Eight tools to improve your search engine rankings - IM NewsWatch, May 14, 2019

May 14th, 2019 at 7:13 am EDT


IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Using Google Analytics to Create Outstanding Blog Posts

Blogging is one of the most successful ways to get more customers. Carefully crafted blog posts allow you to stay connected with your audience. The Monster Insights contributor Shahzad Saeed has shared some useful tips on creating excellent blog posts using Google Analytics. Saeed says, “Are you brainstorming blog post ideas? Your Google... [Read more]

Eight Tools to Improve Your Search Engine Rankings

There are different search engine optimization tools used by marketers to strengthen their search engine rankings. The user reviews and credibility of the publisher are two things that help you to know about the real performance of such tools. The Entrepreneur contributor Scott McGovern has shared eight SEO tools to help marketers increase their... [Read more]

Facebook Marketing Declining: New Research [Podcast]

The Social Media Examiner contributor Grace Duffy has published a new podcast episode on ‘Facebook Marketing Declining: New Research’. This podcast features Michael Stelzner, founder and CEO of Social Media Examiner and Charlie Lawrance, founder and CEO of Gecko Squared. Duffy says, “Welcome to this week’s edition of the Social... [Read more]

Essential Business Writing Skills; better sales through better words #ad

Here at IM NewsWatch we see hundreds of ads daily because we subscribe to virtually all the product creator newsletters (and dozens of affiliates) in our niche of online marketing. We need to see this marketing content so we keep up to date, but a lot of it is really poor. The writers often don’t have a good grasp of English and often don’t... [Read more]

‘4 Steps to Operationalize Modern Marketing Work’ Webinar June 11 [Webinar]

Digital Marketing Depot is hosting a webinar on ‘4 Steps to Operationalize Modern Marketing Work’ on Tuesday, June 11, 2019 at 1.00 pm EDT. The DMD team says, “Modern marketing work requires modern workflows, and operationalizing those workflows is critical to be effective and scale your resources with the amount of work you’re expected... [Read more]

How Video Content Can Improve Your Marketing Campaigns

Video is an essential tool when it comes to reaching out more people online and convincing them to take an action. It is one of the most trusted tools by today’s marketers. The Entrepreneur contributor Torrey Tayenaka has shared five reasons why you should use video to improve your marketing. Tayenaka says, “Below are five ways video... [Read more]

HubSpot’s Guide to Advertising on Facebook

The HubSpot contributor Carly Stec has published a step-by-step guide to advertising on Facebook. You can use this guide to plan your Facebook ad campaigns in such a way that they generate more revenue. Stec says, “With more than 2.3 billion people using Facebook every month, and nearly 1.6 billion users every day, Facebook offers... [Read more]

Professional e-commerce stores in a snap #ad

Bryan Winters. has just released his new e-commerce platform called ShopMonopoly. Bryan created a case study where he shows $600.00 being made in under 24 hours with his first ShopMonopoly ecom store. This is the first tool giving you everything you need to launch your own professional (you will be surprised at how professional they look) stores in... [Read more]

‘The Future of Webinar Marketing: Content Reimagined’ Webinar May 15 [Webinar]

The Content Marketing Institute is hosting a webinar on ‘The Future of Webinar Marketing: Content Reimagined’ on Wednesday, May 15, 2019 at 2.00 pm ET. The CMI team says, “Content marketing today is all about personalization, being conversational, and simply being more human. But how does that work in the digital world? Join... [Read more]

Google Marketing Live, May 15

Google is hosting ‘Google Marketing Live’ on Wednesday, May 15, 2019. You can register for this event now. The Google team says, “Did you know that searches for “best” have increased by 80% in the last two years? For example, in recent third-party research, we saw that some people spend over 50 days searching for the... [Read more]

New EU regulations pose challenges (and threats) to online media use

The European Union has a directive requiring media companies such as Google, YouTube, and Facebook to avoid having materials with copyright protection on their sites without explicit permission from the copyright holder. Indeed, all websites are required to follow the same rule; it’s just that the major sites that allow the general public to post... [Read more]

StealthD: Turn Emails into Passive Income #ad

Spend an hour setting up a 'StealthD' campaign, and reap the rewards with no further effort. That's what Jono Anderson> and Brendan Mace, the creators, are saying. Don't stop with one campaign. Spend an hour from time to time to set up a new campaign. It can only help grow your business. Their method uses inexpensive paid ads offered by a "new-ish" Google service, to place your ads before users of the Google email service... [Read more]

‘20 Practical Personalization Ideas for Maximum Impact’ Webinar June 11 [Webinar]

The ClickZ team is hosting a webinar on ‘20 Practical Personalization Ideas for Maximum Impact’ on Tuesday, June 11, 2019 at 1.00 pm ET. The ClickZ team says, “Brands across industries have realized that personalization is no longer optional in order to win customers’ attention, engagement and loyalty. But many are missing some of... [Read more]

