27 Digital Marketing Trends for 2020 - IM NewsWatch, January 17, 2020

January 17th, 2020 at 8:19 am EDT


IM NewsWatch

Friday, January 17, 2020

‘2020 Digital Trends & Must-Haves’ Webinar January 29 [Webinar]

As the new year has started, it’s the time to learn about upcoming trends so that we could prepare our marketing strategies accordingly. Search Engine Journal is hosting a webinar on ‘2020 Digital Trends & Must-Haves’ on Wednesday, January 29, 2020 at 2.00 pm ET. CMI team says, “Join our next sponsored webinar as Benu... [Read more]

Danger of Absolutes in Marketing, Answering SEO Questions & More [Podcast]

Search Engine Journal’s Danny Goodwin has published a new podcast episode on ‘Danger of Absolutes in Marketing, Answering SEO Questions & More’ featuring Tony Wright, CEO of WrightIMC, a full-service digital marketing agency based in the Dallas, Texas area. Listen to this podcast to discover some useful SEO strategies... [Read more]

‘How to Stop Wasting Time and Money with Inbound Marketing’ Webinar January 29 [Webinar]

Inbound marketing strategy focuses on generating new leads and attracting customers using company-created Internet content. It has become a common strategy in different companies. Impact team is hosting a webinar on ‘How to stop wasting time and money with inbound marketing’ on Monday, January 27, 2020 at 2.00 pm ET. CMI team says,... [Read more]

Set-up & run profitable Live, Evergreen and Hybrid Webinars #ad

Webinars sell. That has been proven over and over. Not only that, they generate leads, build brand authority and scale up a business. So why aren’t more people using them in their marketing? There are a lot of excuses: 1. Don’t know how 2. It’s too hard 3. I am not an extrovert. I don’t want to talk to hundreds of people. Maybe... [Read more]

SEO Strategy Guide: Beat Your Competition in 2020 [Guide]

Search Engine Journal team has published a new guide called ‘SEO Strategy Guide: Beat Your Competition in 2020’. SEJ team says, “What’s the secret to winning at SEO in 2020? If you want to outrank your competition, there are three things you will need: The best content you can produce.The best content distribution plan... [Read more]

Improve Your Blog Performance with These Blog Layout Strategies

Your blog needs quality content and an attractive design to influence the visitors and strengthen your business. There are several themes and layout you can choose for your blog according to the area of your business. Impact contributor Christine Austin has shared 10 blog layout best practices to improve your blog presence. Austin says,”How... [Read more]

Impact Highlights 27 Digital Marketing Trends for 2020

The new year has already started and its time to capture each and every opportunity for your marketing. Every year we observe new trends that create an impact in our marketing. To help you improve your marketing effectiveness in 2020, Impact contributor Brian Casey has shared 27 important digital marketing trends to watch this year. Casey... [Read more]

Disabled Grandma supports herself online #ad

Her grandkids call her Memaw. Her son, Jeremy Kennedy calls her Mom. Jeremy tells about her illnesses that disabled her here:'Memaw Cochran's Illness'. She is no longer able to work in her real estate finance job. She needed something she could do from home that wasn't too techy, since she knew nothing about computers. And, in her financial circumstances, she couldn't afford much expense. It needed to be nearly free... [Read more]

Your Guide to Open Graph Meta Tags

We create quality content but it becomes popular only by reaching more people online. Social media sharing is the best way to promote your content and get more views. You can improve your content promotion you can use Open Graph meta tags, snippets of code that control how URLs are displayed when shared on social media. To help you properly... [Read more]

Affiliate Marketing for Beginners: Complete Tutorial for 2020 [Video]

Affiliate marketing helps you to earn extra income by referring different products online. You can start affiliate marketing at any point and start earning. Ahrefs team has published a new video ‘Affiliate Marketing for Beginners: Complete Tutorial for 2020’ to help you prepare for affiliate marketing this year. Ahrefs team says,... [Read more]

Google Releases Search Console Training Video Series

Google has announced that it is releasing a new YouTube training video series on Search Console. This series is aimed at teaching how you can use Search Console to optimize your website for Google Search. Google team says, “In the videos we explain each of the reports available to you, giving examples on where to find data, how to analyze... [Read more]

Commission Map Pro: Three new Bonuses Available #ad

Commission Map Pro' is a digital “map” that shows you: 1. “weird” niches that are easily monetized and 2. powerful traffic sources for customers to sell your products to. The niches included in this package are the ones Jamie Lewis (the product creator)used to build up his own successful business online... [Read more]

‘The Email Marketing Identity Crisis: Is Your Brand and Audience Armed for the Phishing War?’ Webinar January 29 [Webinar]

Authenticity adds value to your marketing. But when it comes to email marketing, there prevails identity crisis due to issues such as phishing. According to CMI, you can secure your brand’s reputation by authenticating email sender identity. Content Marketing Institute is hosting a webinar on ‘The Email Marketing Identity Crisis: Is... [Read more]

