to learn the following: How marketers plan on changing their future organic activities, by platform.The video channels most popular... [Read more]

How to Effectively Build Local Links [Podcast]

The Rank Ranger team has published a new episode of ‘In Search’ podcast titled ‘How to Effectively Build Local Links’ featuring Garrett French. Listen to this podcast to discover some useful strategies on building links and improving your website traffic. The Rank Ranger team says, ” This week we speak to link building... [Read more]

Everything You Need to Know about SEO Pricing

The search engine optimization is an essential process for every organization as it leads you to be seen by hundreds and thousands of prospective customers. When you outsource your SEO task, it is important to know about how it is being priced by various agencies. The KnowTechie contributor Alma Causey has shared an article highlighting how... [Read more]

‘The Future of Webinar Marketing: Content Reimagined’ Webinar May 15 [Webinar]

The Content Marketing Institute is hosting a webinar on ‘The Future of Webinar Marketing: Content Reimagined’ on Wednesday, May 15, 2019 at 2.00 pm ET. The CMI team says, “Content marketing today is all about personalization, being conversational, and simply being more human. But how does that work in the digital world? Join... [Read more]

45% of small businesses still don’t have a website

The small business world is slowly catching up with the new digital reality: a business without a website is losing sales. But a poll by CNBC in conjunction with Survey Monkey reveals that there is still a large group of businesses that are hesitant to invest in a site. Barriers include fear of the expected high cost, a feeling that the process is too... [Read more]

Using Google Analytics to Create Outstanding Blog Posts

Blogging is one of the most successful ways to get more customers. Carefully crafted blog posts allow you to stay connected with your audience. The Monster Insights contributor Shahzad Saeed has shared some useful tips on creating excellent blog posts using Google Analytics. Saeed says, “Are you brainstorming blog post ideas? Your Google... [Read more]

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