7 Step Small Business Website Checklist - IM NewsWatch, May 9, 2019

May 9th, 2019 at 7:23 am EDT


IM NewsWatch

Thursday, May 9, 2019

‘5 Easy Secrets of Fast Instagram Promotion’ Webinar May 22 [Webinar]

The Search Engine Journal team is hosting a webinar on ‘5 Easy Secrets of Fast Instagram Promotion’ on Wednesday, May 22 at 2.00 PM ET. This webinar will be presented by Anna Semyanova, Marketing Manager, Combin and Brent Csutoras, Advisor and Owner, Search Engine Journal. The SEJ team says, “Looking to grow your business and... [Read more]

‘How Visuals Connect Products to Principles: Meaningful Messaging’ Webinar 1:00 pm EDT

AdWeek is hosting a webinar on ‘How Visuals Connect Products to Principles: Meaningful Messaging’ on Thursday, May 9, 2019 at 1:00 pm EDT. The AdWeek team says, “Consumers are more anxious than ever… about technology, the environment, social issues and a whole lot more. They want the companies and brands they buy from to be ethical,... [Read more]

‘How Visuals Connect Products to Principles: Meaningful Messaging’ Webinar May 9 [Webinar]

AdWeek is hosting a webinar on ‘How Visuals Connect Products to Principles: Meaningful Messaging’ on Thursday, May 9, 2019 at 1:00 pm EDT. The AdWeek team says, “Consumers are more anxious than ever… about technology, the environment, social issues and a whole lot more. They want the companies and brands they buy from to be ethical,... [Read more]

Trendds: If it’s trendy, it can be profitable #ad

Trends are, by definition, occurrences (hobbies, sports, gadgets, etc.) in society that have a lot of people involved. Where there are a lot of people, there are a lot of potential customers. So, many marketers look for trends and then find a way to sell something (such as an affiliate offer) to this hungry crowd. That process has just become easier... [Read more]

‘The Future of Webinar Marketing: Content Reimagined’ Webinar May 15 [Webinar]

The Content Marketing Institute is hosting a webinar on ‘The Future of Webinar Marketing: Content Reimagined’ on Wednesday, May 15, 2019 at 2.00 pm ET. The CMI team says, “Content marketing today is all about personalization, being conversational, and simply being more human. But how does that work in the digital world? Join... [Read more]

The Evolution of an Award-Winning Content Marketing Strategy [Interview]

In the latest issue of ‘Chief Content Officer’, the Content Marketing Institute team has published an interview with Venetta Linas Paris who was nominated as CMI’s 2018 Content Marketer of the Year. In the interview, some noteworthy questions on developing an award-winning content marketing strategy. Stephanie Stahl says, “At... [Read more]

‘Three Ways to Scale ABM Success With Personalization’ Webinar May 16 [Webinar]

Account-based marketing helps organizations to align their sales efforts around who are target customers and the efforts to capture them. The MarketingProfs is hosting a webinar on ‘Three Ways to Scale ABM Success With Personalization’ on Thursday, May 16, 2019 at 2.00 pm ET. The MarketingProfs team says, “Account-based marketing (ABM)... [Read more]

Affiliate Bots 2.0 (now with video tools), 37 marketing tools #ad

Whether you invested in the original Affiliate Bots or not, you will want to check out the new 2.0 version, now called Affiliate Video Bots, because of the new added tools that help with video. Top affiliate marketers (not typical, of course) can make impressive commissions from promoting the products of other people. That’s why (if you’re... [Read more]

7 Step Small Business Website Checklist [Infographic]

The Red Website Design contributor Mark Walker-Ford has shared an infographic featuring a seven-step checklist to improve your small business website. Mark says, “Are you in the process of creating a new website for your small business? Want to ensure your website design project is a roaring success? Here’s what they cover: Header... [Read more]

Google Announces New Protections for Safer Digital Advertising

Prabhakar Raghavan, SVP at Google Ads & Commerce has announced the addition of new protection and control features to Google Chrome. These new changes will offer better transparency and lead to controlled digital ad practices. Raghavan says, “The changes in Chrome will empower users to make informed decisions about how to control the... [Read more]

Facebook Announces New Updates for Video Ranking

Facebook’s Product Management Director David Miller has three changes that will affect your video rankings on the social network. announced The new factors that will impact video ranking on Facebook are: 1) loyalty and intent, 2) video and viewing durations and 3) originality. Miller says, “While there are numerous... [Read more]

EngagerMate: Build list of engaged Instagram followers #ad

Instagram users tend to be passionate about their interests. Whatever niche you work in, their are passionate people who want to get deeper into thei niche passion. Once you find them, you just need to feed them useful information about their passion. Finding the; that's the key. That is why EngagerMate was invented[Read more]

‘Identity Resolution: Secrets to Success’ Webinar 1:00 pm EDT [Webinar]

Effective communication with your customers is the key to growing your business and improve sales. Knowing your customers and their requirements can help you take right marketing decisions. The Digital Marketing Depot is hosting a webinar on ‘Identity Resolution: Secrets to Success’ on Thursday, May 9, 2019 at 1.00 pm EDT. The DMD team says,... [Read more]

IAB Releases ‘Video Advertising Spend Report 2019’

