Better Lead Ads with Facebook’s Offline Conversion Solution, IM NewsWatch, May 9, 2017

May 9th, 2017 at 7:41 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Sharpen Your Content Marketing with How-To Video Content

Follow These Principles to Create Great Infographics

‘Facebook Rewards’ QR Codes Bring Discounts on Offline Purchases, TechChrunch Reports

JVZoo Academy: Online marketing just became easier #ad

Create Better Lead Ads with Facebook’s Offline Conversion Solution

Right Use of Data Can Help You Deliver Relevant Ads

eMarketer: Amazon’s Digital Assistant Device Market Share Reaches 70%

PressPlay (v2) Custom Video Player, for control freaks #ad

Marketing Land’s ‘SMX Advanced’ Conference, Seattle, June 12-14

5 Copywriting Tips to Get More Clients

Tips for Using Google Tag Manager to Implement SEO Changes

Intro Video Creator: Eye-catching beginnings #ad

Empower Your Sales Prospecting with LinkedIn

Invest in Content Curation for Better Marketing Results

Grow Your Brand Using Facebook

Best livecasting software for Facebook and YouTube #ad

Advanced Keyword Research Explained Through 4 Cases

Video Marketing: 10 Tools to Create Animated Videos

Advanced Filtering Tips to Help You Better Analyze Crawl Data

Build a profitable business while working less #ad

Econsultancy ‘Email: Trends, Data and Best Practice’ Webinar, May 31

Econsultancy ‘Email: Trends, Data and Best Practice’ Webinar, May 31

YouTube Pauses Search Ads in Videos

Explore 20 Great Website Homepage Design Examples

Use Breakup Email to Get Quicker Responses

Strengthen Targeted, Automated Welcome Campaigns Through Segmentation

Adopt Right Content Marketing Strategy for Marketing Success

Avoid These Mistakes to Achieve Snapchat Success

Constant Optimization Can Lead to Better Mobile Mareting Results

Google Search: How It Checks ‘Authority’ of Web Pages

Developing Quality Content to Drive Better Results

Snapchat Introduces Self-serve Platform for Vertical Video Ads

Econsultancy ‘Customer Experience: Trends, Data and Best Practice’ Webinar, May 25

With Bloomberg’s Trigr You Can Deliver Custom Ads Based on Market Conditions

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