Core Web Vital Testing Questions - IM NewsWatch Newsletter, May 20, 2020

May 20th, 2021 at 8:01 am EDT


IM NewsWatch

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Instagram Growth With Organic Content: A Comprehensive Guide [Video]

Social Media Examiner has published a new video ‘Instagram Growth With Organic Content: A Comprehensive Guide’ to help you achieve Instagram marketing success. The SME team says, “Want to grow your Instagram reach and exposure? Wondering what to post? Learn how to grow your Instagram account without ads by watching this in-depth guide... [Read more]

Four Tips to Write Content that Gets Media Coverage

Quality content helps you to build your credibility, captivates audiences, and increases the chances of visitors visiting other pages of your website. Go Fish Digital contributor Mike Miller has shared four useful strategies to help you write content that gets you fame. He says, “Journalists, writers, and media professionals are also more likely... [Read more]

Avoid These Spam Trigger Words in Your Email Subject

In email marketing, your words matter the most. From the subject line to the email content, you need to be alert in your communication. Mequoda contributor Kim Mateus has published an article highlighting subject line spam trigger words. She says, “Email subject lines are just one part of the email delivery equation. Emails are delivered to inboxes... [Read more]

New Technology: Challenges App builds engagement, leads, sales #ad

On Tuesday, Sam Bakker launched his new software tool called Challenges App. It has attracted a lot of attention from both marketers and affiliates. As we mentioned, this new tool lets you create: • Free Challenges to boost your lead generation, and building your list • Paid Challenges as training events that become a revenue source •... [Read more]

Core Web Vital Testing Questions [Podcast]

Searchmetrics has published a new podcast ‘Core Web Vital Testing Questions’ featuring Karl Kleinschmidt. The Searchmetrics team says, “Join host Ben as he concludes the two-part episode with Searchmetrics’ Senior SEO Strategist Karl Kleinschmidt. Together they chat about understanding field data vs. lab data. Ben and Karl address... [Read more]

An Introduction to Accessibility and SEO [Video Part 1]

MOZ has started a new Whiteboard Friday video series ‘An Introduction to Accessibility and SEO’ featuring Cooper Hollmaier. The MOZ team says, “Welcome back to Whiteboard Friday! To start us up after our break, guest host Cooper Hollmaier has put together a three-part series that shows how SEO and accessibility go hand-in-hand. In... [Read more]

Quick Sprout Lists 11 Payment Methods For E-commerce Sites

To make your e-commerce website fully functional, you need to make it a one-stop destination for shoppers. By choosing the right payment method, you provide a smooth buying experience to them. Quick Sprout’s Lars Lofgren has published a list of 11 best payment methods for your e-commerce site. He says, “For those of you who are ready to... [Read more]

Viper Cache: Best WordPress Cache - Price Rising Soon #ad

You probably know that if you run a WordPress site, you should be using a cache (which is created by a plugin) to speed up your site. That's because slow loading pages kill conversions, increases your bounce rates, and cost you more in ad spend. This is especially true on pages built in WordPress since every page is built on request so the more traffic your site gets the slower your pages load... [Read more]

CMI Shares Proofreading and Editing Tips

To produce quality content, you need to learn how to proofread and edit it. By removing grammatical errors and making your content easy to follow, you can make it more reader-friendly. Content Marketing Institute’s Ann Gynn has shared some useful content proofreading and editing tips. She says, “With your editor’s hat on, follow this five-step... [Read more]

This Is Your Brain on Marketing [Podcast]

Behavioral science is a fascinating topic for marketers. As it turns out, just about everything we do, from lobbying for a new tool or technology to presenting data to our boss, to trying to decide where to get takeout, is rooted in behavioral science. MarketingProfs has published a new podcast episode ‘This Is Your Brain on Marketing’ featuring... [Read more] Vs. is a hosting service for new bloggers and those that prefer a more hands-off approach. allows you to host a website yourself and comes with a variety of attractive features—it’s suitable for businesses and bloggers who want a bit more control. Quick Sprout’s Lars Lofgren has published a guide called ‘ [Read more]

[Replay] Daven Michaels on IM NewsWatch Conversations #ad

If you missed the conversations with Daven Michsaels, we have a replay. Click on the photo-montage to watch. He shared his approach to Clickbank affiliate marketing. There were a lot of gems you won't want to miss. His explanation was be step-by-step so that anyone can understand it. Watch the replay here... [Read more]

5 Costly Facebook Ad Mistakes to Avoid [Video]

Facebook advertising is one of the best ways to enhance your reach to more and more social media users. By creating effective ads, you can attract more people. Social Media Examiner has published a new video ‘5 Costly Facebook Ad Mistakes to Avoid’ featuring Emily Hirsh. The SME team says, “Struggling to improve Facebook ad results?... [Read more]

How to Improve Engagement with Twitter Fleets

Fleets Fleets are temporary tweets that look like vertical Instagram Stories. They appear above the home timeline and give you the power to use and interact with Twitter in a whole new way. Fleets allow you to share fleeting or transitory thoughts, and after 24 hours, they’ll disappear from view. With Fleets, you can share personal in-the-moment... [Read more]