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) has published a new report called ‘Video Advertising Spend Report 2019’. Highlighting the findings of this report, the IAB team says, “Direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands that have marketing budgets greater than $1 million per year are shown to be digital video fans. Of this group, 78 percent... [Read more]

‘Solving the Content Crisis’ Webinar 2.00 pm ET [Webinar]

The Content Marketing Institute is hosting a webinar on ‘Solving the Content Crisis’ on Wednesday, May 8, 2019 at 2.00 pm ET. The CMI team says, “Between content marketing and omnichannel strategies, operational challenges in marketing revolve around content production. The scale, pace, and ambition of providing content to an abundance... [Read more]

MailEngine: New low-cost WordPress autoresponder #ad

MailEngine just was released. It's a brand new autoresponder that lives inside your WordPress website. It was made specifically for small marketers, designed to meet their opt-in email addresses, without undue complicated user work. It is built for you, not for major corporations[Read more]

Everything You Should Know about Chatbots in 2019

Chatbots have proved very useful when it comes to maintaining customer relationships. The integration of chatbots also helps brands to improve their sales. The CickZ contributor Jacqueline Dooley has published a comprehensive article highlighting the adoption of chatbots in 2019 and the future of this technology. According to Dooley, these four... [Read more]

Ten Things You Should Think About Before You Do Your Next Website Redesign

The MarketingShera’s Daniel Burstein has published a new podcast episode ‘Ten things you should think about before you do your next website redesign’. Listen to this podcast to discover some useful tips on website designing. Burstein says, “Education is the ability to use other people’s experiences (mistakes) to avoid... [Read more]

‘5 Easy Secrets of Fast Instagram Promotion’ Webinar 2.00 PM ET

The Search Engine Journal team is hosting a webinar on ‘5 Easy Secrets of Fast Instagram Promotion’ on Wednesday, May 8 at 2.00 PM ET. This webinar will be presented by Anna Semyanova, Marketing Manager, Combin and Brent Csutoras, Advisor and Owner, Search Engine Journal The SEJ team says, “Looking to grow your business and... [Read more]

YouTube traffic makes YouTube ads powerful #ad

It has been reported that YouTube has 1.9 Billion users every month. Your potential clients are among those users. Dr Amit Pareek has just released new training on how to use YouTube ads, YouTube Ads 2019-20 Made Easy. At just $9.95 (for this grand opening sale), what you learn from this training can quickly repay your investment many times [Read more]

‘Turn Small Biz into Smart Biz’ Webinar 2.00 PM ET [Webinar]

The Entrepreneur magazine team is hosting a webinar on ‘Turn Small Biz into Smart Biz: Technology for Growth, Productivity and Customer Experience’ on Wednesday, May 8 at 2.00 PM ET. The Entrepreneur team says, “Taking the time to learn from others can be a great way to start and, often, technology can be a great way a great way... [Read more]

‘How to Improve Ecommerce SEO with User Generated Content’ Webinar May 8

The Search Engine Journal team is hosting a webinar on ‘How to Improve Ecommerce SEO with User Generated Content’ on Wednesday, May 8 at 2.00 PM ET. This webinar will be presented by Ryan Deangelo, Senior Client Success Manager, Yotpo, Joseph Yakuel Founder & CEO, Agency Within and Loren Baker Founder & Owner, Search Engine... [Read more]

Find Out Most Important Google Ranking Factors [Interview]

The Cognitive SEO contributor Cornelia Cozmiuc has published an interview with Gerry White on the most important ranking factors on Google. Watch this video interview to find out how important ‘relevance’ is when it comes to achieving higher Google rankings. Cozmiuc says, “We’re back with a new guest for our cognitiveSEO... [Read more]

Useful Tips to Grow Your Ecommerce Business

By effectively using the right channels on the ecommerce platforms and by putting lucrative offers in front of your customers you can take your sales up. Will Blunt has offered five useful tips that can help you to grow your ecommerce business. Blunt says, “Here are 5 eCommerce tips, tricks, and trends worth paying attention to if you want... [Read more]

How to Get (Real!) Followers on Social Media in 2019 [Podcast]

The Buffer contributor Heather-Mae Pusztai has published a new podcast episode ‘How to Get (Real!) Followers on Social Media in 2019’. says, “Healthy follower counts generate positive social proof for your brand. People are more inclined to follow accounts that have a large amount of followers. Even the networks themselves reward... [Read more]

How to Build a World-Class Marketing Team [Video]

The Entrepreneur magazine team has published a new video featuring Eric Siu and Yaniv Masjedi on ‘How to Build a World-Class Marketing Team’. Watch this video to learn some tips on how to build a strong marketing team. The Entrepreneur magazine team says, “There’s always a new marketing tool or some flashy, new... [Read more]

‘The Changing Face of Optimization’ Webinar 1:00 pm EDT

Beeswax is hosting a webinar on ‘The Changing Face of Optimization: New approaches that maximize the value of your programmatic strategy’ on Tuesday, May 7, 2019 at 1:00 pm EDT. The Beeswax team says, “The word ‘optimization’ gets thrown around a lot in the programmatic industry. It’s a key element of any and every successful programmatic... [Read more]

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