Five Ways to Improve LinkedIn Engagement

LinkedIn is one of the best social media platforms that can be used to market your products and services. Its professional user base helps you to enhance your reach among a limited audience. Social Media Examiner’s Robert Brill has shared five ways to help you improve your LinkedIn engagement and clicks. Brill says, “You want... [Read more]

How to Grow Your Facebook Group: Proven Strategies [Video]

Using Facebook Groups you can build your community for marketing. You can gather like-minded people under one roof and utilize this gathering to promote your products and services. To help you effectively utilize Facebook Groups, Social Media Examiner team has published a video ‘How to Grow Your Facebook Group: Proven Strategies’... [Read more]

Linkedtify generates Leads,for High-Ticket Clients on LinkedIn #ad

LinkedIn is the professional social media site. Nothing else compares; not Facebook, not Twitter, not Instagram; nothing. The people who use LinkedIn are professional business people, often business owners or highly placed people is a business. They can be good prospects for what you are selling... [Read more]

Here’s Why Your Site is Not Performing on Google

The ultimate goal of creating a website is to get more customers for your business who come in form of traffic and Google search optimization is the key to getting more visitors. For a variety of reasons websites don’t perform well in Google search. By identifying such issues you can improve your site traffic. Yoast contributor Edwin... [Read more]

Images Are Going To Infiltrate Google Search [Video]

To create long lasting impact on your customer’s minds and influence them your visual content must be well-optimized. Image optimization process can help you to get more traffic to your sites. PPC Hero contributor Alaina Thompson has shared a video ‘Images Are Going To Infiltrate Google Search’ describing the future of images... [Read more]

‘How to Align Sales and Marketing Teams for Max ROI’ Webinar 2.00 pm ET [Webinar]

By synchronizing your sales and marketing teams you can improve your business. According to MarketingProfs, 80% of content created by marketing goes unused by sales. This shows in-congruence between the sales and marketing departments. MarketingProfs is hosting a webinar on ‘How to Align Sales and Marketing Teams for Max ROI’ on Thursday,... [Read more]

Easy Pro Reviews: High Converting Product Review Pages #ad

When people are interested in a product, they often seek out reviews of the product to get other people's assessments of the product before they make their buying decision. If you create a review, place an affiliate link on the review page and drive traffic to the page, you should get clicks on your link, and ultimately earn commissions. You could improve your sales by offering bonuses to people who buy from your link... [Read more]

‘CCPA is in Effect — Now What?’ Webinar 11.00 am ET [Webinar]

The California Consumer Privacy Act, signed on June 28, 2018, is aimed at establishing new consumer privacy rights. It will enhance enhance privacy rights and consumer protection for residents of California, United States. InfoTrust is hosting a webinar on ‘CCPA is in Effect — Now What?’ on Thursday, January 16, 2020 at 11.00 am... [Read more]

Usability Testing and How to Use It

Customer satisfaction is the key to retaining them for longer and strengthening your business. Usability testing helps you to keep your costs down and save time. Hallam contributor Joseph Powell has published an article on usability testing. Powell says, “Usability testing is the key to keeping your customers happy. Not only will it... [Read more]

Analyzing the Impact Data on Ecommerce in 2020

Data matters a lot in today’s business environment. The customer journey begins with the data submission and continues till they remain with your company. There are long lasting effects of data on your e-commerce performance. Practical Ecommerce contributor Anna Kayfitz has shared seven ways big data will impact e-commerce this year. Kayfitz... [Read more]

An eCommerce Guide to Building Customer Loyalty and Improving Retention [E-book]

Customer acquisition is the key element in building and growing your e-commerce business. Also you need a strong policy to retain those customers for long term. Rakuten team has published new e-book ‘Hello Again! An eCommerce Guide to Building Customer Loyalty and Improving Retention’ to help you improve your customer loyalty and retention.... [Read more]

Improve Your Social Media Performance with These Three Rules

Social media marketing management requires constant awareness of what works with your audience. You need to pick up the right way to influence them with the best of social media tools. Orbit Media Solutions’ Andy Crestodina has shared three best practices that can help you to improve your social media marketing. Crestodina says, “If... [Read more]

BERT & SEO – Getting The Story Straight [Podcast]

BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) is a Natural Language Processing (NLP) model that helps Google understand language better in order to serve more relevant results. BERT will play a significant role in improving conversational search. According to Search Engine Land, Google’s BERT will impact 10% of searches.... [Read more]

Avoid These SEO Mistakes for Business Success

An effective search engine optimization strategy is extremely important for using the Internet channels for your business growth. While planning an SEO strategy you should stay away from doing certain things. Go Fish Digital contributor Stewart Fussell has shared five basic SEO mistakes that you should avoid. Fussell says, “If you’re... [Read more]

Four Steps to Developing Your Instagram Marketing Style

The chances of making your marketing campaigns successful increase with the uniqueness you instill in them. Innovative marketing campaigns can help you to boost your sales and grow business. Social Media Examiner’s Maham Chappal has shared four steps to help you develop a unique Instagram marketing style and make a long-lasting impact. Chappal... [Read more]

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