Core Elements of a Successful Product Launch (Correction) #ad

September 6th, 2013 at 9:07 am EDT

Please discard earlier version.

When you want to launch a new information product on the web, particularly if you are new to the process, you seek out advice from people who have "been there, done that."

No one is more qualified by that criterion that Jeff Walker. He has studied product launches for years and has launched his own products using techniques he has found to work.

He once sold $1 Million oin a single hour. As a result of his research and his expertise, he has made a name for himself as the maven of product launches. His Product Launch Formula has become the most popular product launch training in recent years (and, arguably,ever.)

Every now and then, Walker releases a series of free training videos, and they always worth paying attention to. You will discover something new from the content, and by observing his process, you'll get even more insights.

He usually does it as part of the run-up to his his next Product Launch Formula class, and now he is planning a new version of PLF to be announced soon, so he is making free marketing training videos available again.

It's probably a good idea to register for his training. We did. There's something for any marketer, ragardless of your stage of marketing maturity.

And, of coursde, the price is right. It won't cost you anything (other than your email address.)

His first video was just released, with more to come over the next week or two. (We will let you know when they are available.

You can find the first video here: : Jeff Walker Teaches You How To Do An Online Product Launch

By the way, because Walker's Product Launch Formula has become the de facto process for launching a product, if you don't use the secrets in this video, I can almost guarantee your competition will.

View it here: Jeff Walker Teaches You How To Do An Online Product Launch

This is a commercial email. IM NewsWatch has a business relationship with Jeff Walker. If you decide to invest in the training he will announce in a few weeks, we may earn a commission.