Collaborate With Your Prospect to Close More Deals, IM NewsWatch, March 1, 2016

March 1st, 2017 at 9:14 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

‘5 Content Marketing Lessons From SNL in the Age of Trump’ – Entrepreneur

‘Link free or die’ – Search Engine Land

‘Google isn’t actually tackling ‘fake news’ content on its ad network’ – Marketing Land

Marketing Automation Summit delayed; guide still available #ad

‘How to Collaborate With Your Prospect to Close More Deals’ – HubSpot

‘Five ways marketers can use analytics to combat ad fraud’ – EConsultancy

‘Why a Prospect You Want Chooses Your Competitor’ – Copyblogger

‘Mastering Google Search Operators in 67 Easy Steps’ – MOZ

Free Webinar: Best Tips for Customer Care Over Social Media, April 7

‘Sharing is caring: Click share and post-holiday shopping success’ – Search Engine Land

‘YouTube viewers now consuming 1B hours of video content a day’ – Marketing Land

‘YouTube Is The First Digital Platform To Take On Live TV’ – Forrester

‘February Social Media News: Weather on Facebook, SNL on Snapchat & More’ – HubSpot

‘Should advertisers be more picky with programmatic?’ – EConsultancy

‘Google gives SEO tips on how to handle day-long site closures’ – Search Engine Land

‘Need to contact Google My Business support? Use Twitter!’ – Marketing Land

‘ICYMI: An Animated Guide to Google’s Biggest 2016 Algorithm Updates ‘ – HubSpot

‘Seven brands already using Instagram’s new slideshow tool’ – EConsultancy

‘2-Step Process to Marketing Your Import/Export Business’ – Entrepreneur

‘After rare Google confirmation of on-site penalty, Natural News is back in Google’s index’ – Search Engine Land

‘Google Chrome Users Are Being Baited’ – TechTalk

IM News Watch is compensated for the ads it shows, either when the product owner places the ad or when someone purchases a product from the ad or both. All entries about WSOs are ads. All entries marked with #ad are ads.    

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