Five Strategies to Managing SEO During Crisis - IM NewsWatch Newsletter, June 4, 2020

June 4th, 2020 at 7:58 am EDT


IM NewsWatch

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Common JavaScript Errors That Can Harm Your SEO [Video]

Yesterday we published a post about JavaScript SEO. To help you further, we are sharing a video dealing with JavaScript. Search Engine Land team has published a new video ‘Common JavaScript errors that can harm your SEO’ featuring Martin Splitt. The SEJ team says, “One popular misconception is that JavaScript simply does not work... [Read more]

Five Strategies to Managing SEO During Crisis

Technology has come out as one of the biggest boons for human kind during the COVID-19 pandemic. Search gave people flexibility to keep themselves updated about the disease. In this, SEO does play a pivotal role. Searchmetrics Anthony Costello has shared five strategies to help you manage SEO during the crisis. Costello says, “SEO is a valuable... [Read more]

Improve Your SEO Performance with These Copywriting Tools

To achieve desired results from your SEO efforts, you need a strong strategy that can be execute with the right tools. With effective copywriting tools you can grow your your website traffic in an exponential manner. Distilled contributor Anthony DeSordi has shared five important copywriting tools that can help you to strengthen your SEO. DeSord says,... [Read more]

‘How These ‘Boring’ Businesses Turned Their Blogs Into Their Most Profitable Traffic Asset’ Webinar June 5 [Webinar]

Blogging is one of the most popular techniques to get online audience and enhance your reach. It also allows you to establish your authenticity which in turn helps your company in getting stronger. Exposure Ninja is hosting a webinar ‘How These ‘Boring’ Businesses Turned Their Blogs Into Their Most Profitable Traffic Asset… And... [Read more]

Portent’s Website Building Checklist

Building a new website a challenging task. It can be made easier by having a list of procedures you should follow to build a good website. Portent contributor Andy Schaff has published a checklist for building your website. Schaff says, “There are many different approaches to handling website designs. Portent typically prefers a component-based... [Read more]

13 SEO Algorithm Questions Answered

Google continues to update its search algorithm in order to provide a better search experience to its users. You can improve the amount of organic traffic you receive by understanding these changes and adjusting your SEO strategy accordingly. The Botify Team has interviewed a group of SEO experts, and together they have answered 13 questions... [Read more]

Five Tips for Using A Pop-Up Facebook Group

Pop-up Facebook groups are created for a limited time. These group provide your audience an opportunity to learn more about you, your company, and the products and services you are offering. Social Media Examiner’s Jill Stanton has shared a five tips for creating and using pop-up Facebook groups. Stanton says, “You can’t just... [Read more]

Three-Step Guide to Search Engine Results Pages

Ahrefs contributor Joshua Hardwick has published a three-step guide to Search Engine Results Pages (SERP). In this guide, Hardwick shares an analysis of paid vs. organic search result and importance of SERP in SEO. He has also highlighted major SEPR features. Hardwick says, “Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) are the pages that Google... [Read more]

How to Understand and Create What Your Customer Wants [Video]

By catering to the needs and wants of your customers you can continue to flourish your business. And to do this you need to find out what your customers are looking for. Entrepreneur magazine’s David Meltzer has published a video ‘How to Understand and Create What Your Customer Wants’ featuring Roy Bernheim. Watch this... [Read more]

Optimizing Ecommerce for Google Images and Visual Search [Guide]

E-commerce SEO helps you to optimize your e-commerce store pages to improve search engine rankings and drive traffic. By improving your search engine presence you can boot your sales. I Love SEO contributor Gianluca Fiorelli has published a seven-part guide on ‘Optimizing Ecommerce for Google Images and Visual Search’. Fiorelli... [Read more]

Marketing to Ensure Customer Happiness

Image Source: Pexels It doesn’t matter if you call it customer happiness, customer satisfaction, or anything else, the contentment of your clients with your products and services is a crucial element for long-term success. Nevertheless, cultivating customer satisfaction can be challenging in the complex, online-offline, multichannel modern... [Read more]