Five Tips to Get More Traffic with Internal Linking

Link building is a very important element that plays significant role in getting traffic from search engines to your websites. The internal linking refers to the creation of links between the pages of your website. The Quick Sprout team has shared five tips to get more search engine traffic using internal linking. The Quick Sprout team... [Read more]

Tips to Achieve Success with Personalized Content

Personalization is a key to get better content marketing results. With personalization you can move closer to your audience and the chances of a successful deal are more. The Content Marketing Institute contributor Larry Lubin has shared some useful tips on personalizing your content and making it more popular. Lubin says, “A new report... [Read more]

Trendds: If it's trendy, it can be profitable #ad

Trends are, by definition, occurrences (hobbies, sports, gadgets, etc.) in society that have a lot of people involved. Where there are a lot of people, there are a lot of potential customers. So, many marketers look for trends and then find a way to sell something (such as an affiliate offer) to this hungry crowd. That process has just become easier with the new SaaS software released this week by Mark Bishop, Venkata Ramana and Prady N called Trendds... [Read more]

Google Search: State of the Union (Google I/O’19 Video)

The Google team has published a video on YouTube from the Google I/O 2019 event. The video features John Mueller and Martin Splitt who have shared some useful insights on Google’s new search features. The Google team says, “Learn about the latest Google Search features and how to take advantage of the new APIs and capabilities to... [Read more]

Eight Things You Should Know about Technical SEO

Search engine optimization is an essential skill for all the marketers. You can improve your search engine marketing performance by acquiring more and more knowledge in the domain. The Yoast contributor Willemien Hallebeek has shared eight essential aspects of the technical SEO. Read Hallebeek’s article to polish your SEO skills. Hallebeek... [Read more]

30 SEO Plugins You Should be Using

You search engine rankings depend on how widespread your keywords and content are. You can reach out to the search engine index in manifold ways by using appropriate SEO plugins. The Cognitive SEO contributor Andreea Sauciuc has shared a list of 30 useful SEO plugins for various content publishing platforms which can improve your SEO efforts. Sauciuc... [Read more]

Affiliate Bots 2.0 (Affiliate Video Bots) with 37 marketing tools #ad

Whether you invested in the original Affiliate Bots or not, you will want to check out the new 2.0 version, now called 'Affiliate Video Bots', because of the new added tools that help with video. Top affiliate marketers (not typical, of course) can make impressive commissions from promoting the products of other people. That's why (if you're like me) you received up to a hundred emails from various affiliates promoting a new launch... [Read more]

Visualizing Speed Metrics to Improve SEO, UX, & Revenue [Video]

The MOZ team has published a new Whiteboard Friday video featuring Sam Marsden on ‘Visualizing Speed Metrics to Improve SEO, UX, & Revenue’. Watch this video to learn some useful tricks for improving your search engine optimization, user experience and revenue. The MOZ team says, “We know how important page speed is to... [Read more]

Twitter Marketing in 2019 [Guide]

The HubSpot team has published a new guide called ‘Twitter Marketing in 2019’. This guide will teach you the following; What is a Twitter marketing strategy; andHow to use Twitter for business. Talking about the guide, Kristen Baker says, “The thought of reaching hundreds of millions of leads through a free social media platform... [Read more]

How To Target Topics & Keywords With The Highest Ad Earnings [Video]

The Ezoic Inc. team has published a new video featuring Tyler Bishop on ‘How To Target Topics & Keywords With The Highest Ad Earnings’. Watch this video to master the art of keyword selection and improve your search marketing performance. The Ezoic team says, “This week, Tyler reviews how to identify and target topics advertisers... [Read more]

‘The Top 4 Digital Challenges Facing Consumer Brands’ Webinar May 30 [Webinar]

Digital Marketing Depot is hosting a webinar on ‘The Top 4 Digital Challenges Facing Consumer Brands – And How to Solve Them’ on Thursday, May 30, 2019 at 1.00 pm EDT. The DMD team says, “How do traditional consumer goods marketers compete? And how do you overcome the impact of generic brands and point-of-sale data collection to grow... [Read more]

How To Build A Huge Email List [Video]

John Chow has posted a new video titled ‘How To Build A Huge Email List’ on YouTube. Chow says, “In this video, I show you how to build a huge email list. The email list is the foundation of my internet marketing business. The main reasons I make the money that I is because of my list. The money really is in the list. Watch... [Read more]

WordStresm’s 7-Step Image SEO Survival Guide

WordStresm’s Gordon Donnelly has published the ‘7-Step Image SEO Survival Guide’. This guide offers a comprehensive process on getting your images indexed in the search engines. Donnelly says, “Image SEO is one of the more often overlooked elements of on-page SEO, but that doesn’t mean it’s not important. In fact,... [Read more]

How Copywriting Teacher Belinda Weaver Reenergized Her Email List for Massive Engagement [Podcast]

The Copyblogger contributor Sonia Simone has published a new podcast episode on ‘How Copywriting Teacher Belinda Weaver Reenergized Her Email List for Massive Engagement’. Simone says, “When our colleague Robert Bruce told me about some advice he’d given copywriter Belinda Weaver, and that she was seeing great success with it,... [Read more]

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