HubSpot Shares 7 Strategies to Know Your Email Subscribers

Email marketing is one of the most successful marketing techniques. By learning about your subscribers, you can create highly relevant campaigns that bring more revenue. HubSpot contributor Rebecca Riserbato has shared seven useful strategies to help you know your email subscribers. He says, “In this post, let’s review the top strategies... [Read more]

FunnelMates: That’s not a funnel; THIS is a funnel (Closing) #ad

I laugh every time I think of the scene in "Crocodile Dundee" when a punk pulls a knife on Dundee. Dundee replies, "That's not a knife; This is a knife." Well, Cindy Donovan has accomplished something even more interesting for marketers, but the sale closes tomorrow. It is an ‘instant affiliate funnel builder’, but it's a lot bigger than most others... [Read more]

Three Strategies to Improve Your Content Ranking

Google Search ranks content based on quality. relevance and engagement. By creating content that helps your audience, you can also win the attention of the search giant. Content Marketing Institute contributor Manick Bhan has shared three useful strategies to rank your content higher in the search engine result pages. He says, “Let’s look at... [Read more]

Top SEO Insights From Leading Organizations [Watch Replay]

By discovering how the best companies are adapting their strategies to get ahead of new developments in search marketing, you can plan your own SEO strategy that leads you to success. Search Engine Journal’s ‘Top SEO Insights From Leading Organizations’ webinar replay is available upon registration. Loren Baker says, “There are... [Read more]

Content Quality vs. Backlink Quality: Which Matters Most? [Answered]

Your website’s SEO performance depends on several factors such as content, keywords, links etc. It is important to know what is the most important to get the most out of your SEO efforts. Search Engine Journal contributor Adam Riemer has answered the question on the importance of content quality vs. backlink quality. He says, “Backlinks... [Read more]

(PLR) Premium Content By Doctor Loy: High Blood Pressure #ad

Dr. Loy Puckett, MD has just released new medical PLR content for marketers in a medical niche. This time the topic is Diabetes. You may recall that over the last year he has released PLR in several medical specialties, such as: Chronic Kidney Disease, Diabetes and Arthritis. Now he is tackling one of the most important health problems (actually, probably, the most pervasive health problem) in the world, High Blood Pressure... [Read more]

Core Web Vitals: A Complete Guide [Guide]

Are you ready for Google’s Page Experience Update and Core Web Vitals – the newest ranking factors? Search Engine Journal has published a new guide called ‘Core Web Vitals: A Complete Guide’. The SEJ team says, “On May 28, 2020, Google introduced something they called Core Web Vitals. Starting in mid-June, these Core Web Vitals... [Read more]

How to Automate SEO Using JavaScript

JavaScript SEO is the discipline of technical SEO that’s focused on optimizing websites built with JavaScript for visibility by search engines. Search Engine Journal contributor Jose Hernando has shared an article on how you can automate SEO process using JavaScript. He says, “Outside of the automation capabilities you’ll learn in... [Read more]

Four Ways to Improve Sales with Blogging

Blogging can be a key element in your business growth. It helps you expand your network and get new customers. Shinobi from Exposure Ninja has shared four useful tips to help you make more sales using your blog. He says, “You’re writing about a topic closely related to your product or service, showing people you’re an expert in it, and then... [Read more]

How to Write Blogs That Rank Top of Google [Video]

Blogging is a great way to grow your online reach and promote your products and services. It also helps you establish your authority in your domains. Exposure Ninja’s Tim Cameron has published a new video ‘How to Write Blogs That Rank Top of Google’. He says, “Want to know if the blogs you are writing are right? In this video,... [Read more]

How to Add Keywords and Meta Descriptions in WordPress [Guide]

Keywords are your short phrases used in search engines that help people find your content. Meta descriptions are HTML meta tags that inform search engines about your post and page content. Quick Sprout contributor Lars Lofgren has published a new guide ‘How to Add Keywords and Meta Descriptions in WordPress’ to help you make the most from... [Read more]

HubSpot Shares 12 Facebook Post Ideas Generate More Leads

By attracting new leads using Facebook, you can grow your chances of getting more customers. A lead on Facebook is a social media user who shows interest in your company’s product or services by giving you their information in some way. HubSpot’s Lindsay Kolowich has shared 12 great Facebook post ideas that can help you to generate more... [Read more]

Guide to Making Your Emails More Interactive

An interactive email includes functional elements that invite readers to engage with the content by tapping, swiping, clicking, or simply watching. Interactive elements can be anything from a GIF and illustration to a quiz or countdown timer. HubSpot contributor Martina Bretous has shared some useful tips to make your emails interactive. She says, “We... [Read more]

Have You Stopped Using These Outdated YouTube Marketing Tactics?

YouTube is a unique platform that has been backing businesses to promote their products and grow sales online. Certain techniques help you to get more views on YouTube and boost your promotional efforts. HubSpot contributor Rebecca Riserbato has published an article highlighting 10 outdated YouTube marketing tactics you should drop. She says, “Let’s... [Read more]

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