Five tips to popularize your podcast, IM NewsWatch, December 12, 2018

December 12th, 2018 at 10:46 am EDT


IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

HubSpot’s Guide to YouTube’s Updates & Changes

YouTube is a great platform to publish your videos and improve your branding efforts. By correctly understanding this platform’s algorithms you can effectively plan and execute your video marketing strategy. HubSpot’s Clifford Chi has shared an update to the company’s ‘Guide to YouTube’s Updates & Changes’. Chi... [Read more]

Econsultancy launches M3 Blueprint program

Econsultancy has launched M3 (Modern Marketing Model) blueprint program. Econsultancy launched the Modern Marketing Model in 2017 which is world’s first digital makeover of traditional marketing models. The M3 blueprint program is intended to help organizations improve their marketing initiatives. Arliss Coates says, “In response to our brave... [Read more]

Five tips to popularize your podcast

Podcasting is one of the most prominent tools that helps you create a brand identity at almost no cost. What a good podcast requires is authentic information and knowledge. Apart from quality content the podcast do need some more efforts to get more and more downloads. Entrepreneur contributor Imran Tariq has shared five strategies to help you do this. Tariq... [Read more]

Improve your conversion rate with these tips

Turning prospects into customers is something all of us want to achieve at a maximum rate. But it requires an irresistible offer an a quality product to influence the prospects. Entrepreneur contributor Brian Hilliard has shared an article highlighting some tips to help marketers convert more prospects into customers. Hilliard says, “One of my... [Read more]

Econsultancy highlights 10 brands that use illustration to stand out online

Quality images that convey an intended meaning are an asset to any brand. When visitors land on your site the first thing that catches their attention is graphics. It means that we should be concerned about the right use of graphics over the web. Econsultancy columnist Lizzy Hillier has shared an article highlighting 10 brands that use illustration... [Read more]

CMI shares 85+ expert predictions for content marketing in 2019

The year has almost ended and we should be gearing up to welcome the new year with sharpened marketing and promotion policies. Content marketing has been evolving year after year. To help marketers prepare their content marketing strategies for the coming year, Content Marketing Institute team has shared 85+ expert predictions for content marketing... [Read more]

Alexa wants you to change email marketing approah

Email marketing is one of the most used marketing tools today. And as we know most of our emails are now read on mobile devices. The addition of voice-based devices such as Alexa and Google Home have changed the way consumers access the information online. The new Alexa feature has offered it capability to read and manage emails. This change would land... [Read more]

Three ways to correctly use pop-ups for data collection

Pop-up windows help us get the data from website visitors at various points of their visits. A timely appearance of the pop-up can improve the possibilities of visitors submitting their data on our sites. Econsultancy columnist Mike Austin has shared three ways to help marketers correctly use the pop-ups for collecting useful data from their website... [Read more]

Two techniques to brush up your SEO for rest of holidays

The big shopping days are gone but the Christmas is waiting for us. If you haven’t utilized the SEO arsenal rightly during the holidays that are gone, don’t worry, you are not late for the Christmas preparation. Econsultacy columnist Manish Dudharejia has shared two strategies to help brands work on their SEO for upcoming holidays. Dudharejia... [Read more]

How to Build a Winning Product Detail Page [eMarketer Tech Talk]

The eMarketer has made available a Tech Talk on ‘How to Build a Winning Product Detail Page’. In this recording Andrew Waber shares some of the useful tactics to help marketers build a strong product detail page. eMarkter team says, “A downside of ecommerce is the inability to see and feel items prior to purchase, making product details—images,... [Read more]

Seven-step guide to advertise on LinkedIn

Social media advertising is something you cannot afford to avoid as it is one of the easiest ways to promote your products and services to a wide audience. Among the social platforms LinkedIn has a special place as it allows you to reach a special segment online. The company has published a simple seven-step guide to help brands advertise on LinkedIn. Alex... [Read more]

Here’s email marketing checklist for you

Planning has a special space in the marketing process. Effective campaign management can be achieved by developing a feasible marketing agenda and a plan to achieve it. When holidays are here you need to utilize all the marketing tools for better ROI and email plays a vital role in the brand promotion. AWeber contributor Li Willits has shared a checklist... [Read more]

Improve your holiday marketing with this emailing tips

Email marketing needs to be done in such a way that you are not seen as an unwanted guest in the inboxes. Privacy is a sensitive thing in today’s customer-centric world and you need to respect it. AWeber contributor Tom Tate has shared three email marketing rules that marketers should follow this holiday season. Tate says, “Plan to send... [Read more]

Using cold emails to promote your brand

Email marketing stands as one of the most dependable for of marketing. This is because of the email’s capacity to bring in more ROI compared to other marketing tools. Cold email is a form of marketing wherein the emails are sent to the people without their prior permission. Business 2 Community contributor Sujan Patel has shared a five-step cold... [Read more]

Strategies to automate your content marketing process

Automation is a big thing that has brought in a huge comfort for easily deal with repetitive tasks. In content marketing too you can bring in the automation in certain processes like spell check and grammar checking. These small automation processes can make your content creation a quick process. Content Marketing Institute contributor Aaron Agius has... [Read more]

Using LinkedIn for brand publishing – things to know

Publishing on LinkedIn has been one of the most used and successful trends in online marketing. LinkedIn being a professional social network, offers the authenticity to your content by default which works as an extra perk for your brand publishing efforts. If you haven’t started with the LinkedIn publishing, Content Marketing Institute contributor... [Read more]

‘Optimize Content Marketing Results – A Content Promotion Framework’ Webinar 2.00 pm ET

In content marketing game, promotion of your matters the most. Though you have tried very hard for creating the best of the content, if you fail to brand it well, the content is not going to work for you. To help marketers promote their content effectively Content Marketing Institute is hosting a webinar on ‘Optimize Content Marketing Results... [Read more]

Four ways chatbots are making space in customer service

The chatbots have proved to be immensely useful to the brands as they have been able to stay in constant touch with their customers online. With advanced programming initiatives these bots are able to deliver the quality customer service to the customers in an effective manner. ReadWrite contributor Akansha De has shared four ways the chatbots are putting... [Read more]

Data Legislation and how to prepare for it

Data is one of the most essential elements in making your marketing campaigns successful. But not all brands use customer data responsibly. Today the people have started thinking twice before filling up an online subscription or any other form as they have a scare of data misuse. ReadWrite has reported that the Data Legislation is on its way that is... [Read more]

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