10 Chrome Extensions for Better SEO

The Google Chrome browser offer several extensions ( integrated software programs to improve overall browsing experience) for different online tasks. To help you improve your search engine marketing, Chrome provides an array of SEO extensions. Go Fish Digital contributor Stewart Fussell has shared a list of 10 highly useful SEO extensions available... [Read more]

Finding Your Audience in a Global Economy

The advances of our digital age have made many changes in the way business is conducted. Over the last few decades, entrepreneurs have evolved from exploring their local audience to reaching national and global audiences. This democratization of worldwide business landscapes makes for an exciting time, but it’s certainly not without its challenges.... [Read more]

Knowing Your Audience is the Key to a Successful Blog Why do you have a blog? If your answer is because most other businesses in your niche do, you are dead wrong. If you are looking at your blog as just something you “need” to do, then just stop. Let’s look at the right answer. You have a blog because it is a part of your content marketing... [Read more]

‘AI-Driven Marketing in 2020’ Webinar June 26 [Webinar]

Artificial Intelligence in marketing is the use of customer data, machine learning and other computational concepts to predict a person’s action or inaction. Effective use of AI in marketing can help marketers to easily segment data and take required actions. ClickInsights and Oracle are hosting a webinar ‘AI-Driven Marketing in 2020’... [Read more]

State of Digital’s Guide To The Best Landing Page Builders

A well-designed landing page helps you to present the information your visitors are looking for. It supports your business goals, improves conversions and boosts your business’ credibility. State of Digital contributor Milosz Krasinski has published ‘A Guide To The Best Landing Page Builders’. Krasinski says, “If you have a website... [Read more]

Your Guide to JavaScript SEO

According to MOZ, JavaScript is the interactivity and a core component of the dynamic web. You can improve your search engine marketing by understanding JavaScript and its potential impact on search. Ahrefs‘ Patrick Stox has published a comprehensive article on JavaScript SEO. Stox says, “I’m not saying that SEOs need to go out and... [Read more]

Step-by-Step Guide to Performing an SEO Audit in 2020

SEO audit helps you to identify issues that could prevent your site from ranking on Google and other search engines. An effective SEO audit can help you to improve your website traffic from search. SEMrush contributor Erika Varagouli has published a step-by-step guide to perform SEO audit in 2020. This guide covers the following: What is an SEO... [Read more]

Analyzing Google’s May 2020 Core Update

Google continues to update its search engine algorithm to provide a better search experience to its users. Google’s May 2020 Core Update came into effect last month which has brought rank volatility to the SERP. Rank Ranger‘s Mordy Oberstein has published an analysis of Google’s May 2020 Core update. Oberstein says, “As part... [Read more]

What You Didn’t Know About Google’s SERP Features [Podcast]

Rank Ranger has published a new episode of In Search podcast episode ‘What You Didn’t Know About Google’s SERP Features’ featuring Kevin Indig. The Rank Ranger team says, “Kevin Indig is here to work your brains with a SERP feature deep dive! We’ll get into: SERP features and the notion that they are organic The topic... [Read more]

The “Death” of Ranking Factors [Podcast]

Searchmetrics‘ Tyson Stockton has published a new episode of Voices of Search podcast entitled ‘The “Death” of Ranking Factors’ featuring Brianna Anderson. Listen to this podcast and learn about the new version of SEO analytics. Stockton says, “The SEO community has long held ranking factors in high regard, although some... [Read more]

‘Strategies To Optimize My Site For Voice Search’ Webinar June 4 [Webinar]

With increasing number of Internet-connected mobile devices, the future of search lies in voice. By optimizing your websites for voice search, you can increase your traffic. Affiliate Summit is hosting a webinar ‘Strategies To Optimize My Site For Voice Search’ on Thursday, June 4, 2020 at 11.00 am EST. The Affiliate Summit team says,... [Read more]

10 Ways to Generate Leads on TikTok

Looking at its popularity, TikTok has come out as a leading platform to promote your products and services and improve lead generation. HubSpot contributor Kevin Payne has shared an infographic featuring 10 ways to use TikTok for lead generation. Payne says, “There are a few good reasons TikTok can be a great platform to generate new leads:  1.... [Read more]

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