Five tips to rightly optimize your email list, IM NewsWatch, November 8, 2018

November 8th, 2018 at 7:18 am EDT


IM NewsWatch

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Five strategies to prepare a strong social marketing plan

Brush up your entrepreneurial capacity with these podcasts

Everything you need to know about web design and artificial intelligence

Improve your customer relations with these marketing tools

Why Offering Value to the Customer Is at the Top of This Marketer’s Priorities [Video]

Ecommerce websites and value of user experience design

Four ways brands use face-detection technologies

Improving social media marketing: four things to know

Three ways to enhance sales with your website

Tips to optimize web pages for greater speed performance

Using Google Posts to win at local search

Three modern marketing principles

Improve your sales and customer retention with transactional emails

HubSpot shares five ways to reimagine your 2019 sales playbook with AI

HubSpot publishes ‘Web Design 101’, a guide to HTML, CSS and JavaScript

‘What Marketers Really Want from the Publisher of the Future: Hint—It’s About Audiences’ Webinar 1.00 pm EST

‘Tag Auditing Platform Buyer’s Guide: Best Practices for Tag Management and Governance’ Webinar 1.00 pm EST

Tips to generate more sales from Instagram Stories

‘Mobile Creative Doesn’t Have to Suck: Develop Ads That Actually Engage Your Audience’ Webinar November 20

Three ways to determine effective key metrics for growth

Sharpen your sales skills with these TED talks

‘Better Map the Path to Purchase: Get a Clear View with Deep Consumer Insight’ Webinar November 29

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